⭐️Shockingly Easy DIY IKEA HACKS That Have a High End Look!

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okay so we are going to head to ikea see what's new and fresh in the store see if there's anything we can do an ikea hack on it's about an hour away so let's get on the road [Music] we're here let's go shopping [Music] it's a fun girl's bedroom they said you can get everything in this bedroom for under a thousand dollars okay so they make it very easy for you to find the new items because they put a new tag on it but this is a new sofa that they have i have to say that i not a super fan i think that you have better stuff here but the price is really really good so here's another new sofa i actually think this one looks a little bit cuter just because it has a little more substance to it i am loving this wall mural behind me i don't know if they sell this here but i'm gonna find out because isn't that cute [Music] this kind of reminds me of the size of my first kitchen when i was newlywed it's so tiny this is actually one of my favorite lines for some reason i think that this is really comfortable and i really like the lines of it even though it's not new [Music] oh what do you think about this from my this with glass doors could possibly work obviously the color wouldn't but the size so this is a new piece i it's one that i wanted to check out i really like it it's a little bit tall but there's something about it that i really like so it's a possibility [Music] [Music] look how cute this space is he even did a fireplace but look at this they did it on the other side with the bathroom how cute is this so these are not marked new i'm pretty sure there are no i haven't seen them and this look is really popular right now and they also have over here and then it looks like you can get the attachments that go on the decorative pieces [Music] these are new and super cute so i'm walking through this ikea and i'm feeling like they're a little bit behind the eight ball because i am not seeing a lot of the new items that were listed on the website here and i'm not seeing a lot of new tags so i'm just wondering what's up but i did just notice these baskets and those are super cute i'm gonna see if i can find those somewhere yeah so one of the items that i wanted to check out was the weighted blankets and i am not seeing them anywhere this laundry basket is one of their new items it's cute the tried and true [Music] we are done shopping and my intent coming here was to see all of the new items for spring 2022 that ikea had to offer and look for an entry table for my entryway and on both fronts it was kind of so ah my store let me down on the new items and nothing was jiving as far as an entry table with what they had in stock that i liked better than what i already have even though what i have right now is a little bit too small and i'm looking for something a little bit more substantial so i held off on that but i did find some fun stuff to do some easy diy ikea hacks with you so let's get back to my studio and get hacking okay so we are back from our ikea shopping trip before i get into all of my hacks i just wanted to tell you that even if you don't have an ikea store near you almost all of these if not all of them can be done with items that you can find locally in your store so keep watching if you don't have an ikea store because i think that you'll find that the design ideas and principles are easily transferable [Music] now for my first two hacks i'm going to be using this cylinder vase set that i got at ikea and i'm gonna start with the larger one now in my last ikea hack episode i mentioned that i had a fail and that i was gonna redo that on this episode so this we're just going to get this one done right out of the gate and i'm going to tell you what happened kind of during the instruction so we are going to take this larger vase and i created a stencil on my cricut machine and cut that out now if you don't have a cricut machine hang on i've got some alternative ideas for you but i really liked this damask pattern i thought it was really pretty and feminine and i thought it would look really cool frosted i'll get to my issues in just a second but first we gotta weed out all of the excess of what we plan to not use and let me tell you this is a little bit tedious you know i do enjoy weeding but when it gets really teeny tiny like this it does get a little tedious so this might be something good to do while you watch a show or something watch this show and weed your cricut projects there's your solution once it was all weeded i put on my transfer tape now one of my little issues that i have had with this new um mattless vinyl that you i can use on the cricut machine is that it doesn't want to peel back very easily from the backing so i'm hoping it's something that qriket is working on a little bit because it does make it a little tricky getting it all onto the transfer tape and so if you've got some helpful advice for me on that i would be very grateful i've tried a whole bunch of different types of transfer tape and i haven't seen a huge difference so once we get that all on i wrapped the entire thing around our vase and let me just tell you this was not perfect execution the first time around what i did at this point was take my armor etched cream and tried etching the glass did you know that all glass does not etch i didn't uh so the only thing that i can think of is that there they put some kind of plastic coating on the exterior of the glass because i left the etching cream on there for between 15 and 20 minutes which is ample time to etch glass and nothing happened so all of that initial work was all for not because it literally looked basically the same if you were looking close at it you could kind of see the outline of all of the the pattern you would have to be looking close and so that was an absolute fail and disappointment now this is my preference to do the etching cream because it's a little bit more sturdy than my solution so what my solution is i had to repeat all of that again that's why i didn't include it in the last time around but i i knew that this would look beautiful so i went ahead and got some spray on a frosted glass effect this one's by krylon and all i did was take it outside flip the glass base over and spray two generous coats and let it fully dry and then we brought it back in and peeled back painstakingly all of that vinyl uh so if this was a very easy process i'm gonna be honest with you it wasn't like that it was difficult it was just a little bit time consuming but the end result on this was just beautiful it's so feminine it's beautiful it's pretty it looks so good with some flowers in it or you could use it as a hurricane for a candle and use it as like a lumineer and so it's just beautiful and even though my execution was not super flawless as far as applying the stencil it was a little bit of a mess this is very very forgiving and honestly you wouldn't even know even if you're looking close you really don't even know what you're looking at because overall it looks really good now if you don't have a cricut machine you could use a piece of lace or something like that to kind of do the same effect just wrap lace around it and then use your spray on frosting or if you're lucky enough to use a real glass base i would highly recommend using the armor etched cream and etching it into the glass because the difference is is with the armor etched cream is you can easily wash it with soap and water and have no problem this frosting spray can scratch off and so it's not as durable but it's still a beautiful look which brings me to my number two one which is kind of the same thing but in this one i just spaced out some blue painters tape and rotated it to create stripes just kind of wrapping it all the way around so my stripes were about an inch or so maybe an inch and a quarter i'm not exactly sure and i just kind of rotated those every other one i kind of wrapped it in a plastic bag at first with thinking that i would spray it just on the top but ultimately i flipped it over like i did on the damask one and just sprayed it on the underside that way we don't even really need the plastic bag at the center and honestly i think this is a really cute companion piece to the damask one they coordinate but they're not overly matchy matchy the same thing put flowers in it put a candle in it and use it as like a luminary and it's just beautiful i also thought it would look really cute to use washi tape and make the stripe a little bit smaller so super easy to put together and really elevates this glass and makes it look super cute what do you think [Music] for my next project it might be my favorite hack of all of them today it is super cute we are going to be making a purse out of this pillow cover when i saw it i thought it was a really nice woven pattern i liked the colors i didn't know exactly what i was going to do with it initially but very quickly i kind of decided on a purse the first thing that we did is snip off all of those tassels as cute as they are i'm going to save them for another project because they're just not going to work with the purse that i'm creating but they're very cute tassels and i'm going to hang on to them for something else in the future and then what i did is i folded it in half to just kind of see how the purse would shape out and i decided it was going to be a little too long and skinny what i ended up doing is cutting off half of that aqua stripe that was a little bit fatter right down the middle and just cut that off and set that aside and then what i decided to do was leave in the zipper and i'll show you why in a little bit but what we're gonna do is we're gonna put the outside wovens woven pattern together like the finished side out and we are going to kind of channel stitch or stitch in the ditch or whatever you call it down that seam trying to get as close as we can to the zipper with still leaving enough room for that zipper head to move up and down but you don't want it to be like super obvious and then i kind of just stitched back and forth and back and forth all the way up and then make sure you tie it off really really good now i just used some all-purpose thread on mine but i really do think after doing it that i would recommend something more like an upholstery thread or something when you're going to do this after i got that stitched i was kind of looking at the fabric cut off that we had and i'm like wouldn't it be really cool to have a pocket inside so i probably should have done this next step first before i stitched up that one side but we hadn't gone so far that we couldn't get it done but i decided to take off that cotton muslin off of our cutoff piece or a little square of it and i ironed it out really good ironed down all of the seams and then i stitched across the top [Music] and then i pinned it to our inner lining and i made sure to separate it from the finished side because we didn't want the stitches to kind of show through on the front we wanted this to be hidden so i kind of lifted it up slipped it onto my sewing machine and stitched around the three sides now this like i said this would have been so much easier to do prior to stitching up that side so if you decide to repeat this do that first it will be a little bit easier [Music] now with the pocket in we are going to flip right sides together which is the finished side in and we are going to stitch up the other side and i decided to do it with a sewing machine because the sewing machine honestly is going to give us the strongest hold i am such a huge advocate for sewing it is not as hard as you think it's becoming a lost art but it is such a good skill to have and i've been sewing since i was like eight years old and so i've got a lot of experience sewing but these are really easy simple beginner projects that you can totally do i don't have a fancy sewing machine this brother machine is very affordable entry level and it is a very reliable machine i'll link it in the description box if you're interested this is my second version of this machine that i've owned just because it's such a quality stitch so once we've stitched down that side i also did a zigzag on the edge because this fabric really wanted to fray and i wanted to prevent that from happening so i made sure i finished out the edges with a zigzag stitch so to finish off this purse we needed to put some hooks on in the corners for that strap to connect to and i'm excited about the strap so hang with me on that because i cannot wait to tell you about that but i just took some twine because i needed it to be really sturdy because it will be supporting some weight and so i took some twine and stitched these hooks on i think that they were meant for purse straps but i don't know if i got the right thing i feel like they were too wide to go the one direction so i flipped them vertical and stitched that into place with using this twine while i was at it i actually shoved the needle through to the other side and kind of reinforced that upper side that we hadn't stitched with the zipper side with the all-purpose thread i used that durable twine to kind of really tighten that up and it was almost a perfect match it blended in really well so i just kind of sturdied that up and then of course we repeated this process on the other side so we had two hooks then i wanted to add some magnetic snaps so i found center and i did about a pinky width from the top very technical and stitched that into place by hand just and then i made sure to knot it and i just cut off the twine in all of those cases and kind of double triple and maybe even quadruple nada just so that everything was on there very secure so with the purse complete now it's time to really talk about the strap and i've just been really digging these guitar straps that i've been seeing on purses a lot of times there's like a fun print something different and so i decided to kind of do something like that a lot of those guitar straps are adjustable the one we're making is not but it's gonna be hopefully just as cute now i had a couple of fabrics on hand some just a heavier weight decorator fabric but you could use any kind of fabric you want and that's kind of the fun thing is you can have a lot of fun and really customize and personalize this for your taste and your style so i had these two fabrics left over from couch pillows in my living room and i thought that they would be really cute to match this kind of aqua and cream fabric i kept going back and forth and back and forth and ultimately i decided to make it in both colors which is kind of the fun thing with a purse like this is that you could definitely you know have several straps that you could switch it out depending on what your outfit is so it was kind of fun so the first thing you're going to do is cut the length that you want i made mine 42 inches by five and a half inches and the most important thing is that five and a half inches as far as the length you can kind of take a tape measure and measure it to the height that you want i'm five foot two and the purse ended up hitting me right about my waist hip area and so i could have gone a little bit shorter you know and it's kind of like a messenger style it goes across body just adjust the strap to how you want it so once we have our pieces cut out we take it to iron and get it really nice and pressed out and then you're going to fold it in half and press a nice crease in that and then you're going to take the edges and fold them in and make quarters if that makes sense because we're going to kind of fold it in on itself and so you press that and then you fold it all over and press the whole thing down i hope that made sense and if it doesn't hopefully the b-roll will kind of show you what i'm doing here once that's well pressed we're going to take it to our sewing machine and zigzag the edges on both sides and then we're going to straight stitch down both sides to create a really nice finished look but also to to close that one seam on the one side [Music] then we're going to attach our hooks now i found these hooks at the hobby lobby they were 50 off making them like a dollar 74. they're pretty good quality and they swivel and they've got a lobster clasp on it so this is great and so we slide those edges in wrap it around it and we do a straight stitch back and forth and i do that like three four or five times just to make sure it's on there really good because again it's going to be holding some weight and we just want to make sure that's really secure and then we repeat it on the other side and then it's easy to just snap those on to those hooks on the purse and switch them out as you want so what i love about this purse is it was actually pretty easy to put together because we were using um a pillow form and so a lot of those finished edges were already there for us and i love that we left the zipper in on that one side because now we have a really cool hidden storage pocket that you could slide valuables in or just lots of little things that are secure and you can't find so it's like a little hidden compartment which was really fun i think and then i love that the magnetic snap makes it easy to open and close it's not a hassle i love that as an added edition and then of course the little pocket that we added i'm so glad i did that you can toss your phone in there or you know some gum or lip gloss or whatever you've got going on it's nice to have just a little extra pocket there right and then you know it's just so easy to switch out the strap so you can have several straps and isn't this just kind of a fun idea now you can make these straps adjustable it just requires a few extra steps and maybe that's worth it but for this project i thought this turned out really cute you'll have to let me know which version of the strap you like better if you like the floraly one or if you look like the more kind of e-cut tribal looking one i like them both but i am kind of leaning towards more of the e-cut so you'll have to let me know what your favorite is in the comments below have you ever heard of pink depression glass this beautiful cake plate belonged to my great grandmother it was given to my mother and she gave it to me this was a very popular glassware in the 1930s and now it's kind of seeing a resurgent now so when i saw this beautiful kind of scalloped edge plate at ikea i knew i wanted to do something with it almost immediately but i thought it would be kind of fun to create something to go along with this one so i took this big platter and i wanted to make another cake plate or pedestal based item you're going to see a common theme going through these next few diys because we're going to be using a lot of this epoxy kit so what i decided to do is i looked at all of my options i looked at the one from ikea i got a couple other like i had mentioned from a hobby lobby and ultimately i decided on this kind of smaller kind of cake plate that i got from hobby lobby and that i thought that by combining the two of them together would create this beautiful addition to my pink glassware so all i did to do this is i took this epoxy kit that i got at the dollar tree for a dollar 25 and you cut off the tips and then you kind of snip it apart and then you squeeze this epoxy out the two-part epoxy and you mix it up with like a popsicle stick or something like that and then i very carefully went around the edges of this smaller cake plate and then i attached it to our larger pink dish that we got from ikea and then you let it set it actually sets up kind of quick but just to be sure i would let it set up 12 hours just before you start to use it or anything like that but you'll notice that when working with this epoxy that it does start to set up rather quickly so just know that going into it but in the end look at this so we had like a plain but cute with a scalloped edging dish before but the two of them combined together look super cute and it looks adorable like it was meant to be then i can stack them together and make kind of like a tiered tray and you can display confections your treats or you could do decor in them or you can kind of do a combination of them but i really love this and all it was was combining two different things together to create and elevate this piece even more and how easy was that seriously super easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] so our next super easy ikea hack is a black cloche i found this one and true to their style of ikea things are a little bit more simplistic and streamlined but maybe you want to elevate it and make it a little bit fancier and that's what we're gonna do on this one with a couple of really easy ideas similar to our pink cake plate what we are gonna do is add a pedestal base to this now i had this white cupcake stand that i picked up from hobby lobby and i just took it outside and spray painted it in a couple of coats of flat black spray paint and let that fully dry it matched up the black cloche already very well and then i also had this kind of black finial leftover from another project and it was just in my stash waiting to be used but you could use like a flat black decorative knob that you could use on your kitchen cabinet so you could use what you've got or what you'd like on this up front and all we're going to do is take some of that epoxy that i got from the dollar tree mix it together and very generously but not over the top put that on the pedestal base and put that in the center and let that dry and we did the same exact thing on the top with the finial trying to get that center spot and you could use this for seasonal decor treats however you want to style it but this is just a super easy way to elevate it and it no longer looks like it's from ikea and that could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what your style is but this is very transferable to what your style is and i like the flexibility in that for our next hack i found another cloche and this time it was a little bit bigger a little grander and it was gold and i knew i wanted to elevate that i had this crystal knob in my stash it was just kind of like a random one that was extra from you know when you buy a pack and there's too many it was one left over and it was silver and the base of this was gold and so i decided to spray paint it gold so first i wrapped the crystal knob and some painters tape and then i took it outside to spray and my favorite 18 karat gold spray paint i usually pick this up at hobby lobby or michael's or something like that um and it's just a beautiful gold color i noticed that the gold wasn't an exact match so i went ahead and spray painted the base again even though it was already gold i just did a light dusting so that it would coordinate and that it would probably would have been fine i was probably being fussy it was not a big deal but i went ahead and matched those up and then it's the same process as the one that we just did mixing up the epoxy and putting it on the candle base attaching that and then we did the same thing with the crystal knob on top and let that dry and it like i said it does set up pretty quickly but i wouldn't try to handle it or like lift it by the knob for at least 12 hours after the fact i just don't want to chance it but i think that this is so cute i love it you can put whatever decor this would be really good place to put seasonal decor everyday decor easy to switch out super fun super cute and i hope you like it [Music] now this next hack is the easiest of them all and it's simply taking one of the ribba frames and these frames are really affordable very good quality especially for how like substantial these frames are they're kind of thicker they're kind of nice very affordable so what i thought is this would be a really good opportunity to create like a white board that's customized to whatever look you want so all i did was remove out the backing and take everything out i set aside the mat just because i didn't want like the variation in texture and i set that aside because it is a nice matte and it's included and it fits great so you know if we decide to use this for something else we want to keep that then there's like a little something on the plastic it's not actually glass it's like a acrylic type of product and they had like a stamp on it so i just took some rubbing alcohol and removed that and that was fine and then we had the opportunity to pick whatever backing you want you could use fabric you could use wrapping paper you could use a peel and stick vinyl whatever you want to kind of put in that has the texture that you like or the look that you like in my case i just use this wrapping paper that i picked up from home goods recently and i and it's kind of like in a really pretty rose gold and i just traced it out and cut it out to fit here's a little hack for you because if you're like me i was not meant to be a school teacher or anything i don't know maybe i'm just being a little critical of myself but my handwriting is never good so here's a little hack for you if you don't have good handwriting and this would actually be a really good idea for like if you wanted to do some crafting projects and you don't have like a cricut machine either is i printed out what i wanted it to say on the whiteboard and then i traced it with my glass pen which i really liked you can use dry erase markers but these glass markers are so cool they have like a prettier shade to them and they're more like paint and i just traced what i wanted to say with the glass over the top kind of like put it on top and it worked out really good and so then we put it all back together and you have a whiteboard now you don't have to go to the extent of tracing what you need the idea of this is just to be a functional piece for you that you can write little quick shopping lists or whatnot but customized to your decor your look and what you like so i hope that that is like helpful to you you know you can get a frame anywhere it doesn't have to be this ribba frame from ikea you can go get a room from walmart and do the same idea and you've got lots of options so i hope you enjoyed that well i hope you enjoyed this episode if so here's another one that i think you'll like as well and if you haven't done so already consider hitting that subscribe button right here it's super easy to do and i would love it if you joined the diy niner family and to all of my diy niners i just want to remind you once again that you are more powerful than you know we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Designed to the Nines
Views: 78,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: designed to the nines, design to the nines, natalee callahan, lone fox, xo macenna, how to, diy, decor, diy decor, home decor, kristen mcgowan, do it on a dime, ikea hacks, ikea, ikea diy, diy ikea hacks, diy ikea, liz fenwick diy, diy home decor, high end diy, ikea hack, upcycle ikea, ikea room decor, high end decor, room decor, diy purse, ikea shop with me spring 2022, ikea shop with me, ikea 2022
Id: NncFM99lW5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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