⭐High End THRIFT FLIP DIY Decor Ideas On a Budget!

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on today's episode we are gonna be doing some thrift flips i just heard of a new thrift store i don't know if it's brand new or if it's just new to me we're gonna head over there now see what we can find [Music] all right we are here and from what i'm seeing outside i am so excited to go in so let's go see what we can find look at all of these street signs i feel like that would be so cute for a teen bedroom could we do something fun with those cabinet doors they're really pretty [Music] scary [Music] a lot of antiques [Music] [Music] so we are back from our thrifting adventures and that store was really fun had a lot of cool things shopping a store like that however it does tend to be a little bit more expensive you do pay a little bit of a premium but sometimes you can find really cool items and i did just that and one of those items is going to turn out to be probably one of my favorite flips i've ever done and that's saying a lot another one of those had me questioning my judgment so you'll have to stay tuned for that one but let's get started with our first flip which is a floor lamp done two ways so we're gonna do it one way and then we're gonna do it another so i wasn't a huge fan of the base of this i just felt like it was it was black but it had like some brushed on gold that looked like it had been hand done so the first thing i did is kind of tape everything i could off take it outside and spray it on a flat black spray paint gave it a nice blank slate so after that was dry i came in added a new shade well it was new but it was thrifted i thrifted this shade about a year or two ago and it's just been sitting in a closet for four dollars it looked perfect on this lamp so if you're looking for more of like a regular lamp floor lamp this one looks really good don't you think i thought this was spectacular but when i saw this floor lamp i could not get out of my mind a street lamp and that's kind of like a running theme on my channel i have done a lot of street lamp diys but i've never done a legit street lamp and i just couldn't get it out of my mind so that's what we're gonna do for our version number two so for version number two the first thing we're gonna do is remove that shade that we just put on and totally disassemble the top portion of the lamp take off the harp unscrew the nut get everything kind of disassembled on that top portion we even cut the like the light bulb section off with some wire cutters and just clip the cord and i know that that is gonna seem scary and crazy to some of you and i've actually never done this but it turned out to be way easier than i thought and then i reassembled it without the harp and all of that the light fixture and i kind of tried it on and it was still gonna be too tall the little rod was gonna stick out too much and it was gonna not work for our official street lamp so what i did is re-disassembled took out that pipe that runs in the middle that holds the wire in it pulled it all out and i needed to cut out a one and a half inch section of that pipe i couldn't do it right off the top because i needed the threads for the nut to kind of hold everything all together so my thought was is i just got some pipe cutter it's a little tool that i had in my arsenal that my husband uses and i use and all you do is you attach it to the rod kind of line it up with like a little blade and you tighten it and you keep spinning it around and around and around and around and around and tightening it a little bit at a time as it gets a little bit looser you tighten it a little bit until ultimately the pipe cuts and i had to do that twice to get out that one and a half inch section and then to reattach it i kind of cheated because i didn't want to go to the home improvement store and get a flange i didn't want to get pipe fitting stuff and they go to all of that trouble that honestly is probably the proper way to do it or getting a new rod altogether so i cheated and i got a little gorilla duct tape i thought it would work out fine for what we're doing basically i figured once we tightened up that nut it would give it enough pressure that it would be okay so i threaded the wire back through that rod twisted it back into place got our nut back on the top twisted it really tight and got it back to new make sure that the the wire is sticking out that rod and we don't want it to pull back down because you know if you yank on that cord there's nothing really holding it into place so i found a tutorial by my good friend leah from see jane drill we're relay friends she's amazing and she is so full of knowledge and she taught me how to do an underwriter's knot i think that's what it's called so i followed her tutorial of how to make that knot and i will link it in the description box below and the idea of doing this knot is really important because that will prevent it if somebody like yanked on the cord it won't like yank our wire back through that rod and cause us issues down the road so doing that knot is really important with that knot in place we are now ready to hardwire a lamp post top to the top of our new floor lamp you just match up the wires twist them together i'm not an electrician so i don't want to give you too much tutorial on this it did work out fantastically you screw it together and then you take electrical tape and tape over the top of them there's a ground wire that i also put a cap on and put some electrical tape around all of those just securing them together and then with it hardwired you slip the top of that post cap right over the top of our floor lamp base and it just so happened that it was the right thickness the right size it couldn't have been more perfect i ordered this lamppost top off of amazon for i believe it was thirty nine and then all i did was tighten up the screws on the side of the post cap and that just kind of clinches it right into our floor lamp face and then i took a candle light bulb screwed that in and then put on our top now if you remember we clipped off our light kit on the top and that's usually how you turn a light like this on and off and so you might be asking yourself am i going to have to unplug it and re-plug it in every time i want to turn it on and off and my solution for this is the same solution that i have for some wall sconces i have on my wall that are not hardwired in and i have found these plugins that are remote control operated i just plugged it into that and you can just turn it on and off with a remote control and so therefore once it's plugged in we don't have to worry about it but oh my word this might be one of my favorite thrift flips of all time because it is so cool it is a legit street lamp now it's not super tall but it is a really cute size i i might take this outside i may leave it right where it's at i think it is so adorable and the base of it really looked like a street lamp and now the top matches the base the finishes matched up i'm thrilled to say the least and i think i have maybe 60 dollars into this lamp all said and done only because the lamp was about twenty dollars to begin with and then of course we spent about 39 or so on that topper i don't know which version did you like better the traditional floor lamp or this street lamp version i'm just gonna say hands down street lamp wins for me but the other one looked really good too i love that as well so next up i found this i don't know what it is it's like a wood spindle i don't know if it was attached to a bed or what it was attached to at one point it was attached to something because you had these big giant holes on the side but it was only a dollar fifty and i thought i could make something really cool out of this so the first thing we did is took it outside and cut down the bottom of it to be a little bit shorter and get rid of those little random i don't know pieces of wood at the bottom and give us a nice flush of bottom and then i also had some scrap wood left over from another project where i cut down to cover up those giant holes on the side because i didn't want to fill it with like a ton of putty i just thought that would take forever to dry then it would cave in it would just be kind of a hassle and i just thought there would be a better way and it just so happened that the the wood trim that i had already had some pre-drilled holes in that i thought that would work out good i wouldn't recommend it if you find yourself in this situation just go with a solid piece of wood it will be a little bit easier when you get to that point i also cut down a couple of strips of wood to kind of match it all the way around where we were going to be attaching that to kind of give it a decorative element then i pulled out my nail gun and my wood glue and we would glued the the pieces with the holes on at first and then we took some finish nails and nailed that in to cover up those giant holes i did that on both sides and then on the front and the back i just took a couple of pieces of the same trim without a hole in it and wood glued and nailed that into place i did the base i kind of criss-crossed found center kind of traced out where we wanted our spindle to sit on our base glued it on and nailed that into place and then i after the fact it was a rectangle base i meant to run it in the other direction but once it was on i was like oh you know it's not a big deal really so i just left it as is and then i used a three-quarter inch wood boring bit to make that hole larger and honestly this would have worked out better if there was no hole to begin with so my idea of it working out good it just wasn't a good idea just start with a solid piece of wood because it was really hard to kind of match that center up and get that to be the size of hole that we needed it to be we'd have just started with a fresh piece of wood it would have worked out a little bit better but we did get the job done and made our hole large enough for our wood dowel so i had a this three-quarter inch wood dowel is sitting in my stash cut it in half and then we took some wood glue and glued that on either end and shoved it into our holes and then while i was gluing everything i just kind of filled in all these cracks and crevices just to make the paint adhere better and just kind of fill some of those gaps in and i went kind of crazy once we had those dowels sticking in the side i hot glued with some gorilla hot glue which is really strong stuff some little wood finials to the end of each one of those dowels to just finish it off after we attach the wood finials i also attached a hook on the front and the back this is a jewelry holder so it will be a good place to hang some jewelry and maybe other decorative elements and then i painted out everything that was raw wood in a brown finish to kind of just make it all match and keep it consistent and you'll see why that's important in just a second and then after that was dry i did several coats of white chalk paint and got a nice opaque white finish and let that dry and then once that was fully dry i kind of distressed everything out and that was the reason i did the brown is just so that when i distressed it it would be consistent underneath and that's it i put a little decorative mini wreath on it just to kind of add a little personality but we can hang necklaces on it we can hang bracelets on it it's got a lot of possibilities i think it looks really cute out on my fireplace mantel with some of my other elements here in my bedroom and it's just a really cute piece all said and done i probably have five dollars into it and i i just love how it turned out it's a really cute jewelry organizer [Music] so my next piece is this kind of swamp thing uh decorative box i could tell that i had really good bones but i was not digging this like swamp thing monster painted finish on it but i knew that it had potential and the very first thing i did is take this sage chalk paint now when i say sage i usually think of green but this is definitely kind of like a a bluish green and i did two really good coats on the entire thing except for the inside because the inside was a really pretty gold color and i left that alone and you'll see why that gold will work really well in our finished piece because once those couple coats of blue green was dried i went back in with some grecian gold rub and buff with my finger and just very lightly dusted over some of those decorative elements on the box i had some like flirterly kind of feeling to it and i just very lightly hit that and on the finial on the top i did a little bit just very delicately and it totally transformed this box into something that was very kind of dated to say the least and kind of swampy looking to a very beautiful french feeling decorative box that's gonna look fabulous in my living room i think that it turned out so cute it looks so high-end and i i'm kind of partial to it okay so for this next thrift flip it totally had me questioning my judgment on why i bought it in the first place first of all when i got it home i opened it up and i don't know why i didn't like look it over better in the thrift store but i open it up and i realize that it is just filled with dirt and grime and just grossness now when i saw it like it kind of gave me a nostalgic feeling of like an old lobster trap in maine like just kind of like maybe a small miniature sized version of it so i was like well maybe i can do something kind of nautical with it but when i opened that up i was just so grossed out i didn't even bring it inside until i hosed it off and set it by the pool to dry out completely before i was gonna bring it into my house the first thing i tried to do is just do a little antiquing glaze over i just thought well maybe i can just freshen up the finish and maybe i'll like it when once i do that i didn't i was just not feeling this i don't i was like why did i buy this i think it was just that nostalgia and the thought of maybe being able to do this and put it in our vacation rental and home if you haven't watched my channel we lived in maine for seven years or so we still have a home there that we airbnb and act as a vacation rental and i got it because i was thinking well this would be fun a little fun piece to take out there the next time we are there after i did the glaze i was like oh i'm just not feeling this do i even continue on but i decided to and so i took it outside and did several coats of white spray paint with all of the nooks and crannies and all of the different things i just thought spring paint was the way to go now i had mentioned i wanted to do a nautical feel and so what i decided to do is i kind of kept going back and forth whether i wanted to add like an anchor look or if i wanted to just really embrace this lobster trap inspired box and that's what i had in my head and so i went to my cricut machine and cut out both an anchor and a lobster out of some wood on the cricut maker 3. now this is not sponsored by them but i thought it was really handy to to do this in this situation so after our paint dried i held up the anchor and then i held up the lobster and i know it's a little kitschy but i decided to go with a lobster i'm like why not just go for it i know exactly where this is going to go in my home in maine i have a very fun nautical room in my main home that this will look super cute in so i painted out the lobster red glued it to our the front of our box kind of on an angle and then i kind of distressed the whole thing so for the final finishing touch on this box we are going to reattach some nautical rope i'm just going to knot it like it was originally and had braid or been cut off i'm not quite sure what happened to the original rope the finished project while it's a little kitschy granted i think it's really adorable and i think it's going to look really fantastic i know exactly where it's going to go in our home in maine and i can't wait to put it there in the meantime here's a little look at what it looks like i just love how it turned out a little quirky but very cute well i hope you enjoyed this episode if so here's another one that i think you'll like as well and if you haven't done so already consider hitting that subscribe button right here it's super easy to do and i would love it if you joined the diy niner family and to all of my diy niners once again i just want to remind you that you are more powerful than you know we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Designed to the Nines
Views: 64,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: designed to the nines, design to the nines, natalee callahan, lone fox, xo macenna, how to, diy, decor, diy decor, home decor, kristen mcgowan, do it on a dime, thrift flips, thrift with me, high end decor, liz fenwick diy, diy home decor, high end diy, thrifted home decor, trash to treasure diy, trash to treasure projects, room decor, come thrift with me, thrifting, thrifted decor, diy street light, diy street lamp, street lamp
Id: QalejM7y0CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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