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Channel: 岩手県公式動画チャンネル
Views: 25,424,956
Rating: 4.6387649 out of 5
Keywords: 東日本大震災, 津波, 地震, いわて, 岩手, 大船渡, 伝承, 大船渡津波伝承館, 三陸
Id: jbvBsgoEAe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Water and Gravity are the tag team champs.
This is truly heartbreaking to watch.
It gets you coming and going
Although extremely destructive, for which my heart goes out to all the victims of this tragedy, a Tsunami is damn interesting!!! The stereotype of a huge wave instantly killing people simply isn't true. It's a creeping death.... the sea simply moving inland at a great height. 2004 then 2011.... there's a one due. Pray for those involved.
So sad and terrifying. My heart hurts every time I see footage of it.
It's truly remarkable the awful things I've witnessed in my lifetime.