폭신 말랑 버블빵 만들기 (한입 쏙~부드러운 무반죽 빵, 틀없이!! Bubble Bread Recipe)

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170g milk Cold milk in summer, warm milk in spring, autumn and winter 3g yeast mix well 20g sugar mix well as well Cover with wrap and leave for 10 minutes 200g strong flour (bread flour) 2g salt please mix Mix until no powder is visible 10g melted unsalted butter Mix roughly with a spatula (3 minutes) That's enough Don't panic if the dough is sticky A moist dough will make the bread soft Cover and ferment until doubled in size (about 1 hour) let's see I like it I will sprinkle flour on the dough and cutting board Since the dough is sticky, I will work with flour on my hands spread out in a square shape I'll cut it long cut into small pieces make it round naturally put on the oven pan I'll leave a little space between the dough It doesn't matter if it's not too pretty Where to put the last bubble? I think here would be good Place in the oven to ferment to double the size Lala~♬ Apply milk before baking Bake in an oven preheated to 160°C (325°F) for 18-20 minutes Apply butter right away while the bread is hot. it makes me happy Soft and Fluffy I'll call your name Bubble Bread
Channel: 식탁일기 table diary
Views: 3,145,830
Rating: 4.9420485 out of 5
Keywords: 버블브레드, 무반죽빵 만들기, no knead bread, 쉬운 베이킹, 초보, 레시피, 모닝빵, 미니, 간단한 베이킹, 부드러운 빵, 뉴럭셀 오븐, milk bread, how to make, 베이킹 유튜버, 베이킹 브이로그
Id: iKpW1yOVcA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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