馬來西亞影帝李銘忠最愛的古早味!超好吃薄餅讓他吃到起飛 來馬六甲不容錯過的在地小吃!|利菁 李銘忠|天后出發吧 EP4精華

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Today I will specially take Sister Jing to eat some Malacca delicacies that I ate when I was a child. Is that true? Is that true? At that time, children had no money to eat and the food was ordinary. Their parents paid for it. Come here when we are hungry . We are here . What are you waiting for ? It 's sold out. Yes , but you don't have to worry. It's only 12 o'clock. It's already sold out at 12 o'clock. Take a look here . There are no stores here. Only reservations are made. Please use the communication software to make reservations one day in advance. We don't accept phone calls and don't leave messages . So how do you make a reservation? It's just a communication software. Don't worry. Sister , I'm a local snake. I've already arranged it. I've already discussed it with the boss lady. Are you serious? Yes, it's been arranged. I've already made a reservation. It won't be ugly. I told you no. The boss lady is already waiting for us. It's sold out. Let's go in first. Hello, this pancake is called mass pancake , but in Taiwan it's called moist pancake , but they don't have the same thing. What do you pack inside ? What is this ? This is a type of sweet potato , a kind of sweet potato , a kind of sweet potato. This is white. Dried tofu , white , dried tofu , dried tofu, white , chopped , chopped, stir-fried, this is shredded egg , right, egg skin like this , this is lard residue, you have a lot of lard residue, you use so much lard residue, lard residue It’s the soul of pancakes. The lard residue is 30 kilograms if the order is 300 pieces. If the order is 500 pieces, we will prepare 50 kilograms. VVIP treatment is not available for internal use , so only we can sit down , right? There is also air conditioning. He said this is a comparison. Xiaotiao , yours is relatively small. In fact, it doesn’t look very small. You can see that he made it more slender for you. You said it’s not authentic to eat like this, right? You have to hold it with your hands, right? We have two ways to eat it . One is to eat it with your hands, right? It will fall apart and I can’t resist anymore. I want to eat this one. He suggested it and he said he can eat two at a time. It’s amazing. I eat it every day almost every time when I come back to see my mother for a break. What is it called? The sweet potato has a little texture and is not completely soft. Our sweet potatoes are soft. It is not completely soft. The texture of the sweet potato must be cooked just right . Otherwise, if it is too rotten, it will not taste good and there will be no texture. Yes, it is sweet and a little sweet . It's sweet. The crust is delicious . The crust is delicious. Q. The two I'm going to take away are still growing. The fifth degree is growing well. Let's eat coffee. This is coffee. This is freshly brewed monk fruit . Thank you for giving me a hug. How about you? Such good lard dregs, the fried flavor is really delicious . The crispy lard dregs are here . It’s heavenly. I haven’t eaten them for several years. I really miss them . After my parents left, I rarely come back here. I don’t have time every time I come back. Otherwise, it would be closed. But did they open it when my parents were here ? It has been open for a long time. He didn’t have him. It should have been opened more than 2000 years ago. The food we workers in Malacca eat is a bit like the older generation in the past. Ride a bicycle to the construction site to sell it. During lunch time, the workers will come down and queue up to buy it . It ’s not expensive. How much does it cost for one portion? This one costs 5 yuan, 5 yuan , 5 yuan, or about NT$ 35 . It’s OK. It’s reasonable because it’s very real. The ingredients are solid and there is lard residue. You know frying lard residue is very hard work. I just secretly looked at his hands because fried lard residue will easily bubble. It will be very hot . If you pack it up, I will do it again. Eat one and then another lard. Is it coming? The singing piglet is so funny.
Channel: 天后出發吧
Views: 68,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 女神, 美妝, 保養, 時尚, 潮流, beauty, 親子, 職場, 藝人, 明星, 時事, 議題, 流行, 女孩, 女生, 話題, 網路, 社群, 減肥, 美容, 穿搭, 購物, 男女, 同性, 感情, 結婚, 生活, 旅行, 星座, 占卜, 閑聊, 心情, 偶像, 追星, 寵物, 美食, 娛樂, 綜藝, 談話, 節目, youtube
Id: jq1CGZhYoFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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