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Oil free Whole Wheat Hard Roll Hello, this is kkamang :) Today I will show you how to make an unkneaded hard roll with whole wheat flour :) All you need is 4 ingredients: whole wheat flour, salt, instant dry yeast, and water . Please prepare. 400g of whole wheat flour, 3g of instant dry yeast, 7g of salt Mix salt and yeast at each place, and if it is mixed with whole wheat to some extent, mix the whole flour ingredients evenly. I didn't have the right size, so I used a large bucket, but you can use a bowl or an airtight container about 2L in size :) Mix it first with a spatula with 300ml of lukewarm water , then add additional water. Initially, I used 300ml, 60ml, and a total of 360ml. There is a difference depending on the whole wheat flour used and the working environment, so add 300ml and add little by little to match. There is no raw powder visible to the naked eye, and it sticks to the hand. When making 100% whole wheat hard rolls, be careful not to add too much water. It is important to add 10~15ml each so that it is not too thin :) Now!! Kneading is finished (Tiong) Now, I will cover the lid and ferment at low temperature in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The next morning! I woke up early thanks to whole wheat bread. Put the cast pan and stainless steel pan to be used as a lid in the oven and start preheating to 250 degrees. (Maximum temperature) Let's see the dough fermented at low temperature for 12 hours~? The surface looks dry, but when you turn the dough over, it becomes moist :) Collect the dough in the center with a scraper and make it round. If the dough sticks to your hands too much, reduce the amount of water next time. (If you use a small amount of powder, it is OK) Do not knead it too much and collect it like a roll! I will give you a second fermentation in a large bowl. Both a palm-sized bowl and a stainless steel bowl can be used . You have to spray it generously so it doesn't stick! Pick up the dough and smooth it out by hand. Place it with the smooth side facing down. Wet your hands with water and press the top. Sprinkle powder on it. Cover the lid and let it ferment at room temperature for 30 minutes. (The oven is still preheating to 250 degrees) If you don't have a ball, put it on parchment paper and let it ferment :) It's been 30 minutes! It looks like an earthquake, and you can feel the weak elasticity when you press it with your hand. Turn the dough over on the paper foil and place it on top. Use a convenient tool such as a sharp knife, saw knife, razor, or coup knife to insert the sheath by hand so that the powder does not clump together . Make a depth of 3mm or more by cutting 2-3 times. Carefully remove the preheated casting pan. Open the lid, put the dough in the foil, and spread it out neatly so that the paper foil does not wrinkle. Other than that, you can use any tool, such as a stanpan or a pan. It is okay to bake without a lid by heating the oven pan :) Spray with water spray 3 to 4 times and then cover the lid. Put it in the oven preheated to 250 degrees and immediately lower it to 230 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. If you bake without a lid, bake at 220 degrees. I'll take the lid off after 30 minutes. It looks delicious :) I'll lower it to 200 degrees and bake for 12-15 minutes. If the roast color is clear and the bottom is hardened, it is ripe. You can transfer it to a cooling rack and cool it, then cut it into pieces :) In fact, I wanted to make a fragrant whole wheat hard roll, Cambagne , but I think there are many people who have difficulty making LeVin, so here's a recipe that can be made with yeast :) Mix strong flour to make a voluminous bread You can :) It feels much heavier and heavier than the previous whole wheat breads. The surface is very crispy and the flavor is excellent. I made this bread last year when I was obsessed with whole wheat bread, and it is still delicious even after a long time!! Thank you for watching until the end❤️ If it was helpful, please like it :) Hello~!
Channel: 까망 레시피 kkamang
Views: 257,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 통밀빵, 통밀빵만들기, 무반죽빵, 무반죽 통밀빵, 통밀깜바뉴, 통밀 깜바뉴, 깜빠뉴 만들기, 깜빠뉴, 무반죽 깜바뉴, 르방없이 깜바뉴, 100% 통밀빵, 100% 깜바뉴, 100%통밀, 통밀베이킹, 통밀빵 레시피, 저온발효 베이킹, 홈베이킹, 식전빵 만들기, 식사빵 만들기, 식사대용 빵 만들기, 초간단 베이킹, 무반죽 레시피, 무반죽 빵 만들기, 스메그오븐, 강력분 베이킹, Making Whole Wheat Bread, Whole Wheat Bread, Whole Wheat Hard Roll, Whole Wheat Cambagne, Korean Baking, Korea vlog, Korean cuisine channel, baking channel, whole wheat flour, vegan bread, 비건빵만들기, 비건 베이킹, 노오일베이킹, 무설탕빵, 다이어트빵, 다이어트 식사빵 만들기, 까망레시피, 실패없이 빵 만들기, 통밀바게트, 까망 통밀
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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