💖 Text To Speech 💖 ASMR Cake Storytime || @Brianna Guidryy @Mark Adams || POVs Tiktok Part #29

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red light you look like you really want to let out that sneeze you can but if you do you'll be out green light hey Timmy look paper airplane whoa throw it here red light ouch you threw it right at my eye a poor Timmy green light no Brianna what have you done it's all your fault my twin brother Timmy is dead dead hey I'm sorry about what happened to your twin brother Timmy but you have to understand I why so serious green light I never meant for anyone to get hurt we were just playing this is for Timmy red light oh good morning name what is that don't push the red button I'm going to push it H nothing happened that red button thing was so weird wait you got that too yeah everyone did it was all over the news and everything not to push it you didn't know no I knew let's just say theoretically somebody did press that button what would happen nobody knows for sure but they say it's the worst thing you could ever possibly imagine good thing no one pressed it right yeah open your books to chapter 5 you push the red button how could you do that no no I promise I didn't push it it was a mistake oh no what have you done all right it's time to see what the last power is brown uh looks like [ __ ] hey Bessie hey Brian uh where are you what are you talking about I'm literally right here all right wherever you're hiding come out I'm right in front of you no you aren't whatever joke you're playing or prank or whatever it's not funny looks like Brianna's absent today what no I'm literally right here I can hear you but I can't see you come out this instant why can nobody see me oh that must be my new power I can be invisible how do I turn this off oh ah when did you get here time to spy on people what is my bestie doing over there with my boyfriend Brianna can never know the truth about our love hey I wonder what superpower red will give me oh I forgot puts lines on my face H I don't feel any different guess what my crush asked me out and we're going on a date tonight danger I don't think that's a good idea why you're never happy for me no you don't understand it gave me a danger warning uh what it looks safe to cross now let's go D wait whoa that was close your power's actually like really useful hey I invited Jim to come study with us Jim okay but you know he's like madly in love with me right really since when danger danger danger oh that must be Jim I'll be back I'll go let him in wait wait no to me look at these stickers they're going toy Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it's for population control it kills people I didn't know wink killer hey you're the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I'm going to get revenge you better watch your back watch your's birth oh no Emma she fell to the the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she's not breathing it's tragic I can't believe Emma passed away I know it's so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you're the babe I'm breaking up with you and I've been cheating on you throughout this entire relationship how could you do that how could you cheat on me oh just like how you cheated on me this whole relationship I uh how did you know this I'm an intellectual St you will never believe what I can do I can go back and forth in time have you lost your mind no I'll show you I want to take my best friends forward in time Bessie did it work did what work dangie look I don't want to explain this whole thing again but I can go back and forth into time have you lost hold my hand I want to try something how did I get here shh we're in class you really can time travel I told you hey I need you to help me with something you know the words of this song sing along sing along oh no honey did you just get to sing along we'll give you a lyric and you have to continue singing the lyric they'll give you or else and bad and I'm bad like the Barbie I'm a doll but I still want a party honey you got it you're safe oh no Mommy what's wrong I just got to sing along I'm super shy I I don't know Mommy you have to sing along I'm super shy mommy please Mommy I love you Grandma I'll see you after school sing Al oh no Grandma did you just get a sing along you have to sing along or else it's a it's a it's a Cru summer with you you got it Grandma of course I'm a Swifty when you know the words to the song oh my gosh it's empty have you opened your box yet no I haven't opened it yet I don't know what's inside open it I need that box give it just open it I'll give you my Mansion back St P back you fiends open it no I don't think there's any need to open it all right class it's time for the test we'll be starting right now oh shoot I forgot my pen oh my God what is this box you lied to me you did open the box shh my crush is coming hey box I could really use some perfume gosh perfect this box could be very beneficial to me to us no hey box I could really use a million dollars right now finally 18 what gift do I get a mystery box o well might as well open it no don't why I heard a story of one person who had a mystery box and they stopped breathing right as they opened it I should wait to open it then good idea it could be very dangerous what did you get for your gift I got this Mystery Box open it I heard of someone who got a mystery box and got a million dollars don't open it I heard someone got gifted a mystery box and lost a finger open it don't open it no I'm scared I'm not going to open it hey I want to trade my gift with you for that mystery box what's your gift a mansion it's way better than a box so give me the Box trade it now no we can't trade gifts it's illegal you have to know what's in this box oh my God go what sense do I lose today smell that's easy who needs to smell anything anyways what sense did you lose I lost smell that's great you know my hearing still works fine right oh no look who's coming this way what he's cute Hey Brianna would you like to be my date for prom no yes of course awesome ew I can't believe you just said yes to stinky Sam stinky Sam yeah he reeks ew it's Sam he smells so bad guys stop it's not our fault he stinks get him out of here hey I understand if you don't want to go to prom with me because I smell Sam no I don't care how you smell even though I can't smell anything today I like you for you no matter how stinky you are now why is a pretty girl like you standing in the hallway all by herself I don't know come here Jake you did it no no it wasn't me you must have been in love with Jake and seen him kiss me broke your heart and now he's dead because of you won't you be allowed near her she's dangerous hey Bri hey besy I haven't seen you all day we can't be friends anymore everyone's judging me for being friends with someone like you you're too dangerous please don't do this I'm sorry besy she just killed her best friend she's evil an absolute monster hey stay away from me I'm a monster you're not a monster look you have a black rose teacher she fell to the floor I know I don't know what happened she's not breathing you did something you said goodbye and then she dropped how did you know she would do that you talk too much Gary attention everyone in order to keep all of our students safe school will be canceled until this situation is resolved thank you for your patience yay no school I hope this case never gets resolved it's so weird what happened they just stopped brething for literally no reason look it's her she was there for the whole thing she saw everything that happened yeah and it was absolutely traumatizing I'll need at least a week to recover there's no way you're definitely involved in this somehow yeah she's right how come you're the only one who's safe you guys really need to know when to stop talking Cynthia no no please I'm sorry Jennifer everyone choose carefully between the blue or the red pill mine has a third option it says green that's so strange I'm going to choose it it could be something amazing Brianna look I can fly whoo what special ability did you get I don't know nothing's happened yet I probably don't even have ability I knew I shouldn't have chose that green one don't look now your crush Kevin is coming this way hi Kevin Kevin oh no he's not breathing Emily what is going on Emily what happened here I'll go get the nurse don't you understand Britney they're gone Britney what is going on wait a minute what I only have one day left look who's 18 now how much time did you get one day here I got 99 years I'll give you some of my time thanks but it doesn't really matter my time's going to run out sooner or later anyways hey let's go to that coffee shop you love so much it will cheer you up for sure good idea I'll be right back I'm just going to use the bathroom why do you look so sad oh you know it's nothing it's just that my time left is only one week so I wish I only had a week left I got infinite time I've already lived hundreds of years infinite time that's not even possible where did she go what did I miss a strange lady just approached me telling me she has infinite time and that she wishes she only had a week left infinite time is impossible no way please choose the nice outfit are you kidding me it's picture day all right Brianna come up you're next no get ready to smile for your picture in three two one are you ready for the test of course I literally studied all night long you better let me write this test jerk Miss I have to leave I can't write my test I'm sorry why did you leave during the test you said you were prepared this is so humiliating Jake why are you laughing so much I just made my soulmate have the worst day of her life really yeah I ruined her picture day made her miss her test and then I absolutely humiliated her whoa you look scary you Susan Miss Applewood is crying again just put on a 60-second video with a video of someone playing with slime next to it that's a very Niche request it works every time trust me all right everyone who's ready to take their vitamins three two one again I don't get paid enough for this Mr Stevens it's time to eat your lunch you got puree mashed potatoes and puree beef and then I don't know what that is why would I need a meal when I have a snack right in front of me fine don't eat oh he ate how many years till I meet my soulmate 500 I won't even be alive in 500 years I'm so excited I'm going to meet my soulmate this year no fair I have to wait 5 years until I meet my soulmate you're so lucky hey bestie can I talk to you for a second they messed up on how many years till I meet my soulmate it says 500 years which is impossible I wouldn't even be alive in 500 years some kind of typo or something it's not a typo I got 200 years 200 years that's impossible unless you're a vampire or something oh yeah you know what I'm going to do I'm going to contact the government and tell them ouch oh no no I got a paper cut I need a Band-Aid why are you looking at me like that let me go oh this is going to be easy good morning Mom good morning sweetheart here I made you lunch you always know just how to brighten someone's day hey Mrs K that necklace looks absolutely stunning on you really it [Music] does my bully no way she doesn't deserve it what are you wearing I know it's so funny right I mean like what am I wearing what am I wearing you're acting strange hey want to know something so crazy I've never actually seen you smile why don't you show me those pearly W okay hey so I'm actually doing a survey for a class I just need you to write down all the things that make you happy I know what you're doing I'm trying to make me smile it's not going to work I haven't one day in my entire life it's time to see my mark multicolor but that doesn't even exist I need to cover this it could mean something really bad I got pink meaning I'm going to be unsuccessful in life wait where's your Mark it's it's crazy I didn't get one that's weird come on let's go for our mark check our what hi so as you can see I don't have any Mark there must be some kind of mistake some kind of mixup I can see the mark on underneath your makeup take off your makeup and come back what does it mean multicolor I don't know it it doesn't even exist you're lucky Your Mark has no meaning mine is Doom me to an unsuccessful life I know it's not fair you deserve a purple Mark rich and famous and oh my goodness you can't be friends with them they're signed Red it's way too dangerous well I am and they're my friends my real friends I need to find them hey what are you doing here traitor would you guys please just let me explain myself we're listening I was only given two options either I'm banished from society for all eternity or I changed my assigned color to white you still could have came with us we would have protected you you're meant to be red not white that's the thing I don't fit in with any of the colors there's no color I'm meant to be what that's impossible but I have idea she's assigned white and she's sitting with Reds has she lost her mind Bessie what are you doing over there come here no they're my friends this whole color system is ridiculous and it's about time somebody did something about it that was insane I have never run from the cops before being a red it's something that will happen often I meant to ask you why did you originally lie about being red you seem so proud of it I knew my parents would disown me if they found out out so I pretended but now the Secret's out I can never go back it's okay you'll always have us all right friends what is the plan next look over there a bunch of people assigned white let's get them this is going to be so much fun let's go Brianna are you coming what no stop leave them alone I can't believe you guys did that you attacked them it's our nature it's what we do we're Reds it's wrong you're one of us now okay okay you need to start acting like it I'm nothing like you I'll never be like any of you where's your red from here on out I have no assigned color good morning Mom I have like 10 sweaters on why is the house freezing cold the government released a temperature meter to help you find your soulmate the hotter it is the closer you are to your soulmate and the colder it is the farther away you are from your soulmate where is my soulmate the moon it's finally starting to warm up a bit not for me I'm even colder than I was this morning I feel heat coming from that way you should follow it then it will lead you to your soulmate I need to go towards the heat I've been freezing all morning long it's getting warmer follow the heat what are you doing I'm following the heat oh it's getting hot this door it's like it's on fire that's where my soulmate must be oh my gosh why is it so hot in here excuse me are you in the right classroom that must be my soulmate did you send your address to Mr James you made a big mistake your address is permanently on Mr James face he will have to wear a mask from now on I'm really sorry I wasn't thinking I just really wanted to meet my soulmate if you try and contact him again you'll pay yes sir Brianna you got another mark on your face from your soulmate oh hard eyes did you meet him no some big scary guy came to my house saying if you try to contact Mr James you pay the Mr James who no one's ever seen Mr James before but allegedly he's the son of one of the most dangerous Mafia bosses in the world Brianna look at your face he must need help what should I do nothing it's dangerous come with me mommy when is Daddy coming back with the milk it's been 2 years stop crying I said stop you're making it rain you're six now so it's time you know you were born with a curse whenever you cry it rains you can't tell anyone about this because they might judge you for your curse I can't believe Derek broke up with me a Brianna it's going to be okay come on let's get you home it's raining let's wait till it stops no no it's okay it will stop raining now the rain actually stopped how did you know it would stop raining I have to tell you something I was born with a curse whenever I cry it rains but you can't tell anyone about this okay they might judge me for it cry baby why would you do that come on cry I want to see it rain how do you know that I'm sorry I told them here happy birthday Brianna thank you are you okay I'm feeling oh no honey come with me now here put this charger in your charging port right there I've been secretly charging you every day but it's time that you know you're not like the other kids if you don't charge yourself and your battery's gone you'll die you must keep this a secret because if the other kids find out they'll treat you differently okay [Music] okay I'm all charged and ready for the day welcome to JY class today we're going to be running 100 laps oh no I'm going to lose all my battery your what nothing keep running I I can't I'll be back coach I need more charge what the sweetie is it time for school yes I think so sweetie you need to ask what time is it Mr Wolf what time is it Mr Wolf it is 8: a.m. a.m. it's time for school M lunchtime Brianna you need to ask Mr Wolf what time it is what time is it Mr Wolf it is 12:00 p.m. it's time for everybody to eat lunch except Timmy it's time for Timmy to be my lunch no Mr Wolf please what time is it Mr Wolf it is 300 p.m. it's time for me to eat you Brianna you need to ask Mr Wolf what time it is hurry gamy gamy who was the girl that left the house this morning how do you know her come on she was just a friend it's not like that what's my name come on baby don't do this if you didn't cheat then tell me my name Mommy why doesn't daddy know your name because sweetie daddy cheated on me when you cheat on someone you forget the name of the person you cheated on hey baby Brianna don't worry I could never forget your name I know I'm just paranoid because my dad cheated on my mom back when I was seven I love you I would never cheat on you Jason's having a party after school want to come sure hey you made it here have a drink thank you Blake you're so funny and so cute well you know I Blake uh uh but baby hi why don't you know my name get a pimple every time your boyfriend talks to a girl there's no way he talked to another girl he told me yesterday he loved me hey babe so sorry I'm getting a call I need to take this okay sure hey I'm back sorry about that who were you talking to a girl yeah I was talking to my mom oh okay class everyone turn to chapter 12 where is he hey babe I haven't seen you in a while where were you I was in science class yeah and how many girls were you talking to in science class more than I wanted to I was partnered with all girls for a group project oh well school's over I'll see you tomorrow babe love you love you oh good morning it's time for another pick up your pen and throw it right at the teacher's eye no no I won't do it okay okay I'll do it throw it right at her eye Bullseye my eye my eye I'm so sorry it was an accident Brianna I can't believe you threw a pen at the teacher's eye it was an accident accident or not thanks to you the exam got canceled which is great because I didn't even study H now what should we do with Jake Jakey Jakey Jakey should we tell her to kill him bye-bye Jakey I got to go Brianna wait I want to ask you something Jake you need to leave it's for your own safety kill Jakey Brana I wanted to ask you out on a date we've gifted you a poisonous candy give it to Jake bye-bye Jake are you serious why am I the one always getting calls Brianna you need to answer it no this isn't fair hurry answer now or die your word anti disestablishmentarianism ATI ATI this dis disestablish men pass on your word give me a minute Brianna hurry pass a word on to me I can't it's too hard teacher teacher I have to pass a word on to you anti- disestablishmentarianism easy word you know I'm an English teacher right Jake come here anti- disestablishment I'm getting a call Truth or Dare um truth Timmy are you interested in woman or men Timmy tell the truth because if you lie you'll die women I'm interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I'll be okay Brianna Truth or Dare truth truth is easy do you really love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I'm in love with your brother she's telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I'm sorry Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna Emily how could you kiss Evan I love him and die Brianna don't say it love you no Brianna [Music] Brianna how do you know my name uh I'm not sure but my name's Emily it's nice to meet you nice to meet you Hey Brianna I really like your sweater it's so cute thank you it's new I just bought it my ex just came in he told me he loved me today and then forgot whatever don't worry about him you deserve so much better thanks but how would you know you don't even know me I don't have to know you it's obvious did you see Evan was looking at you the whole class whatever he lost his chance hey Emily yeah I never forgot you [Music] what I love you mommy no you can't kiss me Mommy I'm sorry sweetie but you're not allowed to kiss anyone ever it was just on the cheek no it's not that you were born with a curse that if you kiss anyone they'll die what uhoh it's kissing killer Kate watch out do you guys need to say that every day it's not my fault I was born with a curse relax don't kiss us class we have a new student today everyone meet Jonathan so Jonathan where'd you move from bro don't get too close to her if she kisses you you'll die yeah dude we call her kissing killer Kate really thanks for the heads up I'll make sure to stay away from her yes than you Kate hey cutie you want a kiss no no you hear them the little girls you need to find them and break through or they'll take you I don't believe you hurry up you only have 20 seconds no no it's not real Ellie hurry up come join us Ellie Ellie you survived I know I'm so lucky so it is is real the game of Red Rover yes it is I saw them the little girls I told you guys it was real you didn't believe me Red Rover Red Rover we call Katie over don't play Red Rover the little girls might hear you and call you over we are the little girls so that means they they they took us and you're going to be next no no please tell me you're joking mother may I eat this bagle and only I can eat this bagle H you may I'm so dizzy em Emma I I she's too weak she needs to eat something mother may I share my bagle I guess you may here em you need to eat this you okay M I'm feeling a little better mother may I have a drink of water water no you may not mother may I drink this glass of water you may but you have 10 seconds to finish it or you'll [Music] die mother I finished it all right you may live mother may I go to sleep I'm so tired no you may not Jake Jake mother may I comfort my friend no you may not you may kill her with the item in your back pocket no Brianna you wouldn't I'm your friend Steph I can't disobey mother Steph there's nowhere for you to run now mother may I kill Brianna you may no mother may I go home and cry no you may not you may face the consequences of your actions look what you did you killed Steph how could you an she was my best friend she was my friend too mother told me to do it I can't disobey what mother says mother may I avenge my friend and kill what's going on over here son why are you crying because I don't think Addison Ray is going to be my stepmom anymore what why would you say that because I heard you last night crying about her saying that she never responds to you well I don't cry I don't cry over no girl huh and we all know why she doesn't want to be with you it's because she doesn't like stripping you have a shrimp well I'll give you something to cry about hey think fast ooh I feel so bad for you why I'm the bully here he should be afraid whatever you say hey quiet loser you know what I'm tired of you being quiet are you ready to scream are you ready I'm ready to beat your ass no I meant are you ready to scream oh great Heaven leave my family alone any last words let us go please I'm Cole can you turn the heat up okay sure why not don't touch my thermostat oh fight me like a real man all right let's go hey my plan works hey teacher are you awake who is this and which student are you hold up answer me were you sleeping um yes it's 3:00 in the morning oh really because I'm still studying [Music] you I saw that I'm going to tell the teacher you would never you're a [ __ ] oh yeah watch this [ __ ] stop I was kidding yes can I go to the bathroom H [ __ ] mom guess in which hand has the bag of goldfish um the left hand correct mom you're so smart oh what's up are you new here yeah I was going to ask if there's any cool friend groups I can join well it depends how cool you are but there's an elite friend group that's coming right now um why did he wink at me oh he's just super sus oh GRE hey I'm sorry I cheated on you last year yeah that kind of hurt me a lot well I'm really sorry don't you still love me you know what how would you like to be the son in my life a because I'm so bright I'm about to end my exg whole career well kind of yay but you can start by being 93 million miles away from me oh great [Applause] Heaven bro I really want to ask her out who christe um I don't think you should bro you told me that last time I heard she has a boyfriend well I won't know until I ask her I just don't want to see you hurt what makes you think I'm going to get hurt oh shoot I think she's waving at me move weirdo what [Music] hey baby what the is that me 50% off same day shipping order now let's see what would happen hey sweetie yeah get ready we're going to Disneyland really wait oh great Heavens hey baby I think I want another kid me too let's do it okay here you go how come he looks nothing like his siblings what are you talking about did you cheat on me I want a DNA test now sir the results are back and you are the father what really but he looks nothing like his siblings tell me you didn't cheat on me honey I promise I didn't not this time oh where were you last night sorry I couldn't make it oh that's why I cheated on you I'm about to ruined my ex whole career wow I was at a funeral OMG I take that bag who died my feelings for you stop pronouncing the T when you speak English don't say Identify say identify e o do e oh welcome to Heaven guys to go inside you have to get one question right okay what four-letter word starts with the letter F and ends with the letter k um Fork correct go inside next hello what is famous in movies and starts with a p and ends with the or popcorn that's it go inside next hey what does every woman have that starts with the V and she can use it to get whatever she wants her voice correct go inside next um what if we got all those wrong you go to hell oh great Heaven dad hurry up and come in here what happened now God damn you blew it up in here yeah blame Taco Bell but I heard something in the bathtub and you won't believe what's in there what there's a snake let me see what the [ __ ] is this a prank no that's why I called you so you can get rid of it hi it's Marisha again your dad said that you're on your own again oh man this test is easy why is he watching me guys please read the question carefully huh hey Michaela hey puppy did you learn the dance yeah let's do it ready 3 2 one y you and Stacy killed that who the hell is Stacy I don't know my dad's dumb don't ever call ever again oops my bad I thought that was Stacy oh Dad what's up watch this video it's so funny I want to do it what is she doing just watch she better not eat that e get that out of my face I just did it you want a snack no but I can give you this snack hang y dad can you make me breakfast we don't have time you're going to be late to school but you made mom breakfast this in 2 seconds huh what are you talking about I overheard mom say wow 2 seconds and you already gave me a full stomach all right guys as you can see we're walking into the nature do you see this creature right here it's called a deer her name is Canelo Canelo Canelo come over here can I'm used to it it's okay but yeah yo son did you spit on a girl no dad I pulled her hair first then I Spit on her and then I called her a good girl I should have never asked I saw you do that to Mommy last night you love mommy and I love my girlfriend you f to love this hand boy you better tell me why you got in trouble in school I was supposed to do a presentation about family so I took this USB because I thought it was family pictures of us where'd you find that in Mom's drawer please tell me you didn't show that I did and I got in trouble for showing it I'm sorry son sometimes me and your mom like to make our own movies but Dad it was a movie of mom and in the mailman hold on what Dad what can I rap for you I'm watching TV right now nah come on it's really good oh okay go hey okay here it goes he keeps getting rejected in bed he be Laing girls be like quit asking what's popping hey I'm a single dad who's ugly hey who is this about you you going to catch his hand look what my boyfriend got got me a new tab that's so cool I'm going to ask my boyfriend for one too since it's about to be Christmas later that night babe can you get me a new tab for Christmas please sure open your laptop you're going to buy it for me online already OMG I love you so much now open Google Chrome okay done now press contrl T I'm going be honest with you I don't think I'm going to make it son don't say that you un let this Co take you away all right we will have to fight please fight for me okay Mama all right I'll fight for you thank you what's this I here about you missing 81 days of school uhuh don't die don't die don't yo son why'd you get in trouble in school I was just talking to my crush your crush yeah like you said if you like someone go talk to them okay so what happened she told me she was hungry so I told her she should come over and eat what my mom made she said what did she make I said me winky face boy you dumb this is why you got in trouble yeah cuz my teacher said I was way too young for her nobody's going to know nobody's going to know they're going to know how would they know guess what what I got a A in math no you freaking didn't I mean you mean what yes I freaking did I can't believe it I'm you're so what so proud of you want to make you happy I am really happy do you want to dance hell yeah let's dance let's celebrate in three 2 1 let's go d That's my boy that's my boy I was just kidding I got a he got a f you got a what yeah I was just playing I actually failed in math you better fail to this hand hey Dad have you heard this new song this ain't new it's old like you this Kitty I meant the remix the remix now from the top make it drop that's a wet kitty now get a bucket and a that's a wet k I'm talking Mai KY turn that crap off you know what else is wet water this H yo why do you work out all the [Applause] [Music] time crazy cury Wy big titties y y y y y y y y y there you go look at my dad being a hoe I'm comfortable with you if one I'm extremely weird with you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah two I sing random lyrics When I'm With You Buzz down taana three I speak absolute nonsense with you e you fart no that was me dad do you like this song Don't Play music oh I know this one me too I thought you were going to play Something Bad of course not but but what I made a remix to it oh no making my way to my girl after quarantine gave her the D made her scream like oh yes daddy daddy turn it off oh yes poy poy poy this hand hi it's been a minute I tried calling you the other day but you didn't answer I think I was busy with homework with another dude what no I'm sorry I was just busy well it's too late to apologize what it's to late if you're going to act like this I'm going to hang out bye bye why are you being so dramatic is the one that was begging to his girl yesterday no I wasn't don't leave me I'm lonely don't leave [Music] me you about to get lonely with his hand wait stop wait for real wait I want to try it now bro can you say the night um I don't think my mom's going to let me what if I ask her she still might say no what if I got my mom to ask your mom you know what that could work okay I'll be right back okay a few moments later um your mom said no dang it she she says she doesn't know what we're talking about what do you mean she said her son died 3 years ago son who are you talking [Music] to we need to leave now don't go I get lonely all right hey Mom I found this cute dog on the way back from school no you know I'm allergic to dogs but it doesn't have a family well I'm sorry Dad what's the most important thing in the world to you his family exactly and what's that thing that you always say you don't turn your back up that uhhuh okay we can keep her yay son your mom and I decided to ground you not really for sneaking out of the house that told you you could you can't leave this room tonight if you climb out your window I'll help you down and your mom said you have to eat leftovers don't worry I'll order pizza oh and give me your controller because no video games just give me your broken act mad as that no Dad why hopefully this can teach you a lesson this is a nice place oh man I'm hungry man got a Furniture what is wrong with these people a penny hold up why is your phone recorded what the I'm call the cop oh [ __ ] from all this talking I assume you're done from all this complaining I assume you're single would you like to share the class what you were talking about obviously not that's why I whispered do you want me to tell you what I said to him yeah I said mirors Don't Lie lucky for you they can't laugh either oh great emotional damage hey do you want to share that note to the rest of the class yeah it says Mr Banks is an idiot excuse me you heard me now do you want me to keep reading or are you going to interrupt me again go ahead it's your time you're wasting not mine do you live in a different time zone or something last warning oh no my last warning how scary your attitude is horrible where were you born in a farm and where were you born probably on a highway because that's where most accidents happened oh great son your teacher called and told me you cheated on a test today yeah okay I did I do not tolerate cheaters in this household I'm about to ruin my mom's whole career then how come you cheated on Dad hey you who me you're handsome hold up are you sure you're talking about me no I'm talking to myself of course you silly goose uh thanks got black I got white outside ghost and hop up in a I know I'm about blow they to take my Flor I [Applause] take what's wrong little bro I got in trouble from M because she saw pictures and videos of my crush in there if you know what I mean bro that's a rookie mistake I know I should have deleted them before she asked for my phone no you don't have to delete them just use safe and terab box what's that if you download the terab Box app you can create your own password using the function save that stores about a th000 gigabyt of secret pictures or videos that only you can see no way I'm downloading it right now so I can put all of his pictures and videos he sent me and Mom will never find out hold up he dad I found your drill why do you have my drill weren't you looking for it last night I don't think so well I overheard you talking to your friend about drill huh what' I say you said hey sh you f to get this big working drill she said who is it in we were like it's been in oh you heard that yeah like how can it be in if the drill's in the garage drill this hand hello hello I just want to inform you that your son got suspended because he got caught in the bathroom with another student oh really son get over here what's up you got suspended we didn't ra you to be like this I'm about to end my mom's whole career so who raised me then what's up Dad what's up Dad why you yelling why you yelling cuz I'm mad cuz I'm mad is there a problem is there a problem um last night I'm last night couldn't sleep cuz you were yelling at your friend oh babe just like that oh I'mma beat your back b b get on top huh ride it like a car skir skir you about skir skir this hand day you told me I can't jump on the bed yeah I don't want you to Break It come on now but you always jump on your bed I I I don't understand what you're talking about like last night I heard okay you can stop oh and don't forget about eating snacks too on the bag what you mean I heard you say ooh you want this snap I just want equal dad like I want to jump on the bed and I want a big Snack Daddy what's between mommy's legs paradise and what's between your legs Daddy the key to Paradise I think you need to get the locks changed why' you say that because I think the neighbor next door has got a second key to it yo son did you tell your teacher I hurt animals yeah what we don't even have pets then why do you tell Mommy you're going to be here chat every night what the hell is wrong with you I'm not ever ever going back to that camp ever why because every time my kid get dropped off they get dropped off by their mom and it then why can't I just get dropped off by both cuz I'm not with your mom why why because your mom with Daryl and you know that speaking of Mr darl he said I don't got to call him Mr Daryl no more just call him daddy when you over 5 years old don't ever call another man daddy that's what the point I hear my Mom calling him daddy every night so I'm not the only eyeball in the house TM I Sean that Dad guess what a girl asked me the other day what can I have a piece of your chocolate what' you say I say yeah no let me give you some of this chocolate call me Willy Walker I'm a k it please tell me you ain't really busy so I can put you in my T oh baby so hot make you scream like ah dang Miss I'm about to give you this chocolate hand hey I was called because apparently my son got in trouble Mr Adams yes oh my goodness what have you been teaching your son what do you mean the thing he got in trouble for he said he got it from you what did he do your son was caught blowing Vape in the school's bathroom what my son doesn't Vape are you sure come in sweetie um that's not my son I know tell him your name my name is Vape oh great [Music] Heavens guys did y'all see the news that two teenagers were dead and one was alive during a car crash down the road you're just finding out about that what are you talking about it just happened you really don't know what happened the crash happened nearly 3 years ago what no that couldn't be true bro you need to let us go the crash wasn't your fault where did he oh great Heavens hey Mom is this our cat's toy where'd you find that and why are you asking if that's our cat's toy it was under your bed and because it smells like fish mommy yes sweetie what's an alcoholic well you see those two birds up there an alcoholic would see four mommy but there's only one bird up there as you can see my son is taking a nap in the other room so yesterday he decided to blast his music while I was trying to have a good time with Miss lotion well guess what we're going to get him back by doing the same thing dad can you turn that down e what are you doing getting freaky with Miss lotion OMG you're so weird weird this hand hey sweetie do you want to hear a funny joke H not really okay have you heard the urban leg about what happens when you scream mom three times in the shower what a nice lady appears with a towel you forgot you get it because you always forget your towel come on that was a good joke no it wasn't you can't make jokes well guess what what I made you oh great Heaven mom can I hang out with my friends what are yall plans going to the mall what time are you coming back it closes at 9: do you have a ride there and back yes where will you eat they have restaurants in the mall do you even have any money yes from saving up how do I know it's safe because it's the mom nope I don't like the sound of that I think you should stay home there's plenty of things to do around here so the answer is no that's not fair life's not fair mom why can't I go out tonight because I say so I guess Dad was right I'm a son of a why are you laughing you're such a fool but I just called you a bit I've been waiting for this moment my life no please don't tell me you're adopted oh Mom look what dad showed me what I got a he wishes I call it Mr Little Mom read it again why I got a dig bck what the I thought it said you thought but dang you didn't have to expose dad like that expose what oh hey Mr little oh my God what happened this Tik Tok video why you getting all worked up from a Tic Tac the way she threw it back made my dingdong really hard excuse me going to beat up on that booty like a drum no bang bang give me that phone why you too young for all that you just mad cuz your friend told you the only thing you can beat is your meat you about to beat this you know Jamal sometimes I wish I never had you no you wish you Never Had Me Wait didn't dad leave you oh you ain't been able to find a boyfriend since n jit disrespecting his mom excuse me I know you're not talking to your mom like that n but you wish you never had me right but then did you get fired from your job oh you broke as hell can't pay no bills n jit on demon Tong Jamal if you say one more thing no no no but you wish you never had me right but didn't your brother go missing oh I hope they never find him n jit F to die you know what Jamal they going to have to put me in jail for what I'm going to do to you when we get home no I'm about to call a cops she about to kill me that's crazy hey class please tell me your name and favorite hobby girls hi my name is Candice and I like sucking candy hi I'm Rachel and I like sucking candy hello I'm Crystal and I love sucking candy okay the girls love sucking candy I love candy as well boys hi my name is Candy hey do you know adults have deep Secrets really yeah just tell them I know everything okay I'll say that to my parents hey Mom hey sweetie I know everything what oh my goodness here take some money please don't tell Dad okay hey Dad what's up I know everything sh please don't tell your mom okay knock knock oh hi I know everything I've been wanting to tell you this son come give daddy a hug huh but I ate tle Bell last night okay Dad right there I don't care I got a poo hi hey I'm sorry but I want to break up what but why I like this other boy now the next day this song goes towards my ex [ __ ] what I said it don't mean [ __ ] now [ __ ] the Pres might as well [ __ ] all [Music] those dad do you know what I need what that I need a bad bleed someone so cute like a fantasy do me so good that I can't sleep put it inside I'm so deep keep talking like that you a about asleep someone kind of mad app it's Mr shrimpy oh really now you making fun of me yeah 24/7 cuz it's funny can't find the funny oh I'm sorry Dad you know what what you so wiggity Wiggy witty whack son get this Wiggy Wiggy witty hang here you go thanks later that night you're getting robbed no one say a word or else mommy daddy what's going on don't worry sweetie everything's going to be fine please don't hurt them take I said be quiet no stop it shut up mommy daddy does this family not know how to shut up you're a bully any last words kid look behind you oh greatens hey you still on that game I'm almost done dad boy you going to get it hey I know you're not going to hit my sweet grandbaby he's not doing his chore didn't you say you were almost done yeah were there you have it let him finish his game ooh you lucky okay o spray fresh for bre [ __ ] to drinking a mommy someone is calling dad's phone who sneaky link what let me see hello hi is Mark there no no he's not who is this this is Rebecca his girlfriend um this is his wife speaking that's a damn lie we've been dating for a year and a half what we've been married for 7 years you better be joking you tell Mark I'm not helping him pay for the house monthly anymore and I'm removing him from my Netflix account oh in that Lou bag he wanted for some reason I want that back got you I just pranked you I'm actually his sister I'll tell Mark you called that is your brother bye oh dad there's a field trip tomorrow to the zoo can you sign my permission slip you know what I'm about to ask how much is it $20 I'm sorry I don't have that right now okay I understand at school bro I have a question what's up how do you always have money I Rob I steal and I end people really don't even think about it you're not even capable of doing that just get a job at Mickey D's later that night is he doing any better your father's cancer is back and his insurance won't be able to afford it it's just too much don't worry I'll get the money how I know exactly where to go yo dad do you know your passcode um this is your mom's phone oh my bad sweetie what's your passcode your ex-girlfriend's birthday baby it's not working uh-oh you remember her birthday oh great Heaven mom what are those things on your chest oh just ask your dad when he gets home from work later okay I'm sure he's going to forget about that later later that night hey I'm finally I have a question what's up what are those things on mom's chest who um they're balloons so when Mommy dies we can blow them up so she can float and go to heaven oh okay the next day hey son I'm back from work what's wrong I think mommy's dying what why do you think that Uncle Fred was blowing up mommy's balloons and she was screaming oh God I'm coming a tornado's about to hit our school what I'm scared did he say a tornado is about oh great heav may God be with us oh great Heavens dang we're all dead oh great heav oh snap that tornado looks so big oh y' I'm out of here oh here it is look at that sausage just sliding right into that Hawaiian sweet bread a few moments later yo son are you hungry what the heck are you doing I'm good I made a hot dog please get out with no sausage don't worry I have one get out [Music] please oh whoa what was that um my brown sponge oh okay oh no Mom can I use your brown sponge to clean this I'm sorry honey I lost it oh okay later that night Mom I found your brown sponge wait what our neighbor Miss Rodriguez dad was using it to wash his face he's one shot he's one shot come on ah yo son you need to stop worrying about getting your score up on that game and worry about getting your score up on your grades you need to worry about getting your credit score up
Channel: Soap Cuteeee ASMR
Views: 58,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, makeup storytime tiktok, crazy storytime, tiktok storytime, asmr storytime, storytimes, asmr slime storytime, text to speech, asmr cake storytime, asmr, cake storytime, cake, story time, cake tiktok, storytime pov, story time cake, cake storytime pov, roblox storytime, text to speech roblox, asmr cake, storytime tiktok, pov tiktok, brianna guidry, brianna guidryy, brianna, asmr slime, guidry, 1hour, text to speech cake story time tiktok, povs, speech, text, cake lovers
Id: 0DrBK8snp3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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