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I practice breathing since the '80s It's a little different from the market What should I pay attention to when asking for an inhalation? It's a seventy percent inhalation Because in terms of clinical observation Suck it all at once Once the time is long, it is easy to get dizzy Air top, fast heartbeat, high blood pressure By soothing breathing We are able to thin the liver The mood is also a little calmer There are many such patients Just started taking medicine plus exercises Then there is no need to take medicine Practice is fine Save a little money Many urbanites have a stressful life Easy nervousness, anxiety, depression, etc But did you know that there is a simple breathing method? Can it help relieve the above emotions? Professor Zhang: I know you have a breathing method It has been practiced a long time ago to this day When exactly do you start practicing? I practice breathing since the '80s Practice has been a long time Yes, from the '80s to the present The theory of breathing method originated from the Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon That's to the effect that it is Ancient real people can Breathe Essence Independence Guard Muscles are one If you pay attention to these three aspects, you will live a long life Prof. Zhang: I would like to ask What is the effect of practicing this qigong? This works well The first is to enhance qi By breathing deeply There are often some measures on the clinical side For example, the blood oxygen saturation is only 91 to 92% Very low Especially after infection with the new crown Some people say it's not angry enough yes, not angry enough Some artists can't sing it He actually wants to practice this breathing technique Measure after practice The effect is obvious For example, from 91 to 92% Suddenly rose to 96 to 97% So after constant practice Increase blood oxygen saturation His cardiopulmonary function improved This is the first point The second is through relaxation People have also become more visible It used to be easy to get tired and unable to do things After practicing breathing Very smart, quick reaction Yes, react a little faster Master what others are saying Essence from a TCM perspective by soothing breathing We are able to thin the liver The mood is also a little calmer I have a patient female Her husband described her as having a bad temper Help me get in the mood She actually needs to practice After the exercise, her husband said Recently, it has improved a lot and has become gentle Therefore, practicing exercises helps to thin the liver The personality has also become peaceful There are many such patients Just started taking medicine plus exercises Then there is no need to take medicine Practice is fine Save a little money, right? That's right Without further ado, let's start with the tips of breathing Want to know what the basic posture looks like? When practicing, it is first required to pull the chest and back Let's start with pulling out the back and straightening the waist Don't nest your chest This will cause stagnation Back pulling is a slight chest up Chest relaxation is chest relaxation This is not required Some people misunderstand the chest I did it Actually, this is a nest chest Place your hands naturally on your thighs Feet and shoulder width Some people are too broad, some people are too narrow Should be shoulder-width apart Tiptoe forward The basic posture is just that How do you breathe? Deep This depth is exactly the seventy percent just mentioned Not too much, not too deep Breathing needs to be gentle Gentle means breathing without sound Sometimes inhale like this This is not soft enough Slow down, not too fast For example, inhale very quickly, which is gasping It's like running Be slow I'll do a demonstration Inhale first, inhale later Close your eyes as you exhale inhale exhale Close your eyes Good People who are just beginning to practice Sniffling and exhaling is fine If the practice is long You can breathe through the nose and mouth The mouth fits slightly like a line The process does not require much change No need to use such force Right There is also a key issue Be sure to remove distractions when practicing That is, a lot of ideas to remove Practice relaxed Like what distractions? Unhappy Or think while practicing What to buy later at the market? Buying fish? Or buying pigs? These distractions affect the effect I hear when there are distractions The breathing is also a little heavier Not so quiet The effect is also a little worse Is there an advanced version of the breathing method just now Some have an advanced version Cooperate with hand movements to help breathe It will feel boring to practice like this So when it comes to practice Not so stuffy At this time, the effect is a little better It's also about pulling out the chest and back to relax the body The hands have a trajectory of movement The trajectory is an elliptical motion ahead When hands up Inhale with the palm of your hand up Reach the height of the forehead retracted Then let go and exhale suck harvest call Usually, health qigong requires a combination of movement and static Just now this practice is quiet This is moving Combination of movement and static exercises The effect is even more ideal Usually I ask for morning, noon and evening Do it for 10 minutes at a time Don't practice when you're usually too hungry When the spirit is poor, it is delayed a little When the state is stable, you can practice More than 10 minutes of practice is enough It is equivalent to eating 3 times a day Replenish energy, practice breathing and lift qi Thank you Professor Zhang for sharing breathing techniques today If you like this video Remember to share with friends Subscribe Health If you have any questions, welcome to leave a message below See you in the next episode Bye bye
Channel: 健康嗎 Health Code
Views: 274,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 健康, 養生, 保健, health, healthcode, health tips, mental health, healthy, 健康嗎, chinesemedicine, 呼吸, 靜觀, 張群湘, breathe, qigong, 情緒病, 壓力, 疲倦
Id: _pIp1a9vfLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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