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What kind of party does the bride and her close friends hold together to celebrate the upcoming wedding? (The answer is Bridal Shower) - Pass - Ba! (Ba..?!) (Ding) (Shouting the incorrect answer with confidence) Ba?? Baby Shower! Oh, it's Brother Shower(?) (It's not even that) No, it's brother shower but.. Brother shower~~! (pretending to be know-it-all) - Bridal shower! - Brother...(????) (Advanced Knowledge Quiz.ZIP) (This program contains indirect advertisements or virtual advertisements.) (Next location is 'P' University in Yongsan) (A mysterious cannon(?) set is awaiting the members) Oh, what is this? Is this going to shoot whipped cream? (Confused) (What is this mission going to be?!) This mission is a <Nervous Quiz> which depends on one person's luck that will determine the fate of the whole team members Hey, why are you making me do the quiz with these two! (Even the weakest for the quiz) (But there's a hope for everyone because) (Rule - For each round, two teams will team up, and the remaining one team will be seated at the flour penalty seats) (The members of the two teams combined...) (will need to get the right answers letters by letters in the seated order) However, for those who do not know the answer, there are two pass chances you can use, if someone passes the next person needs to continue to answer (Rule - If you get the quiz right, the quiz taking teams will each get +1 point) (If the correct answer is said, the team on the penalty area will be...) (each member will pick a number) (Once the quiz taking team gets the correct answer, the penalty team will press a number and get the flour penalty) Almost everyone is going to get the flour penalty (If the penalty team gets the flour penalty, they'll get -1 point each time) (For the 1st Round, the tall&medium height team will be taking the quiz) Now, please pick the person who will be pressing the button - I'll do it! - I'll do it, oppa - I'll do it! (Suddenly so competitive) You young kids... Sit INMA!! (Fiercely attempting to fight for the role where you don't get splashed with flour) - He's so condescending - The condescending man is here Let's do rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper, scissors, winner gets to press, rock paper scissors (Win) Oh... Are you okay? Are you fine with this? (Hyena won for the Short height team) (Starting from the left, the 8 people will need to say each letter out loud) Oh, we are one team? Ah, but this team is so perfect.. Right, so can we mix up the seats Studied overseas, graduated Ewha Woman's University.. You're wife graduated Yonsei University.. (flabbergasted) - Seok Jin and what's your name again? - Se Chan Se Chan... switch seats (The Short height team picks their number for the penalty) That's their assigned number (The Short height team doesn't know what numbers they picked) - We can't see it - Yes, please show it to the front (All three of them don't know what numbers they picked) (If the quiz taking team gets the right answer) (If Hyena coincidentally picks either 1 or 4, they get a flour penalty) First quiz is on 'common knowledge' (After listening to the PD's explanation, each of them will need to answer letter by letter) What kind of party does the bride and her close friends hold together to celebrate the upcoming wedding? (The correct answer is Bridal Shower) - Pass - Ba! (Ba...?!) (Ding) (Saying the incorrect answer with confidence) Ba?? Baby Shower! Oh, Brother Shower(?) (It's not even that) No, it's brother shower.. Brother shower~~! (Pretending to be know-it-all) - Bridal Shower! - Brother...(????) (Never heard about this shower before) Anyways! It has B in it.... (Somewhere between Brother and Bridal...) You go home now (Blew of their first chance) So Min! That was great, so great! (Thanks to her, the other team got to laugh a lot) This time it's an English word spelling quiz (Hear the vocabulary and spell it out) Here goes the question <Rainbow> R! Pass, I'm too nervous, I'm too nervous A pass I N B O W (correct answer) No, No (That moment, HaHa's pointing out something's wrong) They need to go to Seok Jin! (But it actually was Hyun Yi's turn so it's okay) Wait a minute, let's go over the one's who did PASS (In this chaos, they used every PASS chance they could) We're friends, don't do this to us... Oh, are they really serious... Stop joking around, we've been the last place for the last two missions (Looking at those two dumb and dumber for the first time, their PASS skill might look like a joke) We know 'rainbow', just sit back down, we're supposed to use the PASS chance! Hey, Woo Jae, you don't know well about your teammates (They are more than you think) - I was too nervous that I'll make a mistake, that's why! - Yeah... Same for me (Meanwhile, they got the RAINBOW correct, so time to pick a number) Shout out the number you'll be pressing and press after we count down one, two, three I will! (Will Hyena pick the number so that they can skip the penalty) (eyes closed tight) Oh no...! (People watching them are also nervous) (Chose number 5) (Safe from getting the flour cannon) (Fortunately, Hyena managed to avoid the penalty numbers) (Luckily, the Short height team get no points lost and now to the next question) Now, this is on common sense This place is a industrial park located on the west side of the USA, and it's famous for developing computer parts and software, where is this place? Oh, they must know this, right...? Mi Huh??? (Ding) (The correct answer is Silicon Valley) (She was going to say the Computer software company's name) She must have misunderstood! Because when you hear 'software'... Micro...(?) (On the other hand, the Short height team is having so much fun) Wow, this is so funny! Ji Hyo! Techno Valley! (Right after the answer "Silicon Valley" was announced) I thought it was Techno Valley... lol (Ji Hyo terribly loves Korean IT) - What a patriot - Hey, good that you didn't say TechnoMart (Ridiculing with the Techno dance) (Ji Hyo's incorrect answer reminds us of Pangyo) (For the remaining question, the Medium&Tall height team is cheering each other up) Let's do this, let's do this! This is also a common sense question In 1894, a anti-feudal/anti-foreign movement that Jeon Bong Joon, a DongHak believer, started is called? Pass Pass, since I might be wrong (All out of Passes) Dong Hak No... (Over time limit) (The correct answer is Donghak Peasant Movement) Was it Donghak? DongHak was correct??! How could you now know DongHak!! DongHak Peasant...!!! (A miracle where he guessed the short answer question) (oops) (The two dumbos where scared that they were the wrong ones) "Hak" just came out automatically~! (Se Chan will now forever remember DongHak) So, the 1st team's quiz will end like this (With no point lost, the Short height team is all clean and flour-free) (Switching the penalty team for the 2nd Round) I'll do this (Se Chan is trying to get the button pressing role) You know I'm really good at pressing the numbers, right? No, I'll do this Nobody can win me over this! I have good gut feelings (They all want to be clean and flour-free) I had an eye surgery (Woo Jae, appealing that he got a lens implantation surgery two days ago) But, you can wear the goggle Hey, but... lol Woo Jae got an eye surgery, but you're making him sit here? Ah, okay!!! I'll wear the goggle!! Winner gets to press, rock paper scissors I lost... (Winner) Okay, DongHak Peasant's Movement(?) (Seems like he forgot the answer already) I just like putting 's after peasant~ (The 3 Medium Height members will each pick a penalty number) How, show us to this direction only (Can Se Chan avoid shooting the flour to his teammates?) Fighting, fighting (This time, the Tall&Short height team will be solving the quiz) Let's do this well! You can think of her as the 1st player... (Expecting the first two players to use the PASS chance) We'll do a 'guessing figure' quiz (Preparing with the appearance that he thinks he looks the best) I'll show you the picture and tell us the name Here's the question An gel li na Jo lie (Correct) (Quickly got the right answer) Angelina Jolie is too easy (Two teams each got 1 point without using the PASS chances) (Now time for Se Chan to pick a button) - Just now, I seriously - Hey! Do it well! What am I supposed to 'do well' here... All I have to do is to just pick a button Do I have to press the button with all my effort? (joking around) How am I supposed to do this well! (Responding to a strange request by teasing him) Hey, you, come here, are you trying to make fun of me? (Suddenly the condescending man got mad) (Suddenly the condescending mister Ji is acting like during the old days) No, all I said was 'do well' Oh, Mr. Seok Sam, your words were too harsh~ (He figured out he's being teased) - You're teasing me, right? - No, I'm not trying to tease you No, I'm trying to tease you (?), how well am I supposed to do Anyways, this is a warning for you - Do you always carry the 'warning' with you? - Sorry? Doesn't everyone have it? (※ Seok Jin's feature, if there is no ad-lib to say, he gets mad) (Now, Se Chan needs to press a button) - Hey, you do well - Okay, I'll do well (Among the 6 buttons will he be able to avoid the 3 buttons) Number 3! (Ji Seok Sam is chosen) (A man who carries his 'warning' get the flour cannon shoot!!!) (Perfect ending of fighting over the bad is shown in front of them) (Surprised) (He pressed the button randomly, and Seok Jin gets the flour bomb) Hahahahaha You got punished! You got punished (Told him to do well, and he really did well) I just did as I was told!! He told me to do well!! (Flour bomb that hit the villain) Hey, you are definitely the honorary employee! - Did you know? - No, I didn't! You were the one who told me to do it well... (Miraculously, the flour bomb was shot at Seok Sam) Ah, good, Seok Sam, you're good This time, it's also on common sense What is this economic phenomenon where the value of money falls due to an increase in the money supply and therefore, the overall prices of all goods keep rising steadily? (Seems like the dumbo even knows the answer) Pass if you don't know, pass it! Bu (Ding) Bu!! (Told you to pass if you don't know!!) (With the inflation of his confidence, HaHa shouted out his answer) Inflation... He's driving me crazy He was trying to say "Bubble Economy" (The two teams' chance to earn a point has vanished like the bubbles) (This time we'll definitely get the answer) Now, time it's also on common sense What is the name of the giant statue on Liberty Island, New York Harbor, which France gifted to the United States in 1886? Sta tue of Li ber ty (Correct) (Need to press the button again) - I can't press number 3 again, can't I? - No, you can't (The owner of number 3) (The mischievous guy is having fun teasing the condescending elder) (Se Chan is having a hard time choosing) I feel at ease now.. How scared are these guys going to be, right now? (Se Chan's choice is?!) Number 4!! (No.4...?) (Chose Joo Woo Jae) (3-second cut to become a snowman) (Entertainment God is here!!!) What, you really didn't know?! (Can't believe this is happening even though they've watched everything) (One of the few days where the God of Entertainment is helping) (Meanwhile, the snowman is firing up with anger) He's at a ski resort, a ski resort!! It's snowing white~ (A weak snowboarder trying to find his way to the ski resort) Wow, you're the best! (Round 2 ends like this) (Again, the Medium Height team is a strong candidate to be in last place) Then, we've been last place, last place, and last place? (The worst combination of group with friends of 1986 plus Seok Sam) (Last 3rd Round, the Tall height team will be seated at the penalty seats) (Jae Seok won the rock paper scissors, so he's going to press the button) - How should we be seated, Jae Seok - You want me to make you lose from the beginning? (kneels) Oppa!! Please let me be seated as the 2nd player (Asking him for the 2nd seat so she can use the PASS chance) Then, So Min, sit on the 2nd seat - I want the 1st seat, bro - Okay, SebSeb, sit on the 1st seat (The PASS chance seats are all taken) - Now, Ji Hyo will go to the third seat - Ah, oppa... Can you change me with Se Chan? Oh, thank god I have the PASS chance, what a relieve, PASS! PASS! (Practicing PASS) Pass, nope, Pass, okay (These two with the PASS chances are not planning to solve the question) Please let me change seat with Se Chan (Now there's a person who is begging for the PASS chance seat) Okay, then, Se Chan and Woo Jae switch seats (The fight over the seat was too intense that, he gave the 1st seat to someone else) Also, I'll change the seats after solving each problems (After all the toss and turn, the quiz line up is now all set) We can do this You should dust that off Ouch (Attacking the glasses) (Seok Sam is suddenly attacked) (Condescending Ji has tried to hold down his anger and is being calm) (Tall height team is showing their number cards) (They chose 1, 2, and 3) Now, the first quiz is on common sense I wish you didn't say it's on 'common sense'! - This is a advanced knowledge quiz - Yes, please say that, it makes me feel bad when you say the quiz is on common sense (An advanced knowledge quiz that average people can never get it right) What is the Chinese proverb that means 'When a man makes promises, he keeps his words'? Nam PASS Ah! Ah! Ah! (Foul) Ah - Ah, he told him - Seok Jin told him (Seok Sam publicly made a foul) (Okay...) Seok Jin, go to the end seat (He's been in the entertainment industry for 30 years and he cheated boldly like this) Ah... you knew it, right? (I'm sorry...) (The eldest brother apologizes with his flour covered white face) (An public apology from the Entertainment veteran) That was not right~ If someone else scolded him, he would've not agreed and got mad as us but..lol (Very obedient when the PD says something) Honestly, it's true that I did the wrong thing~ (Admitting his fault and moving to the end seat) This time, it'll be on common sense again, oh, advanced knowledge It's a kind of green grape that is popular for tasting like mango, what is this grape called? Oh, I know this~ Krik..Mu..Mus.. Shine Muscat!!!! (Joo Doormat's shocking wrong answer) (Woo Jae said he is a very smart and intellectual person, but intelligence is unmasked) How about Shine Muscat~~ (Basic fruit that even the Dumbos know) Hey, even these dumbos (?) know it! Wait, I'm sorry, let me say one thing...! Wait.. From the Nam Ah Il Un Jung Cheon Geum, it took us 6 tires to get to only 'Ah' (going to cry) Nobody couldn't say 'Ah' until the 5th or 6th turn!! (Shine Muscat Boy who seems like all this is so unfair) (Engineer dude who lost to the Dumbos) I said Mus, Mus (Telling people that he almost knew) Hey, hey, if you did PASS, we would've got it right... (The condescending guys found their chance to criticize him) Really, they didn't even know, nam ah il un jung chun geum... Sit down! (The doormat has moved to the end sit) Now, let's go (Continuing with the next question) This time, it's on figures Ready pass! El vi s P re se ly (correct) (The Dumbo clan's first correct answer) (Everyone is now turning into Elvis) Bro, good teamwork (Thanks to Elvis, they Medium&Short height teams got their confidence back) I'll avoid the number! Don't worry! (Now it all depends on Jae Seok's decision) Num...!! Number one!! (Choose Number 1) (The number 1 he chose is...) (Chose Jong Kook) (Jae Seok picked the wrong person) (getting mad) It's okay... - Hey, why are you number 1? - Why did you pick number 1? I... I... Then I... want to make up for the Shine Muscat once... (Relocating Shine Woo Jae to the front) It's on figures again, here's the question Pass Ke - Pass - Ke! Pass ve..s..(ding) (A: Keanu Reeves) Hey! Keanu Reeves! (Scolding) (The Medium&Short height team lost a point on one of the easiest question) (Hyena startled because she was too nervous...) (and these two dumbos PASSed because they didn't know) Don't you know Keanu Reeves? (Woo Jae confidently went up front but he lost his chance again) If you had start the answer with 'Ke' first, then we had a high chance of getting the answer right I know Shine Muscat and I also know Keanu Reeves!! (merp...) (After all this chaos, Seok Sam is now upfront again) Fighting~ From Seok Sam... let's do a wave! (Starting the wave) Ah.. no... you guys were all clustered. Once more! ... but why are you making us do this? This is taking up our energy... (Everyone is so obedient) No, if you're done, you should've sat back down...! Hey! We are not in the mood to that right now (We are having a depressing quiz time now, why make us do waves...) You are so mean to us, you made these three dumbos(?) sit side by side here... (The fourth dumbo(?) is making a point) - Oppa, we know Shine Muscat - Who is dumb enough to not know Shine Muscat! We also know Keanu Reeves~ (geez) Now, this time it's a spelling quiz for an English word Earth pass (1 pass) (2 pass) (3 pass) EARTH!!! ...I was too nervous... (Fantastic PASS play) Why are you talking about earth in this world full of global warming(???)!! Do you want to be a person who doesn't know Shine Muscat? or earth? (Shine Muscat boy is trying to make up his past embarrassment with Earth) (A chaos with the answer 'Earth') Shine Muscat, Get lost!! I was too surprised... (Think the viewers were also surprised...) Earth? Earth? (Teacher) E.A.R.T.H I'll memorize it... You were too nervous, right? - But, it's so shocking how they did pass pass and pass - I thought we were in a soccer match lol (Fantastic teamwork) Hey, you guys were like team Brazil lol (Three of them dribbling in front of the empty goal post) So, as a result, the 1st place had the least point lost, with total of 4 points, Small Height Team 2nd place is the Tall Height Team Next, with -1 point, the Medium Height Team is in last place
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 6,039,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #런닝맨, #Runningman, #예능맛ZIP, Runningman, #런닝맨대기실, 시상식, 연예대상, 비하인드, 예능맛ZIP, 유장꾸, 양세찬, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 예능맛집, 레전드, 하이라이트, 최신화, 본방송, 고급지식퀴즈, 퀴즈
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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