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Footage provided by Katsuya Oikawa Town of Minamisanriku-cho in Miyagi shortly after the earthquake Recorded from National Route 45 (Utatsu Ohashi Bridge) Isatomae Bay (shortly after 3 p.m.) Initially, water receded from the bay Water starts entering the bay (around 3:15 p.m.) Tsunami warning is issued: " Stay away from coastal areas. " " A tsunami warning has been issued in this area. Stay away from the coast. " The water level in the bay gradually starts to rise. Footage comparison People can still be spotted near the levee (Around 3:20 p.m.) Repeated tsunami warnings. " A tsunami has been confirmed. Evacuate to higher ground. " Repeated tsunami warnings. " Stay away from coastal areas. " Water instantaneously floods the levee. " It's no use! Run to the mountains! " Footage comparison Just then, Mr. Oikawa's home is ravaged by the tsunami. Suddenly, water comes rushing from behind... Visual description Waves make their way around the side of the embankment... and come crashing through the Utatsu Bypass Water runs along the top of the Utatsu Ohashi bridge Towards Kudanohama Mr. Oikawa moves to higher ground. The town of Utatsu is virtually submerged in water (Around 3:30 p.m.) " The house is ruined. It's just mud water now. " " It (the wave) is well over 6 meters high. " " Even the school is in danger. " " Oh, wow... " Isatomae Elementary School gymnasium " It's dying down a bit. " " It destroyed the entire Isatomae area. " " Not just Isatomae, the tsunami probably hit the entire Pacific coast. " " The backwash is taking everything with it. " " The backwash is extremely powerful. " " The water's reached the top of the elementary school. " " It reached the elementary school? " " The civic center, the elementary school, even the middle school... " " Has the civic center been washed away? " " The framework is still intact. " " Oh, it's all being washed away. " " This sound... " Homes caught in the backwash are swept toward the bay, violently crashing against the bridge as they go " That's the health center in front. " " And it's snowing... " " How's the edge of the embankment? " " 41 minutes...not much time has passed. " Filming continues from the south side (edge of the embankment) After the waves have gone, Mr. Oikawa descends the embankment. (Around 3:45 p.m.) Utatsu Gyoryu Museum (Minamisanriku Town Fisheries Promotion Center) " This is an unmitigated disaster. " Isatomae River tide gate " This is the elementary school's playground. " Isatomae Elementary School 15 meters above sea level (Around 4 p.m.) " The waves reached as high as the elementary school. " " The tsunami...and now snow. " " What a disaster. " " Is this just nature? " " Is this just part of life? " Utatsu Station, JR Kesennuma Line (Around 4:15 p.m.) The station - also located 15 meters above sea level - sustained significant damage from the tsunami. " This is the other side of the school. " Filming resumes from Isatomae Elementary School " These cars were carried all the way here. " " This is a statue of Ninomiya Kinjiro. " Surveying the disaster-hit town from Isatomae Elementary School (Just after 5 p.m.) " Here comes an aftershock. It's shaking. " " Karajima is the only thing left unaffected. " " The Utatsu Ohashi bridge was also swept away. " " The levee...the main levee is also gone. " " The civic center... " Utatsu Civic Center (Minamisanrikucho Town Hall, Utatsu Branch) " It was just completed...so grand. " " That must be the bank and health center. " Building in far left of screen: Sendai Bank, Utatsu Branch Right: Health Center (Minamisanrikucho Town Hall, Utatsu Branch) The bridge has collapsed, cutting off access to National Route 45 (Utatsu Bypass) Filming from east side of Isatomae Elementary School (After 5:30 p.m.) " Someone from the fire department perhaps? " " They appear to be searching for possible survivors. " " What a sight. "
Channel: FNN311
Views: 18,784,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FNN, フジニュースネットワーク, ニュース, 報道, フジテレビ, 震災, 東日本大震災, 3.11, 忘れない, Remember, 3/11, disaster
Id: I-Bnk_tyMW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2013
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