트와이스 완전체 예능 [TWICE] JTBC방영 1회 [ENG_SUB]

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One day in 2017. A story of dreams and hope that starts long, long time ago. 9 important items from fairy tales suddenly disappear. Maybe that's why, but the world falls asleep. Not only Korea but the world is falling in deep sleep. The fairy tale White Rabbit crosses over to reality, someone starts a game amid baffling time and space. LOST TIME. I will give you 300 minutes. Within 300 minutes, find the lost 9 fairy tale items. 9 girls are invited to the game. TWICE. Will TWICE be able to succeed and find all the lost 9 fairy tale items? Those of you still awake and left to watch this video, will you log in to play LOST TIME with TWICE? Let the game begin. [One day in 2017] ["CHEER UP" AND "TT" took last year by storm] [TWICE'S ad shoot for LOST TIME] [A mysterious rabbit peers at the girls from a corner] [What special thing] [will happen at this place?] [What awaits TWICE?] [TWICE enters the secret room] Hello. [Bows] [Bright] - Hello. - Hello. [Come on in] Hello. [What's up?] [TWICE is all here] [Takes a peek] [I thought I saw a rabbit] [Knock knock] [A knock breaks the silence] [Someone visits TWICE] [Who are you?] [Someone shrouded in dark] [Knight of the dark visits TWICE] [He enters determined, but in reality...] - Hello. - Hello. [Sana is baffled] [Why is he here?] Hi, it's good to see you. [Hesitant] Good to see you. I'm here to present TWICE with something. [Tense] Before I give it to you, I have a few things to ask. - Will you answer? - Yeah. [Dahyun finds the knight funny] First, do you like fairy tales? [We like fairy tales] - Yeah. - I like it. [why fairy tales?] [Last question] What would happen [Serious dark knight] if fairy tales disappear? I can't imagine. Then we should read fiction. [No more childhood innocence] That was sufficient. [Knight, this is awkward] This time, [Funny guy] I'll give you something. [Knight carries on his role] [Time to present his thing!] Take turns to come out and pick what you like best. [Fairy tales you quit at 7!] There's something strange in the fairy tale books you chose. Open the books to see. Something strange? There's no clock here. [The turn pages at Momo's info] Her clothes are gone. [Important items disappeared?] - No hair. - Oh no. [Welcome to LOST TIME] You're invited to LOST TIME. - Lost what? - Lost? I hope you succeed. I'll leave you now. [Dark knight exits after his message] Don't leave us. [What was that?] What? We scan the barcodes here. If we don't find these, we can't finish the fairy tales. Then the princess can't kiss. [Embarrassed] Yeah, no kiss at the end. They need to kiss. [TWICE get ready to play] I'm looking for the grilled shells? - Grilled shells? - What? Grilled shells? [Sana, not grilled shells] [TWICE rides to invitation spot] [Items for each fairy tale?] We have lost items. What are they? - Bow and arrow! - Lotus. - Glass slippers. - Apple. [Fairy garments] Mine are lost clothes. [Embarrassed] Let's see here! - Rosa. - Rosa? - What's rosa? - My favorite flowers, rosa! [You can mispronounce, since you're cute] [Hair] Mine is lost hair. Mine is lost time. [Time?] - Time? - No, a spinning wheel. [Item from Sleeping Beauty] They say spinning wheel. [Spinning wheel] I'm not really sure. [Momo gets sad] [Who is Momo's princess?] Sleeping beast? [Beauty changed to beast] [What to do with you?] [Yeah, sleeping beast] Sleeping beast. [Smiles innocently] Sleeping beast. [Momo's princess] She gets sleeping beast. [My princess is Cinderella] I got Cinderella. [Dahyun] [Disappeared apple] [Mina] [Disappeared rose] [Sana] [Disappeared shell] [Momo] [Disappeared spinning wheel] [Tzuyu] [Disappeared glass slippers] [Jihyo] [Disappeared lotus] [Nayeon] [Disappeared hair] [Chaeyoung] [Disappeared bow and arrow] [Jeongyeon] [Disappeared fairy garments] [What is TWICE's mission?] - What do we do there? - I wonder. [TWICE starts to guess] Maybe eat apples to find one? Maybe shoot arrows to find a bow and arrow? [Leader Jihyo makes analysis] Maybe for apple and bow, we could shoot an arrow at an apple or something of the like. I think we might get hard to solve questions. [They digress from mission] This isn't a mission but an invitation. - We are invited. - Maybe we're to party. [Sana makes a wrong guess] [Party time] [A guy awaits TWICE] [Shrouded in dark] [Boss Mr. K, Kwak Si Yang] [The closer they arrive] - I'm scared. Look at that tree. - Yeah. [TWICE starts to worry] There were only roads. What's this? This is my house! [What?!] Your house? [For real!] The way home looks like this. [Sana's wrong guess 2] I'll eat japchae at Chaeyoung's house. [Japchae?] [What's up with you?] We arrived! [They start to get nervous] - What? I'm scared. - We're here? - Yeah. - It's this place? - Yeah. - We arrived! [TWICE enters the secret place] Hello. - Yikes. - Hello. Welcome. [Feeling great] Hello. You're invited to LOST TIME to find 9 lost fairy tale items. [Excited] [Great invitation] Thank you. Before we start the game, I have something to show you. [Curious Dahyun] Sure! What is it? [The news turns on] What? [Endless mysterious occur] Important fairy tale items have disappeared. That has put Korea and the world [Focused] into unknown deep sleep. I'll now enter the scene. [People are sleeping] - Time stopped. - They're asleep. - Are they asleep? - Yeah. This once happy family used to be full of laughter not long ago. [Focused] Sleep spread since yesterday probably due to lost fairy tale items. Experts are backing this theory. Cute! [Really focused] Even I don't know when I'll next to fall asleep. It's urgent that we find the lost times. We might fall asleep, too. [No way] A source says this sleeping family [No, we have Conan roles.] [TWICE learns of the game] has clues to the lost items. [TWICE learns of the game] We need to find items to wake them. - We play the main roles. - Let me say it once again. Those of you watching this [The reporter is about to sleep] - He looks sleepy. - are our only hope. - Those watching are our only hope. - Oh no! [Serious video, but funny] - Oh no. - Oh no! - Did you see the clip? - Yeah. You'll now play the LOST TIME. I will give you 5 hours. A total of 300 minutes. [Wow!] I'll inform you of the first game of LOST TIME. [First game?] - Will you follow me inside? - Yeah. [They follow Mr. K for the game] Enter inside? [Pitter patter] This is strange. LOST TIME ROUND 1. Awake the sleeping family. 3 family members are asleep and there are 9 missions. A TWICE member gets to clear each mission. If anyone fails, the mission will start over. Any blunder will start off a Mobius Strip to start over the mission. That could use all 300 minutes. Don't make mistakes. Don't let your guard down. Time ticks on when you hesitate. LOST TIME ROUND 1. You get turns from 1 to 9. Will you decide the order? We don't know what it is, so let's go by age. [All in agreement] Sure. [Nayeon is 1st] I go first, then it's Jeongyeon. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu. [By age order] [Na, Je, Mo, Sa, Ji, Mi, Da, Ch, Tz] All right. You settled on an order. I hope you succeed your first mission. - I'll leave you now. - You're not staying with us? - No! - Don't go. [Knight of the dark] [Mr. K leaves after intro] [Cold-hearted dark knight] How can you leave us? [You're so mean] [LOST TIME] [TWICE] "Use the balloon air to knock over paper cups". "Wrap 5 yoga mats and stand to turn on the light". "Use head to carry books on the floor to the bookshelf". "Sharpen a stack of pencils and catch it off your back hand". What does this mean? "Stack dices in the ascending order of 1 to 6 on your bitten stick". This sounds hard. "Unroll 2 toilet tissues at the same time". Like this? "With pasta noodle in your mouth, carry 2 cans to a specified spot". "Swing up two tea bags onto the hat at the same time". [Chaeyoung!] Like this! [Like this!] Okay? [Not at all] This won't work. "Throw a water bottle and make it stand upright". How do I do this? [Is this possible?] How can possibly I do this? [Eyes quiver] Nayeon, start off the game. - What? - The game starts. - The game starts. - I couldn't hear you. We started! Hurry, hurry! [ROUND 1-1 Use balloon air to knock over paper cups] Blow it little at a time. [1 puff of air to knock over cups] No, I get one chance to blow. All at once? For all these? How can I do this? [She gets 1 balloon chance] At the cup bottom? [Puff] [Try from inside out] Can't you blow from inside out? [She whirls around] [Knocked over] [This is one way] She's now using her brain. [Cheer up] [Will Nayeon succeed in 2 turns?] I think this will work. pop!! [ failed !] - Will you give her a bigger balloon? - I think I learned how to do it. [Nayeon's 2rd try] [Giving it her best] Go, Nayeon! [Everyone wishes for her success] Go, Nayeon! [Everyone, I'll succeed this time] A bit more! It's OK! You can blow it further. [Dizzy] I know how to do it. But I feel so dizzy. [Success depends on the size of the balloon?] [Because of feeling dizzy?] [Failed to point at a cup] [Sounds like a fart] [Nayeon is trying so hard with cute sound effect] That sounds so funny! [Way to go!] This works. A lot of cups [Like leaves falling by wind] Try this! [Like Rambo?] [2 cups at 1 time] I think it will work! [Nayeon's advanced skills] We will be exhausted later. - Done! - You can do it! [Only one paper cup is left] [Will Nayeon succeed?] [Please] [Knocking over the cup with a loud shout] [What?!] [What?!] [Nayeon and the only cup left... What will happen to them?] [Bye!] [Mission accomplished!] [Excited! Excited!] Jeongyeon! Finally, she cleared the first mission. [Following Nayeon's success, Jeongyeon starts the 2nd mission] [Rolling over] Did she start? [Anxious] How can I stand up? Use your legs! [Standing up] Hold it! Hold it! [She succeeded at the first attempt] What's that? [Shot steps] So cute! [Success!] [3. Use head to carry books to the bookshelf] - Go, Momo! - Go! [Feeling nervous] [Focusing all energy on her head] [Concentrating] Momo, stand up first and start. [Stand up!] - Stand up to start? - It says so. [Momo succeeded holding books on top of her head] [Will she do this?] [Can Momo clear the mission?] [Failed] Starting over. [They failed at the 3rd mission! Starting over with the 1st mission] [LOST TIME] [TWICE] [We can't do this any more] Girls, gather up. [Emergency meeting hosted by Jihyo] - It can't work like this. - How can we do that? I think you can do this. Mina learned ballet. I think she can do this. Momo had hair extension. She can't do this. [Hair extension is the cause of failure] Right! Momo, move it to the side. Mina, try this. [Mina is brought on as substitute] Mina will do this instead of Momo. [Tzuyu is practicing alone] [The last 9th mission, the most challenging one] [Worried] Hang on. - Jeongyeon, will you do this instead of me? - You can't? - Want to change? - Yes. [Girl crush Jeongyeon, volunteered for substitute] OK, let me do that. [Nayeon starts the 1st mission all over again due to Momo's failure] [Blowing up the balloon so hard] [Getting bigger at double the speed] [Full blown] Nayeon's face turned red. [Easily knocking over two cups at a time] [So professional(?)] She's like a master. [Succeeded easily in a stable pose!] [Nayeon, professional as always] [Congratulations!] [Tzuyu's 1st attempt after a change of players] Tzuyu, raise your both arms! [Will Tzuyu succeed at one go?] - Raise the both. - Raise what? Your two arms, both. [Struggling] [Tz...Tzuyu?] [Tzuyu's movement makes them laugh] You seem a bit awkward. [LOL] [Nayeon starts giving directions] Tzuyu, move your arm here. [Nayeon starts giving directions] Pull your arm out! [Weird position] Stand up and hold the mats. [Embarrassed] Hold them! [Tzuyu... finally stands up!] Done. That's how it works. [It feels a bit different from how Jeongyeon did] [Success, anyways!] [Mina's first attempt after a change of players] The 3rd mission, again. [Her posture seems different] Player Mina. - Player Mina. - Be quiet! [Sorry] Sorry. I'll be quiet. [Mina armed with calm attitude and ballet skills] [This mission requires a high level of concentration and round shape of head] [Cheer up!] [Will Mina succeed?] No, no. [Calm down] [Hmm...] Books are not falling. [Mina is right before the bookshelf] Done? [Succeeded at one go!] Success! Mina cleared the mission. I concentrated too much. [i did my best..] [Round1-4. Sharpen a stack of pencils] What's this mission? [and catch it off your back hand] Is she sharpening pencils? [Done!] [Sana feels like Nayeon, the expert] How many do you need to do? [5 pencils, but she can't hear] [So serious] [Sana and the pencil sharpener are united] [Done!] She's great! [Pencil sharpening master, 2B Sana] [Ready... And catch them off!] [Amazing!] [With power booster! Speed up!] It is not easy. [If she passes this, she will clear the mission!] [Fall down... Fall down...] [Ta-da!] [Success!] [Awesome!] Success! [Jihyo's turn] [Round 1-5. Stack dices in the ascending order of 1 to 6 on your bitten stick] [I concentrated too much.] [Other players watching] [Go, Jihyo] What's that? [Stacking dices, it's like a piece of cake!] [Momo waiting for her turn] What's that? [The audience feeling so anxious] [Succeeded in stacking dices] [Shaking] [The result... Success!] [Good job] [Round1-6. Unroll 2 toilet tissues at the same time] Like this, using both hands. Momo, don't cut it off. Take it easy. [Player needs to unroll them without cutting off] [This is not the way I wanted] [Unrolling...] It's like cotton candy. [Unrolling with the right hand... Unrolling with the left hand...] Was it too easy? [Toilet tissue unrolling master is born!] [The toilet paper unrolled for the mission was rolled again and used] [The 6th mission cleared!] [Great job!] [7th player Dahyun starts!] Start? [Round1-7. With pasta noodle in your mouth] [carry 2 cans to a specified spot] [Pasta noodles falling off] Dahyun, please. [Interpretation: It's not supposed to go in the can?] [Mr. K, uncle fan of TWICE who forgot his duty] [Dahyun is drooling] [Cute, cute] [Starting over] [Unlike her intention, cans are moving separately...] [Clap!] [Helping hands to help Dahyun] [Putting the noodle in the can] Isn't it a violation? [Surprised] Won't you go out and tell them? [It's not a violation] [They're doing their best to save the world] [TWICE's wish is the world peace] [Way to go] [Success!] [Round1-8. Swing up two tea bags onto the hat at the same time.] [Innovative way!] [Success!] [Wow!] Jeongyeon! [Finally, it's the last player Jeongyeon's turn] [Jeongyeon starts a negotiation] Give me five chances. - Five. - Just one. - Five, please. - How can she do that at one time? - I can't do that. - Do something cute. [Please! TWICE members acting cute] Please, five times. Please, five chances. I can't do this at one go. [The most challenging 9th mission] Can't she practice before? - We need luck. - Let's pray all together. [LOST TIME's rule. Only one chance!] Please. [We need to pray if we can't have another chance] Challenge! [Jeongyeon, please succeed] [This will put an end to all the missions] [Nayeon trying to relax her] It's OK. We can do it all over again. [Pit-a-pat] - Challenge! - It looks so hard. [The water bottle was thrown!] [What will happen to Jeongyeon?] [Letting out her power!] [Judge watching it closely] [What will happen?] [Failed!] Let's do it over. Sorry. [We can do it over] That's hard. Really hard. [My mouth get watery] Chaeyoung, my mouth gets really watery. - My mouth gets really watery. - You looked really funny. [Moving in the perfect order for their mission] [?!] Stop! [He's back] Stop what you are doing. [Scared] Don't move now. [What?] What's going on? Go on. [?!] What? [Eyes getting bigger!] What is that? [Lunch box?!] Will you feed us? - Lunch time? - What is that? [What!] More mission... [Mission is here] The mission will change. [Running] We have to do that. - I am finally used to it. - We are finally used to it. I can only do the tissue thing. I can only do the tissue thing. [The furious balloon gas...] [No...] No, this is mine. [Tissue cotton candy master, Momo, is crying?] - I can only do the tissue thing. - What? [We were finally used to it...] I guess we were too good. Let's pretend like we are bad. [Mental breakdown] No! [This is so mean] This is so mean. [Sana reading the changed mission] Lie down and crawl to the designated line. Wait, what is the designated line? [This is hard. The members have a hard time understanding the mission] - How can we do this? - How can we do this? [This is too hard!] You have to blow it and move it. Why do you always get the hard ones? [TWICE is busy with the new mission] Put it in the box. I can't do this. [Unexpected situation] This is really harsh. [TWICE members have mental breakdown] You can't change the game. Hey all. Please concentrate. Okay. The time and space in the house are all mixed up. The mission is changed. The members may swipe the mission. We will give you 3 minutes. [And...] Wait. [Oops] Yes, please say it. This is the only chance you have. Go ahead and swipe the mission. - I can do the sleeping bag mission. - What is yours? Eating tangerine? [The first round was in the age order] Eat one and whistle. Chaeyoung, you can whistle, right? [Whistling] Yes. [Here!] [TWICE is swiping the missions to make it easier for them] I will do it. [Wake up, Momoring...] This is the hard one... [What is the mission?] Why? What is it? [The changed mission is more difficult compared to the first round] You have to wear that hat and use the cap to move the toothbrush. [Ace Mina is already practicing] Stop. Do you all have a mission now? [First round mission change! Ready!] Yes. From the first person... You can start the game again. Good luck, everyone. Round 2 mission starts! [Round 2-1. Eat one tangerine and whistle. Chaeyoung peels the tangerine] [Taking a bite] [Chewing Chewing] [Chaeyoung fighting!] Chaeyoung will have to eat it over and over. [Chaeyoung is very brave] [Whistling] Success! [Round 2-2 Make the can stand on its edge] If I drink a little, it will work. You will have to drink it until your stomach will about to explode. [In order for the can to stand on its edge, you have to have the right amount!] [Watery mouth] [Concentrate] [Other members are nervous too] [Hard working member, Sana. Will she make it work?!] [The can is standing on its edge?!] I think she drank too much. Success! [Very excited] [That was good] [Round 2-3. Throw 3 slippers in the box with your foot] - Tzuyu? - It's Tzuyu's turn. [The youngest member of TWICE, Tzuyu!] Tzuyu. Do I get... I get four chances, right? [She get three chances to throw the slippers!] Three chances. [Very serious] [Flying] [Failed the first try!] [Oh no...] Fighting. Fighting. [But, failed the second try!] [Come on, Tzuyu...] [The last chance...!] [The first try, Tzuyu failed!] [Oh no...] Failed! Chaeyoung, you have to eat tangerine again. [She's already getting ready] [What will happen to Chaeyoung later...] [The members start the meeting for Tzuyu's mission] You have to put it here. If we open this up more... [Simple + Clear] If the opening is bigger, it will be easier. [Let's change the box] Let's get the bigger box. [Think outside the box. Dahyun is creative] We don't have to use this box. [Tzuyu found something!] [This is a good one] [!!!!] Tzuyu, what do you think? [Tzuyu is laughing out loud] Awesome. [Jeongyeon found the biggest box in the house] [Changing the box] [The happiest moment of Tzuyu] [Very proud TWICE] [But only Chaeyoung can't smile...] Tzuyu, if that doesn't work for you... [Tzuyu can't stop laughing] [Nayeon wants to challenge herself] I can do this. Hold on. [Practice. Flying] [Nayeon put it in easily!] We can do this. [The power of the big box?!] Not bad. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. [Nayeon can't believe she did it] [One more time?] [100% success rate] Yes, yes! [Nayeon is the best player for this mission] What's up with me? [Professional Im Nayeon with 100% success rate] You have to do it over and over. [Got it] I think I got this. Done. This is good enough. [Swiping the missions for Tzuyu and Nayeon] [LOST TIME TWICE] [Those who have to drink and eat are getting sick of it] I can't eat this anymore. Wait, mine is... How many times do I have to drink this? [Many more times...] You have to drink it a lot. [Mission rule: You can swipe missions] I told them they can swipe missions... [Who am I? Where am I?] [Whistling] Success. [Can't even fail this mission...] I can't do this anymore. [Sana's drinking mission] Do you want some? [Don't ask me...] I am sick already. Come on. [Looking for Momo] Momo, where are you? Momo? - Yes? - Do you want some? [Momo you have to be thirsty] You must be thirsty. Take a sip. [Momo came to help] What is this? [Momo is drinking the soda] You have to drink the right amount... [Not thinking much] You have to drink it up to here. [Enough!] [Let's try this] [Sana is the master at this] Success! [Good job, Momo] Great job. [Isn't this supposed to be my success?] I made it possible, right? [What's going on?] No, I made it stand on its edge. [I see~] [After swiping the mission with Tzuyu...] - Challenge! - Three chances. [Will professional Im Nayeon get this?] You can do it. [What happened?!] [The rule didn't say we couldn't help...] [Shocked] It said hit the box... [Foul play by Jeongyeon] That's okay... [Just keep trying??] - Hey. [She REALLY wanted it to go in] [Disaster] - You have four. - Challenge! [4 chances(X), 3 chances (O)] - You have four slippers. - You can have two more chances. [TWICE insisting persistently] - You have two more chances. - Really? - Jeongyeon, turn around. - Nayeon, fighting. [The last chance for the slipper throwing mission!] - Please. - You can do it. - It worked! [Here we go] [Oh......] [Mental breakdown] Failure! [Laughing out loud] [Do I have to it again?] Again? [Chaeyoung, I'm sorry] - I'll be refreshing. - Right. [Set to shoot a tangerine commercial?] Your face may turn yellow tomorrow. [At the same time, Momoring haven't start the mission yet] I can't do this. [Tzuyu is still practicing] [Baby tiger becomes the master tangerine eater] [Very stable sound] [I knew it] Success. [Eat & Drink Mission 2, Sana's mission] Chaeyoung succeeded. [Sana is coming?] Thank you for your work. [Sharing love with soda] Great work. [Mr.K is jealous?] I think they are very happy. [The Director drinks the soda for Sana] Drink some more. I know it's hard to work. [Good job, Sana] - She's smart. - I know. [With the help of the Camera Director, will it work?] [Need to drink some more] You must be tired... [Getting a help from another Director] [Good job, Sana] They are all smiling. [Acting cute??] Drink some more. [Sana, hope you make it] The staff look too happy. Do you want one more sip? [Sure, sure] So funny. [With the help of the staff!] [Concentrate] It's working. [With the help of the Camera Directors!] Success! [Back to the slipper mission] Show us. Come on. [She will fail again] She will probably fail again... Please line up here, if you want some soda. [Welcome to Sana's cafe] You are always welcome. [Nayeon is serious about the slipper mission] Challenge! - Dahyun, get ready. - Sure. [First try ended up with a failure] Nayeon, you can do this. [I will throw it into the basket] [In the midst of supports from others] Nabong, please. You can do it. You can do it. [Threw it!] [Goal in] [Full of joy as if she saved the nation] [So proud!] Nayeon did it! [Finally, Dahyun's mission starts] - Challenge! - Dahyun started doing hers. [Round 2-4. Crawl to the designated line lying on the back in sleeping bag] Her mission is just like her. [Mission just like TWICE's cutie Dahyun] [Crawling] [Dahyun's mopping the floor with her hair] - Dahyun, your hair... - So cute! [Kind Jeongyeon puts her hair into the bag] Let me do this for her. [Starting again!] Done. You can do this. [It's not a worm but TWICE Dahyun[ - Jeongyeon, get ready. - So cute! [Dahyun worm is crawling all over] She's so cute. [Slow compared to her intense movement] How come she's staying here? [Hilarious] I shouldn't say this but she's so cute. Changed her strategy? [Nayeon is giving a direction] - Dahyun, then... - Use your elbows. Elbows. I'm using my elbows. [One of the training position in the army] Every Korean guys - have done it in the army. - Slippery. [Force of Dahyun, who once joined the army] Dahyun, why are you going sideways? [Dahyun, cheer up!] Success! [Good job, Dahyun!] The flower was so slippery. [Exhausted] Dahyun! [Round 2-5 Wear 10 jackets and dance to "Cheer Up"] Challenge! [Fast and accurate] [Rising mission master, Jeongyeon] I've worn 5 jackets. [Dahyun is sleeping in the sleeping bag] - Do you want to see that? - Yes. [Dahyun wants to see it!] Want me to bring you there? [Sana will take you there] Let's go. Where is that? [Struggling] You need to change the direction. - 6 jackets. - Is it possible? [Jeongyeon is struggling to wear all jackets] Can she wear them all? [Struggling to put her arm into the sleeve] Where is it? [After wearing 10 jackets, starts dancing] - 10! - Go! [Easy to dance to Cheer Up] Cheer up baby, Cheer up baby. - Success! - A girl can't give her heart too easily. [Applause!] - Success! - Momo! [Round 2-6. Wear a cap and use the brim to move a toothbrush to a brush box] [Momo starts her mission] Wear a cap and use the brim... [Result of Momo's practice] [Easy success thanks to the long practice] Success! - Go, Tzuyu! - What's the rule for it? [Round 2-7. Use a water spray to put a balloon to the basket] You can do it! [After a lot of practices, Momo and Tzuyu succeeded at the first try!] Success! [Mr.K admits the success] [I want to be happy for them] I want to see it, too. [Jihyo and Mina lost track of time] My turn? Already? [Shocked] [Crawling, I want to see Jihyo and Mina] - Where do you want to go? - There. - So cute. Momo, please help us. [Sana and Momo join forces to move crawling Dahyun] [Dragging her to see the mission] [Round 2-8. Blow a bottle cap to move it to another bowl] [Jihyo, you can do it] [Blowing!] Success! [My turn?] Hang on... I need luck. [That's the last mission! Mina!] The last one, Mina! [A bit late, Jihyo succeeded while Dahyun was being dragged] Did she succeed? [I want to see it!] I want to see it. Hurry up. [Surprised] This is the last mission. [In less than an hour] During only one hour or so... [The fate of TWICE is on Mina's hands] I need luck! I'm sorry! [The fate of TWICE is on Mina's hands] [Chaeyoung desperately wants her success more than anyone] [Hang on, Mina] [The coins of destiny were tossed!] [What's the result of the last mission?] Success! [Festival of TWICE] [Success created by TWICE's strong team work] [Feeling so proud of themselves] [Sad/Happy] [Was it too easy?] I guess the missions were too easy. [Mr.K feels upset] [TWICE members are so excited] [Please take Dahyun out] I want to join! Help me! That was not what we expected. [ Round 1 CLEAR] [LOST TIME TWICE] [TWICE succeeded in the first game!] [Everyone, you did a great job] - Good job. - Great job. [The family of this house woke up] [Without noticing it] - Good job! - Great. [The family woke up and gathered] They're awake! [The family woke up] They're awake! Thank you for waking us up. [Nice and humble TWICE] My pleasure. - I want to give you this. Hang on. - What's that? - What's that? - Another hint? - I guess so. [The family got awaken gives a present to TWICE] - Roses? - Mine! Mine! - Roses! [The magic rose that disappeared from Beauty and the Beast] - Awesome! - Thank you! [It can't be right] - Only one? - Yes. - Thank you. - If you go outside, a bus is waiting for you. [Bus, this time?] Get on the bus, please/ [TWICE politely says thank you] - Thank you. - Thank you. [To the family that woke up from sleep] - Thank you. - Bye! [TWICE is saying bye] - Mina, see you later! - Bye. [Mina will go home after finding the rose?] [No way] [Obtained!] [Lost Time TWICE] [TWICE went outside to take a bus] Where are we going? [Trying to hitchhike a bus] Bus! [Where is the bus?] Shall we wait here? [Hearing the engine sound] - I hear the sound. - Bus! - There it is. It's coming! [Bus from a fairy tale is arriving] Amazing! [TWICE members got excited at the bus] So cute! You have to do this, Momo. [Momo does the same] Where are we going? [Excited] Stop, stop! [Heart racing] - Is this the bus? - May we get on? [TWICE carefully approaches to the bus] Are you sure this bus is the one? [This was shot safely with the road blocked] There's no crosswalk. It looks like a bus from a fairy tale. [Bus that looks like from a fairy tale] - I'm sitting with Momoring. - Amazing! [The youngest members got so excited] Wow. [Do we look pretty?] Same hair style. [Then! Dahyun found something] Hang on. I saw something. [Surprised] - What? - A white thing! - It's coming to us. [What did TWICE see?] [Mysterious rabbit gets on the bus] - Surprised! - So busy! Good job, TWICE. You've found the magic rose. Congrats. - Thank you. - You need to find all 9 disappeared objects so that they can go back into children's stories. - OK! - You have found one. You need to find 8 more. This bus will take you a place. Go straight to a locker there. - Locker? - The key of this locker [Let's remember[ - will be at the entrance. See? - Entrance? Yes. You can see something hidden inside the locker. [In this bus?] Here? [No... The locker!] - Something is inside the locker. - Something? [Yes, this girl] There's something. [TWICE members are teasing the rabbit] What's the something? [Rabbit changes the subject] You have only 246 minutes. Don't forget! 246 minutes. - No way, it must be 249 minutes. - It's 246 minutes. [Yes!] [Sorry for teasing you] - Yes! - Don't forget! Wish you good luck! Go, TWICE! [Rabbit is getting off the bus] Don't leave! Let's go with us! [Bye...] - The rabbit left. - 246 minutes. - Amazing. [Running fast to avoid the car] [TWICE is so excited for riding a bus] There's another camera behind. Cameras are here, there, here, there. A lot of cams. [Dahyun, the master of spotting a camera] - So excited. - Dahyun is so cute. She's so excited as there are a lot of cams. [There it is!] - Tzuyu, what are you doing? - What are you doing? [Tzuyu is playing a mobile game] - Lost Game. - Why are you mad? It helps me relieve stress as I am nervous. - I want to play it. - Me, too. [Tzuyu is playing a game] Leave it there and this... [Chaeyoung is better in this game?] Oh, my. She's so stubborn! - I have my own rule! - I see. [The loudest voice from Tzuyu by now] Didn't we finish it so early? [Right, right] - Right! - We've got 300 minutes. [Found only one after playing the first game] We found only one, from Mina's story. - We played for an hour and got one. - That means... [8 hours needed to find 8 objects] - Now... - We need to play for 8 hours. [Simple calculation, 8 objects and 8 hours] - Play for 8 hours? - Yes. - We found only one. - Right. - I'm worried if it's not a team mission. - Momo! [Momo is entering the sleeping world?] I think you were dozing off. I think I'm like the family. [I'm getting so sleepy] - The time is standing still. - I feel like that. - Help me. - No! [If the world is sleeping...] Why are we awake now? [TWICE starts playing a role play] - I'm so sleepy. - Me, too. - We played the mission so hard. - Please wake me up later. [Kwak Siyang oppa!] Please wake us up, Kwak Siyang. [TWICE has perfectly adapted to Lost Time] When the Lost Time passes, and darkness dwells... You will feel uneasy... And... When the time stops... The dark shadow will arise. They are... Mr. K and! [Mr. K and the Dark Knights] The Dark Knights. They bring confusion to the time and space and destroy childhood innocence... They will get in the way of 9 girls. [TWICE arrived at the mission site] This is it! - Hi. - Look at this. [As the rabbit said, they are looking for the lockers] Where are the lockers? It's to your left. Here is your key. [Easily obtained the key?] It's the key! - You found it? - He gave it to us. [Three keys?] He gave me three keys. To our left. [I see it!] - Lockers. - It's over there. [This is fishy] [Easily found the lockers] It's right there. [Finding the locker numbers on the key] [Finding the locker numbers on the key] - Here. 91. - 91? [The locker is big!] It's huge. Even a person can fit in here. [The first locker is opened] [What?!] [Found their names in here] Sana, Momo, Jihyo. - Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Dahyun. - Are we in a team? Nayeon, Mina, Jeongyeon. [Wow] - We are in teams. - They are in a team. [They are happy to be in a team] [Pay attention to Jeongyeon] Let me read this for you. [Weapon manual] These are weapons to fight the Dark Knights. Which weapon is made to fight each Dark Knight. If you accomplish a mission with the weapon, you will be able to find the missing objects. Is this a weapon? [This is a weapon?] Hey! These are weapons to fight the Dark Knights. [Let's open this up] Let's open it. Hold this for me. [Is this a yoga mat?] [The first team] [Sana, Momo, Jihyo] [Yoga mat] [Pointe shoes] [Clear] [The second team] [Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Dahyun] [Boxing gloves] [Jegi] [Badminton] [The third team] [Nayeon, Mina, Jeongyeon] [Frog] [Hula hoops] [Basket ball] [Let's go] [No more weapons?] We have to go now. - Hey. - Let's go. [Mr. K is waiting for TWICE] Someone is waiting for us. [Dropped it] Hello. - Did you all get the lucky box with the weapons? - Yes. [TWICE will] Now, [play the second game] you will start the second game. You have... You have some time left. 246 minutes. I will be counting down the time. Good luck on your mission. [So mean] Are you leaving again? [So sad] - You always leave us. - Always. [Let him go] He needs to eat his dinner. [That was hard] Bye~ [TWICE... he is a Dark Knight...] Enjoy your dinner. I think it will be hard. Let's hurry now. Fighting! [TWICE Fighting] Fighting! - I will talk to you on walkie-talkies - Call me. [The teams went their separate ways] [At that time...] [The Dark Knights are hiding in various locations] [They wait for TWICE very quietly] [TWICE, will they able to defeat the Dark Knight and find the objects?] [Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu TEAM] - So pretty. - It's really pretty at night time. Do you think we can succeed again? [With one voice] - Yes, we can. - Yes, we can. - But this place is so big. [We have the weapons!] We have this with us. [Dahyun is not afraid of anything] I think this is related to weapons. [Frog is the weapon] This is the weapon. No, I mean the location. I think it's related to water. Water related activities? - Water related activities? - Really? - Is it only me? - I agree. - Right? What about the hula hoops? [It's hard to guess the hula hoops mission] I have no idea. [Momo got a yoga mat] - Yours is a yoga mat, right? - Yes. And you have ballet shoes. I think they are somewhat related. Ballet and yoga mat. I am not sure about the other teams but I think our mission is related to sports. Something that requires physical movements. What could it be? [Dahyun is shocked!] - Hey! - Hey, all! - We found a weird person here. - Hey all! [Using the walkie-talkie] - Hey all! - What? [They received Chaeyoung's message] - What? - Get over here. - Where? - There! - Come here, hurry. - I see a guy who gave us the children's book. [Momo found him too] [He's the Dark Knight] - Hi. - Hi. [The first Dark Knight] [What kind of mission does he have?] [Tzuyu is approaching him carefully] Hi. [Other members are walking towards him!] - He has it. - Hurry. [Let's fight him altogether] That's him? [TWICE recognize him] - He's the Dark Knight. - That's him. - You go first. - Tree? Hit the Knight with this. [Ah-ha!] No, wait. [He will get punched by TWICE] [Go?!] - Wait. - Punch him. [Dahyun with the gloves] - Hit him. - Move. - Touch him. [Light punch] - Sorry. - I guess not. - No. - All three of you have to punch him. [They are becoming violent] Dahyun's team members. All three of you. [Tzuyu wants to fight him with badminton] Help me out. [They are playing badminton] - What? I don't get it. - What's going on? [She's dancing] - Wait. - "Cheer up baby~" - I guess this is not it. [Both teams didn't defeat him...] I don't think it's our team. Can you tell us what it is? Can you tell us what it is? [Shining eyes] We sighed. [What?] [It's a miracle! He's moving] [Mina's frog worked!] - What? - It's Mina! [She just danced with it] - What did you do? - I danced. - What? [Frog] [Mina] [Mission ?] [Attack power 10] [Flexibility 50] [Reaction ability 70] [The hint is 1.5m] 1.5m? [If one person with the weapon accomplish the mission, they will succeed!] - Only one member per mission. I think so too. One member per mission. [TWICE is still thinking about 1.5m] - 1.5m? - I guess we can find something there. - Maybe we can find something here. - Do you like frogs? [Dahyun found something] I found something. [They found 1.5m lines] 1.5m! - Maybe you have to jump 1.5m. - This is 1.5m. [Still hard] 1.5m? - Jump like a frog. - You have to jump. - Jump. - The long jump. [Mina will jump!] - 1.5m? - Is this 1.5m? [Jumped] Up to here. Failed. [Failed?] - What? - What? [They have to wait for 5 minutes] What? Try again in 5 minutes. - Mina's team stay here. We should go. - We should go. [TWICE wants to save time] Let's go. Other teams should get going. [Mina's team will stay and other teams will get going] Can we use other weapons? - Other teams, let's go. - No, it will only react to the frog. [Momoring didn't understand the rule] - Why did we fail? - Hurry up and try again. We have to wait 5 minutes. - Let's go. - Other teams, move. Mina's team stay here. Go! Go! We will finish up here. - Fighting! - Fighting! - We have to find someone like him, right? - Yes. [Mina's team still don't understand why they failed] What is it? [Wasn't that a success?] - 1.5m? - I think that was a success. [Momo needs some explanation] - No. - He said they failed. - Throw the frog! - I think you have to throw the frog. [You have to throw the frog?] - Throw it. - Up to where? [The number given by the Knight: 1.5m] - 1.5m. - From where you stand... [Telling everyone her height] - I am 160cm tall. - Okay. [Lying down] [She's sacrificing herself for the mission] This is it! [Jihyo proved this is 1.5m] I think it's somewhere in between. [Don't lie down on the street] Somewhere in between. I think you have to throw the frog in here. [Will they able to find the secret of 1.5m?] - You have to throw it in here. - Got it. [LOST TIME TWICE] [Next week] Next episode. New adventure for TWICE. - The 9 girls are looking for the Knights. - Did you see guys standing still quietly? Will TWICE successfully accomplish the missions? [Will they find 8 object?] Will they bring children's innocence back? You have 104 minutes left. - Right there. We are running out of time. - This is it. Found it! [Please log in to LOST TIME again next week] So mean. - Next week... - You have to run. - See you. [LOST TIME TWICE] - So mean. - You must log in. Can we do this? [LOST TIME TWICE]
Channel: 그래TV
Views: 2,108,115
Rating: 4.9246922 out of 5
Keywords: 트와이스, 로스트타임, twice, 그래TV, losttime, 평창, pyeongchang, 2018, 응원합니다, Olympic, 쯔위, 모모, 사나, 미나, 정연, 채영, 지효, 다현, 나연, JTBC, 걸그룹, 아이돌, 케이팝, kpop, k-pop
Id: eQVk4bEtjbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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