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Hello everyone, today I want to introduce the knowledge of lathe and turning tools. Today , I will introduce the tools used in lathe processing. Today, I will introduce several common tools for various types of processing. What is the processing method of the lathe and the processing machine ? If you don’t know it, you can go to the bottom of the video to explain. There is an introduction to lathes. You will know a little more about lathe processing. If you haven’t seen this kind of teaching, here is an animation for everyone to review . After watching the animation, you probably know about lathes. Machining is that the tool does not rotate, the workpiece rotates at high speed, and the turning tool moves to achieve the purpose of processing. How to know the lathe and its types of processing here ? Let 's continue to read . For learning, the turning tool will first have a shank and a cutting edge. Generally, the cutting ability of a turning tool is the cutting edge, and the cutting edge has some inclination angle requirements. Therefore, the traditional turning tool is flat after it is bought . Here are a few kinds of grinding angles. The front end of the blade must have a nose radius, and the front end will have a corner angle because when cutting is required, the cutting action , the front clearance angle, and the side clearance angle can be performed. Pay attention to the face of the knife It can actually be regarded as a complex bevel. It is not a single bevel but a complex bevel , so from all angles, you will find that from the extreme point of the knife, it is all inclined inward, like here, it is all inclined inward, so that you can see this in the car When the first turning, the cutting ability is better, and then the chip removal ability of iron chips is better. It seems that some parts of the turning tool will grind a groove in this turning tool , which is the chip groove . This way, the cutting will be smoother , but often this place When grinding grooves, although it has better chip removal , sometimes the cutting edge is prone to chipping , so I understand that when we are in the car, there is a certain limit to the amount of feed . Not good , there is a possibility that the blade will be broken , but if the blade of the turning tool is cracked or broken, it means that the turning tool has no turning ability. This is for everyone to understand, so sometimes the broken blade can be taken and ground , and the angle is Repair it. Sometimes the entire blade breaks down and falls off . This turning tool is basically unusable . Let me introduce it to you first. Next, I will introduce the outer diameter machining. Before the outer diameter machining, the first thing is to fix the workpiece, and then Come to fix the tool , so if you want to know more about this piece, you can go to the bottom of the video to explain. There will be a chapter on understanding the lathe chuck and how to deal with it after the jaw is dropped. There are also related chapters for learning . The most important thing is to fix the tool and some of its functions. If you are interested, you can explain it in the bottom. There are detailed explanations . Here, let's take a look at the workpieces that are generally fixed . After finishing, take a look. If you want to turn the outer diameter, you must use the outer diameter turning tool. The shape of the outer diameter turning tool will be roughly like this, and then it must be fixed. It is in the vertical direction, so you need to loosen the double-type tool seat screw to fix the tool. After fixing, remember that the position of the front end of the tool must be horizontal with the center of the workpiece, so that there will be no problems when turning it. It can do rotation, here is a signal to let everyone know that it can be done. When the turning tool moves forward and performs the feeding action, the corresponding turning tool will remove the front end workpiece for it, as indicated on the screen, look at it and replace it with another one . The deeper the angle is like this, the more the car will be, like this, of course, if sometimes the outer diameter needs to be smaller, usually it will be repaired in multiple tools, and it is unlikely to be finished at one time because sometimes In this way, the blade will be easily broken . Here is a signal for everyone to know. Have you noticed the nose radius mentioned earlier? The nose radius here is normal for turning tools , no matter how sharp they are sharpened, there must be a very small one. The radius exists. Pay special attention when turning here . Sometimes the turning tool may pass through the double tool holder. The double tool holder can rotate the angle to eliminate this problem, making the front end radius very, very small, or sometimes there is no way to overcome it . Machining or When assembling, it is very precise. This small radius may affect the assembly. Sometimes after assembly, this place will interfere, sometimes it will make an escape corner, or enter the car class here. Let everyone know it because this part is a little deeper, everyone . It’s enough to understand it. So what we need to understand is that once we are in the car class, no matter how sharp the turning tool is, there will be a small radius more or less. Let everyone know it first. The front clearance angle just introduced 、The edge clearance angle is mainly used here . When turning the workpiece, there will be some clearance angles in this place, so that the repair will be smoother and the chip removal will be smoother . Let everyone know about the outer diameter turning tool and outer diameter machining, etc. Corresponding relationship and action method , I will introduce the inner diameter machining. Pay attention to the inner diameter machining of the workpiece . If the workpiece is to be inner diameter machining , it must already have a hollow circular hole in it. If the hollow circular hole is not drilled first , there is no way to do it. For inner diameter machining, it should be noted that the size of this round hole must be larger than that of the inner diameter turning tool. If the hole is too small, the turning tool can not enter the inner diameter machining, so you will notice that the inner diameter machining tool is generally used. The front end must be smaller than the outer diameter turning tool, and even some are long and slender, so that it is easier to machine the inner hole, and then the fixed direction of the turning tool. When the outer diameter is just turned, it is perpendicular to the workpiece. If you want to turn the inner diameter The direction should be parallel to the workpiece. Just look at a schematic animation like this on the screen, and you will know more clearly . Just move the turning tool forward like this. The more you go forward, the inner hole will be processed in the front. Here we use translucent. You will know better. Like this, before you come in, the round hole is relatively small, but after the car repair, the round hole will gradually get bigger and bigger. This is the so-called inner diameter machining. Sometimes inner diameter machining may not be one . run through Yes , it may be like this. The car goes in one class. The most commonly used bearing here is the bearing. Sometimes this processing method is used when assembling the bearing, or your workpiece is relatively short, but you just need to make the inner diameter hole bigger . This is also a method. The same principle as the outer diameter turning tool should be paid attention to when doing this. The center should be parallel to the workpiece, so that there will be no problem in turning. Then the amount of feed should not be too much. It is impossible that the hole is very small. It turns to the maximum. Usually the first one cannot turn it, and then the turning tool may collapse directly, so generally from small to large, the car may be divided into 3~4 tools slowly , a little bit at a time. Big, the final car reaches the desired size. Here, let everyone refer to it and get to know it. The next thing to introduce is the car groove . Here is the outer diameter car groove . Of course, there will also be an inner diameter car groove . The principle is the same and it will be similar. Inner diameter turning tool + cutting knife, so when turning the groove, the cutting knife will be used to let you watch the animation directly , so that you will be more direct, just move the cutting knife forward directly, and the workpiece will be turned directly out of the groove, and the groove will be completed. Where is it usually used? For example, if the mandrel is to use a C-type buckle, this type of car ditch will be used. Generally, the size is first positioned , depending on the size of the car, how much the car needs to go in, and the car should be deeper or shallower. Sometimes, the workpiece is directly cut off. This end may only be used for clamping. The final workpiece is this part, and the workpiece can be cut directly like this. Here , let’s take a look . After all the workpieces are dropped, the workpiece will fall off. You can pick it up and use it for other purposes like this, so if you can dig a hole in your workpiece when you cut it like a car, I will suggest you to dig a hole as much as possible, so that it will be smoother when cutting. It doesn’t matter if it is solid. You can also use a cutting knife to drive it directly to the center , and it will fall off. It is just that the cutting action should be very small. Generally, the more you go to the center of the workpiece, the greater the resistance. Sometimes , if the speed of the front end here is getting faster and faster. In the end, the front end of the blade will collapse, and I will recommend you to the general speed . The more you go to the center, the slower the speed is . It is recommended that you, of course, enter the knife as slowly as possible, so that the blade will not collapse. If you hit it too quickly at the beginning, the blade here may collapse directly, and the cutting knife may not be able to be used. Let everyone know it first. Let me know about it. The next thing to introduce is threading. Threading is one of the classics in lathe processing. The tool seen here is a bit similar to the chamfering tool. The front end is angled. Here, a 60-degree thread is used as a demonstration. Therefore, seeing the front end is the same as the outer diameter turning tool, including front clearance angle, side clearance angle, etc. The difference is that the front end of the turning tool presents a triangular 60-degree shape, and the same nose radius exists . So what should I do when making the outer diameter of the turning tool? Generally, you can use the hand here to make the outer diameter, inner diameter, etc. of the car. The wheel adjusts and moves to feed, but if you are threading, it is difficult to do precise control by hand, so generally you will adjust the automatic feeding method . Before the feed and retract, the speed must be fixed for it to pass , so the workpiece rotates. Follow-up to give the speed is related, so that the correct thread can be produced. Here the thread repairing directly shows the animation to everyone, it will be clearer. When the knife gets closer, the thread will be slowly turned out . I want to let you know about it . Pause at the interrupted place and let everyone have a look. Like this, once you come over, you will slowly pull this place out. Then you will completely pull out the thread at the retracting place. It's the same meaning here , and the threading will also be divided. Several sections are slowly turned inwards, one at a time. Usually, threading is done here. Usually , it is because the size of the thread is a bit larger. It may be 50 or 40, 50, 70, 100, etc. This relatively large thread can be used by car. The method is easier to process. For example, you can use Maruma for general outer diameter. This tool can also do external thread processing . If you are interested here, you can go to the bottom of the video to explain. There are detailed chapters there for reference, or if you are curious, you can usually watch it. Is it possible to use a lathe for turning the obtained screws ? Actually, it is also possible, but because the screws are sometimes small and the screw production capacity is very large, if they are processed by a lathe, it is very incompatible with the cost. Generally, the screw hardware seen is usually not I will use this kind of car for processing. Generally , I will use the tooth rolling machine to automatically roll the teeth , so a very large number of screws can be produced in one minute. If you are interested here , you can find information on the Internet or have the opportunity to introduce you to know how the screws are made in the future. The thread part, let you know here . Today, we use the lathe method to turn the external thread out , and the internal thread is the same. Here, let everyone know the most important thing . When turning the external thread, you should pay attention to the place where the tool is retracted. Usually, the lathe class goes in. This is to make the tool retract. At this time, it will not hit the knife because the thread is here. If the class is in this place, it is not so easy to retract the tool when the car reaches the end. Generally, the car will be smaller in this place. Use the cutting knife just now to make the class car smaller in this place. Advance and retreat like this. The tool will be smoother. Let everyone understand it here . Finally, let’s summarize the knowledge of lathe turning tools. I just introduced the outer diameter turning tool, the inner diameter turning tool, the cutting tool , and the similar bevel tool or threading tool used for threading. Here, let everyone understand that these kinds of indications are all manual grinding. These slopes are complex slopes , so that the resistance can be relatively small when the car is turned, or the chips can be removed smoothly, etc. The cutting ability is relatively good. It has evolved from here to now. In fact, there are some replacement turning tools , that is, buy a combined type. The front edge can be replaced without needing to grind it by hand. It is very convenient to just loosen the screw and put the blade in the handle , and it is very convenient now. Lathes will see that they all use this kind of replacement blade. Others are similar, such as the inner diameter, cutting, and chamfering. They will also have the same type. Here , let everyone know that the most important thing in lathes is our safety. For example, as mentioned in the introductory article , when machining with a lathe, you must never wear gloves, nor long-sleeves or a tie. This is very dangerous because the lathe chuck will rotate at a high speed, but something is rolled. When entering, there are often very dangerous and even very serious injuries. Therefore , when using the lathe , the most important thing is safety. Safety is the first . Don't worry, the most important thing is that we must put safety first, and we must pay attention to the safety rules. Today 's teaching is over here. We are looking forward to the next teaching. Bye~ Bye~
Channel: FR Tools Man DIY
Views: 15,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 車床, 銑床, 工具機, 三爪夾頭, 複式刀座, 外徑車刀, 內徑車刀, 車床加工機, 刀具加工, 車床加工, 加工機, lathe, 車刀, 機械零件, 機構設計, 機械, 機械設計, 機構設計教學
Id: vNozJrwYmPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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