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I love this in NJTTW but it’s hilarious here because YSC and JSJ are especially bad haha

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/zaichii 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jessi must have taught YJS those words.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/soccerisgreat99 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

This segment was so funny xdd.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BishhEzz 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
Okay~! Okay, I'm sorry Okay, like this - He just used it - Okay~! Okay~! We made it!!! (Don't speak English.zip) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements.) To play Option Snake Ladders, you will start at the end of the snake tail. And the first team to reach the snakehead wins the game. Each team will spin the roulette to move your pieces. But you can... lie about the numbers you get from the roulette. What if the roulette stops at "lie?" In that case, you must lie. - We lie? - Yes. There's more. While you play this game, if you use English words, your piece goes back to the starting point. - English words? - Yes. We use quite a lot of English words. I've done this before. That's not fair for someone from abroad. Jackson? Are you Jackson? I'm glad that our team doesn't have English nicknames. - Good. - We don't know English words. We don't know any, so we don't use it. Those who don't speak English... - use a lot of English words. - Right. - This team will go first. - Okay. The rest of you should close your eyes then. - Okay. - All right. Show us the roulette. It's not easy to get "lie" from the start. (What's the first number?) - Nice! - Okay. He said "nice." You didn't move your piece yet, so it's okay. What? Don't say that. Why do you speak English? I'm sorry. - I... - Use a Korean word. - That's my habit. - Great. - That's my habit. - See? Those who don't speak English use a lot of English words. Hang on. - I got a call from Kwang Soo. - Really? - Answer it. - Tell him to come right away. - Kwang Soo. - Hello, Jae Seok. We're filming right now, so I'm hanging up. We're filming right now, so I'm hanging up. (He manages to cut Kwang Soo off again.) I thought he wouldn't get to cut Kwang Soo off again, but he's doing it over the phone. - I'm working now. - That's unbelievable. You're working? You can announce the number now. We got... - 6. - 6. (Team Haha's number is 6.) - It's perfect. - Gosh, this is... They got six? - I'm moving our piece. Be careful. - Go ahead. - They're... - Move it to number 11. - Look at that. - To number 11? It's perfect. - Gosh, this is... - Hang on. It's strange, isn't it? Move it. That's the best... - We should catch him. - You want? - Let's catch them. - Catch them. 1, 2, 3. - It's a lie. - It's a lie. All right. The fact that they got six... (What's the real number Team Haha got from the roulette?) was true. (True) - One more time! - Okay! He just said "okay." You just said "okay," so you will go back to the starting point. Hey, TE! My gosh. - You don't even speak English. - Did you say an English word? - Did I say that? - Was it you? I said that. I'm sorry. My gosh. - You don't even speak English. - This is crazy. - Just say great. - Did I say that? Okay. I'm sorry. - Great. - Darn. Good. Here we go. Close your eyes. (Next up is Team Jae Seok.) You shouldn't say okay. Good. (The number from the roulette is...) (6.) (Trying to keep a straight face) This is tricky. (They expect Team Jae Seok to lie.) All right. - Good. - Make sure not to speak in English. - I bet they got something bad. - Good. - It's 6. - 6. Six? (Did they get 6 again?) - It's a lie. - It must be a lie. - Is it six again? - It's a lie. - It's a lie. - I bet they're lying. It's a lie. 1, 2, 3. - It's a lie. - Good. It's true... - they got six. - Good! Good. The thing is, my talk is so limited. I can't believe this. (My talk is limited.) Darn it! (He can't help but use English words.) What should I say then? - What else could I say? - Use a Korean word. Use a Korean word. Don't even say "comment." (Okay.) - All right. - Hey. - My gosh. - This is crazy. - This is driving me crazy. - What do we do now? Okay. Let's go! I shouldn't say anything. Why do you use English words? I shouldn't talk at all. Let's go. (Team Seok Jin has seen a lot of bad examples.) I don't think this game will end. (They must lie this time.) Put it down. Put it down. Announce the number now. (Pushing) (Pushing and pulling) (The team is fighting a war of nerves.) It's a war of nerves. Why would you... This is true, and that's false. One is telling the truth, and the other is lying. True or false? It's a lie! True and false. True or false? I can't be on the same team as him. - Gosh, DT. - We need to talk. Are you ready? Do as you want. - Shall we go? - Move the piece. (She moves her piece 2 spaces when she has to lie.) - Let's move on. - Okay. - Leave it be. - Just move on. Even if it's a lie, we should leave it there. - That was a lie. - I see. - Just leave it there. - 1 and 2... - Is it our turn? - Yes. Close your eyes. Okay. Okay. - We don't have any pieces yet. - Okay. - Great. - Okay. We're playing board games. Cameras. There are cameras. - This is SBS. - Good. - Okay. - Jae Seok will speak in English. - Come on. - You really use a lot of English. Close your eyes. Let me spin it. (What's the number from the roulette?) (It's 7.) - Good. - What color is our piece? - Yellow. - 1, 2, - 3, 4, 5... - Is it 7? - It's 7. - It's 7. I'll give you three seconds. - This is... - Don't say anything. - Why not? - Don't say a word. Stay quiet. - I can't keep my mouth shut. - Stay quiet. I bet it's true. 1, 2, 3. - True. - True. All right. It's true. I knew it. Close your eyes. I bet he will get seven. (It's Team Jae Seok's turn.) I bet the team will use an English word at the end... What did you say? - I heard it. - What did you say? Move your piece back. Go back. Go ahead. - All right. - I shouldn't talk. - Go back. - Darn it. Move it. - Move it back. - That's why you shouldn't talk. I shouldn't say anything. I'm sorry. We got a number. - Announce your number. - 1, 2, 3. - 6. - 6. - This is... - What? - Let's go with a lie. - It's a lie. - He keeps lying. - We should catch them. Is it a lie? But... PP. Look at his eyes. - Let's not talk. - Who said that? Who said the number six? Then shall we say it's a lie... and give them another chance? They will speak English after all. - No. - I bet they will speak English. We will never do that. If he speaks English, I'll beat him to death. - We will say it's true. - This guy can rip... a cell phone apart. I saw him rip it apart. - Lie? - True? What is it? - Let's go with truth. - Truth. - It's true. - It's true. (It's true that they got 6.) - Who's next? - I'll do it. Spin it. (Team Seok Jin's roulette...) (shows number 3.) (They will lie and say they got 4.) - Are you ready? - Yes. We're ready. - Let's go. - Catch them. Let's go. Okay. This is what we got. - It's a lie. - What? Okay. This is what we got. - It's a lie. - What? He said that. Okay. (Team Seok Jin is going through the worst time.) - He got it. - Good. The word "okay" is driving me crazy. What's wrong with me? - Is there any tape? - We shouldn't be like him. - Good. - Here we go. Let's go. It's okay to say that. We don't have pieces on the board. Good. (The roulette shows 5.) This is hard. I'm so mad. All right. Here we go. - Good. - Go. 1, 2, 3, 4, - 5. - 5? It should go all the way up. Then we will get to number 33. It should go up. (They take a shortcut to number 33.) Can you believe this? - Good. - Nice. Why aren't you talking? You're being too quiet. So Min just spun it. And we got five. Please save your breath. Isn't that amazing? - Right? - But... Should we give them a chance? - This is too good though. - We should risk it. - Shall we? - We have to say it's a lie. Because there's a snake? Even if they spin it again, they might get the snake and fall back down. Right? If they get the snake, they will lie again. 1, 2, 3. - It's a lie. - Lie. 1, 2, 3. - It's true. - It's true. I knew it was true. I thought it was true. Since it was true, you get to spin it again. Close your eyes. You just spin it. When they are watching? You just spin the roulette in the extra round. But that's disadvantageous to us. We have our patterns. There are a lot of snakes. We have to lie. (We have our patterns.) (I'm doomed.) (Despite Haha's efforts...) Did you say an English word? What did you say? - What did you say? - What did he say? See? - What did you say? - I'm sorry. "We have our patterns." (We have our patterns.) I don't even know... many English words. How dare you! Good. - Well done. - I'm sorry. - My gosh. - I only know a few words. (He's going to say all the English words he knows.) - This is it. - This is... - what I want. - What I want. - If they don't speak English... - Good. - Let's never use any English words. - Okay. (I'll teach you a lesson!) I don't even know how to spell the word "pattern." - Nice! - I'm sorry. - This is what I'm talking about. - Let's... - Let's start over again. - We got this. - Let's start over. I'm sorry. - This is great. - Let it slide just this once. - Gosh. I'm so angry. - This is what I'm talking about. - They were almost there. This is what I'm talking about. Why did you say the word "pattern?" - Gosh. Why did I do that? - Close your eyes. The roulette... (Next up is Team Jae Seok, the current winning team.) It must be a small number. Could it be a small number? Are you done? Can we open our eyes now? - All right. - Yes. One. - Pardon? - One. - One? - Hold on. They might have gotten two... but said it was one not to go back down here. - Okay, okay. - Right? Look here. - Okay! I agree. - Okay! (Dark Tornado's theory sounds plausible.) (It's hard to read Jae Seok and Jong Kook's faces.) (Did they say the truth or a lie?) - Am I right? - Let's conclude that they lied. - 1, 2, 3. - Okay. Let's do that. - It's a lie! - It's a lie! Okay. We caught them. - All right. - I can't trust him. 2, 3. - It's the truth. - It's the truth. (They told the truth.) - It's the truth. - What? - It's okay. It's only one time. - Right. It's okay. - Okay. - Please go ahead. - I will... - You can speak English now. - spin it. - That's right. - I hope they get one. - What could it be? - Three? - Oh, gosh. - That's nice. - Is it three? - 1, 2, 3. What? - That's nice. - Oh, wow. - Shout "Good!" Or "Nice!" - Shout "Nice!" - Okay! - This is it! - This is it! - This is what we wanted. - Right. That team is doing so well. They have great teamwork, right? Let's move on. - Please close your eyes, everyone. - That's... - a really good strategy. - As you all must know, - you can lie to move far at once. - Okay. Aren't we allowed to tell a lie only when it stops on "lie?" - You're wrong. - You're wrong. - We can lie whenever we want... - It doesn't matter? - I didn't know that. - It doesn't matter. Jae Seok, you can lie any time you want. - Don't say any English words. - I won't. - Let's catch them lying. - Any time we want? Okay. (Team Seok Jin, which is still at the starting point, got 6.) - Are you done? - Okay. We'll move. Let's just let them go. We'll be okay. Let's let them go for now. That's a lie. - 1, 2, 3. It's a lie! - It's a lie! (They suspect it's a lie.) Since I said we should let them go, he thought we would actually let them go. - All right. - Oh, yes! It's the truth. - Great job. - We told the truth. - By the way... - Really? - By the way, he just said... - Is it not? - An exclamation like that is okay. - Is that so? - Yes. - That's a universal exclamation. - It's not exactly an English word. - Dark Tornado... - But... - To be exact, - it's an English expression. - We're just letting this slide. - What do you mean by that? - You know that, right? - Thank you. - Is that even possible? We're letting it slide. - Stop it. - I mean... Just apologize to him right now. - Okay. I'm sorry. - He said "Okay." - "Okay." - Great! (Okay. We got him!) (Team Seok Jin is devastated while the other teams are happy.) Okay! - That was good. - We all say "okay" so often. - I told you not to speak at all! - That was good. Jae Seok, good job. - What's wrong with me? - That was good. - Good job. - Nice tiki-taka. I must have lost my mind. What is wrong with me? He's dancing. Why are you dancing? Are you in a good mood? - What is that? - Don't act up. Don't act up. Don't act up. Are you very happy? - Don't act up. - I'm really... - Are you very happy? - I am very happy. - They'll win at this rate. - No. We should stop them. - I'll spin it. Close your eyes. - Close your eyes. - Close your eyes. - Okay. (It's Team Haha's turn.) If we push ahead... We're going to say the truth. (They got 7.) - Move it, So Min. - Go with the truth. Let's stick to the truth. (They moved 7 spaces.) (Now they look suspicious whatever they do.) - It's okay. - I think... - We have no problem. - Oh, my. In this case... Since they're near the starting point, - Right. - let's stop them. - Let them be. - Really? - Should we stop them? - I think we should... - Okay. 1, 2, 3. - Even if they move again... - It's a lie. - It's a lie. - Do they have no say in it? - That's right. Who are you guys? - We are... - They got them. - a special investigation team. - What? What did you say after "special investigation?" (He said "team" in English.) (What?) Oh, right. (Jong Kook finally realized what Jae Seok did wrong.) - He said "team," right? - This won't end. This won't end. - Gosh, that was funny. - This won't end. - "A special investigation..." - I don't think... - this game will ever end. - Hey, come with me. Come with me. I can't. - No! No! - He said "team." A special investigation team! - SBS! - This is driving me nuts. He's driving me crazy. Today is Monday! - We said the truth. - We even said... - the truth! - The truth! One more time! It's never-ending. Seven! Seven. - Go, go. - We can catch them. - We need four. - Yes, then we can catch them. We can catch them if we get four. (Team Jae Seok got 3.) Can we open our eyes now? - Are you done? - Four. Sorry? (You got 4?) - Is he lying? - I said, four. - It's 4. - Is it 4, really? (It's the best scenario where they can catch Team Haha.) - We were so surprised. - What? - We'll catch them. - You'll catch us? - Yes. - Then will they go back? We'll let you decide. - We should stop them. - Definitely. - 1, 2, 3. It's a lie. - It's a lie. (They suspect it's a lie.) - It was a lie. - Okay. - Okay! - Okay. - That was good. - Good. - It was good. - Indeed. Okay. He lied as soon as he learned about the rules. - Even if we get caught, it's okay. - We should keep moving. - I mean... - That's enough. We might get into trouble. (Se Chan said "rule" in English.) I would've lied every time. Se Chan, what did you just say? - What did you say? Come here. - What did he say? - You can't do this. - He's impossible. - What did you say? - He's impossible. - What did you say? Tell us! - What did you say? - I said that Jae Seok lied... - What did you say? as soon as he learned the rules. - I said "rule" in English. - Hey! - I mean... - He can't seem to fix it. You stone gold! What's "stone gold?" - Doesn't it mean "stupid?" - You mean, stone head. Oh, I should've said "stone head." - They haven't moved in an hour. - This is not acceptable. - I'll leave. - You have to start over again. It's been an hour, and they're still here. - That was funny. - Why? Don't use any English words. - Never do that again. - I didn't know they'd hear it. I told you not to speak at all. Exactly. Why did you... It's not like you use some difficult English words. I don't even know how to spell the words I said. But you know what? We made it this far... - because Kwang Soo isn't here. - True. We couldn't have continued if Kwang Soo was here. - Gosh, I'm so frustrated. - We'll spin it. Please close your eyes. (All teams are starting over again. What number will Team Seok Jin get?) - I think they spun it twice. - Exactly. The blue one is ours, right? Here we go. (They took the shortcut and moved straight to 14.) - Ji Hyo? - They're talking too much. - But Ji Hyo... - 1, 2, 3. - It's a lie. - It's a lie. We said the truth. It's the truth. - Let's move on. - I didn't... (Team Seok Jin got 2 this time and moved to 16!) - Hurry up. - Hurry. - We need 4. - We should get 4 no matter what. - Okay. Let's go with this number. - This number? (Team Haha got 7.) (They're moving to 7 pretending they're lying.) Yes. Right. Wait, no. - Okay. Good. - Yes. That's it. - It's a lie. - 1, 2, 3. - It's the truth! - Really? - I knew it. - Why did you do that? I knew it was the truth. - I thought it was the truth. - I'll do it. Four. That's good. (Only they're at the starting point when they don't have much time.) If we get lucky, we can go straight there with 4 and then 1. - We need 4 and then 1. - Or we can catch them with 6. Or we can catch them with six. Right? We have many options. - Close your eyes. - Don't say a word. - Close your eyes. - Close your eyes! Close your eyes! That team is angry. It'd be awesome if we get this number. (Se Chan said "team" in English.) - What did you just say? - Hey! - He did it again. - What did he say? He said "team" when he said, "That team is angry." - Come on. - Gosh, you stupid punk! My gosh. I'm so furious right now. Get out, you punk! - Leave! - I'm sorry. - I said, leave! - I'm sorry. - Close your eyes! - Darn it. - Close your eyes. - Why did I say that? - Close your eyes. - I'm sorry. Close your eyes! Okay. It's four. Wait. - What? - 1, 2, 3. - It's a lie. - It's a lie. (They suspect it's a lie as they took the shortcut.) - It's a lie. - You're right. Come with me. Hold on. Come out. Gosh, this is driving me nuts. I can't believe this. Hold on. I'm sorry, sir! I'm sorry. - I mean... - I apologize! This is driving me nuts. I mean... - I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sir! - We got five. - Five moves are not so bad... - I was wrong. If we moved five spaces, we would've been safe... - I mean, we don't have much time. - I'm sorry. I was wrong. I'm sorry, PP. Or you could've lied it was six. - I'm sorry. - Why would you say it was four? - We'll be in 2nd place. - Since we have 3 minutes left, we'll end the game after just one more round. (They'll end the game after this round.) - Good. - Let's win this game. - Now... - We can do this. - Seok Jin. - I will be careful. - Seok Jin, bite this. - I think... I will do that. Gosh, I'm so angry. (Seok Jin is biting his name tag to be careful.) We were almost there. (They got the biggest number 7.) - Then we can move... - We should... move at the right time. You got seven? - Seok Jin, did you get seven? - Yes. - Yes. - Are you sure? 2, 3. - It's a lie. - It's a lie? - We should stop them. - We should say it's a lie. - We should say it no matter what. - Got it. - We actually got... - Is it the truth? (They get to spin the roulette again because it's the truth!) - Seok Jin, they want... - Just hurry up. Seok Jin, the cameraman wants you... to count down from three before you spin it. - What do you want me to say? - "3, 2, 1." You little... Hey, I'm not stupid. - Gosh, that made me so upset. - Say, "3, 2, 1." - We'll make sure to win. - Hurry up and spin it. - Go ahead. - Okay! - All right. - Wait. - Go ahead. - Okay! - All right. - He said "okay." - We did it! We did it! - Good job! - We did it! - Yes! - We did it! - We did it! - It was recorded! - All right. Okay. Let's keep going. - We did it. - We did it. Okay! - Fine. Go ahead. - Good! - We did it. - Okay. This is great. - How did you make him say that? - Okay! - We stopped them. - We'll push ahead no matter what. They really are investigators. They caught him. We did it. Okay! How could you distract me when my team was doing well? - Okay, okay. - I can't believe this. - Okay. That was great. - Okay. Let's just play rock-paper-scissors. - Let's play rock-paper-scissors. - Here we go, here we go - Okay. - Let's sit down. - Let's give it a try. - Okay. - He got excited to speak freely. - Okay. <i>Here we go</i> - Okay! <i>- Here we go</i> - He got excited to speak freely. - Okay. <i>Here we go</i> - He's usually such a cheerful man, - Let's go! - but Ji Hyo wouldn't let him speak. - I wanted to say "okay" so much. - He says that all the time. - Yes, we're back at the start. Each team has one more chance from now on, right? Only these two teams. They're over. - They're over? - Okay. They're over. - Be careful not to say "okay." - I knew it this time. - Yes. Yes. That's right. - Okay. Let's go. Please close your eyes. - Okay. Good. - Good. (What number will Team Haha get on their last attempt?) (The highest number 7) Go with the number. 3, 4, 5, 6. Yes. - Yes. Good. - They moved too far. - How many moves? - That's... - We got 7. - We moved 7 spaces. Don't you think they moved too far? - Shall we? - You got seven? - 1, 2, 3. It's a lie. - It's a lie. - 1, 2, 3. It's the truth. - It's the truth. - Go ahead and spin it. - One more time. - Haha. - This could be better. - I know! Don't speak! - Be quiet. - It's awesome. - Shut it. Can you turn off Se Chan's mic... - It's okay. - We can catch them with six. So Min. - What did she say? - Did she say something? What did she say? She said "mic" when she asked us to turn off his mic. Darn it. Hey! Hey, why... - I won't play this game anymore. - Haha. - Move! - Come back, please. - I'm not doing this. - Mustache Bomber, please. - I won't do this! Let go of me. - Come on. - Please come back. Just this once. - What is going on? - Having many members isn't good. - Exactly. - Please sit down. - There's a lot of pressure on him. Mustache Bomber, we're really sorry. My goodness. - I'm sorry, Mustache Bomber. - I'm sorry. - This is unbelievable. - We're almost there. - It's the truth. - It's the truth. Now, the game is over. Team Jae Seok wins. Okay! - Okay! - Okay! - Okay, we won! - Okay. Nice!
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 3,440,265
Rating: 4.8856082 out of 5
Keywords: #런닝맨, #Runningman, #예능맛ZIP, 깡깡, 호랑이, Runningman, 예능맛ZIP, 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 예능맛집, 런닝맨 레전드, 레전드, 예능신, 꾹이, 꾸기, 쌥쌥, 쌥쌥이, 깐족, 세찬, 세바스찬, 영단어, 금지, 게임
Id: 9JuaADbBlf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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