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Hello everyone, today I'm going to introduce the knowledge of milling machine tools. I'm here to ask you guys if you know what a milling machine is. If you still don't know about a milling machine, you can go to the instructions at the bottom of the video. There will be some relevant learning units. You can do some understanding . If you don’t know about milling machine processing or what kind of processing machine is a milling machine, let’s watch an animation review first. After watching the animation, you probably know that a milling machine is a tool that rotates and the workpiece does not rotate , so it is the opposite of a lathe, so yes Use rotating tools to process workpieces . How do we understand the processing methods such as milling cutters, milling machines and tools? Let's continue to read. First, let's understand what tools will be used by milling machines. Here, we will use milling machines in tool clamping. The three-jaw chuck above is generally a long-shank type of tool, so you can use a three-jaw chuck to hold it , but some milling cutters or end mills have a larger shank outer diameter when the three- jaw chuck cannot hold it. This part will be applied to the spring collet. This part is relatively in-depth, and it is enough to know it. In the spring collet part, the hole diameter is large or small, so you can choose a suitable outer diameter spring collet to hold it. Here comes first. Learn about the simple type, such as drilling on a milling machine. Drilling is nothing more than the use of a drill bit. Sometimes it is necessary to drill more accurately. A center drill is used, and the hole diameter may need to be more precise. A reamer is used. Sometimes even if you need to make some countersunk holes, you will use a countersunk knife and so on. If you want to know more about this part, you can go to the chapter on the types of drill bits. There will be some detailed explanations here . This is about the drilling part, which will be used later. The first one is the face mill. The face mill is used for large area milling and the end mill . The end mill is used for groove or side milling, or like a dovetail, to do some special Aperture After I know the tools here , I will introduce how these tools work with machining. Let’s get to know them first. First , let’s introduce the center drilling method. Before that, let’s explain the basic concepts of milling machines. There is a vice, let us do the workpiece clamping . When clamping, there are usually parallel blocks. The purpose of the parallel blocks is to raise the workpiece. Sometimes we need to do machining on this surface, or let this place wait for a while before drilling. It will be easier when it is used, or it can be used in other processing . Therefore, the parallel block is high or low , so choose the appropriate one for clamping. After clamping, there are usually three axes. When drilling , the Z axis is used , so the other two axes will be fixed and fixed . After that, let's start the drilling action . Let 's take a look . After the center drill is clamped on the three-jaw chuck, the round hole next to it is generally locked with a hook wrench. After locking , the drilling action is directly drilled . Usually , the main shaft will rotate. Here is a signal to let everyone know . Let’s take a look. When drilling down, because the size of the front end is relatively small, the accuracy of this side will be better when drilling. After drilling down, you will see that a hole has been drilled in this place. Use translucent to make it clearer. Drill out such a shape like this . The further down you go, the shape will become larger and larger. When the hole comes out , there is a lead angle, which will get bigger and bigger. Like here, it will get bigger and bigger. So I know from here that when drilling with a drill, it usually gradually increases from small to large. It is unlikely that it will be used very large at the beginning. Generally speaking, it is difficult to drill the drill bit that does not pass through, so it may be possible to use the center drilling method to first drill a hole, then change a larger drill bit, and then drill it . Let everyone understand it first. What I'm going to introduce is the drilling method. Here I'm going to introduce the countersunk head drill. Before the countersunk head drill, take a look at the tool. It has two sizes , so it is used for socket screws . This kind of tool is often used. Go to the screw hole knowledge article, there will be a more detailed explanation, which will be placed at the bottom of the video. Here , let's first understand. When we want to use this type of countersunk drill, we will actually drill a hole in the workpiece in advance. This part is generally The use of screws is usually through. Why do you need a hole at this time? Because the hole diameter at the front end of the guide may not be so small. If a hole is not drilled in advance, it is generally not easy to drill down, and the tool may collapse. Therefore, there will be a guide to drill a hole in advance . Here , it will be clearer for you to use translucent. You can directly rotate it to do the drilling action. Here, I will show you. It will slowly come in at the front end , and after entering the long handle, it will start to be Drill a hole of this shape, drill halfway here for everyone to see, it will be similar to this , and the hole diameter will be deeper as you go down. Like this, you will drill the countersunk hole, so the socket screw When it is locked, the head will sink, and the surface will be flat. Of course, you can go down according to the size you want. It depends on how deep we need to be. Remember that we will not be too deep . Generally, the amount of feed of the tool is limited . The knife is too deep, but there is no way to do it. It may be that the concentricity is not good or the tool is not long enough. Here we can pay attention to it. The main purpose of the countersunk drill is here. Remember that the workpiece needs to leave a hole for use . It is face milling. Face milling will use face milling cutters , so face milling is generally the use of large-area milling. Assuming that the workpiece needs to be milled off a large plane, face milling will be used. Just watch the animation here , you will know better when the tool When rotating, there will be a feed action here , and you will have a look at the half of the feed, so we will find that there will be an arc in the feed place. This is what you need to know. When the milling machine is processing, it is like an end mill or a face. This happens to all milling cutters , and there will be a rounded corner. Continue to mill here for you to see. The further you go inside, these arcs will exist . It will not disappear until we finish milling the entire surface. About to go out, assuming this is all milled out The arc here is gone. If I milled halfway , the arc still exists. I want you to understand that there must be an arc when milling. Generally, face milling is a large area. There is no such problem in milling, but in the process of milling, you will see the existence of arcs. This is mainly to make it clear to you. The general face milling method is like this, and then I will introduce the end milling process. The general end milling process End mills will be used. Most of them are commonly seen when milling grooves or milling keyways . At this time, the spindle must be fixed at the place where the spindle is raised and lowered so that the end mill will not run away , including the face milling described above. The reason is that after fixing it, you need to move it to a position. This axis also needs to be fixed . After moving to a certain position with the handwheel, fix it. Therefore, you will find that one of the three axes must be movable when the milling machine is machining . The other two axes are fixed. Basically , this is the principle so that you need to do end milling, the same tool will rotate, remember that the direction of rotation must be correct, because the milling machine tools are fixed in one direction and have cutting ability. If the spindle rotates in the wrong direction, the milling tool may collapse directly. Assuming that there will be an arc after the tool enters, this is unavoidable in a milling machine. Assuming that this place is to mill the keyway, you may only be halfway there. Assuming that there will be an arc at the front end after milling, so when matching If you are interested in the keyway , you can go to the chapter on key and keyway knowledge. There will be more detailed instructions here, so what you need to know is that sometimes it is processed on a milling machine. It just has no way to avoid this arc, so pay attention when designing this place. If this place is drawn at a right angle, there is no way to do it with a milling machine . Assuming that it has no effect on the design, why not replace it with a rounded corner , which will make processing easier, or If the entire groove is to be milled out, it may become a groove , and it may be used for other purposes . It is also possible to mill a groove like this. Here, let everyone understand it. Next , we will introduce the processing of dovetail grooves. Dovetail grooves are One of the very classic machining, where do we see the dovetail groove, like a lathe , in the compound tool holder, we will see the dovetail groove , we just need to use a dovetail cutter for processing , which is very similar to the end mill introduced just now. When the tool rotates, it directly feeds the tool. When the tool comes in, it will directly mill out this shape, a dovetail shape. Here it is made translucent to let you know , so it also has an arc at the front end. Generally, dovetails are made through through, so there is no such problem. It is to be milled from the beginning to the end. Like this, slowly mill it out . There is a groove in it. After milling directly, the arc disappears and you get This dovetail shape can be used here with some collocations and applications . Here, let everyone understand the use of the dovetail knife and the occasions where the dovetail will be used. Next What I want to introduce is that T-slot processing T-slot processing is to use T-shaped cutters where T-slots will be used. In fact , many processing machines will see T-slots, such as milling machines. T-slots are generally used. When the workpiece is to be fixed, some special nuts may be placed inside to do some fixing, and even some are used for simple jigs or special jigs, so T-slots are widely used. Let me directly introduce the place where the general T-shaped cutter has cutting ability, that is, the tool in this part of the T, so the straight end of the T-shaped groove has no cutting ability . When the groove comes out, remember that the groove must be larger than the shank of the tool, so that this place will not interfere with the problem during processing, so let’s do the animation directly . After we feed, the T-shaped knife will be made. At the bottom of the T-slot, when you see that the T-slot is in the processing place , it is only the bottom. The above place is pre-milled with an end mill, so the T-slot is made by using two tools and two processes to make it the same. Take a look, there will be arcs at the front end , that is, when the tool is fed, before all the milling is done, there will definitely be arcs. Like this, we will slowly feed the tool and watch the animation. Like this, after we have all passed through, this The T-slot will be processed like this. Here, let everyone understand how the T-slot is used and where the T-slot is processed. Remember to use an end mill to mill out this shape in this place . Finally, let’s summarize The knowledge of milling machine tools is introduced here to understand the processing angle, milling cutters or tools and what occasions are used for processing. In fact , there are quite a few advanced parts that have not been introduced. For example , the drill part needs to control the speed, the smaller The higher the speed of the drill bit, the slower the relative speed of the larger drill bit, so let everyone understand this part , and sometimes when using the feed , there will be a certain limit, such as how much the end mill feed should be. If the feed is too much, the vibration will be too large , the milling ability may be bad , or the milling cutter will be broken , and face milling, etc. , there will be some feed limit , which we need to pay attention to and when we use the milling machine In fact, it is similar to a lathe. Pay attention to the safety rules . First, don't wear long sleeves, then don't wear gloves and don't wear collars. These three are quite dangerous because the same spindle will rotate at high speed, although its speed is not as scary as a lathe. Fast, the chuck is not as big as a lathe, and the relative risk is slightly lower, but the same safety part should be paid attention to because its spindle will always be circulating . This is the end of today's teaching. Let 's look forward to the next teaching . Bye~ Bye~
Channel: FR Tools Man DIY
Views: 7,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 車床, 銑床, 工具機, 三爪夾頭, 彈簧夾頭, 面銑刀, 端銑刀, 絞刀, T槽刀, 鳩尾刀, 銑床加工機, 刀具加工, 銑床加工, 加工機, milling, 銑刀, 機械零件, 機構設計, 機械, 機械設計, 機構設計教學
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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