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Organized extrapolation There are about 1 million people living with hidden kidney disease in Hong Kong Many people don't know they have this problem Chronic kidney disease can be divided into primary and secondary Primary is a disease that represents the kidneys themselves Secondary is derived from some chronic diseases For example, three-high gout, etc So today we will take the perspective of Chinese medicine Go explore it What exactly can be healed Let's ask Dr. Chui together Dr. Chui Why are there so many people in Hong Kong Don't know you have kidney disease? Yes, this is a fact In March of this year Some relevant medical groups have announced it The results of a survey study It was found that more than seventy percent of Hong Kong people lived I don't know if I have high blood lipids Including high cholesterol and high triglycerides So these people will become high-risk people for kidney disease As just mentioned Hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, hyperglycemia and obesity These are the four hidden dangers of kidney disease The so-called metabolic syndrome These are the ones that are prone to developing chronic kidney disease I was also afraid Because I also went a little over the mark If there is a person with kidney disease What are the symptoms in general And what are our ways to test ourselves? Or we will be today's topic Focus on chronic renal failure The main reason is because of these chronic kidney diseases It will affect the retention of water toxins or aqueous electrolytes Or the pH of blood Disordered conditions occur Loss of balance There are also some patients Probably their endocrine system There are also problems This leads to the appearance of symptoms of kidney disease However, if it is early kidney disease In fact, there are no special symptoms Because the kidneys are very compensative For example, like two brothers If the younger brother survives and gets sick Can't do the work The brother will come out to help Take up the work So the case of chronic renal failure Until the remaining nephrons can't stand it Or it doesn't regulate the blood Unable to cope with the most basic needs of the body Those symptoms will appear It's nothing more than often feeling back pain Frequent urination, frequent nocturia Or feel tired and have no strength Some conditions will have oliguria Not even urine To sum up Patients with general chronic renal failure They have several manifestations The first is usually high blood pressure Very common Some patients have high blood pressure Even medications are difficult to control Second case It is because of a disorder in water metabolism It is easy to have edema Even ascites, pleural effusion, etc There are also some patients In the course of the development of renal failure Especially the waste of the body The level of creatinine is elevated Above 300 units Varying degrees of anemia occur He looks pale The nails turn white and the lips are pale These are general chronic renal failure Signs seen Hear it here It turns out that high blood pressure and kidney disease There is a closely related relationship Absolutely Because our kidneys are responsible for water metabolism Filter urine Absorption of useful substances These processes Our bodies have hormones There are also some electrolytes to adjust Water in this process It also plays a very important role Simply put Drink plenty of water often Or when you eat more salt When water enters the blood vessels Causes blood vessels to swell Blood pressure tends to be high Therefore, people with kidney disease should abstain from salt Because water will follow salt That's one of the reasons The process is quite complicated And how do ordinary doctors judge Have kidney disease? When a patient goes to the doctor The doctor, of course, is based on his medical history Something went wrong And his clinical manifestations Make some initial diagnoses If there is doubt He would advise the patient to do some Examination of blood tests or laboratory tests, imaging tests First of all, the three highs will definitely be ruled out Then do some kidney function tests Blood drawn Also check creatinine clearance or glomerular filtration rate Both are pretty much the same thing Reflect the body in every minute How many cc (cubic centimeters) of waste can be removed Usually 60 or more or 90 or more All close to normal But if the clearance rate is getting lower and lower That is, the kidneys' ability to excrete waste is weakened Most also do a routine to urinate See if there is protein in the urine There are sugars or casts and so on to eliminate proteinuria, glycosuria, etc And we'll all do a whole blood map Check it out Check for varying degrees of anemia And look inside the blood Or the balance of electrolytes inside the urine If we use ultrasonic People with chronic kidney failure will be seen His kidneys will shrink The outline will be blurry Don't say and don't know It turns out that technology is so developed now There can be so many different approaches Check if you have kidney disease I would like to ask Dr. Chui for so many years Are there any cases that you have seen to share with us As far as you know It's about kidney disease I've seen a mother-in-law The 70s are close to the 80s Stage IV renal failure was found None of her family wanted her to be dialysed Adhere to the use of traditional Chinese medicine conditioning Eat all the time It's been four years since I've seen her The situation is also relatively stable And when she came back to the clinic The doctor did not force her to have a dialysis yes, dialysis is really hard I know some friends who know Having kidney problems is really annoying Affects daily life It's all serious Dialysis is really troublesome So if you can use the method of Chinese medicine It's even better to help everyone So if wondering We'll talk a little bit more about that in the next meeting In terms of our daily living habits In fact, what is very harmful to the kidneys? In the habits of our daily lives There are indeed several things we need to pay attention to The first is to drink water Many people often drink very little water Not even drinking water for hours This is a bad habit Because if you drink less water Make it inside our veins Those blood volumes will be reduced This will affect us Filtration rate of the glomerulus I would like to ask Drinking less water can be problematic But the other way around Will drinking more water be bad for the kidneys? Drinking plenty of water also has an effect on the kidneys If you exceed the normal amount of water So-called water poisoning occurs The average person drinks it at night Would advise not to drink too much water I often remind after 9 o'clock Try to drink as little water as possible Just dip your mouth in water Because drink water before going to bed This increases the burden on the kidneys at night I also often have to get up to urinate It can affect your sleep Just now we said that drinking less water is not good There is also a habit related to water Endure urine Often urinate urgently and do not urinate Especially women I don't like the toilet outside the street after going out Will endure until home Some people are at work Dealing with guests For example, those bank clerks and so on I don't want to go to the toilet for now Long-term tolerance of urine Then some problems may occur For example, it is easy to have an infection of the urethra Urethritis those Or kidney stones Even some damage can be done to the kidneys After talking about the issue of water Poop is related to eating Food aspect We are important There are many people who like polysaccharides with more salt and oil Because it's easy to trigger High blood pressure, high blood lipids, diabetes, etc These three highs It is a hidden danger for kidney disease Eat a balanced diet It is important to eat a balanced diet There's another thing Smoking can also damage the kidneys I always thought smoking was about the lungs It turns out also about the kidneys The lungs are known to everyone But there are a lot of toxins in smoke Nicotine and so on It is a serious carcinogen Causes a lot of problems in the body Nor can kidneys be excluded In short, smoking is better to eat less absolutely Besides, eating also includes medicine Regardless of Chinese medicine and Western medicine Some drugs can hurt the kidneys For example, some anti-inflammatory painkillers Many people eat it regularly Some are antibiotics Some are developers When you take a CT sketch Many times it is necessary to apply a developer will hurt the kidneys I've seen some cases It's a dozen developers Kidney function is immediately poor There will be these cases As for traditional Chinese medicine There is a class of traditional Chinese medicine Contains aristolochic acid For example, wood to wood defense These are now avoided or disabled as much as possible Also in terms of lifestyle habits Sometimes we are overworked will hurt the kidneys For example, I often have to stay up late Or some people are overworked excessive It's easy to make the body Often in a very tired state Suppresses their own immune function And it's easy to overwork yourself This practice is not good for the kidney as well Moreover, some people always sit without move Sit and watch TV Sit and work Or work on the computer Move less and sit more Easy to sit out of sickness Don't say kidneys To the heart and lungs Musculoskeletal function is affected There is one more thing I would like to add It's easy for modern people to overlook There are some minor ailments from time to time Leave it alone Or poorly handled Take an example Even if it's as simple as catching a cold Many times we are infected by viruses Have a cold After an upper respiratory tract infection It's easy to trigger some This is called a secondary bacterial infection Especially by some Hemolytic streptococcal infection Some people think to take a little Chinese proprietary medicine Just dispose of it It doesn't hurt that much Leave it alone As a result, the problem occurs If these hemolytic streptococci Into our bloodstream It stimulates our immune system After a series of cellular reactions and some biochemical processes Finally, damage is caused to the kidneys It causes nephritis It turns out that the cold is not handled well There is a chance that something happens to the kidneys Nephritis may follow yes Although we say that minor illnesses are bliss But sometimes minor illnesses We all have to deal with it seriously to avoid future problems I have personally seen several cases In childhood Because the sore throat is not treated Later progression to nephritis That is, after treatment Always observe Look to see if there is any change in the function of the kidneys There are indeed sequelae I would like to ask Dr. Cui That's it We know that there is so much knowledge of kidneys Do you have any tips From the perspective of TCM What movements or acupuncture points there are Can be suggested to our audience The first one I want to introduce It's called Kidney Yu Point This acupuncture point is on the back Positioning is very simple We put our hands in our waist Then where the thumb touches That's the kidney Yu point It is an acupuncture point that replenishes the kidneys Here's what we do Hold both thumbs firmly I feel a soft and sour feeling If you have back pain Have frequent urination, or can't bear to urinate, etc Problems related to the kidneys This acupuncture point will help you Another practice is to hold two fists Everyone's fingers touched their fingers After touching the finger at the position of the finger bone It's all this kidney Yu area Because acupuncture points are not a point is an area We rub it with these fingers All have the same efficacy Another acupuncture point is the Yongquan Cave It is an acupuncture point that replenishes the kidneys This acupuncture point can regulate stool and urine and the role of calming the liver and calming the wind, igniting the fire and returning to the yuan Where is it located? It's the soles of our two feet Deduct toes from the sole of each foot In the first third you will find a concave position This recess is the Fountain Cave Many times it is recommended that you sit down Press your finger on the fountain on the soles of your feet Press it for a minute or two You can do it several times a day Especially before bedtime can be done Because it has a calming effect The spring point is for dizziness and headaches swelling Or some kidney-related problems can help There is also a kidney tonic acupuncture point It is Taixi Cave Where is this acupuncture point? It's our inner foot Pull the foot eye back It's our tendon side There is a depression between the two feet and tendons Press down on the finger in the recessed position Press vigorously Feeling soreness and bloating You can press it for a minute or two You can do it as many times a day This acupuncture point is also a commonly used kidney tonic acupoint To nephritis, cystitis Enuresis associated with the kidneys Can't bear to pee and so on All helped In fact, will there be a problem wearing leggings? Wear leggings for both men and women It will obviously limit the part of your lower body Of course, it will affect the flow of blood Other than that Because the fit will be baked That air also doesn't circulate Special ladies sweat easily This makes their lower bodies susceptible to infections Causes problems such as urethritis, vaginitis, etc May increase the risk of kidney disease Men are mildly affected But it's still all urgent The temperature of the scrotum against the body of a man is relatively high It can affect sperm growth and maturation It can affect fertility But for men and women It does not affect sexual issues It's just that there is a chance that women are prone to kidney disease And men can affect fertility Speaking of which I've heard a saying We often talk about kidney deficiency In the end, is there any kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine? I have looked up the texts of Chinese medicine There is no such thing as simple kidney deficiency How does kidney deficiency come about? Many people say kidney deficiency Call men losers Bring this issue closer to the question of sexuality Many times it is thought that some men are physically weak So the intercourse is not good But the other way around Some men have excessive intercourse Makes the body weak In short, these people look It seems to be a weak scholar As weak as a kitten Make fun of people In fact, in the understanding of Chinese medicine Kidney deficiency is just a common name for kidney deficiency Renal deficiency includes renal insufficiency and yin and yang imbalance of the kidneys This happens to both men and women Especially kidney sperm insufficiency It makes some people weak But it will not affect their sexual function So no one needs to worry too much Thank you Dr. Chui today Shared with us So many questions about kidney disease If you want to know more about kidneys We'll talk a little more in the next episode If you like this video of us Remember to subscribe to Health Code Share more with your friends See you in the next episode Bye If you like to share health information You can subscribe to Health Code Press the small bell See you next time
Channel: 健康嗎 Health Code
Views: 451,270
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Keywords: 健康, 養生, 中醫藥, 保健, 食療, 食譜, 中醫 診斷學, 疾病, 疾病分類, 運動, 針灸, 醫藥, 西醫, 中醫 西醫, 中醫師 健身, health, healthcode, healthcare, health tips, good health, mental health, men's health, women's health, 男士健康, 女士健康, healthy, 健康嗎, chinesemedicine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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