生果真相 | 飯後果會引致腸癌?! | 飯後果會引起炎症令你百病叢生, 如慢性自殺?! | 吃水果時間 | 營養師媽媽Priscilla (按cc打開/關掉英文字幕)

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Is the dessert fruit equal to slow suicide? Can dessert fruit cause bowel cancer? is this too exaggerated Today I want to share whether dessert fruit is really harmful and cause bowel cancer When is the best time to eat fruit I will share with you today do you have dessert fruit when do you eat fruit Welcome to leave a message to share if you like this video Please like and subscribe to the nutrition mama channel The channel will introduce healthy food and 0-3 nutrition hello friends I'm Nutrition Mama Priscilla Recently YouTube recommended a video to me It's about dessert fruit equal to slow suicide Discovery is a theory of Dr. Simon Chau Siu Cheung dessert fruit can cause bowel cancer I want to share with you today Being a YouTuber can't be behind closed doors Shooting a response video is a matter of fact, not of people Some remarks can cause misunderstandings about nutritionists so want to clarify But we all hope that things are wrong Share your thoughts on nutrition First of all, I respect Dr. Chau very much. because he is an environmentalist Environmental work deserves support And he will share different ways to eat vegetables and fruits I think it has some value But I don't agree with all his theories such as drinking urine and eating raw There is room for discussion If you are interested in learning about eating raw Welcome to leave a message Have the opportunity to share with you again I'm not going to share drinking urine Because I don't know what nutritional value to share This video mainly shares whether dessert fruit can cause bowel cancer And when is the best time to eat fruit The first point is, can dessert fruit cause bowel cancer? According to Dr. Chau's theory because you have eaten food Adding dessert fruit will cause intestinal blockage Intestinal blockage can cause fermentation Believe he meant cause food to rot Can cause inflammation and ulcers Ulcers cause bowel cancer Whether you believe in natural remedies or as i believe traditional medical training Everyone said the same gut Physiological structure is the same First share how the gut works After a person eats something, it reaches the stomach Stomach turns food into mush We call it Chyme will add gastric juice stomach acid very low pH used for sterilization After passing through the stomach, it goes to the duodenum This is where the focus is on digesting food Stomach begins to digest starchy food But the focus will start digestion in the duodenum Some physiological structures of the duodenum it has intestinal villi intestinal villi is a strip of finger-shaped substance due to intestinal villi The surface area will increase more than 20 times food in the small intestine Digestive enzymes are produced by the pancreas and liver will be digested in the intestine carbohydrate-digesting enzymes Fruits also have sucrase at the end protease There are different digestive enzymes or enzymes to do its job After digestion is complete, it reaches the tail of the small intestine for absorption Everyone sees the physiological structure of the intestinal tract bowels not as flat as roads no queue for food After digesting meat, digest fruit You won't be unable to digest fruit because you can't digest meat Because whether you eat fruit before or after a meal Digests into a semi-solid with all food in the stomach reach the small intestine In addition, due to the presence of many intestinal villi Due to the very large size Can digest different foods at the same time Meat and fruit are digested together It's true that some foods digest faster but not because of the traffic jam Intestinal blockage does not exist Intestinal blockage is a surgical disease in medicine Bowel is blocked for some reason this is a very serious situation and you will know Because you will have severe abdominal pain, vomiting So you don't know about bowel obstructions In fact, most people are not intestinal congestion but poor peristalsis So the intestinal blockage that Dr. Chau mentioned does not exist. Will the second food ferment and rot? Gastric acid secreted in the stomach Due to the very low pH used for sterilization Instead of reaching the intestinal tract to cause fermentation and spoilage cause other problems One of the risk factors for bowel cancer Eating too much red and processed meat Vegetables and fruits as a whole have a protective effect To prevent bowel cancer, the most important thing is to eat healthier I think the point is not not to eat the consequences Eat less red and processed meat This is more direct and practical Who is not suitable for eating consequences if you eat too much It is not recommended to eat the consequences Because you are too full, add another fruit Friends with gastroenteritis may cause flatulence Acid Reflux and Other Stomach Problems it's not because of the fruit but you eat too much These Symptoms Are From Eating Too Much Fruit, Not Fruit Instead, eat less It's no problem to add another fruit Sometimes it is good to add a fruit to the same meal For example, friends who need iron supplementation if you have iron deficiency anemia vegetarian or pregnant mother It is recommended to eat a vitamin C-rich fruit with the meal such as kiwi, orange and grapefruit Helps the body absorb more iron All in all, dessert fruit will not cause bowel cancer don't worry Is it better to eat fruit before meals? And eating before meals will help digestion because the fruit has digestive enzymes digestive enzymes in fruit but even if you don't eat fruit In fact, the body has a lot of digestive enzymes Can also do the work of digestion There is no data to show that eating fruit before meals is of great help to digestion But eating fruit before meals has a benefit If the fruit fiber pectin reaches the stomach, it will slowly swell help control food intake For friends who need to control weight will help So it is okay to eat fruit before meals Does the third fruit have to be eaten on an empty stomach? The theory is that fruit should be absorbed on an empty stomach Just mentioned that the body has digestive enzymes Digestion will not be affected by eating other foods with the same meal I remember eating fruit for breakfast was popular many years ago Many people eat only fruit they both lost weight mainly because they eat less grains Bread and other starchy foods are not eaten no meat The overall caloric intake will be less and you will lose weight Instead of eating fruit on an empty stomach to help absorb On the contrary, if you have high blood sugar In addition to eating fruit at the same meal If you can eat protein, fiber, fat food is good Can increase the time food stays in the stomach and intestines Helps reduce blood sugar spikes so it depends Fruits don’t have to be eaten on an empty stomach Does the last fruit have to be eaten in the morning Fruit is a low-calorie food A fruit fructose about 10-15 grams Equivalent to 1 tbsp rice not too much If you eat fruit in the morning if you eat too much for dinner Fruits are low in energy food for snacks It is recommended to eat during the day But it does not mean that eating at night will not digest just average the food For gut health, blood sugar control Satisfaction control is also beneficial But if you have three meals on weekdays, breakfast, lunch and dinner are also very average it makes no difference I hope that after watching this video Know that eating fruit is also elastic can eat anytime Most importantly, it depends on your diet share here today If you want to download a healthy menu Welcome to Explanation Link Download Thank you for watching goodbye
Channel: 營養師媽媽Priscilla
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Keywords: 營養師, 母乳餵哺顧問, 劉立儀, 營養師媽媽, 嬰兒營養, 懷孕營養, 母乳餵哺, ibclc, 營養師媽媽Priscilla, 香港youtuber, 廣東話Youtuber, 癌症, 腸癌, 飲食次序, 如何增加消化酶?, 消化酶 从哪里来?, 消化酶有什么特点?, 消化酶不足, 消化酶的功效, 消化酶食物, 消化酶是什么, 小腸絨毛再生, 小腸絨毛吸收不良, 大腸癌前兆, 什麼人容易得大腸癌?, 大腸癌會有什麼感覺?, 大腸癌預防, 什麼原因造成腸阻塞?, 腸阻塞怎麼治?, 如何判斷腸阻塞?, 腸阻塞會死嗎?, 胰臟什麼功能?, 胰臟會分泌什麼?, 肝臟是什麼功能?, 肝臟是什麼?, 預防大腸癌要多吃什麼?, 預防大腸癌水果, 吃什麼水果可以幫助消化?, 飯前可以吃奇異果嗎?, 生果幾時食?, 吃水果什麼時候吃最好?, 奇異果什麼時間吃最好?, 正確吃水果時間, 可以空腹吃的水果, 飯後吃水果致癌, 飯後可以馬上吃水果嗎?, 飯後吃水果血糖, 飯後吃生果, 飯後吃生果致癌, 生果 飯前 飯後, 食飯後果影響健康?, 飯後果壞處, 為什麼飯後不能馬上吃水果?, 水果應飯前還飯後吃?, 吃完飯後多久可以吃水果?, 飯後吃水果是錯誤的觀念應是飯前吃水果
Id: D0qx6ECsdqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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