⭐️10 Life-Changing Home Hacks That Are Simply Genius!

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all right on today's episode i've got 10 more home hacks for you you seem to really enjoy these and so i've got some brand new ones today and we are going to start with a couple that were sent to me by you and our first one comes from stacy king now stacy this hack is awesome i just have to tell you what you're going to need is some fabric softener in your favorite scent this is my favorite scent right here it smells so good and you are going to need a water bottle and we're going to create our own fabric refresher that has like wrinkle releasing properties as well it's going to be custom to the scent that you like and it's gonna be a lot less than you could find in the store i absolutely love this hack i'm just gonna tell you right up front what she recommended was doing a 50 50 ratio i was a little nervous about that so i ended up doing 60 water and 40 softener and it worked out amazing maybe i'll work up to that 50 50 i don't know so i put some water in a water bottle already and then i added the fabric softener to that now i couldn't find my funnel so here's like another little hack for you a little bonus hack i just created a funnel using some tinfoil i just kind of rolled it in a cone and shoved it down into the bottle to pour in our fabric softener solution and then i put on the lid and kind of shook it up to get it all mixed in and then she said to spray your bed sheets with the solution as you make your bed it gets all the wrinkles out but on top of it it makes your bed sheets smell so amazing and it will kind of get you in between washes and i i loved it also i used it on my debate cover to get like out of the wrinkles and i used it on my pillows and i have to tell you it was amazing it smells so good and if you do this day after day it's just gonna smell good now i know i'm gonna get some comments from people out there that's going to say fabric softeners are full of toxins well there's a lot of ones that are natural just pick out your fabric softener of choice it doesn't have to be the same as mine so you can pick out like an all-natural one that you love and just do the same technique and it will make your bedroom smell amazing i wish there was scratch and sniff tv that's something that i always wish because i wish you could smell my bedroom right now it smells so good sleeping in it at night using this solution it has been wonderful you might be worried about the dampness but if you do this in the morning by the time you go to bed it will be perfect and then you'll have a wonderful fresh out of the dryer feel in between washes my favorite night of the week is the night i actually do wash and have brand new clean sheets on but this is a good substitute in the in between [Music] my next hack also comes from one of you so if you have a really good home hack life hack whatever hack that you want to share with me leave it in the comment section below maybe i'll share it in a future episode but this one comes from mrs rossi she had some ideas on how to refresh your garbage can law it's something that i hate to deal with but before i started out this hack it's a good just a good little reminder to just clean out your garbage can occasionally i mean it doesn't have to be all the time that was not part of her suggestion i did that in preparation for this because i'm like well if i'm gonna do it i might as well do that so the hack was that she likes to put a couple of essential oils on a cotton pad and put that underneath her garbage bag well i decided to shake it up just a little bit tweak it just a little bit and take a couple sheets of paper towel and sprinkle on some essential oil now you could also use some mint scent or vanilla whatever you have on hand so if you don't have essential oil but you have like some almond extract or vanilla extract or something like that in your cabinet i think if you sprinkle down a little bit of that that could work as well and then you just put it in the bottom of your garbage can and what i was thinking with the paper towel is like if there's any gross juices or anything that it can kind of collect some of that as well so that was her idea i love it it i really did notice that it did freshen up my can and keep that smelling good she also had kind of like a part two to that one and she said if you can't do that and i kind of did it in addition to sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of your garbage bag and that will kind of help soak in some of those odors and keep your trash smelling good just because i'm limited on space my trash can sits out in my kitchen so anything i can do to make that smell a little bit better is awesome so i love these hacks my next hack is an alternative to using windex say you've run out you're in a pinch or you just don't like the smell of windex i'm not a fan i know there are some people who love the smell of windex i'm not one of those people so i always use a mint glass cleaner to clean my glass in a pinch you can use aerosol room refresher now i will cutty out this with i did try like glade that made my glass cloudy that wasn't a winner but a couple of other ones that i did try as long as it's in the aerosol can did work to clean my class so if you're out and you've got people coming over and you need to clean your windows or your mirrors or whatever you can use an aerosol room refresher as an alternative and it really did work [Music] now that we've got our mirrors looking all nice and all sparkly clean with our alternative glass cleaner wouldn't it be nice if there's a way to keep it from fogging over like after a hot steamy shower or like a water repellent on it and there is a hack and it's our next one we are going to put car wax on our mirror and i actually just picked this up at the dollar 25 tree as we call it in my house the dollar tree and it was just a dollar 25 this armor all spray wax i probably used too much of it but i just sprayed it all over the mirror and then i took my favorite microfiber cloths and they come from the dollar 25 tree as well and i just use that to really buff that into the mirror you just keep wiping and wiping and then you fold it over again and wipe and wipe some more and you keep doing that until it buffs out now don't give up in the middle of the process you're going to be like this is making it worse but if you keep buffing you're going to get it in there and it's going to be super sparkly as clean as it was to begin with for some reason i felt like it sparkled even more and so this will help prevent your mirrors and windows from fogging over if you take a hot steamy shower if you like get some water on it it will bead off a little bit easier so that's just a fun little hack and i hope it helps you [Music] i have boys they like to take home lunch sometimes to school and it always makes me a little hesitant now because they forget about stuff in their little warm thermoses and then it molds over and it is just wretched and stinky well i had these two thermoses that i thought were ruined for months i just couldn't part with them because those thermoses are kind of expensive they're like 10 to 15 dollars a piece and they're really handy to have around and i was just like there's got to be a solution out there to get rid of those smelly nasty smells i mean i had washed it a ton like i had tried everything i could think of washed it many times but that stink just gets in there for whatever reason i have a solution for you so i found that if you take about they say a half a cup of baking soda i used a third of a cup just because my thermoses were not like super big and so i thought that would be plenty and then you pour in piping hot water now i kind of made a mess with this i forgot to take the lid off didn't pour like it just kind of made a water mess but that's okay the general idea got done and you just pour it in and it starts fizzing the baking soda starts fizzing fizzing fizzing and then you put the lid on and let that hot water baking soda sit overnight and when it's cooled you take it off dump it out wash it up again nice and clean and i cannot believe it after months and months of fighting the stench i couldn't even put food in it just to clarify i never sent any food in these nasty thermoses just because i was like worried about it like infiltrating their food but it worked it totally worked it got the stench out it smells good again just like brand new i can once again start using it for some warm lunches with my boys to their school and so i hope that helps some of you because it really helped me [Music] i am really short i don't know if you knew that about me but i am five foot two there is not much that i can reach so when it comes to dusting i needed a good solution and i found one that was really easy and i could use things that i already had on hand so i took my broom which is looking a little shabby even though it's kind of a newer room i yeah i might need a different one this one was a top seller on amazon but i'm not impressed but having said that i took my broom and i took the favorite microfiber cloth that i get at dollar 25 tree and i wrapped it around the broom and then i took a like a stretchy elastic band and kind of cinched that around the bottom of the broom and created a perfect solution for dusting those high areas getting any cobwebs out of the corner dusting kind of along the top of shelves maybe on the top of a tall bed just it really really worked and the soft microfiber is not going to scratch anything and it really did pick up the dust and dirt so if you're a little shorty like me or if you have really tall ceilings maybe this is a good little hack for you [Music] do you hate holding a nail and trying to hammer it because maybe you don't have a steady hand or maybe it's just slippery i don't know i think we've all smashed our thumb with a hammer before i know i have a lot so this next hack is kind of fun because you can use a little hair comb an inexpensive one to kind of hold it for you hold it in place and then you hammer it in and it keeps your thumbs right away from getting smashed and it worked out pretty good so that was kind of a fun little hack but now that we've got that nail in what if you need to remove it so you could just use the comb again to remove it to kind of act as a barrier but now you have a nail hole [Music] which brings me to my next hack if you don't have any like joint compound or putty on hand is there something else you could use there is and it is just plain toothpaste white toothpaste works the best fill the nail hole a lot of times if it's small enough and you've got a lighter color wall and a white toothpaste you might not even need to paint over it but if you do you can just do a little tiny touch-up and cover up that nail hole and all you needed was a little toothpaste something you probably have in your bathroom right now super easy smells kind of minty too so you can't go wrong [Music] [Applause] now this next hack i think would work really good if you like to camp and you're out and about but you you might find yourself a need to use it even in your home and that is what if you don't have a scrubby brush maybe yours is toast and you tossed it and you haven't gotten to the store yet but you need to scrub something that is kind of crusted on and gross what do you use this is kind of fun so you take a piece of aluminum foil and you kind of crumple it into a ball and you can just use that as a scrubby brush it works awesome i was thinking this would be really good in summer if you like to camp and you're out camping maybe you need to clean out your dutch oven using a crumpled up piece of tin foil will be your best friend so we'll help you at home help you out but i think it's a pretty cool trick [Music] so i have a silverware drawer and the silverware tub likes to slide around in the drawer and it always kind of slides to the back and then i have to pull it forward and it seems like such a small thing but it's really starting to get on my nerves and so what we did for this hack is just push it all the way back where it was already gonna be anyways and then we measured how much pool noodle we need and then we cut off a section of pool noodle that matches that distance and then we pulled it back forward shoved the pool and noodle in the bag and voila super easy thing but no more silverware tray gone like wild it's all fixed but i know some of you are gonna be like why does she have so many forks and spoons and knives we purchased a vacation rental and it was meant to sleep a lot of people so there was a lot of silverware we just inherited it but it is a lot so just a little side note now my favorite hacks come from friends and you guys are my friends so don't forget to share with me your favorite hacks and who knows i can share it in an upcoming episode and let everybody know your awesome hack i love it so if you enjoyed this episode here's another one that i think you'll like as well and if you haven't done so already consider hitting that subscribe button right here it's super easy to do and i would love it if you joined the diy niner family and to all of my diy niners i just want to remind you once again that you are more powerful than you know we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Designed to the Nines
Views: 74,863
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Keywords: designed to the nines, design to the nines, natalee callahan, lone fox, xo macenna, how to, diy, decor, diy decor, home decor, kristen mcgowan, do it on a dime, home hacks, life hacks, cleaning hacks, liz fenwick diy, diy hacks, cleaning, 5 minute craft, 5 minute crafts, useful things, diy home hacks, decor hacks, easy decor hacks, home hacks 2022, save money, easy, how to design, diy hacks for your home
Id: FmeNefONlew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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