方芳芳初次造訪馬來西亞 重返16歲入宮選秀?蘇丹皇宮 雞飯粒 印度花圈 日式料理 挖掘馬來西亞三大種族文化歷史和特色美食!|利菁 方芳芳|天后出發吧 EP1全集

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Because when you want to enter the palace later, what is the difference between the clothes of common people and the clothes of the royal family ? Let’s just talk about the difference between the age of sixteen and the Qing Dynasty. Do we have to be sixteen if we want to enter the Chuxiu Palace ? Generally speaking, the audience doesn’t know much about the relationship between Lao Tsai and the royal family. I know the difference in light soy sauce. I have been cooking rice for many years and I am very good at it. In fact, when it is balanced with the sauce, it doesn’t feel much different from Hainanese chicken rice , but it is very delicious because it is more convenient . I rarely eat Hainanese chicken. Let’s go after dinner . What’s very special today is that I invited my very good friend and very good sister . And the most important thing about my senior is that he doesn’t appear on TV at all and doesn’t answer any announcements. But he is willing to come to me today. I am really full of joy to welcome my super idol. I am his little fan. Hello idol , my idol. Oh my God . I just guessed that you can wear a shirt. I am guessing that you also know how to wear a shirt. Wear white. You are so awesome. Judging from our two bodies, I am his real idol and I am his fan. I have been watching his dramas since I was a child. He debuted early. The weather is a bit hot today , but let me give you a brief report. Today’s itinerary is very simple. Everything is related to Malaysia. It’s good to have a relationship because it’s my first time to come to Malaysia . Thank you for giving me the opportunity to visit and understand the culture, customs and customs of Malaysia so deeply. I want to thank Ye Ailing for introducing such a good friend and giving me the opportunity to play here at least for the admission ticket. I think this is better than the Golden Bell Award. Can you go abroad with the Golden Bell Award? No , do you have a few of them at home? I have one, and I have two at home , but it’s of no use. It’s just an honor. You go, let’s go. Isn’t the weather a little bit bad? Please don’t expose my idol because our first stop is the palace. Since we have to enter the palace, we need you to know the feeling of a mother’s love for the world. You are so kind to me and you took me into the palace as soon as we met. The queen needs some concubines and I want to do that. The most pampered concubine's palace, Let's go, this place is so wonderful, right? Why does a house feel like a prop room? You have to ask the owner here himself and come in . Welcome teacher, good teacher, please tell me. This place basically doesn't look like it. If you work in this industry where you live , it will be convenient for everyone to rent clothes. Are most of the clothes you rent here are Malay clothes or not ? They are available all over the world . And you see, basically they are all folk customs . I think we are in Malacca, Malaysia. Do you want to introduce the characteristics of Malaysian clothing? What are the differences between civilian clothes and royal clothes ? Just tell me directly that I want to enter the palace. I understand. The two of us are going back to sixteen years old, just like the Qing Dynasty. We want to enter. Does Chu Xiugong have to be sixteen years old? I don’t want to participate in the election anymore because we haven’t gotten rid of you at our current age . It’s really good that Chu Xiugong is in the cold palace. If you compare the royal family, how should I choose? I have already chosen this carefully. I'll show you a few sets and see which ones you like. This one is very popular in Taiwan. This one is Nyonya. It's not from the palace, but it looks so festive. The embroidery is very beautiful . I helped it with processing and the addition is so complicated. It has two colors. This is a handmade car. Flower, this is what we Chinese wear when marrying Malays, right , so they call them Nyonya and Baba. Who is wearing such bright colors ? This is also what their witch tribe wears. What does witch tribe mean? The witch tribe is our horse. The golden sequins and golden feel here mean that if you look more aristocratic, you will be considered a noble. Because it is very hot here in Malaysia and the material is so thick. The air conditioning in your home must be very strong otherwise you will suffer from heatstroke. You don’t have to worry about the environment of the witch tribe here. Comfortable to the teacher. He is the queen and I am the empress dowager. How should I wear it? This suit is more suitable. Who is the empress dowager ? The empress dowager is older and more afraid of the cold . What is this for? It is also the same as the Wu clan. They wear high-end clothes. You can't show your back at the party , right? You can't . He likes to show his back and chest . Is it low-cut and leg-exposed ? It's really not okay. If you like this , then I will introduce you to wearing western-style evening clothes , but they won't arrest me. Don't you think this represents a very open and free country of Freedom ? Didn't you get a stomachache after wearing it last time ? You went back to have diarrhea and let the air out. Is walking in Malay clothes the same as walking in general ? Can you demonstrate it and teach us ? It’s not okay, it’s not okay, the seventh master and the eighth master are not good-looking. At least they have to look like the third prince , a super model. No, the cat walk is no good. The cat walk is no good , it’s just a very elegant way of walking. This is normal. When you walk in, you walk like this. Walk like this elegantly. Is it true that elegance has the same hands and feet? Do you know that elegance can't be too big in movements ? I'll tell you later. When we enter the palace, we use basic etiquette to try to portray the temperament of the queen at that time. If I were the queen, he would be you. You know. It's just that you know that the war between two girls will never stop. You know what I mean. I picked the most beautiful one and I went to change it first. See you at the palace. Your Majesty, wait for me. Look how thin I am. Let’s go home. This is my home. Welcome to my home . How can we be sure that our home is air-conditioned? It seems that your home is so thick. I think it ’s so thick. Have you ever imagined that the palace is so... It's bigger. I think it's a little smaller than I thought. Is it true? It's a dynasty . It's the real Malacca dynasty. It's a sultanate. I've done a little research . It was once as big as Sumatra and was home to the southwest of Thailand. Then how come we are here ? How come our home is getting smaller and smaller? Why is our home getting smaller and smaller? Is it because bad guys are coming? To be precise, what kind of bad guys are coming? So that the Sultanate of Malacca has disappeared. Then you have to ask the experts. Okay, hello . Do you want to speak for a long time ? Why don’t you keep it short? If it’s long, we can sit down. You can sit slowly. It should be a beautiful picture. I didn’t expect it to be so beautiful. This palace is based on 1456. In the 15th century, the palace of Sultan Mansosha at the peak of his dynasty looked so big and long. In fact, it didn’t have a single nail. Then look at the wood above. Do you see the wood? The value of each wood is equal to a diamond . What kind of wood is this? It's called diamond wood. Diamond wood. Everyone should have heard of agarwood. Agarwood is similar to it , so the value of one piece of wood is called diamond. So use diamond wood. Then the place where you are sitting is called resin wood. These are all It can withstand hundreds of years of history . No wonder it is well preserved. So next time, don’t talk about the gold medal host. Do n’t just follow the historical allusions. You know, I know that it is really recorded in the history of the Ming Dynasty. This place is called Manlajia. Manla. In Canada , what is your name now? In Malacca, are the clothes we wear very authentic? Are they really the clothes of the royal family? Yes, the clothes you wear are the clothes used by the Sultan to entertain your distinguished guests . Yes , what do they wear themselves ? If you know how to wear it, I will wear a more gorgeous golden yellow. We can go in and take a look later. I just realized that I am really missing a little bit of jewelry today. I forgot to take that necklace . I don’t even know if the fork has reached you. Isn't it there at home? Didn't the teacher just say that if my clothes were to bloom like this, there was no place to insert my hair. I really wanted to insert it on my forehead, otherwise it would be difficult to express my temperament . Your aura is also very full. Is it enough? It’s really because the shoulder pads are so big and this shawl is really big. As far as I know, it’s the Malacca Sultanate. This dynasty was greatly influenced by the Ming Dynasty. Because Zheng He made six voyages to the West, and actually formed a large trading country, which helped Malacca expand trade routes in Southeast Asia. However, there are good and bad aspects, so at this time, let’s briefly understand the allusions and we will go in and read it. Okay, okay Look forward to it. Let me help you . I am obviously very dexterous. I can go up and down , but you still have to help me to make me look so old. You have to be dignified . Queen , please come. Please come back to your home and hold up your chest . In fact, come in and see that it is really exquisite . From which side do we start? You can see that this is the founding father of our Malacca dynasty called Parames Surah. Why did he come to Malacca ? It was because he was a prince of a small kingdom in Majapahit. But Majapahit annexed him and he fled to Singapore and then came to Malacca and chased him all the way here. The tree you saw him sitting on was called the Malacca tree . And you saw him sitting under this tree to rest . Look. There are three animals here. They are called rat deer here in Malay and their name is Rusa. Next to them is a larger hunting dog. He was surrounded by three animals , but he relied on his wisdom and courage to drive them away , so he felt that Malacca is a It's a very auspicious land , so he decided to build the country here. It's hard to imagine. I'm sitting here and want to say that I want to build the country here . It 's really built here . It 's quite casual. It's not. Actually, it's quite full. In terms of meaning, I originally thought that you would at least say that in this large area, I would look for something with a mountain on its back and water on its back. It must be based on Feng Shui, so I thought it was this. I heard that the national flag was used as the symbol of the founding of the People's Republic of China. These two animals were used. It was his country at that time, and now your state flag was his kingdom and dynasty at that time. It was so powerful . Is it because of this problem that we don’t raise dogs? Because of this story? Because dogs are the incarnation of the devil in Muslim education. They don't raise dogs. On the contrary, cats are the incarnation of angels. Muslims don't raise dogs. It was the first time I knew it. I only knew that they didn't eat pork. I didn't expect that they didn't raise dogs . He didn't raise dogs either , but they wouldn't exclude them either . They are not excluded , they are just very friendly. This country is very tolerant because it has many races and languages, so it is very tolerant. This is the general building. Then you will find that there are three floors in total. The bottom floor represents the people. We are now In the middle, right? We are the leader in the middle and the emperor at the top. So this is also interesting. Although it is an imperial system , you cannot build a country without the support of the people. In this case, you can see people of various nationalities in the meeting. They're all here and what you're wearing today In fact, it is the dress of VIP guests , so we don’t count the concubines or queens here , but the guests . His clothes are more like a queen, more like a queen. Concubine, welcome to my home. My home is not your home. Please come this way. I am. You know , the Chinese representative really fucked me a little bit for several days in a row until I forgot to bring it. Fortunately, you know our JOJO relies on this to maintain his physical strength. Recently, I don’t know because this is true. You know, Germany is a big country. A doctor from Switzerland and a doctor from Switzerland later returned to Taiwan , but they could eat well. So I think what’s amazing is that I’ve read the literature about it . The calf thymus. The calf’s thymus. The thymus is basically the brain of systemic immunity. It is specifically responsible for the immune system of the whole body. It will tell you what kind of soldiers you want to fight here. If you are sick here, what kind of soldiers you want to fight, what kind of soldiers you want to fight. So the thymus is very important, so when your immunity drops , your thymus is already small. Then it won’t send troops and it’s also disordered , so supplementing the thymus gland will make you feel very energetic . If you don’t just take two pills a day, will your brain be too flexible and hard to sleep ? My bestie, you know what his reaction is. Because he has meetings from early morning to night, you know? When he has meetings until night, you can see that the day is so intensive , but he has to be clear-headed. He is not allowed to enter when he returns to Taiwan, so the boss helps him enter and lets him eat, so he still maintains him. He said it was cheaper, more portable and convenient for physical strength . Then he said I could take two pills in the morning and two pills in the evening. I could still have meetings from morning to night and slept well at 1 o'clock in the morning. It was the first time I was doing a location program. They asked me to do it at 6:30. I have to put on makeup , but I have to go out at 9:30. I have done it a few days ago, but I don’t have the confidence . How do you put it on? Do you apply powder all over your body? This makeup thing is entirely due to the current social software that is too developed. Have you ever read a book, a little black book, a book, a little black book, or something like that every day? It tells you if it’s right or not, and it tells you if it’s right or not. It’s a bad foundation. You need to use five colors now . Does it tell you to put on my makeup now? I saw that you were selling that foundation before, so I told you that you used three colors and there were five colors. You used three colors and asked us to buy three colors . Now I have replenished to five colors because he said he wanted to make up for the bone phase, which is you. Bones look like this. I want to say that it’s okay. But it ’s true. I mentioned before that the foundation is very sheer. It’s good- looking and easy to recommend. It’s really not bad. If anything you recommend is bad, you will tell it yourself. I have tried it and I love you. Take a walk. It is said that this old Jonker Street is their oldest street. Every Friday and Saturday, the street is closed . There are many people and I heard that there are a lot of delicious food. Can you take me to eat ? I heard that there is There are several queuing restaurants . Let’s go check out one of them. This one is very famous. Look at the name. Chicken rice balls. Remember, you love chicken . I love chicken. I’m okay . You’re okay. Then I’ll eat more. Yes, but I heard it’s a must. Be sure to check out the famous shops. The ones must be really good and delicious. Are you considered Chinese here? Where are you from? My parents are both local Hainanese , but my father is from Hainan, China. Let me tell you, we heard the full name . What is this called, chicken rice balls or chicken rice? Chicken rice, there are chicken rice balls, there are both. I also think that the name chicken rice is really inspiring , inspiring, inspiring, and it feels very inspiring. So here is how could this happen? I thought that my father, who made this rice into balls, was a fisherman who came across the border and was arrested. It took about half a year to a year. At that time, it was very hard for my mother to think of cooking chicken rice to make ends meet. When I lived in this area, there was a port and there were a lot of coolies there . It was convenient, right? I didn’t need a lunch box or cutlery, so I couldn’t wait to eat it . What kind of characteristics does your sauce have ? What kind of red color is it? What 's black? What's the chili sauce ? It's sweet. We call it dark soy sauce. It's a little different from the usual dark soy sauce in Hong Kong cooking. Because it's darker in color , it's also sweeter. You two want to introduce it because Taiwanese audiences generally speak I don’t know much about the difference between dark soy sauce and light soy sauce. I know that I have been cooking for many years. Hong Kong people are very good at cooking . Generally, the soy sauce in Taiwan is different. They must have dark soy sauce and light soy sauce . If you want to color it today, it will be dark soy sauce . But the taste A little lighter, you want a strong flavor but a lighter color, so use light soy sauce. But in general cooking, we know how to use dark soy sauce and light soy sauce, so we must use old and raw soy sauce . It’s because of its age. It’s a matter of color. Sister, I have a lot of knowledge. Sister is very knowledgeable. Obasan looks so little like this , and then the rice is cut into half. When we were cooking as children in the early days, our favorite way was like this, just pour it here, right , and then turn it around the top of the chicken and turn it once. Circle is right, then you squeeze in the rice and let me see if your beauty is enough and wasteful enough. I haven’t drawn a latte art yet . Thank you . I have a big appetite . Is this how it should be put together ? Or should I look at each individually ? We eat like this and eat like this. Just dip some sauce into the chicken. Is it chicken ? I ate it . I ate it until I was scared . I ate it until I was scared. And I didn’t hear clearly what the boss said. When he talked about eating , I wanted to run away and got cold. They are all very delicious. In fact, combined with the sauce, it doesn’t feel much different from Hainanese chicken rice , but it is very delicious, right? Because I rarely eat Hainanese chicken rice. I am a homebody. It is really delicious . It is delicious. It’s really delicious . Why do you keep hitting people like this? It’s very rude. You know, didn’t I tell you how the boss made it? It’s so delicious. It’s a great compliment. It’s so delicious. Let’s talk about the characteristics first. What kind of rice is this? We use Thailand. Use chicken oil to add a little saltiness to the fragrant rice . This is the chicken soup used to steam it. The chicken soup is used to cook the rice balls differently. It's not like the one we cooked. The rice comes out loose . The chicken oil we cook is still there, so it's right. There is soup , so it is more sticky when cooked, so it needs to be hot and cool. It may not be sticky or sticky. So about a few years ago, more than sixty years ago, in 1962, more than sixty years ago, I still had it. It should soon become a century-old store before it is born. I am telling you about a century-old store. Don’t underestimate me. I read an economic book. The century-old store in the world will never exceed 5% of a thousand. Come on , definitely go on. Right? I'm not one to ask for anything. Anyway, this table must be free of charge. To be honest, boss, do you often receive interviews from others? It 's relatively rare . Have you seen it ? Because of our looks, it's also relatively rare. You don't know me? The two of us rarely watch radio or TV. I rarely watch it. Sorry , so the main thing is that these two pairs are the best. I can make a lot of money with these two pairs . Is it like this? I ask this question. Have you discovered the traditional craftsmanship? One thing can be eaten for a lifetime and passed down well . I hope the boss will continue to insist on your original taste. It can be passed down through generations and become the real light of Malacca. Thank you, boss. Thank you, my dear, for bringing me to this place. Just this music makes me want to dance. When you wake up and listen to it , you know what the music smells like . What you smell? It smells like that cologne. When you look at it, you know it should be India Street. Do you see the word "India Street"? When you listen to this music, you feel good about India. Yes, but don't. Let’s eat again. I was just a little full. I looked at some traditional things. I thought the flower was very distinctive. I often drive by this flower and I’m very curious about why some are more in number and some are less . And what exactly is this flower? Is it worn by a living person or is it a sign of respect for the ancestors ? I do n’t understand. I don’t understand Hinduism at all. I really don’t understand it at all. It’s so beautiful and colorful . Find a shop and ask if it’s okay. Let’s go. This is the contestant from India who played video games. When I came out, Namaste asked what the flowers were used for . I thought they were big, small , and of different colors. How could they be used for prayers , burials , and dedications to gods? All of them were fine. Then he said that if they were white, they would be more useful. What's the approximate price difference for a funeral ? I understand. I understand what he said, the bigger, the more expensive. Then he kept trying to block my camera. The small one costs 8 yuan , how much is the small one? 8 small ones, the big one is 8 yuan. 40 Yes, 40 , it's not cheap, yes, it's all purely handmade, I think the freshness of the flowers is very good, right ? It's also jasmine , it's all true. He can talk about jasmine, jasmine , but he knows if jasmine is right , because it's not there yet. It 's open, so the fragrance hasn't come out yet . Can he sing jasmine? Jasmine, what about you? You sing jasmine again . So now we have to learn how to play it. It 's for you. Your hands are more skillful. I'm dumber and you're smarter. OK, it's too difficult. It's so hard. Then left, two, and next . It's rotating. Let me try it. OK, right here. It's not here . So it has a little bit of a spiral . It's a spiral. It's like this. Why is it so long ? If you go around this side, I will definitely pester you to speak Taiwanese to him. How can he understand what I say ? Jasmine how are you doing today do you have a girlfriend do you like to dance Chumma Chumma do you like Chumma Chumma Chumma Chumma do you like to dance no you have music do you have no indian music I just heard it here I know how to dance it's not hip hop it's different Indian music, he ran away, ran away, I told you, you go to the front and dance, I will turn around here. You are more suitable for dancing. I am suitable for handicrafts. I will call the customers. Do you like it? How much is it? 10 yuan, please . 10 yuan. 10 yuan. Do you have 10 yuan? Thank you. It’s really sold. It’s really sold. Buy two. Buy two. Thank you. Open. I made 10 yuan on the side . Thank you. No, you take two . It’s 20 yuan. Give me one . Thank you God. Bless you. 10 yuan . But I made 10 yuan and gave it to my mother, san. Mom, san. I made 10 yuan and came back. I don’t have 1 yuan to give now. The commission for you and me is 1 yuan, give it to the boss, boss . Thank you, what do you think ? Thank you, let’s go to the next place to play. Is it really fun ? This is how I move. It’s Taiwan’s betel nut Xi Tzu, right? It ’s completely Xi Tzu’s move. Let’s continue walking. Let's go . I really like the atmosphere. It's comfortable , a bit like an old street , but it's also very casual. What time is it now? 6 o'clock. It's 6 o'clock. It's so bright . I still want to have a happy hour. Can we queue up for food again? Or can I change the taste ? Do you think the food here will be very monotonous, all of which are like Malaysian flavor, Singapore and Southeast Asia are very strong. Then I will leave it to you to bring something refreshing for dinner . This restaurant is a Japanese restaurant. How can there be Japanese food here? It looks pretty good in such an old street. Are you sure about eating Japanese food? Wait a minute and see if the Japanese food here has horse flavor. Take a look at the horse-flavored Japanese food. You have a good feeling, right? I think you are a bit embarrassed to entertain me this time. We went to a Japanese restaurant regardless of the cost. Others were playing on the beach and in the night market. I know you are very good to me. Only you are the palace or something. Thank you, my best friend , wait for me . Are you a gang or a guest ? Aren't you a tour guide? How could you sneak here by yourself ? You're here for dinner today. You're so new. You're alone . No one has asked you. I 'll sit next to you. Thank you . It 's just right . I think it's just right. It's destiny. The reason is that they talk about why they brought you Japanese food for your last meal in Malacca. The reason is because Malacca was colonized by many countries, so you can’t even guess that there is Japan in it . It’s true , but usually when you go to Malaysia , you just You don't have any association with Japan. Do you know if Taiwan was ruled by Japan? They have ruled Taiwan for a long time. When you look at the Presidential Palace and other places, you see a lot of them that have the flavor of the Japanese occupation era. There is nothing here at all. You know. Why ? Because we only had three years and eight months of colonization by Japan, and we were the last to colonize it before we declared independence. Could it be that this time was exactly the same as Taiwan ? Was it the same time that they were defeated? Yes, at the same time. So because many people don’t know why Japan ruled Malacca, the last stop is Japanese food. Is it good ? It’s educational and delicious. You can enjoy the perfect combination . Then today we are preparing. I don’t know what you are today. What kind of rice bowl do you want to eat ? He just eats rice bowl. I just eat rice bowl. Ok rice. Then I eat no-menu cuisine. No-menu cuisine. What they prepare seems to be no-menu cuisine. But I heard that the boss seems to be Japanese . Is that so? I heard that your Japanese is also very good. It’s okay . I’m a student in the English department. Hello , are you the chef? Do you have any delicious dishes? Yes, I have prepared sashimi for you. He is now decorating the raw fish. Thank you for the video. We are a very famous host from Taiwan. I am a little more famous than him , but he is more beautiful. Let’s enjoy it because I think Malaysia is a very suitable place for Chinese people to vacation because here it is The food is very diversified , so when it comes to food, you won’t feel like you don’t want to eat so many foreign foods when you go to Europe or the United States today . You don’t have such concerns here. This is right. The most healthy thing . Thank you. Very healthy . You have to be good at hospitality . Thank you. That is what I want to eat the most . I will give you the rest later. Flowers are very important . Flowers are very beautiful . I want to start. It’s really delicious . The fresh ingredients are delicious. They are shipped from Japan. They are so good . The meat from Japan comes and we eat it together. It is also sashimi. All of them are tuna belly. The tuna belly is marinated and then grilled. It's just that the fish has been seared, so there's still a lot of oil in it. In this way, the oil is the richest and the searing flavor is just right . It has a slightly burnt aroma. But the other side is not seared, it has a bit of the freshness and sweetness of the sashimi , and this one is also very fragrant and delicious. Is this a potato? This is a cucumber. Cucumbers are different. Cucumbers are something you can eat in Japanese cuisine. Cucumbers must be different . Thank you . Let’s give it a try to see the refreshing taste. In fact, the duller the taste, the sweeter the ingredients are. Can you make fun of my good friend again without me ? You can’t bully people like this. That’s okay. It's very refreshing and very delicious. This is pork stewed with potatoes. It's the most popular dish. It uses meat and potatoes. Currently, the third dish tastes a little different to me. The special cucumbers are different. The fourth dish is average to me. Eat potatoes , but the potatoes are not particularly mushy. They maintain a bit of a Q degree, which I think is quite rare. What is this? This is a potato salad with cucumbers and onions. It is delicious, dense and a little crispy. It is a small cucumber cut into small pieces. Thin and it seems to have been pickled so it is very crispy so it has layers of texture. Are you satisfied with it along the way? Very satisfied and happy? You know the best thing about me is my own good sister . I think being on the show is one or two , so that everyone can have more Seeing your three sisters hanging out together, I think it is a rare blessing in life. It should be very unforgettable, especially since I have never been to Malaysia before. This is my first time here, and you are familiar with us, and you can guide us to eat the most authentic food . I really understand the customs and customs here, which you may not experience when you go out to play on your own, so it is rare to have this opportunity. Thank you, Li Jing , thank you, Queen . We will enjoy the culture in Jonker Street like this . Influenced by the delicious food and tongues from all over the world, the wonderful feeling between each other makes the friendship stronger and stronger. Yes, and I sincerely hope that all my friends will fall in love with this land. I hope everyone will continue to watch. What good friends will I have for you next? Maybe I don't know , I'm looking forward to it . Thank you for watching today. Let's say one more thing. Let's go . It's been a few years since we started . How do I know that I know him ? I've known him since I watched TV. He grew up watching my show and I watched him. I grew up on the show , but he is not a few years younger than me, so he has been reluctant to grow up and wants to harm me. You know how thin I am. I am really slim. Look at how thin I am and how beautiful I am. I have such a good figure that it is hard for me to give up on myself. So impressive , so powerful, a little simple, like this palace, it’s fine, flat body
Channel: 天后出發吧
Views: 70,932
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Keywords: 女神, 美妝, 保養, 時尚, 潮流, beauty, 親子, 職場, 藝人, 明星, 時事, 議題, 流行, 女孩, 女生, 話題, 網路, 社群, 減肥, 美容, 穿搭, 購物, 男女, 同性, 感情, 結婚, 生活, 旅行, 星座, 占卜, 閑聊, 心情, 偶像, 追星, 寵物, 美食, 娛樂, 綜藝, 談話, 節目, youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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