機械 | 製造 | 加工 螺絲製作過程-剖析機械牙及自攻牙螺絲製作方法及相關加工製程介紹[中英字幕]

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Hello everyone, today I will introduce the manufacture of screws. How are screws manufactured ? Do you know? Or tools such as Maruka , tap it out manually or use a tapping machine to make it out. In fact, the manufacturing process of screws is somewhat different . Of course, we use the lathe or tapping machine just mentioned. Wait, these tools can also make screws , but their efficiency is not so good. How screws are made, and the analysis steps let everyone know . How do we know and understand here? Let’s continue to look at it. First, we need to prepare the screws. Materials There are generally two types of materials . The first is round bars. Round bars are generally used for relatively large screws . Here, I will explain to you later when it is mentioned later. The second is our more common method , which is a A material of iron wire coils. The wire diameter of the material of iron wire coils may be large or small . Of course, some of its materials may be high-carbon steel, low-carbon steel, and medium-carbon steel. Generally, we will call this iron wire coil. The material is called a disc unit , so if we hear a disc unit, it refers to a material of this screw . Of course, some hardware parts also use this type of disc unit. Generally , after the disc unit is bought, it will undergo some treatment. We may need to pickle it . Remove some oxide scales on the surface , and then we need to do some heat treatment, such as spheroidizing annealing heat treatment , first make a change to this material, and finally do the wire stretching action, and re-extend the wire through what we are going to do , screw it How much wire diameter is required, and how many related parameters need to be adjusted? This aspect belongs to some specialties of screw manufacturing. Let me mention some main processes here . It may do some pickling , descaling and then Spheroidizing annealing, and finally stretching, and then the next step of the screw manufacturing process. Next, the screw needs to be headed or tail clamped . There are two types of this part, one is cold striking and the other is hot Forging means cold forging and hot forging . Generally, the screws that we commonly see are mostly cold forged . Which part is relatively large ? The shape of the large screw is punched out first . This part is large and more often used for hot forging. Here we are talking about cold forging. The coil has been stretched just after cold forging, so the material of the coil is directly threaded into the heading machine. When making screws, of course the heading machine will have molds on the front end . Several dies and punches are required for the screw manufacturing process. How to do it is shown on the screen. Suppose it is four actions. Do a four dies and four punches to make four. Shape Its speed is very fast, so fast that it is impossible to see clearly with the naked eye, so if we look at it from this place, we will find that the manufacturing process of the screw is very, very fast , 1 minute may be many , many, of course it depends on the type . How to adjust the head machine or the machine for making screws ? Of course, this does not necessarily depend on the size and shape of the screw . It depends on its production capacity. The most important thing is to wait a while after the head is made . We will do this step. You will see that the screws are slowly formed and punched out. This part of the thread has not been done yet, and there is another process . After the head is finished, some screws are like drilled screws. The tail of the tail will be similar to a drill bit , so you need to clamp the tail out to clamp it out. After clamping out the shape, there will usually be some leftover material at this place , because after the tail clamping action, wait here and then make some teeth in the next process. I will dispose of it together. Here , let everyone know what is the main process of head and tail. Next, I will introduce the process of sandblasting . Commonly used small screws are not very good at sandblasting. Why is it introduced, because sometimes we use large screws and we use hot forging when we make them . Hot forging is not a precision manufacturing, so we will find that the surface of hot forged screws is actually relatively rough , or even not. Aesthetically , how do we do this part ? We can use sandblasting. Sandblasting literally means that it has some grit to hit or roll against the material . The surface that produced it has been changed . The most important thing is to remove it. Some of the surface may be unnecessary impurities , or to make the surface smoother (mistake: foggy surface) or more beautiful, so there are several types of sandblasting. Generally, what we often see may be rotary There are also rolling types, depending on the equipment of the sandblasting factory , so there are actually different types of grit. For example, whether the sandblasting object is made of stainless steel or ordinary iron , the sand used will be different. This part belongs to The sandblasting factory is professional. Just a little understanding here. So if we go to the sandblasting factory, we must pay special attention because it is related to gravel, so the ground will be slippery. This part should pay special attention to this part . Next, we will introduce the highlight of the screw manufacturing process here . It is called tooth rolling, and it can also be called tooth rubbing. The Taiwanese language "Lun Yan" and so on, all refer to the same step. What does this tooth rolling action do? It is to get out the most important thread of the screw . Someone here may I’m curious, what if it’s a self -tapping thread? The principle is the same. The self -tapping thread is a different mold for the tooth version . Here , I can show you about it. Generally, the thread of our screw is a slope after the thread is unfolded, so it will be When you see this part, the mold will do like this , so you can generally see that the front part of some machines of the screw can be replaced. Here, the rolling action will be done in an automated way . So in fact, if we see the screw doing the rolling The speed of threading is also very, very fast , so fast that the naked eye may not be able to see it clearly , the screw is already done , it will be smoother if you add lubricating oil. Of course, there will be a lot of iron filings in the process, so let everyone understand it. There is another kind, which is a large one. If the screws are large, we may use a car to repair them. Of course, some of the rolling parts are rolled , and some large screws use this method. Here is a small animation . The meaning of rolling teeth is similar to this. Zi, rubbing teeth and rolling teeth refers to the same process , so we can think of it . This action is like playing bamboo dragonflies when we were young . This action is a rubbing action. After the action is completed, the screw teeth of the screw are made . So every action Just make a screw thread , so the speed is very, very fast . Let everyone know about this part. After the thread rolling part is finished , some screws will undergo heat treatment because it is like a drill screw or Screws of some structures have strength requirements. When the strength is required, the hardness of the screw itself must be increased . At this time, we will use heat treatment . It is often heard that it may be a process such as carburizing heat treatment. Screws have different strengths. Like 8.8 or 6.8, 5.8 , 10.8, 12.9 or even higher, etc. This part belongs to the grade that the screw distinguishes. Tensile strength grade This part is enough for everyone to understand. The main purpose is that the screw part has strength. Requirements Therefore, after this process is completed, the next step will be done later. After the screw is finished and the tooth part has been heat-treated, the next step is to do some related tests. Generally , the tests we need to do are nothing more than For example, the drilling screw needs to be directly tested for tapping , so the material for tapping may be wood or iron plate . Some screws have strength requirements, so hardness testing is required. Hardness testing is to use a hardness tester to measure where the hardness value is, and some screws will be cut open under a microscope or projected. Let’s take a look at what we have done . Whether the screw comes out is correct , whether it is the correct specification , and the drill screw will also do this action, and will measure its point to see if it is what we want. The angle of the drill screw is very important, it is related to the tapping Efficiency or its related parameters is the most important thing to do this part of the test. Generally, the screw factory will get these data and make some references for process adjustments, so that everyone can understand it. Next, the screws need to be surface treated , and there are quite a lot of surface treatments. Generally , we may have heard of black dyeing treatment , electroplating treatment, and electroplating, there are different points. You need electroplating, electrochrome plating , or galvanized , chrome-plated, etc. or electro-colored . There are various methods. Sometimes we may because we need to cooperate. Depending on the product, we will make different electroplating layers and different colors, and some even say that some wood screws and wood screws will be treated with baking paint to make different colors because it needs to match furniture, and some colors may be limited. There is no way to make it so beautiful by the way of electroplating. Of course, this part is other specialties. So we have to imagine what the biggest purpose of surface treatment is . The first is definitely anti-rust , because if there is no screw for this action It will be oxidized and rusted , unless it is made of stainless steel , and stainless steel is generally divided into 303 and 304, which have better anti-rust ability . If it starts with 4, 440, 420, etc., the anti-rust ability is not so good , and it may still rust, so generally After the surface treatment of our screws , of course there may still be concerns about rusting, but it will slow down the process of rusting in the environment, so this surface treatment is done to match our products to make our surface more beautiful. Mainly , this is the intention. The next step is to do the packaging . When packaging, the most common thing to see may be to count the number of screws by weight , because this way the speed will be faster, and there will never be one screw. Counting one by one , sometimes we have a whole package of 100 or 200. If it is too slow to count one by one by hand, we can use automation through machines or use manual but use the weight method because sometimes use It is possible to pack in small batches, or even sell 10 pieces or 20 pieces, so it will be faster to use the weight method . Here, you will see a whole package of screws. After packaging, it may be shipped domestically by carton truck or It uses a whole container for overseas shipments to make the goods, so we will see in this part . Generally, if the screws are larger, let’s say they are M6, M8, M10 or more. If a whole box of screws is packaged, we will find The whole weight is very heavy , so if you look carefully, you will find that the screws , especially the screws from the screw factory , are specially reinforced on the packaging. You will see that the screws are in the packaging box, and the strength is very good. You can try Pick it up and do a flattening action, even if people step on it, it is not easy to be flattened. Therefore, there are some small details on the packaging of this part of the screw, and some improvements have been made . Finally, the process of screw manufacturing is summarized. After explaining the entire screw-coherent manufacturing process, do you have a clearer understanding of how the screw is made ? Well, when you look at the screws , you will find that the production process is very fast and they are produced in large quantities. Generally , the screws are more common in the market. They are actually similar to those types because these are large quantities, so the common types are generally All screw factories can make it. In fact, if you have a deep understanding, you will find that there are many, many types of screws, maybe more than we imagined. Why , because in fact, screws are used in many special occasions. Unseen , similar torsion screws , or some wood screws, more special wood screws , especially wood screws There are also many evolutions , or self-tapping teeth, which are not often seen on the market , but are widely used all over the world, so what we see or show today are all small parts of screws There are so many types of screws , so many that it is impossible to imagine . Let everyone understand a little bit. Today’s teaching ends here. Let ’s look forward to the next teaching, Bye~ Bye~
Channel: FR Tools Man DIY
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Keywords: 螺絲, 盤元, 熱鍛造, 冷鍛造, 鍛造, 車床, 車床加工, 熱處理, 滲碳熱處理, 調質熱處理, 高週波熱處理, 電鍍, 表面處理, 電解, 水洗, 酸洗, 硬度計, 投影, 機械零件, 機構設計, 機械, 機械設計, 機構設計教學, 螺絲分類, 螺絲分辨, 螺絲種類, 螺紋牙規, 螺絲規格, 螺牙分辨, 牙規尺規, 塞規環規, 螺絲工具, 螺絲剋星, 螺絲達人, 長度量測, 接頭分類, 規格分辨, 六角螺絲, 傘頭螺絲, 圓頭螺絲, 承窩螺絲, 皿頭螺絲, 止付螺絲, 等高螺絲, 法蘭螺絲, 平頭螺絲, 丸頭螺絲, 腳墊外牙, 腳輪外牙, 吊環外牙, 壁虎外牙, 螺紋扣件, 六角螺帽, 四角螺帽, 法蘭螺帽, 尼龍螺帽, 異形螺帽, 長形螺帽, 焊接螺帽, 蓋頭螺帽, 壓花螺帽, 五金拉帽, 鉚合螺帽, 薄型螺帽, 軸心內牙, 吊帽內牙, 壁虎內牙
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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