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"Deci-gla-liter?" Ha Dream, turn off the TV. Tell me where the H goes! Someone did not wear the lead (Saying anything) (Empty brain vs Empty brain.zip) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements) Let's begin the first mission. It requires good teamwork. It's Quiz Hour. Quiz Hour. Okay, okay, okay! - Great. Okay! - But... - He seems confident. - Yes! - You... - It's disadvantageous for us. - Hey, this is... - The smartest person here is... - This is unfair. - You put all of us on this team. - We're done for. - Why is it a quiz? I bet it was intentional. They're all Empty Heads. The first round is about units. - Units? - Oh, units? So it's a math quiz. The two teams will take turns. Like inches, right? Each member has to read the unit symbol... written on the sketchbook correctly. - You have only three seconds. - Oh, no. I'm worried. - I don't know many unit symbols. - Me neither. - We just have to read it? - I'm not good at math. - What should we read? - A unit symbol. Is it written in Korean? - For example, if it's 11km... - Kilometer? - And centimeter for cm? - Correct. Let's let Ji Hyo go first. - Those are all I know. - Why won't you let me finish? If you say an incorrect answer, the other team will have a chance. So you should decide the order wisely. - Really? - Yes. The first one will be the easiest question. - Really? - And it gets more difficult. - You should go last. - Right. You and Seok Jin go to the back. - I'll be the second. - Okay. This will be better. - In this direction, right? - Yes. Let's do that. - Sae Ho... - Right. - Ji Hyo or Se Chan should be there. - Wait. - Am I in the same spot as him? - He's the first one to go too. (Both of them will answer the easiest question.) - Am I in the same spot as him? - He's the first one to go too. Gosh. I don't like this. - Gosh. - Why? Se Chan is the first one to go too. We're sitting in the order of the levels of intelligence. - And Sae Ho is at that end? - He's the brain of our team. He's the brain of our team. He's the brain of our team. (Sae Ho is treated as the brain on Team Mapo.) - It won't be so difficult. - So Min is the fourth? (She'll get a difficult question.) - So Min is the fourth. - She graduated from college. I graduated from college. - That's true. - Let's do this. - That's true. - They have their own reasons. I graduated from college too. I majored in comedic acting. You should answer in three seconds after I show you the question. Answer right away. Or you're out. Of course. Right away. - We can do it! - I'll go first. - You can do it! - The first one will be easy. Okay. Ready. Go. 1, 2, 3. - Kilometer. - Okay. Good job. Se Chan, what has gotten into you? - I know that much. - Of course. Ready, go. 1, 2, 3. - Inch, inch. - Inch. - "Inch, inch." - Don't say the answer. ("Inch?") - My gosh. You don't even know this? - Don't say the answer. Let's switch seats. - I was just a little late. - Let's switch our seats. - I knew the answer. - I'm sure she knows kilometer. - I was just late. That's all. - You knew the answer, right? Does that mean inch? - You knew it, right? - Of course, she knows that much. Here's your question. Ready, go. - 1, 2, 3. - Milligram. - Good. - Good job. We all know that. - He knows it. - Impressive. I'm surprised that he knows it. - I thought he'd say "magnesium." - Is it my turn? That's what I thought. 1, 2, 3. (Frozen) - You don't know that? - Do you know this? - What's this? - Why don't you know this? (It's ton.) - It's ton. - Ton? - Ton? - Ton. None of you knew? - What does that mean? - Okay. Good. - Ton. - Ton. You ignorant punk. - Oh, right. It's ton. - I can't believe you. I forgot. Stop lying. You didn't know. Right. Ton and on... I mean, ton and off. Ton. - Cho A... - I'm so sorry. - It's okay. - Don't worry. - Cho A, it's okay. - I'll go first. Hey, why did you switch seats with her? We have to win. - Hey! - We have no choice. - We have no choice. - Why did you do that? - Ji Hyo. - Ji Hyo came here too. I just missed the timing. I knew the answer. That's all. - Okay. - No. I just missed the timing. - Cho A, don't be nervous. - Okay. If you get a question wrong, you move to the next seat. - Ji Hyo goes first. - Yes. - Go, Ji Hyo! - I'm nervous. - Ready, go. 1, 2, 3. - You can do this. (Milliliter!) 1, 2, 3. - Milliliter! - That's milliliter! - My gosh. Really? - Everyone knows that! You really don't know this? I bet she thought it stood for medium and large. - Hey. - You see it on a milk carton. It's because I've never seen the letter L written like that. Ji Hyo, be more confident. I just haven't seen the letter L written like that. (She has never seen an L like that.) - Let's go. The first one is easy. - Gosh. I'm so nervous. - This is fun. - I'm so surprised. Ready, go. 1, 2, 3. - Millimeter. - Okay! - Good job. - I thought it was Mighty Mouse. Kwang Soo, you can do this. I'll succeed. I'll make sure to get it right. I'm relieved that she didn't say M and M chocolates. Ready, go. 1, 2, 3. Deci-gla-liter. (Deci-gla-liter) (He created a new unit.) - "Deci-gla-liter?" - Hey. - That's so funny. - What was that? What's a "deciliter?" - Did you say "deciliter?" - What does that mean? - It's deciliter. - He got it right. - Why didn't you say it clearly? - He got it right. Is it really deciliter? Didn't he get it right? He said "deciliter." No, he said "deci-gla-liter." - What was that? - Hey, you imitated him well. You heard it clearly? - Okay. - You did well. - That was good. - Kwang Soo seems... - to know quite a bit. - Indeed. Let's start with Ji Hyo. - You can do this. - Ready, go. 1, 2, 3. - Square meter. - It's cubic meter. - Right. Cubic meter. - I didn't expect to see that one. - It's cubic meter. - You can call it triple meter too. No, it's cubic meter. - Can't triple meter be accepted? - No. Hey, Sae Ho, you go first. You sit here. Ji Hyo, a number on top of a symbol is an exponent. Hey! (Empty Head's philosophy on units) The number on top is an exponent. The letter at the end is liter. And the first letter is an abbreviation. I'd better sit at the end so I won't look ignorant. - Let's switch our seats. - Just sit down. - Cho A, it's your turn. - Okay. - Go, Cho A! - You have to do well this time. Ready, go. 1, 2, 3. - Featuring. - Feet. - Feet! - Feet. (Featuring!) (Haha just said any word he knew.) - That's feet. - Listen. Math is all about abbreviations. The symbol of feet is ft. Hey! Listen! - I think this is the best. - They're all abbreviations. Those who were class presidents, sit in the front. - So Min, sit here. - Okay. Go and sit there. Those who participated in a math contest, move forward. Sit down. Why are you trying to avoid it? - You go first this time. - Right. Give it a try. - Haha will go first. - No. - No, no. - Just this once. - You go first. You do it. - Come here. - Haha, you go first this time. - No. Let go of me. Let us decide. You're not on our team. - Let go. Dream. - Haha. Ha Dream, turn off the TV. Ha Dream, I said, turn it off. Come on. Sit down. - Come here. - Just give it a try. Let Haha go first. Why can't you do this? - Dream, listen. - You can do it. Go and do your homework or write in your diary. Haha will do well. It's too early to write a diary. Ready, go. - You can do this. - 1, 2, 3. - YD? Yang Dong Geun. - Yard! - Yard! - My gosh. - Yard! - Yard! - It's yard! - Even he knew it. - It's yard! - Even I knew that one. (Yard! It's yard!) - Yard! - My gosh. - How did you not know that? - I knew it. I'm not lying. How did you not know that? My gosh. He didn't know the symbol of yard. - I knew the answer. - You know it, right? - You know it, right? - I know this one. - It's yd. - Yard. He said he knew every question that others were given. - Yard. - It's not confusing at all. Yard. - Dream shouldn't watch this. - He should never watch this. The questions will be more difficult since we don't have many left. - Okay. Good. - Gosh. I'm worried. - It was already difficult. - We're at an advantage... if the questions are more difficult. Let's go. - Ready, go. - Go, Jae Seok! - 1, 2, 3. - What is this? - Ounce! - It's ounce. (He has never seen it before.) (The answer is ounce.) (Ounce!) - Hey, go to another seat. - Ounce. (They all got up and pretended they knew the answer.) - Ounce. - It's oz. - It's oz! - It's ounce. - It's oz. - That's not the symbol of ounce. - It's ounce. - It's oz. (Kwang Soo is even pronouncing it incorrectly.) - It's oz. - That's not the symbol of ounce. - It's ounce. - Is it? - Ji Ho, turn the TV off. - It's oz. Ji Ho, turn it off now. Watch me. Watch carefully. You should know how hard I work. You should study hard, okay? I thought it was Oz from "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." I knew that we would get that question. - Was it the symbol of ounce? - I was right about it. - It's okay. - Let's see how well Sae Ho does. Set. Go. 1, 2, 3. - Machi. - What was that? (He basically just read it.) You can't just read it. (He looked very confident.) (But he said "machi" confidently.) (Machi as in "anesthesia?") - Gosh, seriously. - Machi as in "anesthesia?" - Mach. - Oh, it's mach! - Mach! - Machi as in "anesthesia?" - Exactly. - Mach! - Oh, it was mach. - Mach! - I didn't know that one. - Mach! - It's a unit of speed, you know. - Gosh. So "ch" is pronounced like a "k." What's "machi?" Hey, listen to me. I learned all these in college majoring in business administration. - I learned all these. - You did? Yes. I knew all the answers. - Seok Jin. - I'm ready. Let's do this. Let us all succeed. - Let us all succeed. - Okay. - At least up to Jong Kook. - We can do it. Ready, go. 1, 2, 3. - K bank! - Bank. (K bank!) 1, 2, 3. (- K bank! - Bank.) - K bank. - It's kilobyte. (Jae Seok thought of K bank when he saw the symbol.) Right. - Kilobyte. - Oh, right. - K bank. - What is wrong with you? K bank suddenly popped into my head. It's kilobyte, you know. - I knew he'd fail. - I use that bank. Gosh. This is driving me nuts. I use K bank. - That was so funny. - Kilobyte. - All right. - Move. "K" always stands for "kilo." - Kilo? - "M" stands for "milligram..." - I mean, "milli." - "M" stands for... "M" stands for "milli?" Like millibyte. Millibyte? It's So Min's turn. Ready, go. - 1, 2, 3. - Gal. - Gallon. - Gallon. - Gallon. - Gallon. - It's the symbol of gallon. - She doesn't know. - I don't know that. - She said, "gal." - "Gal." - That was funny. Se Chan told me to read it as "gal." He told me to say that. - It was difficult. - Let's move on. - Let's play rock-paper-scissors. - Gangnam! - Gangnam! - Gangnam! - Gangnam! - Gangnam! If we could continue to your turn, - we'll win. - We can do it. - I have to succeed. - You can do it. - Jae Seok. - Just two more questions. - We can win this. - Then we'll win. - No reason to be nervous. - Ready, go. - Go, go. - 1, 2, 3. - Terabyte. - Oh, wow. - You're so smart. - Terabyte. Good job. - It's going to get more difficult. - Let's do this. It's going to get more difficult. I've seen everything I know. - I learned all of them. - Ready, go. - 1, 2, 3. - Helpagram. - Gosh. I can't believe you. - What's that? Do you know what it is? (What is that?) Hectopascal. - He's so smart. - Hectopascal. Gosh. You don't know hectopascal? He didn't get it right? - It's hectopascal. - Seok Jin. That's the most basic unit used in mathematics. Hey, this is the easiest question. Hecto... - Exactly. - Hectopascal! - Hectopascal. - What is it? - What is it? - What is it? Hectopascal is the unit of this. - What? - The unit of this. The air... In mathematics... You know, in the air... - Continue. - Kwang Soo, this is 1hPa, right? - Yes, just this much. - That's right. (He defined 1hPa as he wanted since no one knew.) Gosh. What a shame. - Let's get three questions right. - I don't know any math symbols. Each team has only one chance left. - Yes. You did well. - These questions... I don't think you can get them right even as teams. - Really? - Let's give it a try. - Let us answer as a team. - Let's make it a team game. - Let's do that. - Anyone can answer. - Okay. - Gangnam! - Gangnam! - Gangnam! - Gangnam! - Mapo! - Gangnam! - Mapo! The team that gets this question right will win. - Can we all answer? - Yes - The last one. - It's a team game. (The team that gets it right first will get the final score!) - The last one. - It's a team game, So Min. Ready, go. - That's... - Omega. (- Omega! - Isn't that Leo?) - Let me answer! - Let me answer! - Isn't that Leo? - One... - Let me answer! - Let me answer! - Let me answer. - Go ahead. Sigma. - That must be... - Anyone else? - Magma. - Let me answer. - What? - What did she say? - Anyone else? - Magma. - Ohm? - Let me answer. (Cho A got the correct answer.) - What? - What did she say? - Ohm. - She got it right. - I'm so excited. - What's an ohm? - Is there a unit called ohm? - Yes, in science. My goodness. I got it right. - The unit of electrical resistance. - I've heard of it somewhere. - Really? - Awesome. - How do you know that? - I've heard of it somewhere. - Cho A did a great job. - Gangnam! - Gangnam! - Gangnam! I thought it was a pimple. (They look like they've never heard of an ohm.) - Ohm? - What is an ohm? (They look like they've never heard of an ohm.) - Ohm? - I got it right. The unit of electrical resistance. - We won an overwhelming victory. - Let's move on to the second round. - Did we lose again? - Again? We lost the first round? - It'll be the Initial Game. - I'm good at this. Look at the initials... and guess the name of the variety show. - Nice. - I know a lot of them. - "The Lee Gyeong Gyu Show." No. - I know what it is. It's the only thing that comes to mind. - No... - No? Seok Jin says the weirdest things... and then calls the staff to have it edited out. It doesn't fit at all. What is it then? - Could it be that? - It isn't. So that's what it is. (He talks brazenly so that the film is easily edited.) That's what happens when you're smart. I think I know what it is. - What is it? - It's something like... "Baby's World." - "Baby's World?" - I mean... - I mean it. - Sae Ho! - There was a show by that name. - As if. - "Baby's World?" - "Baby's World?" - How about a clue? - Sounds good. It aired on KBS and one of you was on it. - Wouldn't it be Jae Seok? - Who here... - was on KBS? - It's either Jae Seok or me. Why? - You can't answer. - You can't. (Kwang Soo figured it out, but he can't say it out loud.) Is this it? What is it? (You were on this show!) Which show is it? Is it one that you were on? - No! - I know! Are you the one associated with the show? Let me answer. It's "Six Heroines." Okay! (Team Gangnam answers correctly.) - Nicely done! - "Six Heroines." Wow, "Six Heroines." So that was the answer. Let's take the lead from them. (Both teams scored once in the second round.) Okay. I have a feeling this will quickly be answered. - Let's do this. - Here you go. "Infinite Challenge!" Nicely done. You didn't know it was "Infinite Challenge?" It's been a while since that was chanted. - It's too much of an advantage... - It's been a while. for those who were on the show. They'd know immediately. They'd know immediately. - I was on the show too. - It was their main show. Did you hear Sae Ho just now? He said he was on the show in its last moments. Of course. (He chokes up for some reason.) - In the last few months... - We celebrated your 100th day. (Sae Ho celebrated his 100th day on the show.) We're sorry. He was on the show briefly before it ended. We're sorry. - I was on it for 100 days. - That's right. - And it ended a month later. - 100 days? - Sae Ho... - I now feel bad for him. I choked up for some reason. - Okay, let's keep going. - Get ready. (EENO) - Yigatan... - What's this? Yigatan? - Yigatan... - Yigatan? I just threw it out there. (The smartest one of the Empty Head Club knows.) Give them a hint. - In the direction of our team. - Give them a hint. (He gives them a clue.) I don't think that's it. I know! Let me answer. It's "Emergency Escape Number 1." (Jong Kook gets it right.) You were on that show. - I was the host. - I was right. I hosted the show! (In 2012, 9 years ago,) (Jong Kook served as Korea's keeper of safety.) We're lucky to have had Jong Kook on our team. - But us two... - We're... - How can you be so clueless? - Well... Only Jong Kook has been able to answer. - I'm completely clueless. - Kwang Soo, why were you up there? What were you up to? - I displayed reactions. - What were you doing up here? (The battle of the century!) (#During a conversation about the Opening Running Man Brain) Hey, I can beat you Yang brothers 2:1! (Super Match at the edge of the cliff with the family's honor (?)) (Making a quiz to each other and answering to earn 3 points first) Who would be more stupid? (Haha found something at the house?!) (There was something to make a quiz on a dining table!) (What is it...?) These Yang brothers are very meticulous. 'What to buy' a paper cup and a chicken towel (What's wrong with that...?) Chicken Towel! (A shocking note, meticulous Yang brothers' necessities for their kitchen...) (Chicken towel) (Are you serious?) (Well...I think something is wrong but...) (I know something's wrong, but what's wrong?) What's wrong in here? Hey, don't you really know this? - Who wrote this? Did you write this? - No (No, you guys wrote it~) Uh~ I didn't write that Will you dishonor your brother!? (Will I dishonor my brother? vs Just say that I wrote it?) One of the two brothers in Yang's family is a fool! Please don't touch the family! (The agony of a lifetime) (Louvre museum of fools) Wait a minute, I can't dishonor my brother.. (I have to say something like the answer for my brother first) - It's a kitchen towel, a kitchen towel! - Then, write that spell Ah...! - You must write the correct answer too! - Hey! (Thanks to judge Jong Kook, the atmosphere suddenly changed) No, you have to write the correct answer yourself! (The English battle of the two chickens(?) is held) Really I... I'm going crazy It's so funny - Jihyo is having fun, so please give her a sketchbook - I know~ I do family affair I know Oh in English?! (Jihyo wakes up) (She's writing the spelling with sudden low confidence) (Is she writing properly?) Don't write it, Jihyo!!!! (Kind brother's stopping in a good timing) (The answer she wrote is left for our own memory...) Jihyo was like "Ah~ English?" I didn't know~ (This is a new world) Hey, I'm too serious. I'm so bad at English (The tension that sparks just like a super match) I'll open it at the same time One two three (The result of the first round of the two brains' Kitchen Race is?) (Correct answer: KITCHEN TOWEL) (Both are wrong) (I only heard it from rumors but didn't know it'd be this bad...) (Haha, who is better, got only wrong with 'o' of 'Towel') Is it 'a'..? I say Towol! Please give me a kitchen Towol! (Just like rivals, it's draw from the first round) I think I preserved my pride with only one letter wrong. Be honest, are you surprised? (They are of more or less the same average ability) You choose. Economy or... Are you laughing?! (Are we that funny?!) How about current events! I'm confident with it~ (Is it a comedy battle?) (People might misunderstand this for a scholarship quiz..) I want to beat you with something more luxurious. Could you give me a minute? I wish you come up with a great quiz as long as it took (Cheering... or Teasing...) - The audience said so - It's my first time to watch it - I'm sorry but... how did you come here? - I came for a tour~ This house is fun~ (Korean skill that's presumed to be a second-generation Korean) - Where are you from? - I'm from Philadelphia (Philadelphia..) Oh I'm not sure how to write Philadelphia! (Oh no.. I'm stronger than him with English but...) (No thanks) Okay, common sense! Capital City Quiz! (Haha is quite experienced with the capital city quiz) India! India's capital city! (This is a high-quality quiz) (Please solve it together, viewers^^) I didn't know it, too. India's capital city (Oh, it must be correct...) (New Delhi, Delhi) (Se Chan was so close) (Haha scored 2 points! Only one left to escape!) Hey, this has nothing to do with DelimanX? (What..?) - Are you asking it for serious? - I really don't know~ - It's because he wrote it as Delhi - But it's quite odd to connect Delhi with delimanX... Be quiet! (I'm quite keen now...) What are you confident about? Mr. Yang? Well, now I'm out of confidence I screwed up from the beginning~ From the chicken~ - Then I'll make a memory quiz - Good, I'm good at remembering Write down a kitchen towel (Kitchen! Damn kitchen!) Stop! Stop! It's a memory test! (Harvard level for wits) (Feels like I've become a memento) (Look how he's confused, I'm a complete winner) (Blank~) (Incorrect answer for sure) (The game is over...) (I'll tell you slowly~) No, no Oh teach me correctly! What are you doing~ (Se Chan is upset for real) Tell me where the H goes!!! (Haha's perfect victory for the kitchen race that left a pain only!) (Finally two masters met) I gotta gather everything I know! (A new fool?) (Or an old fool?) I feel bad to be compared with Se Chan If you lose, your pride will be collapsed (The result of the battle of the two masters that everyone has been waiting for is?!) - Now, here's the quiz. In the solar system - What?! - Solar system? - You know what the solar system is? - If you look on the roof, you see... - That's a solar heat you %#%!,,, Hey! He's on our team! (The battle expected to be difficult to proceed..) What am I doing sitting here (The quiz is changed because they'll never get it right) A submarine, which is made of lead and that can take on 30 men and 29 women, sank. What's the reason? Answer! There's one woman missing! (Two masters' battle is sinking into the deep sea) Answer! There was a pregnant woman among the women! (Two masters' crazy world(?) quiz battle) Someone did not wear the lead (Saying anything) (What are you talking about) The correct answer is 'because it's a submarine' (Fools) (Two fools who understood belatedly) (The quiz maestros who don't disappoint others' expectations) One pregnant woman (Embarrassed) What's the paper's name that becomes red in acid dyes and blue in basic dyes? (Answer: litmus paper) It's too easy! Answer! Pita..! Spo..Spoise(?) (dropping pipette, a reliable partner in science class) (I didn't know it'd be this bad..) I'll give you a hint. There's S in the answer (Four letters with S..) (Both are thinking so hard) I'll give you one more hint. First letter is Li! Answer! (Kwangsoo shouted out the answer as soon as he heard a hint!) He doesn't know (He's thinking hard to infer the correct answer..) (Thinking of the words starting with Li) Kleenex Kleenex?! I'm not stupid!? (Kwangsoo is not stupid) Oh, I don't think it's correct Answer! Rimowas! That's a bag (Rimowa, a traveler's reliable companion) (Oh it's not) I'll tell you the third letter, Mu Answer! Litmus? Correct! (Finally I won!) (Oh I lost to Sechan...) I pulled out the one in the corner of my brain!
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 10,949,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, 양세찬, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 초아, 조세호, 조촛농, 퀴즈, 깡깡, 세찬
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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