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Hello, I am Li Mingzhong. I come from this household in Malacca. Some people still keep it very well. The one on top of the clothes drying rack and the one on the bottom are my mother's used to dry clothes . They still keep them. The boss wants to take them away . Haircut boss, do you have hair? It’s delicious. I want to dance. I want to dance big wave . Let’s try another lard queen and let ’s go. Good morning. Le Jixiang. In the past, I was looking for my best friend to come with me to Malacca. But what I’m looking for today is He 's a local snake , but why did he show up ? Because I don't know him very well. I hope to have a nice day with him today. I 'll introduce you to a good way. OK , wait for him to get off. Sister Jing, it's me. Mingzhong, hey , get on the bus . Okay, you drive yourself, right. This is my hometown. I just drove back and he didn’t get out of the car . That’s just a role. Get in the car. Really ? I’m very cordial , okay? I’m very cordial, very cordial. I got in the car directly. Oh my God , I got in the car directly. My husband. He kept telling me not to get in a man's car. Come , but if I don't get in the car, I may never have a chance in this life. I'm here , thank you , no welcome to Malacca. The road we walk in is really different. We are all walking differently . This is us. People in Malacca go all the way. Brother, where are you going to take me ? I’ll take you to a place where you grow up. We can’t open a house because my husband said to be careful . It’s not a house. It’s a house. If you go in and see the house, it’s a house . Is it okay ? With the owner's permission, there are other people living there. Yes , and I just said that you didn't notice that what I just said was a bit grammatical. Why don't you open that place ? That was when I was a child . Our whole family lived together with my grandparents and my uncle. Where I live, I have an elder sister, an eldest sister , then Mingshun , and then a second brother. There are so many children in your family, four of them, so you are the youngest and I am the youngest. How old will you be when you live here? I will live until about twelve . When I was 13 years old , I moved wherever I moved, further down the mountain, and then moved to a nearby place . We used to move around a lot when we were young , because my grandfather’s business was doing very well, so we moved here. Then when my grandfather retired, my dad took over his business. It collapsed because of improper management or something was not done well . I'm sorry . Then it collapsed. So this is a big house. This is a big house. Then we moved to a small house . We moved to a small house . So my sister had to go out to work early . It was very early in our childhood. I started working when I was 13 years old. My God, I was studying and working. I rushed to work after class. I did some rough work . I was a worker. So my brother was a worker, so he acted very vividly for him. The acting is very impressive. This side is a mansion. This is a mansion. This area is a small community where I would ride a bicycle and run around when I was a child . Then this garden with swings is where we played when we were children. We have reached this left This is a large house with a good parking lot . Let's park the car first. Someone in this house has not replaced the floor tiles, so he is also very loyal to your original home. It has been here for several years. This should have this. It must be thirty years old. The one on top of the clothes drying rack and the one on the bottom are those my mother used to dry clothes. They still have them. They want to take them away. I’m telling you that it’s very important to keep them as a souvenir. We can press Is there an electric bell ? There seems to be no electric bell. What’s wrong with the lack of electric bells in Malacca ? Old houses in old houses generally don’t have electric bells. We all knock on the door like this, and auntie will shout, auntie, yes, and someone will open the door. I really hope there is someone inside . Sorry, is there anyone? I 'm not sure , Sister Jing. Actually, where you are standing now, I have a memory. It happened to rain heavily that day , and the water in the ditch was full. Then my brother was chatting with his friends, and I accidentally fell down while playing here . I was so young when I fell into the ditch. The ditch was quite big. Then he pulled me up with one hand and rescued me whole. I drowned my head. It was very touching. Let’s relive it. How about playing here ? I accidentally fell down, so why did I pull it so far? Then my brother immediately reached down and pulled me up. Pull you up so that he can really go in . He can really go in . Come and see , this is a big ditch. It's a big ditch. This big ditch was really big at that age . It wasn't small at that time. It wasn't like this at that time. It didn't have concrete at that time. It was just cement. When I was young, it looked like this. It's black, it's mud, it will wash away, it will wash away , so you said it will wash away when it floods. We are all fishing here. Our front piece of land, this house, used to be an open space. I, Mingshun, my brother, my mother, my second brother's family , Everyone is here to pack fire charcoal. What are you doing ? My aunt and uncle are selling fire charcoal. He is wholesaler of fire charcoal. Then later he wanted to wholesale some small groceries , so he changed the charcoal from big bags to small bags and sold them one by one. He left the charcoal here and our family was basking in the sun. Bian Bao Fotan , has he answered? I think I heard someone talking. Let me see if he is there. Sorry, I will tell the owner. Thank you. Why is he so nice? We are all in contact with neighbors and exchange contact information with each other . I don’t know my neighbor. I’m sorry. This is a small place. Everyone is very welcoming and welcomes me to come in . Can you walk slowly first ? Can I open the door for you ? OK, I’ll open the door for you. This one, please . Wait a minute . This is my lady. I want it. Bring it in, your lady, and I will help you pick which side you want to put it on. This neighbor called the current owner of this house, an aunt, who had a little hearing loss. As soon as she came back, she started to give instructions to Li Mingzhong and started to help him move it. He said this is a flower pot . Miss can't bask in the sun, so he started to do it. Oh my God, what's going on ? Hello , this iron door is still the same , so it turns out that there is this iron door. They are all the same , and the feeling of pushing is the same. It's still the same. Does that aunt know that this is your home? She knows your previous home . He knows that you know this is his previous home. This long one is right. Do you want to give it to him? Are you willing to give it to him? Yes . But the question is how to take it away like this? The place where I grew up has not changed the decoration in particular . I feel very grateful to the aunt and her husband who have kept it very well. Eight people live in this place. There are many people. There are several floors, two floors and two floors. There are many memories. Many memories. Why is Auntie so so? Well , let us come in and take pictures. We used to have a fixed time when my brother and I were watching cartoons. Then we would lie here with the fan blowing on, right here , and then the TV would be there , and we would just lie down and watch TV. Now I am a sister gang. I'll beat my back and help me pinch my feet. Come on, pinch your feet. Is it okay? Sister, is that okay ? Get some water. You can have whatever water you want. It'll be fine soon. I think it's nice to have a younger brother. Sister, I'm with you. How many years apart are they? The age difference between sisters must be seven years. This is the dining room, right? The tables are still the same. Can I take a peek in the kitchen? Let’s look at the stove. We call it the stove. It hasn’t changed. The fan is still there and the floor tiles. My mother always makes pastries here . We make pastries here. On special occasions, my mother will make her own bags to dry clothes and make pastries. She is really good at catching people and asking them to do things. Let me tell you, we originally wanted to say that we wanted to say that he was far away, so forget it. When he comes back next time, he said, "Come and pick me up." Then we actually went to pick him up. Can we go up? Let 's go up and have a look. In the past, the stairs felt very big. Now , when I was a child, I felt that the stairs were very big . Right. There is also a small skylight , which is really big . My mother used to sleep in this room, my parents slept in this room , and this is a big room for my uncle . Is it connected to the bathroom ? There are also bathrooms connected to each other, so they are all small suites, which should be next door. The bathrooms on both sides are locked. The ceilings of the bathrooms on both sides are also very good . It is rare to see a room without a fan. It is usually like this. I used to use a small fan. I even have a fan in my clothes. Grandpa and grandma sleep here. Grandpa and grandma sleep here . I sleep there. I was thinking about where their four brothers and sisters lived. Grandpa and grandma slept in this room. Grandpa and grandma lived here . Then I finally came. There are really many rooms. Four brothers and sisters all slept in these rooms. How can four people sleep in rows? Four people sleep in rows on top of each other. It's just tatami mats. Tatami mats are lined up. It used to be tatami mats. There was no such bed before. There was no concept of this bed. It's like this. It's quite fun . It's okay. It's not very good. I'll help you tidy it up. It's very good. No problem . I'm here . Very good. This lamp is. What you bought is right . It's an out- of -print antique . I went to buy it. I couldn't buy it . I said that many light bulbs were unavailable. Small balcony. This balcony is very good . I know the accent now. It's very good. I want to go out. I got the key. No need to thank you. Very good. Thank you, aunt . We are very happy to let us visit , yes, very happy, thank you, thank you, thank you. It is full of many beautiful memories. Yes , because at that time and that place, you should have the most classmates, the neighbors, the children, the most pig friends , and the purest and most innocent feelings. The mistake was that my parents were not at home at that time and they were all working. Our doors were unlocked and our doors were unlocked. My parents would be very relieved to have their children at home . So your representative here said that the public security was also very good and the doors were not closed at night . Then my second brother and I We are very close in age. He is a year older than me . The two of us are always running around at home with the neighbor children, just like wild children. What should we do when we eat ? We will go home when the time is up. I will take Sister Jing to eat something today. Are some of the Malacca delicacies that I ate when I was growing up real? Is that true? At that time, children didn’t have much money and the food they ate was ordinary. Their parents paid for it. We were hungry. We arrived. Wait a minute. Everything was sold out. Yes , but you don’t have to worry. What time is it now? It 's only 12 o'clock. It's already sold out at 12 o'clock. Take a look here. There are no stores here. Only reservations are made. Please use the communication software one day in advance to make reservations. No phone calls are accepted and no voice messages are accepted . How can I order? Just use the communication software. Don't worry. I'm a local snake. I've arranged everything. I've already discussed it with the boss lady. Are you serious? Yes, it's been arranged. I 've already made a reservation. No , it won't look good. I told you no. The boss lady is already waiting for us. It's sold out. Let's go in first . Hello, this pancake is called a public pancake. But in Taiwan, it’s called run pancake , but it doesn’t have the same thing. What do you pack inside? What is this ? This is a kind of sweet potato, sweet potato , sweet potato. This is a type of sweet potato. This is dried white beans. White beans, dried beans, dried beans, white. Chop, chop, fry and dry. This is egg shreds, right? Egg skin looks like this. This is lard residue. You have a lot of lard residue. You use so much lard residue . Lard residue is the soul of pancakes. Lard residue is if the order is given. Three hundred pieces is 30 kilograms. If the order is five hundred pieces, we will prepare 50 kilograms of VVIP treatment. There is no internal use , so only we can sit down, right? There is also air conditioning. He said, mine is relatively small, yours is relatively small, but it doesn’t look like it. From a very young age, you can see that he made it slimmer for you. You said that it is not authentic to eat like this, right? You have to hold it with your hands, right? We have two ways to eat it. One is to hold it with your hands, and it will fall apart. There is no way to resist me anymore. I wanted to eat this one and he suggested it. He said he could eat two at a time. It’s amazing. I eat it almost every day when I come back to see my mother for a break and on vacation. What is this called sage ? It’s a little bit chewy but not full. Our sweet potatoes are soft. They don’t have the texture of completely soft sweet potatoes. They have to be cooked just right. Otherwise, if they are too rotten, they won’t taste good and they will have no texture. They are sweet and have a bit of a sweet taste. The crust is also delicious. The skin is delicious. Q. The two I'm going to take away are still developing. The fifth degree of development is good. Coffee is here. This is coffee. Mangosteen is freshly brewed. Thank you for coming. Why are you so good ? The lard residue is so fragrant. The crispy lard residue is so delicious. It’s heaven- like . I haven’t eaten it in several years. I really miss it . After my parents left, I rarely come back here. Every time I come back, I don’t have time , otherwise it will be closed. But my parents are here. Did they open it at that time ? It has been open for a long time. Without him, it should have been opened more than 2000 years ago. The food we workers in Malacca eat is good for them. Some of the older generation used to ride bicycles to the construction sites to sell afternoon tea. During the hour, workers would come down and queue up to buy it . It ’s not expensive. How much does it cost? This one costs 5 yuan, 5 yuan, 5 yuan, or about NT$35 . It ’s OK because it’s very real and has lard residue. You know. Fried lard is very hard work. I just secretly looked at his hands because fried lard will easily bubble. It will be very hot. It will burn this. You pack it up and I want to eat another lard. Here comes another lard. The singing pig scum is so funny. My husband has been telling me who your husband is and asked him to come to see me . My husband is really serious. The two of us watched your show together. Thank you. Yes. Why is one in prison ? At first, the eldest brother wanted to say why he likes to tell cold jokes so much . This may be a little warmth behind his strength. OK, in fact, in the end , everyone misunderstood , and then you helped others take the blame , but it’s fine after watching. Then you act. How long have you been filming in Malaysia ? I started filming in 2004, and then I continued filming until 2014. It was about fourteen years ago, so I came to Taiwan to develop. So you are very famous here. Many people will know you after eating. It's okay, sir. I'm afraid, don't be afraid. Sister Jing, I 'm afraid only when you're here. Others are not afraid. I'm afraid only when you're here. I often come here to buy knives. Only then will you be worthy of my status. Look at this first. It is the largest sword in Malaysia. It is so powerful. I heard that there are all kinds of knives in the world, from big to small . The main one is our Malaysian Malay warrior dagger. Yes, it's very special. You probably haven't seen it. It's not very special. What did you originally study? Why do you like so many knives ? Because we mainly sell oil palm knives and rubber knives , so we will sell family knives later because there are many palm trees here, right? So come in here and you just told me what kind of plastic knife it is. Rubber rubber knife. It's a rubber tapping knife . I thought it was made of rubber . It's not made of rubber. Which one is it? The two in front of it. These two pairs. Both of them are small. They come out at an angle for scraping. Just scrape off the skin. He is smart . The palm tree in Malaysia is many, right ? It is number one in the world. It used to be number one in the world. Then you are It's great to build something that is number one. But the quality of our knives is still number one in the world. They have all kinds of knives. They are available all over the world. This one is more special . This one has a bit of a kingly air. I know that this is the most special one. He just asked us to look at the logo. Is there no mother? I have been debuting for a long time. I am asking you to look at this signature. Who is this signature ? This is the autograph of our current president and queen. The president and queen are our kings, queens, and queens. This is the queen queen. Autographed. Autographed . This is priceless. You are so awesome. This is our baby. This is our baby. Let’s see what else is special. What is special? This is the keris. Don’t look at it. It’s so small. I know it can be placed. It is a big one inside the sleeve , so we have shrunk it. The reduced size is this. This is the enlarged version of the original size. This is our previous hero of Malacca , Hang Tuah . Have you ever used Hang Tuah? The one you have is this style. This is Hang Tuah . The hero of Malacca is the bodyguard of our King of Malacca . Today I want to give you a special experience on how to do it. There is no knife-making experience here. We are a museum, so I thought of our last one. The process is left to the customer to do. What is this ? This is for engraving your name in English. Sister Lai Jing , my English name is Regine. I usually type RE on RE . Can you see it ? I am a presbyopic person. Can you see it for me ? I feel like you can't see what this is. It's just a pretense. I can't see it either. You can't see it. It's all rusty. Ladies, gentlemen , gentlemen and ladies, let me come and see. I'm pretty sure it's C. Let a blind person come and see . This is N. You are looking for RE R. Where did you find RE? You need to type RE first. Then you type me first and find mine . Will the boss be able to do it as soon as I type it? It 's so magical after painting. It's magical . Where do you want to hit it? You want to use this one like this . Yes , it can be broken. It's so deep . This is so deep. It 's so powerful. It's too deep. No, it's okay. This is good . E Do we have the E Everyone the E is insisting on teaching English . Is there Everyone E? When you speak it yourself, I am FRED. Okay. Which machine ? My knife is good . Come and use another hammer to knock out the pattern mark on it. Knock it slowly to see if I have artistic talent. The sword is bent. I feel like Liu Qian is doing magic. Is one of the swords bent ? Why does he feel it is bent ? I dropped it and I am not Liu Qian. Is it okay? Is this okay? It has patterns on both sides. There is also a pattern on this side. Why is there a pattern on the back ? This is already below . In fact, we already have patterns on both sides. This side has a pattern on the hammer. What do you think? If you are not satisfied , you can hit it again because it is slightly curved, so you can hit it more curved. Do you know how to make a unique scimitar ? Yours is not bad. You are so fast. Why are you so fast? I hit it very deep . I hit it very deep, because I don’t know. To what extent is this word? This is Fred. OK , you can hit it again and again and slowly . Yes, the pattern will be very beautiful. And it is completely artistic, that is, there are a little bit of space between them. The hammer is crooked and has patterns on it. During the beating process, the patterns are drawn out. Boss, I am very superstitious. Would it be bad to carve your name on the sword? I think it is more interesting. He seems to have turned the knife used in every industry into a small shop for this. What is this? In the past, most people in Malaysia relied on it for their livelihood. In fact, I think you can rent this place for people to film movies . This should be a hardware store, right? In the early hardware stores, various shops had these. This is the tailor shop. Scissors. It should be tailor shop scissors. Do you have those in Taiwan ? We call them children's toys. Children play with klai with a five-cent mark. There is one. Yes, this is a haircut . It’s super retro. It’s a small corner. Based on your experience in filming, if it’s so retro, how should I behave ? You are the director. You have to tell me that I am the barber lady. You are the guest . The boss comes to cut hair. Boss , you have hair. I don't have much hair , it doesn't matter. Add, subtract, shave, add, subtract. Do you want to be young ? No. My mother used to cut my hair , so I'm not used to letting others touch my hair . Really, fake, really, all your hair is yours. My mother cuts all my hair. Let me tell you. Is there a better man? First , cut your mother’s hair. Seriously, I won’t lie to you. Find a boy like this. Second , let your wife cut your hair. If your wife doesn’t cut it well, then you can Tell him it doesn't matter. If your scissors are broken, it means he won't find women. Do you understand? My husband used to be scissored by his mother when he was a child. Now it's mine . It turns out that's why if the scissors are damaged, he won't find women. Yes, you don't have to. How cool is it to give him a haircut? Isn’t it the kind that a dog can chew ? Then he will say it’s okay, it will grow out, and it will grow out . Do you know how to control a husband and learn how to do it ? I suspect that the boss’s hair was also cut by his wife. Your hair was cut by your wife. Yes , your wife is going crazy. The boss is so cute. I feel like sitting here feels like the Mood for Love. Sit down. You want to feel like Chungking Express. It’s imagery, you know? But neither of them speaks. But the eyes are conveying that good kind of warmth with inner light 3 2 1 Action , don’t keep moving. We are obviously going to play Chungking Express. Is there Maggie Cheung in In the Mood for Love ? Did he suddenly tell me not to move? Wong Kar-wai I can't stand it any more . I'm cumming inside. You know, it's a little provocative. Boss, okay, okay, okay. Boss , okay. It's so smooth . Do you like it? I'm sorry . It's okay . Do you like it? Sit down. It's been so long . It's not done yet. Your wife got a haircut and kept moving around. It wasn't just his hair . I'm really hungry. Yes, the taste makes me so hungry. I'll come and take you to eat right now. Will you realize that I don't have any rules? Very good. I think this is great, so that when you eat, you will know how delicious this food is. I tell you, I have never fallen in love with satay in my life . Seriously, I will make you fall in love with satay today. Hey, let me go in quickly. I'm really hungry. I'm really hungry. Come on , do you smell it ? I think it opened the window to let the smell out. Is it intentional? Then let me smell it. Okay. Fragrant , they are grilling meat now, it feels very fresh, I mean that young one, isn't it me? Of course , I am very fresh, right? You are the first, he is the second, he is very fresh and fresh . Hi, Cute guys, hey, we can go in. When we go in, I have to take off my pants and fight with him. I really want to eat. I'm folding my sleeves and taking off my pants to fight with you. Take off your pants . You don't have to worry about it. I just have to start eating seriously . Is this the hottest time when it's the hottest ? Be sure to eat it while it's hot . This is pig intestines. Small pig intestines. Pig intestines. Then this is pork. I eat the pork first. I eat the pork first. No sauce . No sauce. Eat the original flavor. Try the original flavor. It tastes crispy and delicious. It's really delicious. It’s delicious. It’s really delicious. It’s crispy. I’ve never tasted delicious satay before. I didn’t like it before . This is the first time I’ve eaten something delicious. What happened to me before? You’ve found the wrong person. Without you, You should look for me as soon as you look for it. This is when you meet a bad man. If you are bitten by a snake, you will be very afraid of men . Then I brought you here today so delicious. What kind of person will you fall in love with as soon as you eat it? Is a good person a good person? What kind of intestines is this? This is delicious intestine meat . It tastes delicious without dipping. If you eat the chicken again, they will taste almost the same. This is chicken gizzards. Chicken gizzards. Do n’t you want to eat chicken gizzards? Eat it and see if you want to try it. The taste of chicken gizzards is not as good as our chicken gizzards. Are the chicken gizzards soft but also crispy ? Many people say satay, but no one knows what satay actually means . In fact, the meaning of satay is derived from the homophonic word " three pieces of cheat" in our Hokkien dialect. I didn’t lie to you. It’s true . You just lied to me. I don’t understand. I didn’t lie to you. I’m so honest. How could I possibly lie to someone if I look so honest ? Four pieces of this are intestines. I’m talking about meat. The meat must be three pieces. It must have three pieces. One piece of meat, one piece of fat. One piece of meat is three pieces of meat . I don’t drink. This is not sister. This is not wine. Don’t see a bottle like this and think it is wine . It has a special ancient taste. Drink SARSI, this is AIS KRIM SODA, this is AIS KRIM SODA, this is AIS KRIM , it is not ice cream , it is just called AIS KRIM SODA. His translation is different from our English. This is Malay translation. Malay . Please give it a try. Respect you. Cheers . This is the taste of my childhood. It really tastes different. Lychee. Is it lychee? Is it lychee? Is it lychee ? Is it a little bit ? Is it a little bit? The root beer is not very strong. The root beer is not very strong. What is this ? This is one of our Malay people. Zongzi Zongzi is called Ketupat rice. White rice should be dipped in its chili. This chili can be dipped in everything . You can eat it with meat. This is more like a cake because it is very solid. It presses the rice very tightly. Press it . It’s very tight. I’ve been eating pig. I’m like this. It’s delicious. Just keep going. Isn’t it right? Because it’s right, just keep doing it. Why? Why keep changing? At the moment, I think chicken gizzards are good. The rear leg meat ranks first. I can add some more. Pork? Twenty more . I think thirty is fine. Fifty is fine. Can you believe it? I’m more conservative. Thirty . Then one hundred because I can eat forty by myself. Really fake. Really . Hey , you guys are working so hard. You look good. Come to you we're expecting you to come Really I see it 's really hard pork where's the pork pork here the pork is grilled great grilled great I love it I love you I love you real pork good delicious what do you grill me Everything is really grilled . Be careful and it's hot. I'm here. It 's hot. Eat it quickly. This pork, this pork, is all pork. It's hot. It's hot. It's hot. It's a pity that it's not available in other places in Malaysia. No, none, only Malacca , yes , only Malacca, only Malacca. It’s really a lie. Don’t come here . I haven’t lied to you. It’s really only in Malacca. It’s really delicious. I want to dance. Isn’t Big Wave subject 3? Subject 3, subject 3, how to dance, no script, nothing to say. I dare to tell you if it’s the right way to make variety shows fun. Is it fun ? It’s my first time on a variety show. It’s really my first time on a variety show. It’s my first time on a variety show and I ’ve met the right host. Basically, you can easily draw out your soul and play with us. That's right, then we have to start planning where to go on our next trip. Next, I want to take you to a place that is not just Malacca. I think it is a rare sight in Malaysia and even the whole world. How about you take me to eat the best food? Satay, are you on the river cruise now? Now it's a cruise ship . I've prepared a yacht. Take sister Jing, you go there. Of course there is a cruise ship. Of course, what kind of person am I ? It's really amazing. No , today I have prepared a cruise ship. Then I want to take Sister Jing to visit the only mosque in the world that is on the water. The mosque on the water is on the water . I have seen the pink one in Kuala Lumpur , the big one , the big one, this one on the water, this one on the water, the high-footed one on the sea . Mosque, but before we set off, I would like to come and have a cup of coffee with Sister Jing. Our hand-brewed coffee in Malacca is so good, so romantic , thank you , cheers , you are so good, yours is limited edition, it tastes really good, a bit bitter, Sour, then this is washed fermentation. Washed fermentation is OK . This is more sour from Colombia . It’s really more sour. This is from Kenya. This is OK from Kenya. Usually, I personally don’t like things that are too sour. I’m fine with bitter and sour ones. I’m OK with them now. Are you going to see any mosques on the sea? We really have a very luxurious trip because we can’t . Of course you can go directly to the mosque on land, right? But when it’s dark, it’s the most beautiful thing to see from the sea . It ’s super romantic . Thank you to our captain for taking us to see it from the sea. It feels like the sea to us . It is different from the scene that ordinary people see. Some people say that it is called the Straits Mosque because it is on the Strait of Malacca , or it is called the Royal Palace Mosque because of its true appearance . It really looks like a palace. How come you are so tanned? I am building a second ship that is four or five times bigger than this one. Can you build it by yourself? I have employees building it , but I still want to see it. Just point at it. Are all the sightseeing boats on the Malacca River yours? They are all our company and the state government. I thanked you yesterday . We went to visit yesterday and looked around like this. I bumped into you when I came back, it should be fine. The boss kept laughing and I will give you the bill. You are so beautiful right now. You are so beautiful now. Super beautiful . Oh my God . I want to record a video. It should be at the time of evening prayers . Then I saw this big picture next to me. In fact, on the left side of the building , it is a speaker . It is a loudspeaker , and it plays the scriptures that should be evening prayers to everyone. Then the landowner who brought me here is him. Hello , I am Li Mingzhong. Welcome to my hometown . I am a local snake. Hope. You will like this, you will definitely like the floating mosque , and you can arrange it on the boat. I think you are in Malacca. You are really a local tyrant. Who has a head and a face? Who has no head and no face? Can you point out one to me? Finally, I I want to take another photo. Thank you to the Malaysian government for giving us such a beautiful picture. Thank you Li Mingzhong. Thank you to the captain. Yes Sir.
Channel: 天后出發吧
Views: 36,230
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Keywords: 女神, 美妝, 保養, 時尚, 潮流, beauty, 親子, 職場, 藝人, 明星, 時事, 議題, 流行, 女孩, 女生, 話題, 網路, 社群, 減肥, 美容, 穿搭, 購物, 男女, 同性, 感情, 結婚, 生活, 旅行, 星座, 占卜, 閑聊, 心情, 偶像, 追星, 寵物, 美食, 娛樂, 綜藝, 談話, 節目, youtube
Id: 8ScL8u95U0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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