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The two of us have agreed not to make it public. You don’t want to say that we are not in Taiwan. You can just talk about it. I feel that eating satay has an inexplicable kindness and warmth . It feels very warm. The pork rind is delicious and the wife of the head of state of Malacca, Du Pan Asma. Here are the famous Asian singers, Mr. Datuk Wira Jiang Yuheng, and the Asian shopping queen, Ms. Li Jing, who said she loves me today and forgets tomorrow. I still have warmth in my ears. You said I love you. I came here to eat. The reason why I think it is very delicious is the manta ray. Its meat tastes very good, very much like chicken, and has a solid feel. The meat in its claws is so good. This salted egg sauce is super delicious when mixed with rice. Let me tell you , it looks like it’s already dawn. Right? No , let me tell you this is our first night. Do you know? Because we started at 4 o'clock in the morning and it's already 6 or 7 o'clock. Who is the special guest today ? I heard that he just arrived from Singapore. Welcome sister Jing. Hello. Hello, do as the Romans do. I'll tell you the truth. I've known him for so long and we haven't hugged each other. We have done so in Taiwan. We always say hello when we are on the show. Your manager is here with you today. Do you have a girlfriend? Girls are not perfect at all. I can’t kiss with my tongue alone. What kind of international etiquette are you doing ? No, there is no such international etiquette. Are you calm? This is the first time in this place that you don’t use international etiquette. It’s embarrassing for you to decide whether you want international etiquette. Forget it. You have to go back. Forget it , wait a minute . Today ’s first time is at night. At first glance, it looks like it’s dawn. Do you know why it’s night? It’s seamless . I was live in Singapore last night and then drove straight away early this morning . So I’m very happy today. One mood and the other are two different things. Why do you have to talk? It's not international etiquette. It's not good to explain to your significant other. But I just saw a big sign from a distance . This is a very powerful store, right? Because we Before the first time, I usually started shooting from early in the morning to late at night . Sorry, I tend to eat late at night. I was quite worried. You know, I just wanted to ask him if he needed makeup. I was very casual. He was originally hungry on the mountain. You 're a wild child running around. I don't even put on makeup when I sing on TV . Is it true? Let's rub our faces together and see what happened to you today. I ask you what happened to you . I'll tell you what happened from beginning to end . Every episode is about sisters, I have to serve sisters, sisters, good brothers, this is good. You see, today is a rare day. I have one today, right? You came to me. I was very surprised because you said that this show wants you to be the king and queen. Not a king? I don’t count. I’m not a king. You’re not a king. I count you as a good friend. That ’s all. I’m not a king yet. 56 I’m not a king yet. You’re really good at pretending. So what are we going to eat? This one is satay, but I I want to say that I have eaten satay before. He said that the satay is different. The satay queuing shop Kuok's Teochew Satay. Kuok's Teochew people. Malacca actually has a lot of delicious food and satay is also very important . Well, we all Waiting for the seats to be filled. No seats are full. Hello, are you two bosses? Yes, bosses. Why can you tell that the boss feels that from which side? You said it is a matter of momentum . It is a matter of pretentiousness. It is written on your face. Boss, right? You are Boss Chen, Boss Guo. You called me by the wrong last name , but it was clearly written as Ye. I asked you on purpose. His name is Guo. It says Guo. I'm sorry. It doesn't matter. It's okay . It's not a lot of people this Sunday. Let’s first take a look at what’s going on. These are some ingredients that have been skewered. The satay is directly grilled. Should it be grilled? The different satays are soaked in and cooked, right ? What’s the name of the sauce satay pot ? What is the full name of Satay Julu Julu Julu? It is transferred from Malay to soaked satay. What is the most popular soaked satay ? Can you recommend it to me? What do you want to eat ? I'm welcome . This is the most popular among children. What is it? It belongs to cheese tofu , like a lollipop. Is there any cheese in it ? He said that someone ate it to death. I said someone ate it to death. Pork rind . He said collagen. You mean it, so you want to eat it. I mean it. Mainly the shape, regardless of whether we have to eat well , we must also have the ratings. This is the first -class sauce sauce . The smell of tea is very strong. This is originally from Shantou. The Chinese Shantou Shantou is pronounced differently from the Chinese. Shantou. You see it is so big. If you see it is so big, then your bread should be dipped in this to eat. Wait, let me tell you. Isn’t that secret all in it? Is there any part that is different ? This is its secret. Let me tell you. I suddenly felt that this thing must be delicious if you add rice at the end. It’s too salty. Can you add a little white rice to it ? Did you tell yourself if you want to make it into a griddle satay with rice? Eat it with rice and pour it on top of the rice. It must be delicious. You can also put that noodle on it. You can also have Italian noodles . It’s also delicious. I’ll introduce it to you. You see this. Bubbles? Is it golden? Yes, the golden bubbles are that. The bread is dipped in the bread. The bubbles are very smooth and feel good. You see , it has the taste of Chaozhou and the European style. Do you know why you have to dip it in it? It is more fragrant and smoother, because if you dip it directly, it will become too salty, and it will be absorbed by the soup bubbles and be wrapped in the bubbles. So if you dip it in this sauce and dip it in this bubble, it will be different. You are also very good at it. I don’t think this is what I think of. It ’s natural . It’s correct. There’s no such thing. There’s no standard procedure . Just let it go in when you want to eat it. How long does it take to cook the pork rinds? You can soak it longer. It doesn’t matter , I’m telling you now that I’m at the same table with him and I’ll keep looking at the time. Do you know why? You know that I’m with him , but no one knows that he’s with other women. I’m telling you, we’re not on an agreement not to make it public. How could it be at this moment without you ? You don’t want to say that I’m not in Taiwan. You can just say it. But I want to say that Southeast Asia will bless us more than Taiwan . I wo n’t give up . Everyone will bless us. It doesn’t matter. I’m just Malacca because we are here. We have a secret code to go online at a fixed time every day. We must be on time when we go online. We are an online game. It is very simple. Then you face it like this in his army because it is hot. In fact, I feel that there is an inexplicable feeling in eating satay. Friendliness and warmth are like being with friends or with family and friends. This is the feeling. It’s very warm. The pork skin is delicious, crispy and delicious. You can see that I am a generous person. It’s not familiar . No, it’s not familiar. Familiarity has nothing to do with whether a person is generous or not. I want to ask a question that you may want to know. Is the taste of satay sauce different from Malacca , Kuala Lumpur to Penang ? Is the satay you are talking about grilled or sauced? This kind of answer is correct. Seriously , this kind of thing is only found in Malacca. If you go further north, it wo n’t exist. It’s only here. It ’s only in Malacca. Right. This is the right way to eat it, right? What kind of fish and onion is this ? The fish meat is rolled up and the fish and onion are rolled up. We don’t have such a method. Wrap green onions in fish. The texture of fish dumplings is more like fish balls made from fish paste , or fish paste made by beating fish meat into fish paste and then using a knife like ours. Is there something wrapped in the fish paste ? The way you wrap the fish roe or cheese is so delicious. There are so many things that I have never tried before. I am so happy to eat them quickly because if we are almost in time, I have to send you back to the hotel first. It’s great. Look how good this trip is in Taiwan. We need to learn from the program and really let him rest early. Now what the audience likes to watch is comfortable chatting. Are you running around and playing games ? Are you tired? Running around without letting people eat. What are you doing? Really, you can live longer. We stayed at Casa del Rio. Is Casa del Rio the best hotel ? Isn't it the best? It belongs to the Sultan of Selangor, so it is the royal family's residence. It is the most high-end property of the royal family . So look at the one across the river. It's their most lively area , so you can see their river over there. There's a canal. We live there. It's great. The boss is getting more and more envious of us . Thank you for bothering you . Yes, the food we had today was really delicious. You must come here to eat when you come to Malacca. I have been to Malacca so many times. In fact, today is a very special day. Xiezhi and I are getting ready to attend an event. It is said that there are nearly 280 distinguished guests coming , including people from Taiwan, the United States, and Japan. Local VIPs from Singapore, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Malaysia can see what a grand and grand event this is . Let's go and see it together. So this is the ASEAN International Education Park for you . Then don't underestimate it. There are five schools here . Then the land next door is considered a country. Do you know what it will be? ASEAN is the 16-nation ASEAN. The land will be built next door , so a school will be built here. This is a school . This land is a school. I started groundbreaking . Let me tell you that my best friend is here. Thank you for your hard work. My best friend is here. Hi everyone, hello sister JOJO. Yes , Wang Xiuying is my best friend. JOJO is the promoter of the ASEAN International Education Park. She is a girl born in a village in Penghu. Her family background is He was really poor and had a dream since he was a child . He wanted to buy a lot of houses and travel around the world by plane. In 2000, he founded Apollo Travel Agency to delve deeply into tourism in Malaysia. In 2008, he entered real estate development in 2015. He was also the first female overseas Dato to be awarded the title of Dato of Malaysia. Two years later, he was promoted to Dato’ Wira of Malaysia . However, his biggest dream was to build a university . I heard that there will be an ASEAN building next to your school. Yes, yes. I will ask you a question first. I will ask him. I will ask him first. Good for the exam. Please answer the EU Belgium . It is placed in Belgium because it is safe. You know they will feel that it is a relatively safe place with no political situation. You see, there are South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Myanmar, China, and so many countries. They chose Malaysia as the headquarters of ASEAN and then built it on Where is our land next door ? The ASEAN headquarters building 88 is being built right next door . We must go over there and take photos on that land. One day, if it is built, we will take photos when you say it is empty . We took photos like this along the way. When I introduced it, I saw that it was an old city area, but I didn’t see that the real future of this area is that the economy is going to take off. Currently, there are a few square meters of this land , 160,000 square meters, which is basically as large as Taiwan. How big is Taipei? How big is Taipei City? It adds up to 160,000 ping. I dropped my things. It’s a super big school district because we just dropped it again and picked it up again. So it ’s really amazing. It’s 160,000 ping. But currently its main school building is in Kuala Lumpur. The main school here is the branch branch. This is a branch school, so it must be bigger here than there , and the environment here has history and culture, so its environment is very suitable for education. Malacca is a very cultural ancient capital , and once this school is built, it will be equal to everyone. Education and economic development here will get better and better . Many people think that Malacca is basically the ancient capital , but I don’t know if it actually has an emerging Haipu District that is so big. It's so downtown and right on the bay. It has a lot of Bay Area. Do you think it's constantly refreshing our senses ? That's why many people want to ask about second homes . I found that many people are asking about second homes and then heard that Now I just need to enroll my child in an international school and you will have the qualifications for a second home . And the mother of the child can also be a companion. The father can apply for a second home. So if your child studies here, the mother will have a companion visa. How many years have your child studied , and how many years have you been able to accompany him/her on a visa ? The school's student enrollment is for universities , middle schools, and primary schools . If you study for 18 years, we have three of the best public universities. This is a very good plan , and it is This is a place where you and your children can speak English fluently within half a year from 20 to 30 countries . In order to strengthen international educational cooperation among ASEAN countries and contribute to cultural exchanges and talent flows among various countries , I chose this place. The launch of this school in a prime location and this educational park will inject new vitality into the development of higher education and international education in ASEAN countries. It takes ten years to cultivate trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. We look forward to giving children more diversified educational choices and a better future . Think about what this land of 160,000 square feet will look like in two years. It has begun a major transformation. We can really foresee the future and development of the Malacca campus like the Kuala Lumpur campus. We also provide children with complete teaching facilities and excellent teachers. Let’s take a look at the current situation of students studying here at the Kuala Lumpur campus of Universiti Putra. Hello, my name is Zhang Qiyu. I am from China . I am a student of the School of Education. I am from Shanxi, China. A Chinese international student in Taiyuan. This is my second year at Universiti Putra Malaysia . My major is human resource development. The reason why I chose to study in Putra is because I know that Putra’s QS ranking is very high at 120. Thirteen and then its all-Asia ranking is at twenty-fifth. This ranking is very attractive to us. My name is Mohd Rafizi. You can call me Rufig. This is my first year. I am studying for Bachelor of Civil Engineering . I saw UPM in Malaysia. Ranked 2nd that’s why I think Putra University is perfect for me to study. The lecturers are very friendly to us and the learning system is also great. That’s why I choose UPM to continue my studies. My name is Ali Sajid . I am from Pakistan. I am in UPM. Studying animal science to pursue veterinary medical school. I chose UPM because it ranked well in my subject. I mingled with different students as we sat in the library. So we interacted with other students from different countries and learned from local students. A lot so it is good to interact with people. They are multicultural so you can learn different things from other people. Because we are located in Putra covering an area of ​​28,000 acres , so our campus is very big and the infrastructure of the campus is very good. Well, it has five libraries that not only have Chinese novels but also the Quran and other books in various countries’ texts and languages ​​for us to choose and refer to. In order to prevent students from saying that they can’t eat after class , each of our colleges will There are equipped restaurants and we also have school buses to help everyone travel and go out. Because Malaysia is a diverse country and there are many races here, so the people we feel here are very friendly and the education is irrigating to the soul. The spring water is to cultivate the diversity of the future . Today we are gathered here not only to witness the birth of a new thing , but also to witness the power of education and to jointly welcome the hope of the future. This represents the inheritance of our education for ten years and one hundred years of trees. Shuren, long time no see. This is Sun Xiezhi from Taiwan. Hello, thank you . I'm here, Brother Jiang. I haven't seen you for a long time . Brother Jiang is here. It's rare for you to see me in formal clothes because the queen will appear later. I saw a lot of food and drink. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm really excited about the bird's nest. The bird's nest has appeared. In fact, a few months ago, I had visited a very powerful local bird's nest factory in Malacca and had been lobbying them to cooperate with me to launch bird's nests. With such intensive preparation, I really succeeded in realizing my dream . Look how amazing it is. We have made it, so because it has been made , our prices must be very beautiful and the things must be very practical. Now, they seem to be bringing all the famous things in Malaysia at the scene , but our famous things are here. The next party is really great. What’s amazing is that the head of state of Malacca was invited to participate . It is very, very difficult for ordinary people to meet members of the royal family. It is obvious that the establishment of the ASEAN Education Park also has the strong support of the Malacca royal family. Dupan Asma , the wife of the head of state of Malacca, came to the scene for Chinese-Malaysian culture. Honorary President of the Exchange Association, Ms. Datuk Wira Wang Xiuying, the famous Asian singer Datuk Wira, Mr. Jiang Yuheng, the Asian shopping queen, Ms. Li Jing, Malacca is a very happy state. The people in this place are kind, sunny, airy and water. I will stay here for a long time in the future. So I built my own dream home. Only this state can make your dreams come true . It’s as high as a mountain . The road of life is not easy. There are many challenges. You have to work hard to break through . Not afraid of any obstacles. It’s like a road. The river is so unfathomable , the dreams of life are hard to turn back, and the turbulent countercurrent must be firm, don’t let go , and bravely cross it together . I want to solemnly invite Mr. Jiang Yuheng , my best brother, who just made this song for me , and then come up and bring me the greatest Thank you, Brother Jiang, for your blessing. Li Jing was crying when JOJO was singing just now. Li Jing is JOJO’s best friend, so Li Jing knows his growth process best . He has seen all the setbacks or struggles in the past few years, and today’s He is happy for him , so he is crying. I need everyone to give me more strength to stand on the same front with me or behind us. We need to build Malacca up. Malacca is a great place. The mixed flavors I just mentioned are blooming recently. It’s very popular, right? Yes , the flowers look back. It’s even more popular, right? Bring this song. Looking back , I’m not singing it alone. You have to sing with me. Everyone has it. Looking back, right? Looking back. My back is far away. Looking back again, my eyes are dim, leaving behind your blessings and the warmth of the cold night. No matter how much pain and confusion I have to face tomorrow, I once asked over and over again in the darkness, only then did I know that being ordinary and calm is the truth. Only the endless long road is with me . Ladies and gentlemen, welcome tonight’s superstar Li Jing. Good night, ladies and gentlemen, I am Li Jing, giving you the best gift. Today you say you love me , and tomorrow I forget that I still have warmth in my ears. You say I love you. Today you say you love me , and tomorrow I forget that I still have tenderness on my fingertips. You say you love me. You obviously love me, don’t avoid me, hug me immediately , don’t talk anymore, let you say love for the last ten minutes, I will turn back immediately , otherwise everything is OVER, too handsome, too cool, too beautiful , thank you, thank you, our Jing sister, thank you again , thank you so many big names today Sending this wonderful blessing to us for sharing. Thank you for welcoming us, Mrs. Dupan Asmah , the Head of State of Malacca. Please invite Tan Sri Mr. Liow Tiong Lai. I believe that the Malacca State Government has strong support and trust in our ASEAN International Education Park. It will definitely be a great success. Ladies and gentlemen, we will hold a launching ceremony. 3 2 1 Ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to grow people. Let us wish the official launch of the ASEAN International Education Park a complete success and good luck. Meet all future distinguished guests . Ladies and gentlemen, we will also enter next. It’s time for our dinner party. Before the meal , we invite everyone to have a dish show with us for everyone to participate together. Yee Sang is a special food eaten by Malaysian Chinese during the Lunar New Year, which means prosperity and prosperity . I wish you all a happy new year. May all your wishes come true in the new year. I hope everyone will be prosperous and prosperous every year. Thank you all. Thank you for wishing everyone a prosperous life. I wish everyone a happy new year. Is there no sea here ? I just went to see it. It looks a bit like Wetland Wetland is like a wetland. Is it related to low tide? Because it’s a little late , I ’m not sure if you can still see it like this. I think this should be a sea. Do you know that it’s a seaside ? Because this Portuguese village, let’s talk about it first because of the Malacca dynasty . After a long time of colonization , then came the Netherlands, and then came the British. The last one was Japan. So the Portuguese colonized Malaysia about a few years ago. You know, four hundred years ago , but not later. I just talked about the British and the Dutch. So they have some interracial homogamy, you know, and Malay homogamy, interracial homogamy, so some descendants are left here , but after four hundred years The Dutch came and the British came. Later, they were not taken seriously, so later a missionary came. He was good and he thought that you should gather these mixed-race people. He was in this place . So around 1935 We established this place called Portuguese Village , and now we are applauded and encouraged. In addition to the place where we live, there are also many restaurants here , all related to Portuguese cuisine, Portuguese seafood restaurants, etc. And it is said that the Portuguese Village next to it is now full of restaurants. There are still a small number of Portuguese people living there . He is a missionary. He thinks this is more reasonable because they have many ethnic groups, right? There are Chinese, Malays, various ethnic groups , but there are relatively disadvantaged Portuguese descendants who combine with the locals, which is cool. If it weren't for the Queen of Heaven, we wouldn't come here at all, right ? We just have to go to a place that no one has introduced. Hi, hello, why are they so enthusiastic and enthusiastic ? Seeing you, of course they are enthusiastic, so we are going to eat Portuguese food here. Portuguese food should be considered They mainly focus on seafood , and the boss has been there for several years , and he has found a lot of Portuguese dishes that are mainly liked by Malays, so there are Portuguese chefs, Malay chefs, and Chinese chefs here. You can have whatever you like to eat . It’s in line with the international tastes here, right? Today I introduced a good place that I never had the chance to come to before. It looks like a food stall . Hello , good boss . Only you. We are doing business , yes, everyone is closed. This is our store. What kind of store room is our store ? This is also your home. You have to say that you are waiting for us specially. You are very young . You are Portuguese , not me. I am from Malacca. Do you want to take a look at my fish? These are very fresh fish. Do you think they are so cute? This is our own fishing boat. We catch our own fish. We catch our own fish . We catch our own seafood. We will put whatever fish we catch today . That is the sea. Yes, the wall in front is the sea , the sea. But why is it like a wetland now? Because it’s low tide? It’s already low tide . When the tide is low, it’s the same as my show. Because of the weather today, boss, honestly, you’re so good at fake smiles. How can you do that? Fake smile. Really , here we all catch fish and seafood from our own fishing boats . It depends on what fish we catch today. We will put whatever fish is good today. Today there is stone fish. Stone fish . Stone fish is very delicious. Yes, this stone fish. I'll bring it to you. Hong Kong steaming. Hong Kong steaming. Hong Kong steaming. Teochew steaming. You can also have a barbecue. Do you want stone fish? It has very few spines, right? The meat is very good . Its spines are just like ordinary fish. In the middle , here is the mouth. There is a stone on the side . There is a stone on the side. Wait a minute for you to eat . You can’t eat this stone . Then I will grill a manta ray for you. This is a tiger- spotted manta ray. It’s just right. You came here today and caught very few. Really, you are very lucky and very lucky. Is it true? Many people in Malaysia like to eat manta ray very much. Is it true? Because the meat of manta ray is very very delicious but not very good in cooking . Is it true? Boss, let me tell you first. I didn’t bring any money , okay. It’s okay. We can sign here. Is it true? Can you give me something to eat ? Is it okay to sign ? What do I need to do for you? Just smile and that’s enough. Now . Is this part of the credit process? This is Malaysian stinky beans. Have you ever eaten stinky beans? This is very tonic. Stinky beans are also stinky tofu. Stinky beans are similar to Chinese medicine. This kind of treatment is very good for you to excrete your internal organs. In this case , I will leave everything to you today. Today, your stomach, you two, leave your stomach to me. I will help you refuel. No problem. Serve the food. Follow the diva and come out . It will be big fish and meat. I will tell you that there is a new saying now . You know. It 's very rich when you take it out , right? Try it on your phone first. Really? I'm telling you this is for recording . Otherwise, it's rare for us to eat authentic Portuguese food a few times in our lives , and then you didn't take a photo of it and finish it. All he has left is the memory in his mind , otherwise it will disappear the next day . This is the classic manta ray . Why do we use manta ray for barbecue ? Because manta ray has relatively few bones . Even if its bones are eaten, It's softer and won't hurt you. Can I move it first? Can I ask? Because Malaysian grilled fish is also very famous. What's the problem with Portuguese grilled fish? We have spices. For some people, we may put five or six kinds of things in grilled fish. I’ve put almost ten things in it . When I look for guests, I’ll look for the host. How easy is it for you? If you want to eat, just tell me. I will keep asking you to tell me why I came here to eat. I think it’s very delicious. Let me talk about manta ray first. Manta ray is delicious. Manta ray is delicious. Its meat tastes very good, just like chicken. It has a solid feel and is very similar to chicken. This is Portuguese-style wet salted egg crab. Salted egg crab tastes sweeter to us. It has juice when you eat it. Sometimes, if you have a meal, you can eat it with some rice like this. It's very fragrant. It's delicious when you eat it. The wet salted egg crab is delicious . Change your position and wait a moment. I 'll pull it out for you, okay? I just hate it. My fingernails will fall off. Can you help me pull it out? Okay? I want to eat it with big pliers. You want it? It’s good to eat anywhere . The boss cooks it all . So you prepare a few dishes today . These are stir- fried noodles . This is that . This is that. I just talked about the stinky beans. Stinky beans vs. stinky beans. I’ll give it a try. Is it good? It’s good. It ’s actually quite delicious. But will my husband kick me out of bed? You won’t smell it when you go to the toilet , and you won’t smell it when you go to bed. I mean , it will always exhaust, right ? Then you may have to endure it, although I It's a fairy. What are you adding? This is green onions, green onions, peppers , and flower branches. It doesn't smell bad. I thought it tasted smelly. In fact, it doesn't smell bad. It doesn't smell bad when you pull it out. It smells very bad. Come on, tell me, what is this called? Cream. Or is this a salted egg crab ? Let me tell you whether the salted egg is good or not depends on whether it is fresh enough. So this crab is imported. Yes , Indonesian meat crab from other places. Sister Jing comes to eat this. This one has meat. Thank you for giving this to sister Jing. I want it. Let me tell you, I understand what the boss just said. This salted egg sauce is super delicious when mixed with rice. The meat in the claws is delicious . Then the salted egg sauce is fresh and the salted eggs are as good as ours. The salted egg is thicker. Did you know that you can still get grains ? It’s not ground very fine, right? It ’s really sauce . It doesn’t have that rustling feeling. It doesn’t have the rustling feeling. Normally you’ll get the rustling like this. It’s stained like this. It’s not cooked like this. It's very soft, very soft , very delicious . If you don't believe it, forget it. Isn't it very soft? Isn't the salted egg yolk sauce great? If you eat the shell , you will be a good new classmate. You will be glad that you didn't come to Sun Xiezhi's show. Go and starve to death. Do you think this is delicious? Is it salty? Is it delicious ? Is it delicious? Is it delicious? The fish I just ordered is here. Here comes the beauty. This is a Portuguese beauty, right? Yes , a Portuguese beauty . We are Chinese. OK with the Portuguese , so do you speak very little Chinese? It does n't matter . We are partners . OK, we came together, so you are also the boss, right? We are descendants of Portugal together. OK, eat fish? This is the stone fish I just mentioned. This is that. Pineapple steaming. We call it pineapple steaming here . It is used to steam it , but it is a little spicy. The fish used to be the most delicious. Is this a small piece of fish here ? It looks like this. Is it there ? This piece is inedible. On that cheek, because it looks like a stone and cannot be eaten, I don’t believe it. It ’s really a stone . It’s a stone. Yes, that’s a stone. It’s really a stone. Is there any meat in this cheek ? Do you hear the sound? Is it true ? The stone is so weird that he can’t eat it at all. He likes stones very much. He likes all kinds of stones. He probably didn’t collect this. He probably didn’t have this piece. I gave it to him. He should be very touched. How is the meat? How is the meat quality? The meat is tender compared to manta ray. A lot of them are juicy. In fact, the fish dishes here are very good. There are many kinds of fish for us, so Portuguese seafood is considered a signature. We are all seafood signatures. Following the diva everywhere, the momentum is completely different. Everywhere we go, everyone knows Sister Jing. Then I ate and played a lot of different things. You see, there is no chance that you can eat this Portuguese food. Is it the authentic Portuguese grilled fish ? And today you saw that education and education must be covered . This is not simple . It is really a I think that when I come here, I will have a completely subversive feeling about Malacca . I want to give you some saliva. Why do you want to give me saliva? Do n’t you like saliva? No. Why not? Then why do you want saliva? You said you want it or not. Just bring it out. Why do you need to make this move ? It's not saliva . Yes, it's saliva. Yes, do you want saliva ? You can say it's Yanzi's, so I'll accept it , okay? But with the move you just made, I'll feel like it's yours. Are you mine? My friend , I am your friend , but I don’t necessarily have to accept your saliva. I like to go out with him on location. There are many sisters and brothers. I can’t even joke around with him. I just can bicker with him. It’s so fun. It turns out that the bird’s nest was invented by Zheng He. The bird's nest discovered was discovered by Zheng He. Yes, I said that this man was so bored and took down the bird's nest to cook . Because when he went to the island and was hungry and had nothing to eat , they took down the bird's nest and cooked it. It turned out that after eating it, the skin was fine and OK , so I took it back to China. So the first person brought back from China was Zheng He, so we decided to make a bird 's nest with my good friend . And it’s very easy to soak. I’ll teach you how simple it is. It takes almost two hours. Did you know that you can soak it in water for two hours and heat it in water for thirty minutes ? OK , it’s very simple. Give it to your favorite person . Thank you . Your skin will be very good because of it. It’s rich in protein, OK. Thank you , Sister Jing , and thank you Zheng He. Let’s set out every Wednesday at 10 o’clock in the evening.
Channel: 天后出發吧
Views: 23,742
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Keywords: 女神, 美妝, 保養, 時尚, 潮流, beauty, 親子, 職場, 藝人, 明星, 時事, 議題, 流行, 女孩, 女生, 話題, 網路, 社群, 減肥, 美容, 穿搭, 購物, 男女, 同性, 感情, 結婚, 生活, 旅行, 星座, 占卜, 閑聊, 心情, 偶像, 追星, 寵物, 美食, 娛樂, 綜藝, 談話, 節目, youtube
Id: 27W4L7ISlA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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