【Making BENTO 21】Spam musubi/Yakisoba dog/Onigiri/Chicken cutlet/hot dog/Soboro/Peach jello/Kamaboko
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Channel: Hanako's kitchen
Views: 1,578,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking show, bento, bento prep, recipe, cooking vlog, eating vlog, homemade, home chef, home cookig, bento box, bentolunch box, obento, bento for husband, お弁当, お弁当ブログ, お弁当作り, 旦那弁当, Japanese, Japanese food, Japanese meal, meal, making bento, bento making, Hanako, Hanako's kitchen, sandwich, Chicken cutlet, rice ball, cheese, spam musubi, octopus sausage, sausage, hash browns, hot dog, yakisoba, yaisoba dog, jello, jelly, peach, soboro, kamaboko, spam, ham
Id: LliTJJEdolM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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