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Oh, I studied all (Empty Heads are so quick with studying) (Empty Heads understand each other so well) (Empty Heads' Telepathy) How did you get this right? You really.. You are just about to go to Seoul National University You guys should pay some tuition for this show (Empty Heads upgrade their brains for free every week) (Empty Heads.zip 4) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements) - What's this? It says to find our country's national territory - This is Asia. We're in the Asian continent Did you hear that? "This is Asia" (The first thing Jae Seok taught Se Chan was the location of Asia) This is Asia Who wrote <The Tale of Hong Gil Dong>? - Hohyeonghoje! - Hahaha... Was this what you were getting at? 'Not being able to say that his father is his father' (So Min is confused by so many things she wants to say…) (Creative wrong answer that even makes angry teacher Seok Jin laugh) <The Tale of Hong Gil Dong> is written by Heo Gyun (Teacher Tiger and Ji Hyo are studying administration part) Listen Seoul Special City, Daegu Special City, Busan Special City, and Gwangju Special City Wait. Isn't Busan a metropolitan city? (Ji Hyo likes Special Cities) (Jong Kook is giving her a compliment first) What's the name of a house to prevent from being flooded due to summer rain? (A : High ground level house) Wait a sec. It's four syllables - I'll give you 5 seconds - Wait a moment (Jae Seok is nervous) Can I write three syllables? (The correct answer is four syllables, but why three?) Se Chan! You know this! I told you! (He only remembers except 'level') Do you remember the picture? (House on a high ground… Memories associating photos…) (Could he be successful this time, too…?) Is it High ground level house? (Se Chan got it right) (High place) (Ji Hyo's wrong) Ji Hyo, you're right! It's the house on high place! High ground level ground (So Min was close!) Wow~ (Jae Seok is proud of Se Chan) How did I get this right!? (Teachers' moods shift depending on the answers) (He can't be prouder) (Ji Hyo has the lowest correct answer rate) Mr. Gym! Your student is falling behind She not falling behind Your student got it wrong too!!!! (Teachers start to raise their voices) But this doesn't look like a team game It looks like a battle among teachers It feels so rewarding to be a teacher~ It feels so good when my student is doing so well Why does it feel good? All three students need to be correct (Unexpected accomplishment given by an unexpected student) (Other students started to study their teachers' moods) Here comes the sixth question The keyword is geography You're good with geography, right? Se Chan, you covered everything You went over it all What is the highway that connects Asia and Europe called? See? You've studied this! (Se Chan writes down the answer as soon as he hears it) (A. Asian Highway) Se Chan, you know this! Quizzes are fun when you know the answers! (The Mengdol Sisters also studied it…) Can you repeat the question? What is the highway that connects Asia and Europe called? (A. Asian Highway) You really... You might be able to pass Seoul National University 3 2 1 Open I don't know (So Min couldn't write anything, and Se Chan forgot to write 'N') (Then how about Ji Hyo...?) (High pass...?!) Hey.. She got a lot funnier.. High pass hahaha (High pass Song who got a lot funnier..) But isn't 'High pass' too far-fetched? (Ji Hyo's Empty Head Dictionary's Expressway = High pass) So is the answer 'highway'? (Rising ace Yang Se Chan) It's my first time getting answers quickly during a quiz (He hasn't never been a model student in his life) Se Chan, do you see it now? This is why we must learn from the first-tier teacher! I'll hold a study room for variety shows The next keyword is geography Haha, you gotta help them (The result by Haha's help..) (An easy question has come out and Haha could maintain his role of a top student) (<Currently> Running Man Penalty Ball 4 / Staffs’ Penalty Ball 3) (The next question) Why does this make me so nervous? Write down the 5 duties of a citizen under the constitution (The 5 duties that everyone memorized so hard earlier) My gosh, you're writing the answer without hesitation! (The quiz genius who writes down the answer right away) (The top student just like Seoul National University student) - Quizzes are so fun! - You're the master of study - I can't remember the last one - Why can't you remember it~? (A : Education, Taxation, National Defense, Labor, and Protect Environment) Wait! I can't remember the last one! (She's also stuck with the last one) - Se Chan, if you understand, you can learn it quickly~ - It is the basic of the basics (The answer to this question, which needs a memorization is..?) (A : Education, Taxation, National Defense, Labor, and Protect Environment) (Ji Hyo and Se Chan got right) (Taxation, national defense, education, protect environment...) (?) Hey, you don't get one's money's worth with environment I'm sorry, this.. She just made a mistake (This means a protection of environment) This is what happens when you memorize the answers in a short time She couldn't go wrong with this She wrote it wrong (Decided to accept her answer since it's a meaningful effort) Se Chan, you're amazing! - You should compliment others too - I gotta compliment my student Stop it! We are all on a same team, sir~ Yes, we are... But I'm so proud of him! - This guy knows the five duties of a citizen! - She knows it, too (Full of proud students) (Three teachers are busy complimenting their students) (So proud) Now I understand how my teachers must have felt (It took decades to understand the love of their teachers) - The next keyword is industry - I think I didn't study this We didn't, too... You did We talked about what's in Daegu Oh...! (He remembers it) (Haha seems to know, too) Then you go for it, Haha (They're using the last Haha Chance for the quiz they're not confident at) What is an industry that makes heavy products or one that uses crude oil to make various products There's the answer in the question! Heavy!! It uses Chinese characters Then it must have 'heavy' in it (A. Heavy chemical industry) (At that time, Se Chan remembered something?!) - The heavy chemical industry!! - 'Heavy chemical' as in Chinese restaurants Hey! (That's right) The top student knows the answer (Double checking) This is the basic of the basics~! (Jae Seok is so proud of his student's memorization) (Everything's on Haha's answer) (Queen) (Wrong answer!) (Chinese restaurant industry) (Huh...?) (Chinese restaurant industry...?!) (Isn't it correct..?) Heavy Chemical!! Oh, I memorized up to that Chinese restaurant... ('Chinese restaurant' was the only thing he could remember) (The side effects of the mnemonics that the top student has been using) It's his limit... oh, I didn't learn 'Chemical' (Runningman Team gets 1 more penalty ball) (The next keyword is law) The day the constitution was promulgated (A. Constitution Day) I think this can be done simply (The quiz that can be answered without studying) (Se Chan also learned from Mr.Yoo...) The word itself means they enacted the constitution (Anyone can get the answer if they don't think deeply) (Frustrated...) (Can these students get it right?) (Constitutional Day) (The Day of Constitution) (Ji Hyo and So Min are wrong) (Then, how about Se Chan...?) (He got it right!) Constitution Day, right...? (Hug) (A touching story of Empty Head Se Chan) You got this right...!!! (Shouting 'Constitution Day') Viewers, he got the answer! (The other students had doubts about the easy answer) (It was a quiz that they could answer if they'd thought very simply) Look, I also wrote the first letter It's a miracle! Thank you, teacher (Eyes of loyalty) Gosh... What's with Constitutional Day? The Day of Constitution isn't any better at all You can mock her only when your student got the right answer! (Teachers who look down on other teachers' students and the teacher who shows off) You always get a day off on Constitution Day! (Three angry teachers) I remember seeing teachers fighting with each other like that (Now they understand why their teachers were fighting) (Arguing) (Students are calm... But teachers can't control their excitements) (He's even making a situational drama) The more you fight with each other, the more suffocated we feel! Hey hey, you don't know what constitution.. Mister! Why are you assaulting a student? (Se Chan must be hateful to Seok Jin) How are you any better than So Min! He studies so well! (Mr.Jee, who is jealous of a top student in the next class) (Childish pride fight that leaves only scars to the students) Mr.Jee, why do you keep pointing your finger at my student? Why do you point your finger at him! Teachers, don't fight! (Their emotions are getting deeper with touches) No, the students don't care, but why are you guys so XX! - What are you? - I'm a top student! You guys didn't teach me anything! I studied myself! (The emotional battle ends with the mediation of a top student) (The next keyword is general social studies) Whats the norm that all members of a society must follow in conscience? (A. Ethics) (Se Chan and So Min wrote down without hesitation) They must know the answer (Ji Hyo is also writing something. Will she get it right this time..?) (Ethics) (Correct) (Legislation) (...?) (Dropping his head...) (Oh my goodness) (Hugging) (No matter how many penalty balls they get, he's just happy that his student got it right) Our society is still ethical! (I am sorry...) It's my fault (Mr.Jee is finally boasting his student) It's okay Ji Hyo, your agency gotta ask for editing this part Teachers should pay more attention to improve the average grade, aren't we? She got a lot! What are you doing in front of her? (What are you doing in front of her...?) We could go to the back and talk quietly Or you can send me a message(?) (She's listening...) (Their voices are getting louder...) (Teachers' fierce competition for entrance exams surrounding the three students) (Teacher... I want to do well...) !@#$%^ the education system of Korea! (A shout echoed in the classroom then) (Step by step onto the desk...) Everyone get up! (168cm Haha pulled out the other students voices) (Get up...!!!!) (All we want is~) (The students deliver what they want in harmony) (The teachers were awakened by the students' performance) (Teacher... Happiness doesn't come from good grades) We pushed the students to compete in the college entrance exam Ready Start Oh... (A sigh for an estimated long game) Sun Sun! Sun! A four-character..idiom? Rice Cake - Rice Cake! - Patbingsu! - Tteokguk! - No! (The answer is revealed) (You give an extra rice cake to someone you hate) Son..ricecake one more (They're thinking of 'Sun') Gosh, son! (...?) - Are you saying S-O-N or S-U-N? - S-U-N! No, S-O-N! Oh, it's S-O-N - Boy bread? - Boy rice cake! - Son and daughter..! - It's no use raising sons and daughters!!! (Frustrated) susokdam... Oh I got it! (Jong Kook finally noticed?!) - You give an extra rice cake to someone you hate! - That's right! (Jong Kook gets 3 points!) Hey, you should've said 'hate'!! (English Empty Heads comes up) Here we go! WOW..! - A celebrity? - Yes, celebrity! American Celebrity! Do you know coin? - Bit Coin!! - Oh! It's...!! Elon Musk! (He maximized efficiency with a few words like celebrity and coin) (Haha who claims to be different from Se Chan goes next) Wow... (Corrupt official, not easy one) (job(?) job name) - Joseon~ - An undercover emissary! four words~! duck.. - Duck? Duck? - Duck! I got it!!!!!!! Corrupt official! (Jae Seok gets 3 points) It doesn't make sense! You should give me a chance to answer! (Uncle Panties is angry like a corrupt official) - I'll give both of you the point.. - OK (Empty Heads is back) Celebrity again! (Einstein) (The celebrity of the century) Helicobacter pylori..? - Pasteur - Metchnikoff! Pasteur!!! Almost! yes same...(?) Five syllables! Name same Korean celebrity (MSG Wannabe member) KCM? NO? Answer! Einstein! What? Einstein? - What does Einstein have to do with Helicobacter pylori? - It's math(?) (Empty Head Dictionary) (black-and-white photo of the scientist = Helicobacter) (Haha's turn!) (It's like a default question) Celebrity? four words~ It's a four-character idiom first word gold - Gold! - Adding flowers to embroidery! Returning home in glory! (The Empty Heads understand each other) That's the only word I know! (Next up is Jae Seok who is tired of the Empty Heads' explanations) (Eating a pheasant and its eggs) four words? celeb? Ah...Sok dam... (Not much different) - Egg It! Bird it! - Hit a rock with an egg! BIRD EAT EGG EAT (the proverb... Eat birds... Eat eggs...) - Answer!! Eating a pheasant and its eggs - That's right! (They can answer no matter how lame the explanation is) (3rd round of Se Chan) (Explanations that make the people who get them amazing) (How about this time...?) Bird..! Bird Foot! Bird! Blood in ... A bird's foot! (They got it right only with two words) (He's even more surprised by the answer) (It is a good thing that they don't know many words) (This is so easy for them) (Rising star in the English quiz world) (Haha comes up next) (Madame Curie) Celebrity My Sister Ji Hyo's favorite American(?) Superstar(?) (Madame Curie : French scientist) (American Superstar?!) (The reason why Madame Curie is Ji Hyo's favorite superstar...) Your favorite book (Ji Hyo said 'Madame Gurie') (Ji Hyo's favorite book <Madame Gurie>) (Ji Hyo's favorite superstar Mrs. 'Curie') Beyonce?! - very very smart - Ah..! What's her name! Madame Curie?! (Empty Heads' telepathy again) - Hey, how did he know that? - I just guessed it (The world of amazing Empty Heads) (Ordinary people (?) need more explaination) (Too many cooks spoil the broth) Long! Four! Four?! Four + ball Answer! Too many cooks spoil the broth! This works..! (Cost effective explanation) (They're aiming 3 points) (very very famous movie) (three syllables) - Vegetarian..Vegetarian - Answer! Parasite?! Vegetarian...? Minari! How did he know that..? What are you confident about? Choose one! Okay, let's go with a quiz (The two have had a historic 'quiz A match (?) ...) (On last September, they had a quiz fight) (They fought hard to avoid being the worst quiz taker...) (Due to his bad English skills, Se Chan lost!!) (They met again just like a destiny) Oh, I really don't wanna lose I'm curious It's so interesting - Capital cities? - A quiz about capital cities? (Haha suggested a quiz about capital cities... Is Se Chan okay?!) (Oh... Capital cities...) - How about in South America? - South America? No, Southeast Asia!! (South America expert vs Southeast Asia expert) Where's the capital city of Singapore? Wait (Se Chan gets the feel of it!) Oh my goodness! (Full of confidence) (Oh... I'm an expert of South America..) You have five seconds This is frustrating! I know the answer! I'm a genius if this is correct It's an easy one. The capital city of Singapore Oh Haha! (Haha also wrote something down!) Oh, I don't think it's an answer Let’s see One, two, three (What did he write...?!) (Haha reveals his answer first!!) (You need a correct answer to eat shrimps..!!) (Haha isn't confident. What is his answer...?!) Kuala Lumpur is in Malaysia That's in Malaysia. Here's mine! (The capital city of Singapore Se Chan wrote is 'Changi'?) (It's a creative answer though..) - What? Do you mean Song Chang Eui? - Or Nam Chang Hee? (This is the capital city of Singapore?!) I think he's talking about the international airport There's Chanha(?) International Airport!! That's Changi International Airport Isn't that the capital city?! - We have Incheon Airport, then is that our capital city? - We have Gimpo Airport, then is Gimpo our capital city? - What's the capital city of Singapore? - It's Singapore Really? It's an interesting question We don't have time to waste for this! (All right, we were looking for the food...) All right, what's the capital city of Mongolia? I know this. Goodness! (Running Man had missions in Mongolia) I'll give you the first syllable. Ul (Haha writes it down as soon as he hears it) (He doesn't know at all) We don’t have much time now!! (They're taking too long time) (Runnigman members have to find their father's favorite food before the sun goes dwon!) - 1 2 3! - Ulaanbaatar! (Ul... lan ... what..what ...?!) (Ulaandobuntu) (That's very creative again) Why didn't you write 'Orlando Bloom'? The answer is Ulaanbaatar! (What should Kwang Soo say in the following dialogue?) "Good morning, Kwang Soo" "Hello, Dad" (Good morning, Kwang Soo) (I slept like a rock) "Hello, Dad. I slept like a rock" (I slept like a rock) (Incorrect. You lost 10 points) (The answer is 'Good morning') (Se Chan's current score is minus 20 points) (The more he tries to solve, the lower his score gets) I want to get out of here My fellow comedians from 'Comedy Big League' Change the channel (It's 3:20 now. What time was it 43 minutes ago?) 43 minutes ago? (She does the math carefully) All right (It's 3:20 now. What time was it 43 minutes ago?) I got it (2:57) The answer is... (Incorrect. You lost 10 points. The answer is 2:37) Gosh, I calculated it in tens I can't believe this I calculated it in tens My goodness (Ji Hyo's current score is minus 20 points) (Find the angle for the blank) What's this? (Find the angle for the blank) This is 80 degrees How would I know this? This one here looks... similar to that one I feel so lonely This is a lonely fight It's slightly wider than that (This is how he solved questions his entire life) That means it's slightly bigger than 45 degrees And the other one is 80 degrees It looks around 50 degrees Or 55 degrees It must be around 55 degrees 55 degrees Oh, I'm so upset What? Is it the correct answer? (Correct. You got 15 points) (Choose the difficulty level) Wow. I just guessed and got it right (Happy) (He's excited that he solved a math question after decades) This's funny (Write Lee Kwang Soo's nickname 'Giraffe' in English) They underestimated me Oh, I got it right Okay! Giraffe Gosh. I'm getting confused suddenly This is driving me crazy Giraffe... I think it's because I'm not getting enough air in this booth - Kwang Soo - Huh? What is 'giraffe' in English? - 40 signal - 40 signal? Yes Girin Is it 'girin'? (Incorrect. You lost 10 points) (The answer is 'giraffe') 'Gir...'? 'Giraffe'? What... What's giraffe? Oh, man. Please (Girafe) (One F is missing) (Incorrect. You lost 10 points) (The answer is 'giraffe') (Room 7, Lee Kwang Soo, current score, minus 20 points) I swear that I really knew the answer I saw this word so many times What? I can't believe this Why? I didn't know it was gyeong'geo'mangdong You didn't know that? - Did you think it's 'go', not 'geo'? - Yeah It's 'geo' I always said gyeong'go'mangdong 'Gyeonggeo' means 'light steps' You really don't know that? Gosh. This is.. Wait. What is this? A flame before the wind is 'Jonmang'? Is it okay to use this word? - Jonmang? - It's jon and mang It means 'to exist or to perish' What's wrong with her? But it sounds just like... What's wrong with her? Don't act like this in front of your junior entertainers - Mangyeonjasil (3 minutes before the end) What should I study now? Bansinbaneui Banpojigyo Why do I feel like time passes so slowly? It passes so slowly I'm done Let me read it Okay. I put everything in my head Is it even possible to memorize all this now? I don't know PD : Did you study a lot? It wouldn't work (The third match is Jong Kook vs Se Chan) Any one of you, bring it on Hey, my friend from the soccer club How about we choose current affairs and economy? You don't know much about it You can't even pronounce those words properly I studied current affairs and economy I'm confident It's a Chinese idiom Wow, this will be interesting Even if I've never heard of it I can guess it I can't understand the meaning I'm sure that you all have heard this one before Many times or not? It's important for me Why don't you give us a difficult question? You may not have heard of it many times Not many times? Each one must figure out how to survive - What? - You know this - You know this one - You're allowed to give them hints You know the answer, right? - Jong Kook, you know this - Each one must figure out... how to survive Each one must figure out how to survive I'm sure you know this one - We talked about this - You mentioned this (They all talked about gakjadosaeng) People often say they should do this Right? It was among the first few Let me answer Gagahoho (That one was among the first few, too) That was nice, Se Chan I quite liked that (No one is as confident as he is when it comes to quizzes) 'On our own' is the key phrase I'm sure you've at least said this once in your life Answer Gakyanggaksaek No, but it's similar Answer Gakgidareun Come on You are just about to get it right Everyone's trying to save themselves... Then 'saeng' must be in there somewhere Everyone's trying to save themselves Then 'saeng' must be in there somewhere (He's almost there!!) Se Chan got the first two syllables Really? Did I? Gakyang... What did I say? Gakgidareun (Jong Kook is just as clueless) Gakgae... Gaesaeng! - Gakgaegaesaeng! - I thought you were swearing Gaesaeng! Gakgaegaksaeng? (Ji Hyo has noticed it!!) It's not gae Answer! Gakjailsaeng!! Answer!! Gakjagaksaeng! - No, it's not - Answer Gakja... Honsaeng!! Gakjagaesaeng!! (Wrong!) Gakjasipsaeng! (Wrong!) (He's shouting all the words starting with 'Gakja') PD : 'Gakja' is correct! Gakja... PD : Gak, ja, something, saeng Not gakjahonsaeng? Everyone goes their 'own path' - PD : They all seek their own path - Answer. Gakjadosaeng? Who uses that in ordinary conversation? You use this term While grouping? I have never said that in my entire life PD : You have probably heard it at least once It describes how everyone seeks out their own path (Write the accurate name of the object in the picture) What's this? Oh, It's confusing.... (Kelp noodle) The two of them are solving the second question What's the question? - Is it shredded radish? - No, it's not radish The thing that you see at a sashimi restaurant Kelt noodle No, it's not kelt noodle It's kelf noodle Jellyfish? (Kelt noodel) (She even misspelled 'noodle') PD : This is what So Min wrote (Empty Head's incorrect answer makes everyone laugh at her) What do we do with So Min? I give up I have no idea I'll try the next question (This consonant is written as giyeok) (How do you write this next one?) (He doesn't hesitate) (when it comes to a quiz on the Korean alphabet) (Incorrect: The answer is tieut) (You can no longer withdraw money) This shouldn't air on TV! This can't air on TV! - I don't know the answer - This can't air on TV! (Only yelling resonates around this gruesome scene) Please! This is bad - My son will see this, you know - This can't air on TV! - I don't know the answer - No! This is bad!! My son will see this later This can't air on TV! This can't air on TV! No! I understand him You... Your son Dream... My son will see this, too What should I do? I'll probably do the worst today Come to think of it, I get how this can be upsetting Yong Jin, how did you do? - Did you get any right? - Nope You're an Empty Head too! He's an Empty Head, too Oh my goodness.. - Let me see - It was so close (The original Empty Head comes back out empty-handed) I couldn't guess any one of them (Write the meaning of the Chinese characters) (1. Yong Jin saw 'Blank' Kwang Soo and became 'Blank' surprised) (Jae Seok writes the answers fast) (2. The 'Blank' trend is to increase the number of 'Blank') (Thinking) (Sigh) Phew.. I know this (Haha knows these Chinese characters?) Let's see Yong Jin saw tall Kwang Soo... This character is 'Kim' Isn't it 'Won'? 'Wongeum'? No way PD : What did you figure out so far? Geum and Sae Kim and Geum PD : I mean the words Yong Jin Yong Jin saw 'Blank' Kwang Soo... It can't be 'Handsome' Kwang Soo Okay. I know the answer Yong Jin saw 'Mickey' Kwang Soo (He brings up Mickey Kwang Soo) Wrong? - Mickey? - Is it incorrect? Isn't it 'Mickey' Kwang Soo? (While the four Empty Heads can't figure out one character...) (Only Haha remains) (Haha writes something down) I got this (1. Crazy, utterly) (2. Economical, chores) (He becomes the only one to fail Level 1) (He shouts because he is embarrassed) (Haha's lonely fight begins in a shabby way) What's the last blank if it isn't 'Chores'? Haha's answers were 'Crazy', 'Utterly'... Let's see Yong Jin saw 'crazy' Kwang Soo and became 'utterly' surprised The 'economical' trend is to increase the number of 'chores' Oh no... PD : Here comes the first quiz If you can't win them, you're the worst among us Don't say that! PD : Here's the first quiz Who's that guy? Isn't he... Just shout out names He's... You know... PD : I am sure you know who they are Who is that on the left? Is he Steve Jobs? - He... - Just shout out any name Isn't he a very famous tailor? - Who is he? - Just shout out names Oh, I know him Here's the clue He's in the film industry - That's right - Aren't I right? - Okay - Yes, that's right Steven Stielberg - What? - Seriously? Are you kidding me? - Who's Steven Stielberg? - Isn't that his name? Was he wrong? - Stielberg - It's not Stielberg - Stielberg - Steven... Steven Spielberg... and Shakespeare What is Shakespeare's full name? You need to know that? He's Shakespeare - He... - Shakespeare - How about Wolfgang? - What is it? - Give the full name - Full name? Let me answer. Steven... - Stielberg - Incorrect Seriously? Jung will answer Steven Spielberg... and Wolfgang Shakespeare She actually said, Wolfgang! Seriously? - Is that wrong? - She heard you earlier - Is that wrong? - I was only kidding - Is that wrong? - That's Mozart's name - Come on! - I was trying to confuse So Min Who is Bolbbalgan? Bolbbalgan? - Se Chan - Did you hear him just now? Bolbbalgan Shakespeare He said Bolbbalgan Bolbbalgan? Didn't you say it was Wolfgang? - What's his full name? - I have no idea - Do you need a clue? - Yes Give us the first letter - It starts with a W - W! - Then I'm right - Let me answer William Shakespeare She heard you - She heard you - That's too bad Unbelievable - It's coming to me now - W! I can't believe that the young Lee Jung... thought Wolfgang was the right answer She was fooled - I had no idea - You shouldn't have said it - This was a minefield - I had no idea Isn't Wolfgang a name of a steakhouse? I can't believe she stepped on that mine Just so you know, Ji Hyo and Aiki weren't saying a thing Why aren't you helping her? They must be a stickler for rules Is this because you don't know the rules? - We're not supposed to help - That's right Go, Ai-dol! - Ai-dol is in last place - You can do this - Okay! - Oh, no - So Min is in last place - Go, Ai-dol! - You know who they are - Him... I know him But who's he? Beethoven! - No - That's not who he is Macron (Macron) - Shin... - Lee Kwang Soo (Macron, Lee Kwang Soo) Doesn't it look like him? It does He does look like Kwang Soo He looks like Kwang Soo Macron I doubt that's Freddie Mercury He has short hair! But they look alike - Isn't that Freddie Mercury? - Your boyfriend is hilarious He's witty, isn't he? - Who could it be? - You all know these famous people - Famous? - They're famous? I have no idea He got a perm - A perm? - Who could it be? Can we get a clue? He's not an artist - Not an artist - Then a scientist Macron and Newton What's his full name? - What? - Hold on He barely knows Newton, and you... His name is Illegal, darn it! As in an illegal U-turn (Illegal Newton?) - What? - An illegal U-turn? Why am I supposed to say the full name? It got me in the last round Newton... It begins with an I - I... - Answer - Haha? - He knows - He knows - He remembers Three, two... Adams Newton Macron and Acne Newton - Go with iPhone - No, don't Arsen Newton and Macron - It's iPhone - No, it's not - Macron - Yes? He said it was iPhone Newton - Aiki would've been better - Yes, iPhone - Okay, I got it - Haha? - Aisep Newton - What? - No, that's not it - Macron and Issaac - No - That's not it Macron and Aisop Newton - No - I got it. It's Ice Macron and Eisher No, that's not it Macron and Icy Newton - No - Answer! Isaac Newton and Macron - Okay! - Nicely done - Yes! - It was Isaac - I said Issaac - They sound similar - It's Isaac - 1, 2, 3 - I! - I should've gone with combat Oh yeah I've never heard of that name - Isaac was a hard one - I have never heard of that name It's about time... you paid the show for its classes and lessons - What I know, I learned here - They come here to study - That's right - Pay at least 50 dollars a month - Answer. That's Trump's... - The one on the left... (Surprised) Trump's wife Nadal! You can't do that! Then you can call the other one a tennis player!! She is Trump's wife, isn't she? She is Trump's wife, but... - Trump's wife? - Trump's wife? That was funny Mrs. Trump Mrs. Trump? PD : Here's the next question Answer! - Answer! - PD : Go ahead, Jong Kook 3, 2, 1 (Time over) Answer! - 'E' - 'Lon' - 'Mu' - 'Sk' Yes! (The two Empty Heads got the answer correct!!) I can't believe we got this I saw his name not long ago You told her, didn't you? Not at all Of course I know him I saw his name on a show not long ago We were amazing We did it
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 12,129,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 이광수, 유재석, 김종국, 지석진, 양세찬, 송지효, 하하, 전소민, 개리, 강개리, 예능, RunningMan, Runningman, SBS, sbs, Entertainment, running man, runningman, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, chạy đi chờ chi, 에피소드, 모음집, 모음, 이름표, 이름표 떼기, 레전드, 깡깡, 퀴즈, 미니게임, 영어, RkdRkd
Id: YMcODgpSy2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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