Dan Mohler - Rare Q&A Session (No Music)

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[Music] so question-and-answer time I love question and answers let me encourage you for your sake I if somebody comes to me from a wrong place that I've been a pastor people do all kinds of stuff sometimes it's I'm not saying this for me I'm send this for you please always keep your heart in a good place when you're asking questions don't already have an answer don't do it as a challenge don't do it to prove somebody else wrong like we've just gotten in trouble in the body of Christ with a lot of this stuff and I noticed in the Bible when they ask Jesus a question from the wrong place he never answered it he'd asked them a question and what it did was he confronted their heart he's so wise Jesus is pretty wise so they'd be like a teacher tell us and then you say well let me ask you a question I am like god you're really cool so I'm not going to do that to you today but uh I just want encourage your question and answers are awesome just be teachable be humble when you ask your question and I'll do my best to answer if I can't answer if I don't know the answer I'll tell ya I really don't know it usually doesn't happen the word answers things so we'll have fun with this so let's just kick this thing off as just get rolling what kind of time frame do we have for wow this is Wow hope you have a cup of credit well actually I have long answers sometimes so I really do I know it doesn't surprise some of you but I have long answers usually quick small questions Byam long answer so go ahead let's do the question time we can do it yes I have a question I saw on your you own YouTube that I really enjoyed and I which that you could enter it longer this time because I saw like five minutes of it and it is a question about tithing you know what I mean so okay they wanted to hear more of that okay right out of the gate I should because I came here saying I want to know by - I said they're all what's the role of says this it truly blessed me I did move on it but I just wanted more because you did a little bit there's a lot of there's a lot of talk in the church on tithing of course this tithing scriptural you see tithing in the Bible you see the Old Testament standard of a tenth of your increase the firstfruits so there's people out there that say you know there's no tithing standard in the New Testament Jesus just said it was all about the heart I personally tend to agree with that there's other people that say well yeah but tithing was before the law tithing was way back as far as Abraham so it was here's my concern with standards and things that we do we missed the heart of giving we missed the heart of what we're doing and now we live obligatory so we just say well you're supposed to do this you're supposed to do this and we missed the heart of things in the New Testament everything you read on giving and tithing and even when he talked to Pharisees you know you do this and this and this you miss the greater part you talk about the things in the heart what I'm simply saying is we don't need to ever get in a fight over this if you actually understand what I'm saying you give from the heart you're a cheerful giver you become in felissa with Jesus and you become loved tithing in a percent and a standard won't even issue you'll find yourself you're really a giver so no pastor should be threatened by what I'm saying I'm a huge giver in my life I don't even know what ten percent looks like I don't think ten percent I think Jesus blessed me out become a blessing Jesus has given me everything I'll ever need and in many ways and I'll give whatever I can to others so personally I not a ten percent thinker but when I look at my life I give way more than ten percent of my money's goods in life so I don't I don't preach that you have two ties to be a member of our church I just don't not asking I'm not telling you I'm right it's hard issue I try to protect the heart of giving I've seen countless people tithe in a legalistic mindset because they were told they have to they better or they won't be blessed and they ties ties ties ties and I know we uphold a lot of testimonies of people that got blessed and losers ever opened but I've met a whole ton of people that have tithe and type and type and type and haven't ever made ends meet actually I'm dead and it's not because God's not faithful it's the heart of giving the heart and giving to me matters more than anything so don't get caught up in a tenth get caught up in a heart called love you follow me and I'm just being honest I I live a certain way I live I live humble I live I'm pretty I don't have a lot of needs I'm not a materialistic guy I've lived in the same house for thirty years generally 31 years same huh I paid off my mortgage when I was 42 I'm still in the same house not a lot of people do that and get bigger better the American Dream keeping up with the Joneses or whoever they are I'm just telling you it's my choice I'm not saying it's wrong if you do that but it's more demand more financial responsibility now you're in your 50s and you still have a mortgage and you didn't have one in your 40s because you're trying to better and stuff I just have a different view I'll think for the kingdom I'm satisfied my needs are met I love the bed I sleep in my house is enough for me it empowers me to give a whole lot more and I am a major giver more than you have any idea of a major giver and has nothing to do with 10% if you know how much I get so I'm not afraid to preach this thing because if we really get it our hearts will speak louder than the law you follow me so no pastor should be threatened by what I'm saying oh wait real quick if you read the New Testament and Jesus's teachings there is no percentage standard in anywhere in the New Testament there is no in the New Testament the only standard you see is way back in Abraham and that was before the law so I understand people's argument there I rather you and I not be bound by a standard I'd rather be bound by the heart of God and bylaws are y'all follow me okay so nothing's yours nothing's really yours so when you say 10% a god only asked for 10% you get to live off the 90 count just once you're 10% really God wants your heart he wants the heart of a cheerful Giver so it's not your 10% that the possessor of a cattle on a Thousand Hills is after [Music] he's after your heart he's after your heart and you know the widow lady or the little of the lady in her might yeah the widow lady in her mind you know she said she gave more than all of you it's an issue of the heart I mean she barely put anything in there guys and Jesus was like so touched by her cuz she really didn't have anything to put in there but she she put in what she she didn't cut it in a tent she gave it and Jesus said wow she gave more than all which tells me Jesus is teaching us giving is totally of our it's not a standard it's not a legalistic thing it's not a percentage the time that's that's my conviction not saying I'm right I'm not in here to get a theological argument over that I have been around other pastors I passed your friends I've been in other churches the tide has held up strong if you remember this church you'll tie and staff or he retires and being questioned in churches no I'm not a tiger I'm beyond a tiger I know I'm a giver I give way beyond the tides so yeah all right y'all good okay she came right out of gate with that question all right go ahead y'all might want to sit down so I get done answering and just jump up cause you might be standing there for I give long answers first thank you Dan and thank the Lord for bringing Todd white to you that's what encouraged me to take the first step out now that I've experienced what I've experienced I do contribute everything to the Lord and to Jesus but I feel very convicted as it recently and especially after speaking to some elders in my church yesterday about feeling too much that is from me but I don't it says where do I draw the line at or how do I communicate my experience is to be a blessing to others and encourage others to do the same without making it seem like I'm the one doing this because I always do contributed to Jesus and saves to Jesus but something happens I always speak of Jesus and so just your thoughts you're feeling like you're being interpreted as this is always about yourself this is about you what you're doing which isn't in your heart that's what you're being that's what's being said correct just like no I get that I've seen that scenario a whole lot sometimes too that we're excited we got a new truth here's something you've never heard before and get your heart excited and then you become a telecaster of that truth you would tell everybody you meet no but you might not letting this on you at all just starting off there's nothing to do with what we said I'm not relating this to you you don't really have a revelation of it yet you're just excited about it it's something new so you're trying to to declare it we always teach don't feel like you need to just declare it if anything hey check this guy out or you might know listen this don't try to become another sounding voice get established in that truth to where that truth becomes your life your life will give you a platform men's ears your life lived is what we respect it's not about doctrine it's about your life lives so so and even in your life lived people will still read into what they think you're doing it just will you have to be more secure than that and at the same time look and how you come across do I need like I didn't I never went around in my life and told people hey you got to do this you should be praying you should be this chiapas I I just lived my life and people saw what is this and realized it was Jesus so I was four months old the Lord asked to serve in the auto industry four months old guys come on I'm six months old the Lord I'm teaching a class at church I'm nine months on the Lord and I'm ministering in churches as guest speakers I'm not even a year old why never said anything to anybody they saw my life they saw the fruit they heard my communication when they asked me and talked to me so I hear your heart in one to get everybody stirred up if anything direct them to the source of where you got it so they're not relating it to use if you're coming across now you got some they don't if there's weakness in people the way you touch them can surely bring it out if you have a pastor and you go to a power love conference you go to a Todd white weekend or you do something and you go out on the streets in a group and all Sun God gives you an idea and you're ramped up man you're like yeah though we have a whole session a power loved to tell you to never do this don't go back to your church say pastor we got to be doing this we been missing it your pastors pray and he's seeking God the best he understands he's doing the best he honors say even if your pastors missing and he doesn't believe that he's not evil and wicked come on he's trying what he understands and he the best thing you can do is live it model and let people see it and attach to it to where your pastor actually says know what's going on with you ever since you went away that conference you've been so different what and all of a sudden he's asking you and now you're telling him just enough some people are broadcasting everything that God seems to do in their life and people are interpreting as what are you trying to tell me for well what are you saying about us well what are you doing and then they get edgy if there's weakness in your pastor at all you'll really locate it if you start telling him how awesome this weekend was and pastor we've been doing it wrong here we need to start incorporating you need to listen to these men I've had pastors tell me that they resented my name so bad that they thought if they'd hear my name one more time they've just got jokes a lie because they're people in their church were listen and they always felt threatened by and challenged by an upstate spy and it might not even be the intent of the people are just excited but they don't understand what they're doing and how they're coming across so all the sudden the pastor's mad at a good thing because it's being misrepresented to him if maybe misrepresented it's just how he's hearing it we have to have discernment and recognize how people are hearing things if somebody does that to you pull back and realize not pull back from your lifestyle pull back from your expression to them you see what I'm saying because you don't have anything to prove you have the joy of becoming so you're not trying to convince anybody you don't need anybody else to jump on page with you for moral support Jesus is in you and he's Lord and it's enough and go ahead and love people then right and as you're doing it using it's amazing how God works all of a sudden you'll touch somebody in a store and the person you touch is the neighbor the person that things wrong with you it's gray I can tell you so many crazy stories like that you you'll be ministered to somebody else it's a relative of somebody that's saying you're out of balance and then the relatives saying no you don't understand that God just met me a Walmart and it was ridiculous God's presence call me I mean how many pain I really know seriously I think you need to reconsider what you say that dog can do that stuff here's the thing you don't defend yourself you don't justify yourself you live sincere and upright and let God defend you he's your rocking offense anytime you defend yourself you give people the position of being your judge then they have to decide if I don't defend myself and I'm free to just keep living my life in Christ and they're subject to presumption and they have to deal with their own hard conscience as soon as you defend yourself you enlist evil and hire people on as your judge you follow me hey cuz I get moving on um we're gonna run the mic to you guys did I think I might be some shyness okay I will run the mic that's right whenever you're done with your answer and so many wonder why should just shoot your hand up and no more on it see you okay so listen is this question you guys getting my answer are you okay with my answer in other words you uh you're not compelled to pull everybody on board and especially your leaders up saying hey you got to do this listen to this and tell every testimony of everything that's ever happened when gods move it though people tend to hear it wrong they'll read into what you're doing though they'll think you're boasting in yourself they'll say well now you know it's all Jesus right oh they they can even get religious on you and that's what you're running into at some level look as soon as you see that you got to realize where that's coming from don't judge them just back off and realize wow I don't need to broadcast everything God's doing through me today the people that are getting touched is enough God will multiply it from there you've got to trust the work of Holy Spirit so don't be your own broadcaster and it's not wrong to tell a friend or Todd would call me on time dude you got to check this out he tell me what I was doing to him it was all okay and healthy but if he just started doing that to other pastors and leaders in our lives it might have touched them different you see what I'm saying she have to be careful why is it important to tell that certain individual why is it important to keep letting someone now because else don't ring and your motive and think you got some of your Savior trying to change the church or trying to get to stop it you know if I am and if there's insecurity you'll locate it quick if you do that so you really don't have to do that Jesus will bear witness of himself through you if you just live faithful to the truth all right am I making sense okay so don't feel compelled to change anybody's line or assure anybody and so to speak sounds right sounds Christian but I've seen too many people do that they get overbearing I'm not saying you are they I've met with people to get overbearing they use Todd's name and my name too much you see well Dan says well that's not how to ethic and it's like all the sudden a person resents me and doesn't even know me because they're misrepresenting my own arms what I'm saying so please don't do that to something that's so good called the Gosselaar alright question anybody what happened to the young lady that was once you in the aisle okay we need to make sure huh well yeah but we'll get you then make sure you I mean I knew you were standing there don't know you she could ask her a question look easier oh okay well I just knew you were there I'm just being sensitive to the fact that hey lady dude it's not there it was you oh I have a question that one I had to really give it to you we will get it back to you no one was that um when you were talking yesterday about marriages that or fully in love that many of us confuse love or actually I needed you in my life and um I wanted to understand her what is your belief behind the woman's respect your husband and husband's love your wife because of the church yes because I feel like if I respect him so he feel more valuable himself oh if he loves me I feel more valuable as well so he needs me and I need him and then I started wrapping my mind I ran it and I got confused so this is in Arad and the other one was such what was for you I grew up Kathleen Catholic school so I have heard a million versions of take up your cross and follow me but they take up your cross what that mean okay you okay yeah I explained that a little bit last night I'll gladly explain it because I love explaining that there are great questions and do you understand that what she just described in her marriage is what most people have is their reality so she's like if he loves me I feel more valuable and then and then we just need each other and then could see that is such a setup because in the long run what it does is it makes you subject to one another now one another's responding to one other that's why there's so much heartbreak and devastation in relationships and marriage because you're drawing your identity from one another instead of loving one another throughout the identity and I'll explain so you you with me so so here's what we need to feel needed we think if we're needed women really feel strong about this without the truth realigning their heart they literally think well if you don't need me you don't love me and though if you love me you won't ever put the obligation of needing on a person like like when I love you I don't know nothing but love my loves never self-serving it's not demanding anything of you to make me better my joy is loving you and giving my life to you and greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life a lot of people grow up being trapped and needing to be needed so they want to be needed because being needed makes them feel useful so if they're not needed they don't feel you sore you kidding you can walk in the lightest ease in the light you can shine you can walk in love you can make peace you can show mercy we just get tricked and needing one individual called spouse to love me to need me and that's what raises my value no that's what's going to keep you insecure and you're only being as good as he's needing you and if he doesn't seem to be needing you you're falling apart I don't think he loves me anymore I wonder if there's somebody else and now you're in some little soap opera world yeah and it's really not anything jesus ever taught us husbands submit our wives submit to your own husband's as unto the Lord the word submit doesn't mean you're his slave and he's the boss the word submit means yield and adapt to your own husband as you would to the Lord what's your name Jessica so Jessica I'm up now your question got me out of my chair good I didn't did I this is a good topic you got me stirred up so jessica is reading her Bible she's growing spiritually is growing Lord and all of a sudden she reads in her Bible some things about her life some things Jesus and and she's going wow this thing totally measured up with me my content of things and all the sudden jessica says i love you lord i want to give all my life to you it and she starts to make adjustments and adapt and yield herself to the lord he says you're to yield Nadab yourself to her husband even so once you get married you're hanging out together 24/7 while we were dating we were going out we were hanging a lot but now we're living together we're always thinking oh yeah and all of a sudden months in next thing you know it's like Haneda rose he was quite like that or man I never realized he had that attitude I never realized that he was a certain way and all the sudden you're not sure you like that hurts wow that surprised me or wow the closer I got to you I realized there was things about you I don't really know but the Lord is saying in his look as you bump into those things it doesn't change love you and adapt yourself to your own husband as you field adapt yourself to Lord as unto the Lord and husbands see we have beat this thing to death and we've made the wives subservient to the men we've made the wives serve the men if you read scripture it's really the total opposite it's lives yield and adapt yourself to your own husband as you would to the Lord and husbands and the whole rest of the text down to verse 30 is husband's husband's husband's husbands he's Delma and there's a reason because Adam was here before Eve God breathed in the dirt and Adam stood up Adam is in the image and fullness of God Adam is power-packed chock full of God Adam his love he's loved in the flesh he's love expressed he's loved exemplified Adam is like God who knows that scripture God looks out and sees animals and and and and he has Adam name everyone and he doesn't upstage him he doesn't change his mind he doesn't laugh and say you can't call it that that's silly if Adam said it it was so why because he's functioning in the Dominion God gave them and he's functioning in the wisdom this man is one with God Adam is amazing in God and God looks and says matter is none comparable to this man the animals all have a comparable partner a helper there's nothing comparable we think because of the flesh movement we think Adams lonely are you kidding me he's totally filled with God complete and content there's not a vacuum in his life what God is saying is it's not good to smell me alone there's no one comparable this revelation can't multiply it stops with Adam I made Adam to multiply me where's he go from here let me make one comparable he puts out him into sleep he doesn't make another lump of clay ladies you're not a separate lump of clay did you say Jennifer Jessica and Mary okay so he makes George in His image I've preached this for years I say if there's a woman in a man's life scripturally it ought to be because of the fools because if you read scripture it shouldn't be because in II do Wow she's hot shouldn't be that it shouldn't be well I'm not getting any younger you know I'd like to start a family soon hey he'll do come on if there's a woman in a man's life scriptures because the oldest man the woman never came on the scene until Adam was revealed in the fluence of God so man was made to love and Adams love so the woman was made and brought how the fullness of God in man so her place in life is to be loved and receive the love of God through her man who stood with God so she responds in that love and because she sees that first love she loves and is so reciprocal and it's so holy it's so amazing it was nothing to do with duty need insecurities it's the most beautiful thing you can see it's reading the Bible it's in the beginning and he said it's the highest expression of God on the earth and Lisa's father - mr. Buddha's Karstens church it's like one plus one is a stronger one so you got two wheels - motions to individuals together for one cost is in it or you're here to serve each other and get along and make this thing work and have a few kids no but works out and have an IRA when the time comes or you're here the synergism will be one looking like in in you maybe that's why we're here maybe we're not here for the flutters and feelings and fuzzies can you fill my gaps and I'll fill yours you tune me out to you we'll be good together they don't jump ship is on fire I bet it was never that way from the beginning I bet you God reached into atom and into the fullness of God in the man he pulled out a woman it was less possible she's not another number of clay she's less less ago in his bone he pulled she pulls her out of him and makes what was one - it was just one it reaches in and no one's - so the two can enjoy one synergism humble submission two wills two emotions two minds come and he sound like the Godhead at all coming together one yeah amen y'all good so now what wonder if they conceived in that place sexuality is a holy thing I don't have time to go into it all it's just so much and it's and I get really graphic and I'm don't go there today but it's the holy thing they're naked and they don't even understand that they already there's innocence they don't even know that he's not craving her he's not lessening her women are trained to believe that's good they want to be lusted after know you want to be loved like God loves you you don't want a man who wants you a man can want you because you have the right parts a man can want you because he's needy because he has herbs is it doesn't mean you're beautiful it doesn't mean you're special it might mean he's itchy it's not a compliment to have a man wants you sexually it's a compliment to have a man want to lay down his life to bring out the best in you and love you with all that he is that's a compliment anybody can want to have an orgasm who's related ready to give you their life it's not a compliment to have a man wants you that doesn't make you beautiful to me he's needy if you knew the phrases that men have out there in their little circles women ought to be in on that flies in the log maybe they sober up and not be vulnerable there's a lot of derogatory things out there that men men aren't thinking Jesus say using one another the sake of their own it's not cool so they reduce this vain man man you can't live with them can't live without that it's not like that Haley will give everything I've heard of it and it was none of this was from the beginning none of this was from the beginning I mean even when they're trying to talk to Jesus about divorce and justify their lives their hard hearts Jesus is will none of this was from the beginning Moses only gave you to divorce because of your hard heart it wasn't this way from the beginning yeah but he cheated on me yeah but she cheated on me well wonder if you don't let what they did hard in your heart and you stay in God and all of a sudden God in you changes them and they would never go there again and now they're redeemed and you're still together and it's never the same so it's better because everything it sure beats looking for legal reason to move on Jesus calls it the hardness of art so the most beautiful pictures when you two guys value one another to the point where you owe no man anything but to love so you wake up to just honor him and love him and yield adapted as you would to Jesus watch and husbands you love your wives as he loves his own church does he love his church the weaknesses and things that could be different and changed as his church perfect does he love her perfect so this is about trying to change her and get her to meet your capacity and your needs is about loving her in the midst of it all and showing her that she's valuable teaching what love is to gozman I'm sparing God and all of a sudden the husband wife circumstantially functionally didn't deserve a thing and all she's hidden is laughed also the goodness of God is leading her to change and repentance and all the sudden she's weeping on her bed and thinking oh my goodness God this is how you must love me and all of a sudden the husband is teaching her the love of God because the husband's in God's image it sure beats quarrels it sure beats you do for me I do for you come on be fruitful multiply it's a holy thing they're naked they're not ashamed they're together he reached into one and made him - sir - could be one so he brought woman out of the fullness of God in man be fruitful and multiply he's not just talking about getting pregnant guys and having children he's talking about multiplying the image and cover the earth with his glory he's talking about conceiving in this holy place reproducing after its own kind each see so the whole earth looks like him here's what's awesome stand up here with me sister please what's your name this is my name is Dan in an hour now you're not going to say now are you dan are you Cynthia because she doesn't look anything like me and I don't look anything like her you're not going to confuse us guys but watch this we can both look like in together tomorrow you're not gonna come up and say hey Cynthia cuz I'm Dan and you know that we can both look like him she's her on me we mostly like community I'll think it's right there that's what Unity means in our diversity living for the same reason in our diversity waking up for the same cause ah oh it ain't uniformity look we blow now it's unity total diversity 1 R ooh thanks is that helpful yay so wonder if this room I'm looking at begins to be the steward of their own heart their own convictions their own conscience starts going to bed thinking this way communal call waking up thinking this way and stewing the lives in this truce of grace abounds and all of us are alive for one reason oh yeah you might do this as a job you might do this you might have this work schedule uh drive this you might like this music you might but we all wake up for his image into life that's what makes us fine and I promise you that's what he shed his blood for not to take you to heaven something to make you like him and to for who he is so together we express the fullness of who he is that's your birthright you make it something else if you want but if you read scripture that's why he died yeah so yeah women for some reason I'm not being hard on the women I usually favor the women and in some things because you've gotten a tough and bad rap I've been a guy so I understand that angle and it grieves my heart I'll get crying real quickly I think about you girls and the pressure you're under to look a certain way to be a certain way that grade that's been said because they listen that's fargo police if you don't genetically qualify then what it's such a lie that you have to be something the world says to be a woman it's a ridiculous lie but thousands of women get swallowed up by constantly wrong look nice it's not wrong to look nice but please don't make that what matters most what matters most to suit you are and who you are looks like him even the Bible system let it be the adorning of the hour in the air you know let it be that gentle glide you a person are just really increasing now I'll deal with that so the needy thing I challenge everybody to get a grip on that please don't say well I need him to need me it's called a codependent lie forcing your husband to be something in your life to fulfill something only Jesus can truly come love gives love serves love doesn't request an enemy love is out what love doesn't seek its own we're very self-focused in relationships if we don't have Israelis hear what I'm saying so the things that we grew up with the emotions there's a lot of psychology wrapped around it it never came from the truth it came from our human experiences so we diagnosed and studied a fallen man and said this is who we are but yet Jesus the same follow me I think I'm going to jump over here and get in his river the waters better yeah follow me we've studied a fallen man and said this is us jesus said follow me carry your cross very simple never lets sin against you give the right to pursuit to producing in you don't let what you're going through define who you are you are what you are for Jesus things are unfair don't act like you're treated unfair things are in just don't become the expression of injustice there's this song out there that we're some singers sing that I really like it is talked about dancing on the streets injustice things what's that mean to dance on injustice to not let injustice decide who you are and how you are that's how you dance on injustice you're not stomping it out with a ritual or hands what you're saying is I haven't lost my joy in the face of what's not fair I haven't lost the truth in the face of many lies my disposition hasn't changed because of our word life because there's true life inside of me it's carrying your cross did Jesus get treated right quite the opposite no one's ever been treated more wrong than Jesus would you agree that there was never a greater act of injustice than the cross who deserved less ever than Jesus to die and yet he died right like super unjust did all that injustice change who he was did all the gossip the presumption and the bad things in the midst of healing folks and raising the dead they had a lot to say they get into little tangents and meetings and he's demons a Samaritan he's a blasphemer II such regard where we watched Mary raise him how can he say Kevin Bobby grew up with us and all this stuff going on did he ever let that change his good were men able to change who he was that's why he's still able to change man that's why he has that power because he's that's carrying your cross he's telling us to carry ours did he deserve the cross love chose to hang there you get what I'm saying was he treated right had nothing to do with his good he's good cuz he's good he's not good cuz they treated him right he's good cuz he's good are you guys getting this it's so simple that sometimes it's like people go it can't be this simple oh it's so simple Jesus model the life were created for and said follow me he didn't say sing to me and pray to me when you're overwhelmed he said follow me become like me and I'll give you my spirit to help you do that and how are you do look if you couldn't follow Jesus he wouldn't ask you to weave religiously turned it into a prayer and service within the church body instead of a life that looks like him you with me so watch this my wife knows that I don't need her doesn't make her insecure it actually makes her free because he's not under the pressure of fulfilling me she doesn't have performed for me since abdicating way so she doesn't even owe me a thank-you she doesn't have to say one nice thing to me I love being Who I am in Jesus and I love loving her to join me in alive yay so when she does something nice for me it's so healthy because it's never meeting and eat it's not because who are glad she did dead I was beginning to worry how she saw me come on so if she makes me I was just telling him at lunch how sweet she is to me I pull up in the driveway I don't expect one thing out of her and she lays down her life for me why because I expect nothing of her so she's free and released to bless me and give me her whole heart because not one bit of it's obligatory sure you follow me so she knows I like some she knows some will be special she is where I would sit and I walk in the house and you strike there on the table sitting there and so say I thought she really liked that I'm like you are so amazing she watch if that one laying there everything's the same so now that it's laying there I can receive it it's actually sweet it touches my heart it's healthy because I don't need her to do that to affirm anything it's just I love you yeah it's so clean see most of us get caught up in the feeling gushy emotional Stabenow and I want it but there's a kickback there's a feedback do you know this pastors will know this they've experienced this there's people that will serve in the church and they're not serving in the church because they love God the kingdom go they're serving in the church because they get recognition for it they get acknowledged for it and sometimes honored for it so they go out of their way to serve even more and people say oh my goodness you the servant of the year I don't know what we'd do without you you are so from heaven there is no one like you those lyrics belong to someone else so then they're just yeah then you come up to me - you were so amazing you say excuse me and they burned you you're so Emilio this with me if I have pastors or leaders here there has been more hurt in people servant like that who didn't get the do they thought they deserved so they moved on because people didn't appreciate them and if you're served in the ministry to be appreciated it can't be love it's twisted back out till you get your heart right all you're doing is filling gaps and little eyes you do not serve in a ministry to be appreciated and acknowledged serving a ministry because you understand the value of the people family called the kingdom of God the need here and you're willing to lay down your life and time with nothing in return because that's love it's not a place you can ever get hurt it's a place you serve you never needed knowledge for it I've told people my whole Christian life and then it's funny because because he'll thank you thank you thank you and I'm like I've sacrificed nothing in my mind it was so easy to come down here see thank you for coming okay grace I understand what you're saying will end their sacrifice I'm glad to be here I'm having a blast meeting new people in fellowship and I'm just having fun does it look like I'm sacrificing I don't need to thank you so when they say thank you I can receive it it can be helpful but if I came down here for the thank-you that set me up for trouble because if you don't thank me like I think you should and I don't get what I feel like I'm due now I get hard towards people now I'm trying to cattle whip sheep be try to get people to be what I needed to be also my mother's on twister that you follow me carry your cross you taxi through every situation and never let that situation have a voice in who you are and what you portray to be you at Jesus I had already saddle because if you deny yourself get out and you pick up your cross now you're following him you get it because he had denied himself laid down his glory made himself of no reputation be honest seeking reputation our whole lives seeking to be note is seeking to become we've been trapped seeking reputation and were to arm herself and have the same mind in us that was also in him who made himself God you see how opposite the kingdom is from what you will train by her life says well he'll be great if it would happen but if I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up never here Bible says get your hope facing substance things hope for hope standard result passage through the veil windows presence hope is a big deal get your hope up yeah well what you don't know or what y'all heard that down here down here and you they talk like what you don't know won't hurt you you've heard that Bob says what you don't know it's destroying you and you grew up with the language this is what you don't know won't hurt you to make you passive and act like who's ever heard this well what you see is that language made it all the way down here they've been talking that up in PA for about whole life how to get down here it's a universal language it's called the spirit of this age in the wisdom of this world and it says hey what you see is what you get if you read your Bible and second Corinthians four it says don't you ever live by what you see because what you see is subject to changing the unseen things are eternal and yet you're here and what you see is what you get what why now each to his own well the Lord helps those who help themselves there is so many phrases I was teaching this in a church awhile back I said start giving me some phrases you grew up with that you know now that you know the word totally opposite you should have heard this stuff they were saying oh wow there's a ton of all the language we grew up with and the town government it's perverted a hundred eighty degrees from the truth what's this there's no selfishness in love and there's no love in selfishness and the goal of our instruction is life and there's none of the same in either no love and selfishness no selfishness in love so that means we're growing to be one or the other so we don't like that we think that sounds rigid what a gift that I can get out of me and into him let's talk about failure I'm talking about becoming I'm not talking about missing it I'm talking about becoming I can pursue to become loved and get every trace of Moda myself as just rooted out of my life by the understanding of truth and I can actually be formed in love because the goal of our instruction is love and love doesn't seek its own sounds like a kingdom day to me sounds like you'll be fulfilled in that place and loves your only response and all the sudden you're not trying to accommodate one another you just value one another and it's all given it just all happens it's your expression I value my life obviously I'm going to love her and show the expression of life yeah here's what my wife likes about me she can't let me down fail me or break my heart it's truly impossible because I don't live for her to love me I live to love it's a totally big difference before Jesus she owed me big-time it could never pay up I'm just telling you but now that Jesus come I went whoa uh-uh and everything changed so my wife she understands that now yeah no sexual view everything changed you know women think they'd be flattered if their husband would chase them around the house yeah until the day you don't feel like they chasing you so it's a compliment on one day and now it's a burden on another now they've been treating me nice so I need the reward and all of a sudden the whole sexual expression is obligatory well they are man they do have needs a little fill in your book my buddy summer okay honey that it's old after a while and that produces bad things it does nobody likes talking about it this is true so my wife said to me one day does she know what I realized she said if something happened me I could never come together with you in that way again ready you'd be totally fine you anymore I said I'm not needing that anymore I'm so fulfilled in Christ it's ridiculous to love you as an honor and if you love love listen all right it's not a need it's not in there and if people are like why but my wife understands because she lives with me she realizes I'm not pushing myself honest a hand on his belly three days and even more come on it's love so guess what happened to my wife when she realized that she enjoyed all the more being together that way and she says she begins to initiate things and all the sudden it's her responding to love doesn't make her needy it means she recognizes love and feel safe in that place and all the sudden it becomes holy and God's there Oh okay I'm done talking about all that don't you ask me any more questions who gave her the mic anyway oh that's good that's good yeah long answers huh this marriage when you talk about it all day you do a whole seminar thing that's just let's just understand that you you find yourself in Jesus you become one in Christ should be completing Christ and now you're ready to love now I'm ready for relationship look if I see myself in him and Sue I've become an M now I'm finally positioned to love you never need you come on if I go to church with you guys and I lived here and I needed you to do something to be sure that I'm okay I'm only as good as your fulfilling that that's idolatry come on I'm gonna find myself in weakness then it's going to be your fault and then when I hear your name the only thing I think about is what you didn't fulfill are you getting this look I just met pastor this weekend so say I lived here and I moved down here we got hanging out we're just hanging out together and also now have just some unspoken expectations and I'm just assuming and you know sudden he doesn't fulfill some of those things it happens to people in it and then they get taken back I can't believe he did that well I thought better of him well I imagine you'd ever next thing you know I have a skewed view and now I'm feeling a little now I don't know if I wanna trust it or not I'm like what is that that's not Jesus their unspoken expectations you got to let them go they bring bad things expectations like that come on you wake up to love period no one owes you a thing you owe no man anything but to love reach arrival yeah how else would you overcome evil with good if you have to be a product of evil you can never overcome up with good you have to be the product of it so I guess you should be the product of what's good so you can overcome with good and never be the product of evil carry your cross you guys get that okay I know I'm being a little redundant I'm going over and over it just needs to stick because we've been taught by a lot of things that aren't true and our emotions agree with those things because we believe those things and it's a vicious cycle of expression yeah Hope deferred makes the heart sick everybody quotes that when they're down and out you show me where that scripture says you have to let your hope be deferred it says if your hopes to verge or how to get sick but it tells you to never let go of your hope all through Scripture so what's it doing deferred get your eyes back on truth stop doing sorry for yourself get a bigger dream are you guys okay or did I you too much Vietnamese food it's making me a certain way yeah are we okay anybody have another question oh yeah yeah the lady we rip the mic from my questions on healing I've been struggling with getting a full healing like I'll be prayed for and I know that I've been healed I know that I know that I know I felt something in me that was healed and I wake up the next day and I'm not healed and I I know in its little thing it's a little thing it's so easy for God to just heal anything but not like it's a major issue right I have a sprained ankle and a heel spur and I know that I've been healed from both but the manifestation will come okay but I believe I believe and I have the faith in and I'm walking in my feet okay that's actually it's a loaded question we talk all day on this one but I'm going to just try to stick with your question and answer this a lot of us have had situations we've been prayed for and we don't see it change or totally change time goes by where you have to make sure is that time doesn't change you here's the deal truth is never subject to time so just going to be the same forever so what happens to us is we don't realize we start subtly identifying with what hasn't changed all of a sudden we get more questions than we have answers and all the sudden we're living from the place of quandary and I'm not saying you're doing this I'm saying this is what I've seen happen in a way of healing a lot so in this sister saying I got this I got this I know Jesus so technically principally scriptural you have you see this is God's will is not a big deal for God right so you've got to hold on to that no matter how this seems not let that frustrate you that didn't change and get question driven I got to be here's what some people well I got to be doing something wrong or it would be changed by now because it's just gotten so easy God there's gotta be something locking and then they go on the steep sole search and throw their identity on the chopping block the most important thing to do is maintain and establish and lock in your identity in that situation to where you know who you are through who he is you know is will faith comes with will of God is know and all of a sudden works through love and all the sudden you stand in relationship and stand in position of what you know is true and you don't let symptoms circumstances pain or time change that truth and you stay there till that truth overtakes everything and brings even a greater revelation to your heart so here's what that looks like I prayed for wow it feels good you wake up in the morning there it is again after three times of that your mind starts trying to get trained in to go on you gotta be kidding me what is going on this should not be now you're just frustrated no no as soon as you recognize that father I thank you your love is unstoppable you're laying in your bed you just stealing that thing in your heel just rolling your foot around you know father I just thank you love's unstoppable I know what you've done through your son and I knew last night what you did in my body I thank you all this day I'm walking in that grace God your love is amazing for me I am in you you and me you see glowing soul lover approaching God I receive and all the sudden you're just reestablishing affirming and nailing down your relationship in his will restore and heal all things and you get up and you go right to the bathroom you walk through day and things trying to hurt you alright thank you you make sure because of this perception you're shining all day you're productive and you aren't slipping into Oh now what's going on with his foot and why he ain't getting healed and then all the sudden backtracking looking in the closets doors and things and just I've never seen anyone do well and it was wrong ever but when they continue in him and let faith remain faith truth inane truth from the face of time I've seen tons of things change I've seen people building their integrity they get locked in they become no-nonsense and they know when they know what they now follow what I'm saying so that's my encouragement to you don't soul search don't think watch this what's not challenging you you have a relationship with Holy Spirit believe he loves you so is he playing charades or do you think that in your relationship he would tell you something if you're missing something don't you think he reveals something to you if you if there was something blocking and you said Lord whatever there is that I would need to have so ready to you and I just want to walk out do you think he's playing charades or do you think in relationship Holy Spirit say well you know I am when they do that of course he would we forget all that we go search and do this big soul search there's countless ministries out that say they're set up to help you with that process I've never seen good come out of those things people lose their identity in that rose they become a person with a problem instead of a person with a covenant and then all of a sudden the whole idea that the foots not healed is ruling their everyday their identity and their output it's not cool listen my mother had sickness for 40 years I've seen countless people heal I promise I didn't see my mama heal it was so in my face my whole life it was one of the biggest challenges of my life so don't tell me I don't understand the stuff I carry her to bed at night I changed her pants when I was a young man don't tell me I don't understand but none of my mom's situation changes what this book says none of it rewrites Jesus's life I'd have stayed locked on Jesus's life because that's what changes these things but if I keep rewriting the book every time I have a contrary experience I'll never come to the knowledge of truth I'll just toss around a lot of theological thoughts yeah so when my mom passed us away am i mad at the gospel why God how god no wow thank you for the blood Jesus man I know I feel in some sense like we lost but I know we want mom's alive for every morning if it wasn't for the blood of your total write-off an order bummer god I feel like she got robbed so many years with the truth is you redeem your life forever so god I'm going to press on and keep praying for the sick and move forward and be inspired by your great love five months after my mother died I saw somebody healed the same disease who had walked for five and a half years get up and walk out of the church why because I won't take mom's death personal outrage of the gospel personal I won't write my theology suit my mother's situation I've already got healthy theology it's called the life of Jesus Christ and I can't get offended in mad and cup of my mother over him because I already laid down my life I love it not unto death so I love less my mother father and all that stuff doesn't mean you disregard them it means you use the gospel higher so even but I believe I'm in faith keep Alina key pursue keep going after faith but here's the truth the Bible says if you have faith you say the mountain Mount mabu right so is the evidence of faith the mountain moving or speaking to the mountain now move we're speaking to tons of mountains keep your faith don't let time decide don't get all this other stuff to stay where you're at Noah's love to his will through Jesus and believe his love and stay where you are until that revelation gets so big the mountain doesn't have a chance to move yeah yeah I've had people come to me they said but I believe they're mad I said well first of all you really frustrate you to understand you a physical loss personal loss in their in your heart listen you're challenging God what you're saying is he's unfaithful he's not true you believed and the mountain didn't move it's not Scripture you didn't want them to die you love them you prayed sincere you might have been moved by the fear of death you might have been moved by the sense of loss you might have been moved else died you thought here we go again there's a lot of things that lose our heart skies just because we're praying it doesn't mean there's faith sometimes it's the total opposite it's the fear of death it's frustration it's worry and it's sentiment I don't want to lose them and all of a sudden the whole motive of praying is the fear of death instead of the promise of life you home what I'm saying see just because we pray doesn't mean it's fake just because we understand spiritual principles doesn't mean it's faith there's something about my heart seeing so I pursue faith and I'm not correcting her for saying but I believe because I believe you do you understand your covenant you understand God's heart through scripture that this thing should leave your life that's what you say you stay right there I agree with you you say well why isn't it how come your people just lose people that do the aren't doing well in their everyday life I promise you being analytical it's not a gift from God no it's not I didn't say and I hike here's not a given guys are being analytical you said well God made me this way no no God never gave you the ability to talk yourself out in that happened in the garden when they listen to another voice yeah god never gave man the gift talking himself out oh good thinking you thinking anybody else have a question are we okay did we answer that somewhat so relationship continue a relationship let God's love be predominant in your life and father you're the one that makes all things new god I so understand believe it you've took away every weakness every infirmity but this foot is healed is for camp remain you love me so much Jesus what you get is awesome thank you you reach down grab your ankle your calf your foot whatever you want to you be whole you be healed you serve today you walk do well Jesus name two times in my life I've been jogging while I was jogging I thought my knee just pop lips crazy the first time I just I just kept running and it hurt and I kept running and I said thank you Father God I thank you you gave me two knees and I thank you you gave me those needs to work and carry me all the days my life and I started to proclaim what I believed about my creative value next thing I was like a Rocky movie Allah knows it was awesome the second time it pop I pulled up like a Lane wash know what I mean and I stopped and I prayed over Mooney right on the street and it felt like I couldn't walk or run something just went pop and it hurt I prayed for my knee and I looked up and I said okay and I just took off I'm not telling you to do that I did that because I wanted to do that I'm okay doing that I'm not telling you to do that I did that I took off about four steps in Rocky movie totally normal first three steps Wow four step I am see now if you do that because I did that your fifth step you're wondering where the WoW is saying you don't do it as a method you do it because it's what you see it's not about human wisdom whether you need to use wisdom you could have had a chair and made it even worse so you're on a totally different page and in a different book than I so we can't really have a communication things you're going to offend it with me and you're going to try to change me and tell me to use wisdom but it's not the wisdom of living from so it's a dead-end street no sense that because I don't understand your language even though I do I don't live on it so if I'm okay taking those steps probably ought to just leave me alone because I'm doing okay yeah it was sure a little better than surgery and Rehab and still limping and reconstructive and or whatever else is out there I'm just going this way and if some reason I had to go the other way I'm not demeaning the other way I'm just this that's what I did Gus will die and I hardly preach this stuff from the pulpit because people will try to do what I do instead of see what I've seen become what I've become it's not because I'm super spiritual it's because I see something something I get something I understand so because of that I'm going to do that they follow me it's not a method I'm not trusting God I'm not saying okay this is going to be faith I'm hurting but I'm going to run it's going to be my faith yeah that would not be happy I did that once I ran up and down the stairs twice with the knee that was tore up from work I shared that this movie doctor here we've account but I thought it was a macho pride that came in my heart I was the oldest man in the warehouse my hair was gray and the guys called me grandpa that day I tore my knee you'll realize this macho stuff creeps in when you feel like you still need to show some young guy I can perform I can outwork you I can still lift weight I can still run I can you know this is weird like you get a kid on the basketball court he's fifty eighteen years young and you just want a beating you know what I mean you suppose stuff is shot man you just want to turn around shoot a jumper right on it you don't I'm saying it's just a weird it's a macho thing there's a pride there and I'm at work and I'm working and today I tore my knee I grabbed about fifty pounds I'm hurrying I reached into my shoe and in between two skid boards I grabbed the fifty pounds and my leg didn't come with me yeah oh it was bad so I pulled my knee out I'm a fighter man I'm a fate imma you have no idea actually I come across all nice to you because you're not the devil so so unlike in this warfare I work like I think you father my knee is hurting its nest up and I'm working Thank You God I'm fresh turbaco so father a thing and I'm just all day at the end of the day guess what happened I set the warehouse record and pulled more than anyone ever had employed by that company in one day in an eight-hour day of 10 or day I pulled more and put more output on the day my knee would store I put more output than anyone ever on any day why because of the warfare cuz blocks so they come up to me and said how did you pull that much and I said well someday when you're a grandpa you'll understand the weirdest dumbest answer I mean I should have said what actually guys because I was pouring into them teaching they love me I'm handing out CDs these guys love me I'm getting words an homage for coworkers I'm watching forklift drivers cry on the job I'm telling you two supervisors transformed man Jesus rock in their world words of knowledge crisp like supervisor hey man what's going on you're not doing well what do you mean you're in a deep depression you haven't slept for weeks you're suicidal you're going to quit your job and move back to New York you think it's suicide he is freaked out and treadline why is it a spot on he was the one that locked me the most in the whole world and they fun of me openly in the grounds I am not mad at him he doesn't understand forgiving father he knows not why it has so for that man I got the most rockin word trembling said I think we need to talk I said I think he left work he was so shook up he went to his apartment and said would you come to my apartment after your shift I said I would be honored showed me his address I wrote it down I knew where I was going showed up at his house knock knock not going in talked to him and told him about Jesus he cried sand that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard I was mocking what I never understood I said come on man receding I wanted Jesus comes the guys knocked out on his couch eyeing kidney I still help you don't need me here you're gonna take good care of this man and ice head it on home next day I come home from church phone machines flashing Dan this is Chris oh my gosh Dan I just want to thank you for Jesus oh I stopped crying he says peace peace peace like three times he's big he said I never knew there was such thing as this peace and I slept all night I just woke up since you whatever you left I just woke up I oh my gosh Dan I can't wait to see your work thank you for your Jesus so since we're over I hit repeat just tortured my emotions three times by the third time I look so powerful well I guess you could be offended in him I guess you'd be like wow what a Jarrett is always mocking me you don't know nothing here he is still lost making fun of me I'm the one that's free why is it we got trying to upstage he's so insecure and all of a sudden you get your eyes on what's wrong with him something's wrong with you you get it he is never my problem never my enemy Jesus loves him that Jesus didn't he wants to reach him so when he walks by me snippy and snide hello Dan I said hey man how are you you said I'm good and hold the spirits no he's not ma'am I said hey called him on it healer how do you know that he asked me if it shows I said no the church has a word called hypocrite I see means a game player mask whereas since you're doing a great job man he said what this is phenomenally yeah because he mocked me all the time oh he walks through group meetings to go hallelujah boys amen brother brothers and he laughs chuckling walk through like he's hurting me I'm hearing God's voice I'm sleeping all night I have peace he's mocking me and I'm losing are you kidding me he said does it show I said no actually I told I haven't read he said how could you and when he said it hit him 20 miles how could you know and he did he he frozen it says Alabama scene yeah him the one you've locked down and understood he showed me I think we need to talk I said I think we do you wanna know how I got hired there I left pastoring to go there because I wanted to get around the darkest place I could find full-time pastor salary they matched my wages of 15 years Teamsters Union when they brought me in passed and we're not asking you to sacrifice we're blessing you we don't want you to give up anything we will match what you were pretty amazing two years in I was a little antsy Church felt like a business to me at times I struggled with some things about ministry and I was searching I didn't know who to talk to because I didn't trust the answers I'd get I wasn't sure what to do so I thought you know what I'm comfortable in darkness I do very well in darkness because light is greater uncomfortable around sinful atmospheres it doesn't gross me out it doesn't wear me down it actually helps me shine like I really I do good when people don't understand because I can send a message so I thought I got an idea let me just step down from her and give up my salary and I'll just go find some dark warehouse that I can be in and manifest and shine love people work with my hands and I work this out with an industry I'll I'll work it out so I gave my resignation and stuff and I was going to get hired this place that's hiring everybody so I went in there and there were and the Human Resources got precious black man's shiny bald head man it was shine and I don't know if they rub stuff on an island millage he I thought man he'd make a good Christians like the glory you know hey this exactly how it went down he's sitting there talking to me we're doing the interview and he's asking me all these questions and were chatting and he has two questions left he said okay Dan here's what I need from you man I said what is it he said need you to answer these last two questions leave out your faith quit preaching to me and stop mentioning Jesus I said man is that what you think I'm preaching to you I can get out you're saying that the matter of you understand is not life and I'll pray all come on don't tell me you can't answer these two questions without implementing your faith I said sir you're taking me back on that that's teaching me how people think that I'm running a nun implementing my faith it's my life it's my relationship I don't serve a doctrine I know him he's inside of me he's part of you or one so oh well you can't tell me that you can't answer these two questions and leave out jesus said actually no I I don't think I could be necessary in fact I'll tell you what we're going to do this is just what I did for fried I'm pretty Jesus comes on me you're in trouble because I just shut the folder he's the HR guy I'm interview I shut the folder on us I'll tell you what we're going to do bill we're just going to forget too soon you know that because this is what I see three years ago you turned your heart for God you've allowed some things to be in your life and it's wrecking your family your kids are affected in your marriage is about too soon great so what do you say it's time I stood up I'm coming over the table now let's reduce unhook the leash and I'm coming I'm going to crawl over the table lay hands on and yell fire that's what I'm gonna do and it's going to come I'm just telling you I'm on the table and he's shaking and he snowman look back off back off there's no shock collar boundary now I'm gone and it's very rare to get me off and get me back on so I'm figuring he's getting bit I'm getting involved right and it was loving it was for him and I said no man listen it's time to come home what are you thinking it's something just look man we're in this glass office you've got to get me in trouble I got bosses everywhere doing you can't be praying for me I said come on what are you running from I said red I'm up on the table and for some reason I backed off okay listen Anna I'm not gonna push it actually I didn't click back up this is what I did my folders there he's the HR guy we have two questions left I said everything I said is true and you know I just like that so what do you think that's that's like a chess game your move and not over killin I'm not trying to lead him in some prayer shock ibaka right just come home to him you giving the goods don't you call him right where he's at BAM you lookin right now screwing in man your tears are in your eyes and you walk out of his office that's so I get home I get in my car and I'm like that was my interview it was so powerful you think you're ready for that stuff but every time God does something dramatic like that you're not ready for it it's like whoa you gotta calm down you're like you know I mean this is powerful and you're rehashing it you're like god you're amazing in the reverence of God increases all this stuff so I get my car and I'm like and I thought I wanted that job that was money thinner for you Lord okay well at least we love don't bill somebody else will hire me so I just figured I'll have to go get another job so I drove home I get home he's got a voicemail I'm a mess energy hey this is vanilla out it I know we under kind of abruptly and unusually but I've decided we're going to hire you I have you set up for your physical and your orientation is me there except Sarah hadn't seen bill once more in tation had a real fun time and to stand up and tell a little about myself everybody treating me like I had leprosy because I'm in love with Jesus when they pick teams every time I wasn't on somebody's team the team celebrated because it wasn't me the team I got picked on they were all mocking to go oh your garden turned out when I left there they all cried and didn't want me to lead and said what are we going to do without you when I left there they had a floor meeting and acknowledged that it was my last day so everybody could say that respects and bye he said because this man is meant so much to discount me and we appreciate you all but off and said we can fill the warehouse and then like this will get company's dream come true I was getting a little uncomfortable experiences stop being accountable or honoring me in deal and I went Wow I went to work in a Spanish man very short man crawled up on my battery jack and stood up he kept saying you a good man I said you don't understand before Jesus I wasn't a good man you don't understand and his language was bother me and he saw aggressive and he climbs up on my jack he says no no no you good man he said I meet some good men in my life and then I meet some good men in my life but you sir and he stand of it he said you look good man I don't like ya I'm working there for two months two months I'm out on the floor I'm zipping and moving it's a hard-working job I hear my name on the intercom call me to these cubicles to these new offices the number I wasn't familiar with it was all new I headed back there I wasn't sure I was going my boss was there I said to get call me off the floor he's little irritated I don't know why they're calling off the floor they got to know you're out here on incentive with your team I don't know what they want they could quit I said you know I'll make it quick I'll make up for it in time he said I think it's just back the hall now so I had the number in my mind I turn three eight years old so I go there and I get to the door number and it's it's it's close but it's not last you know me like the door is not open but it's open so I held the knob checked second time there's bill standing on his desk like this stem of corns death trembling sweat pouring down space ahead two months after her interview I said no are you okay what's going on I need to come home you help Lord Jesus if he touched anything unclean at Eastham so would you wash him in your holy but he's done he's on the floor I'm just telling him done I'm crying that's true Oh lefting there he don't need me he's in good hands and it ain't Allstate Hey he's his lane of scotch and fleas it's so good man so I ran over the Human Resources the head lady see years ago I'd have been bothered by this I've had this a couple of times of life she came up to me after I was working there for about a week she come out on the fool and that man she cry listen hey she cried said wow you're the one and it's so long to me people really talking I see held her talking on saw it's so good she said I cry and she said you are the answer to listen what do you mean honey she said I have such a heart for this warehouse and these people in human resources so I'm certain access but I'm not on the floor and I've been praying Jesus would you please come to this warehouse Jesus would you please come to this where she looked at me right now and said you the answer to my prayers I said he's here yeah once on an airplane ladies trembling I see it's okay honey we need to pray are you okay sir well I said it's okay we're just gonna pray I feel like I'm talking to Jesus I said you are he lives in here years ago I'd have probably been a little freaked out by that would pray thought it was some form of heresy now I understand it's Christ in you the hope of glory Christ in you and Christ in me in Christ in you and Christ in you and question you and probably multiplies the glory you know so for I went into I went in there I said hey check on building a little while because he was I said he's just come on she just starts bawling usually what a heart what a caring heart for people she starts bawling instantly book I said check on him my man God's all over I gotta go out and get my job done I gotta get it back on a 40 minutes later I'm working behind the head on my shoulder or behind there's that sign here I looked in his face began to cry no she's not the same man just look at his face he's not a mess of Bill you just held him cry right now how powerful is that come on that's four beats having work your shoes and boss troubles and fairness and it sure beats death amen nobody even asked a question forever right I'm like just preach it or what what was your question or am I just talking only question okay so where did I get all that from I don't even know what I'm doing really that was the broadest answer I ever gave in my life that stuff's helpful though because it teaches you what you can live in the moment unless you have other attitudes and other things tripping you out if you're letting Chris get on your nerves instead of letting him make a drawn mercy realize it if he knew what he was doing he wouldn't be that way and you start hurting for Chris because he's lost rather than who is really mocking me in stage upstage me in front of guys see if you take it that way you'll not hear that word for him but if all you have is compassion for him see Jesus can tell himself anything so if you're one with his heart you're in you got open communication if your hearts pure I've been in situations where God showed me young girls that were touch strong gave me the name of the uncle that get it why because he knows how I'll see them and he knows how I'll talk to them and he knows what he wants to do for them it's pretty awesome God will give you those kind of things I was in a situation with a mother I said ma'am you have two two sons they're in their 30s yeah they think you're psychic you're in their thirties yeah ones in prison the youngest the oldest is heading there real soon they're living condemned as a mother you brought yourself and said if you w school is different they won't be in jail it's deception on in there making loan she's hyperventilating she can't reach - aw God send me you tell me seems to get you out of this wing of condemnation she can be productive again because you're actually an amazing mother and he wants your heart before him once again I just tell her and she cling to me and wall has got released her from that condemnation you want to hear those kind of things I had some highlight stuff like that that was just right I'm in a restaurant in salad bar and a man looks nice and God said he's cold and he's far from me and I'm like he looks kind of nice he says now now he's nervous today so he says hi I'm the Lord we come from like this guy's nice and I'm ready to get some solid out and I said hey man I said can I talk to you for a minute sure what's up I said man I was sitting over there and I was just praying and I said praying we generally talk about dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde this was that man and I said well you should not you listen to me man he was a very good event almost my grandfather means of that he said if you're one of these soliciting Christians pushing your faith trying to get me we see through Jesus I don't even believe in Jesus I believe in God he's just tearing me up right in the restaurant I'm standing there totally unfazed waiting for him to finish just stand-in there kinda half smiling like oh wow god you're always right it's God talking man he's not doing good but the Lord I think you better reevaluate this man he looks pretty nice so I said I was praying I'm standing there you want to be on this end of the stick you're unfazed by all these things because you know your heart you have no need to upstate Jim you have no need to correct him you actually care about his well-being his future in God's inspiring you're not even trying to evangelize and that gets impersonal you just want to love it within Jesus yeah and I looked at it I said well sir see see understand why you feel that way cuz when this happened to your son you said in your heart I can't believe God would let this happening so I'm going to have to believe there is no God and ever since then their hearts ignite when he is real he's not responsible for that with your son there's a war going on in your plane into it Satan's crawling out a snake in the grass and I just tapping them chest I said this is one more time belongs any same coming home to me repent and give your knife in your heart back to me and he's standing there it can't function because I knew I killed her son I knew what happened and I knew what he said in his heart that's pretty intimate the Lord said leading alone right now leave him alone you think you got him on the ropes might as well do the knockout punch and then shuck Abunda all over him or something you know instead Louis is leaving I just turned went right out paid my bill and left I looked over my shoulder as I'm heading out he's still trying to get to a stable he's walking literally look like he needed 900s nothing on his plate and he sat I stared why some water so some water Scott and you see him right you say well did you lead him to the Lord I gave him my life now he has to deal with that come on yeah we'll get to your question now I'm sorry go for it you got a question okay you're talking to Michael diver and we can get to you sir we're talking about traditions and engrained in our minds I was born and raised in church went to Christian school into Christian College and I love the Lord and I really who I want to live for him but I do just being real struggle with seeing Christians in judging them and I just want to know how I can work with that and get rid of that I don't want to have that anymore Jake in my mind I'm sure you're openly you gonna let me be your friend and not get mad at me sure that's why I'm asking me honest I don't get you over judging them real quick All Right see that's a critical eye we only realize how presumption is it actually has pride behind it so so if I would say to you are you perfect are you walking in the light as he is in the light or you walk in the full manifestation of Jesus's nature as president you cry say now I I'm working on it so if you're not there why are you judging people for where they are where they aren't here's what happens if you start looking at people for what's wrong with them instead what they're created two and four it won't be long - something wrong with you because where there's judgment there's no mercy and where no Mercy's given numerous he's received you become the very thing you're fixing your eyes on so here you are judgmental towards Christians but are you turning the world upside down I'm just answering you straight I'm not being mean so we have to go wait a minute whoa so always look to your own life into yourself don't look to others and be responsible and a steward of your own conscience not another man's conscience if you get what I'm saying steward your own heart not a mother man's heart so I give my eyes on ten people that are saying one thing and live in another if I don't have access to them if I'm not their friend and they don't let me instruct them I can't let where they're not determined where I am I got to keep my eyes on truth and continue to be a living epistle not projecting on them but living in the light and trusting that my life's going to help make a difference in everyone around me but I can't let what they don't see determine what I do see you see what I'm saying so to get critical and judgmental of Christians is actually a presumptuous self-righteous expression because none of us has arrived to the full expression of Christ so we're not to find fault with one another were to look to bring out the best in one another so here's the deal why has it been so easy to cry because of people instead of cry for people why has it been so easy to get frustrated people instead of feel mercy towards people because we thought for ourselves or our own opinions in our minds see I'm saying so when Jesus sees those people is he critical in judgmental or disgrace about more did he try to woo and draw them to himself does he want to father him and lead him and guide him in truth he doesn't say oh I can't believe that man ages kilometres you see what I'm saying so it's you got to understand that because you were taught to feel that way it's just instinctive but it's the fall of man the way that seems right to man trained us to have those attitudes have I mean I've seen people come together and I've done it before Jesus where you come together and you'll just talk about somebody like you're their master and use critique Oh put them down laugh about them and like like you're more than them see every time you do that it's self-righteous just talking down on people it's a good sign that you're being self-righteous when you talk down on people when all you can do is fix on where people are all you do is just sit and have a 10 minute complaint session about your church your pastor or a church down the street total expression of pride and self-righteousness and deception because if those churches and people are those things why are we praying interceding asking for the move of God and asking God to bring increase come on be real with me it's because we've been trained by life itself not the giver of life that these things are normal so it's easy to cop in at it you easy to have an opinion easy to give a peace of mind here's the other thing I want help you with if you weigh what those judgments are producing it'll expose that it's not coming from the law there's there's no life in it sit Amin so it doesn't benefit them and it doesn't benefit you since 0 it's just the way that seems right insane it's fallen on resurrection I'll make it sense to you so don't be conformed to the world be by so how do we transform by thinking like we've never fought before renewing by thinking like we've never thought before did it yeah it's good preaching yeah got another question we're ending a for Army then I went on a preaching tangent well then we'll end that for 15 because we started Tuesday nope you by 15 minutes yeah are you okay with just one last question I think this gentleman over here is been waiting a while no there's a couple questions aren't good if we're born and then what we're gonna do is waiting to look at it okay so we'll go with this gentleman right now and we'll see when I've stirred and I'll just shoot my best to go quick okay let's try to knock a couple out okay cool um so we'll go you first and then who's next after that what am i Superman in the main and there next year where they both have questions which if we can get through them three we're doing good it's tropical all right I'm challenged let's see if we can do this well I've actually got to is that okay go ahead man yep the questions bill cuz you wait a long time to water plants yeah give me your first question the first question on this is me asking for a friend cuz he's not here but he wanted me to ask in the Q&A session he's looking at stepping into ministry he's interested in that and he wants to know like what should he focus on I guess to prepare for that yeah well that's a real good question please don't any of you try to push into ministry it's okay to have the desire but don't ever try to make ministry happen make sure Jesus is happening if that relationship with Jesus be completed him find yourself in him come on you can't let ministry identify you and decide who you are you're only as good as ministries go so there's so many young people with this aspiration to get into ministry and sometimes what they're saying is I want to get paid for what I did when we get paid for doing Jesus stuff have a relationship with Jesus get your heart in him I'll give you mark 3 you tell him to read mark 3 verse 13 and Jesus called them to himself who he himself wanted and they came to him and he ordained them and appointed them that they would be with him that they might be with you and that he would send them out to preach he'll do mighty things in his name okay so he's calling the disciples to himself who he himself wanted why would he call you if he didn't want you you said well day and he's talking to the disciples no no no man comes to God and les he's drawn by him so if you're here with a desire for God it's because grace is drawing you and you're responding why would God draw you if he didn't want you when they came we came here we are right okay so we're in Jesus if I'd say who's saved whose purpose to grow in God who believes are born again most you will raise your hand so God drew us we came what did he ordained us to and appoint us to that we might be with him with him is before yeah in fact don't go if you haven't been with him don't go if you haven't been listening because you'll just go in the name of ministry instead the power in the spirit and you let ministry to find who you are and how you're doing you'll get weird and strange one day you might be discouraged and yet he stood Lord so it's not wrong to desire ministry but they thought would Jesus strong fellowship with them and let ministry flow out of well being not strong doing all right check second question second question this was something you spoke on last night so you talked about in second Peter how his divine powers bestowed us everything yeah we need for life and godliness right he has bestowed on us these precious promises so that we may be partakers of the divine nature and then you said escape the corruptions in the world through lust yes and he said that that scripture had nothing to do with you know our Barnes being filled and everything and which was really awesome sign ever heard reached that way but so with that idea I know you weren't talking about prosperity but I was just curious like what is your view on prosperity like in a Christian life I think it's awesome to have everything you need to do as will fulfill what he created you for anything else is an added blessing so it's just that simple I'm not into you having all the excesses of us some people are there going all these meetings trying to get a million dollars through priority stuff and the reason it is incoming because it will destroy you you will handle right because you want it too bad you know it's just there's a weirdness out there it's all about prosperity are you kidding me come on be prosperous in the things that matter most right the heart of God love mercy peacemaking all that good stuff is it wrong to have your bills pays wrong to get a good job is it wrong to believe for a promotion man go for it but make sure you're walking in His image and shining as a light is it wrong to buy a new house or want something a little bigger force more space or whatever you just think it's nice they spending no that's between you your conscience and God I would never judge you for that but as you're doing those things make sure you're living love faith and shining as a light in your sphere of influence that's will show that you're a healthy person all the way around if you're just trying to use your faith to get stuff from God it's not cool not cool at all in fact most people reduce the gospel to blessings and a gospel that serves them it's a beneficiary gospel so they have faith scriptures all over their fridge they're quoting every morning before work and all that they're quoting scriptures that benefit their day not transform their life to cause them to shine you're not called to use your faith to get something from God your faith is to walk through with a perspective every challenge of life and never let life change you because the life in you already has with me okay we know that good answer sir madoka sir yes way back in 1982 this Christian actually you by the Masters answer me he said well Genesis 6 verse 6 the value of feathering is the DNA of these angels we still have it even after all yeah that's man that's a question buddy what you know it's he's talking about he's talking about the angels coming together with the sons of men and the sons of God right and he said no what are you actually asking is that DNA here well that's a strange section of scripture I know one thing a flood came after all that and boy tell everything I'm I'm not sure about that DNA let me talk let me talk about the flood a little bit quick though the angel thing and they were coming together with the daughters of men and it's a strange scripture it actually sounds like fallen spirits are coming having sexual relations with women and they were having children to them and they were a giant family of giants and stuff like that's scriptural so but obviously that was all written before the floods came but then again you see you see giant families in David's day Goliath nak and all these people there's different ones so I don't know and I'm not putting your question down I've I've never thought all that stuff out men intrigue but I have looked at the whole Genesis era where men were continually evil in their hearts there was wickedness on the earth and it said that God was sorry that he made man that's a strange scripture right there and-and-and-and but you have to understand when you read the Bible don't get confused and think God schizophrenic are having an up-and-down day the whole focal point of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ so everything is pointing to him and him to come once the fall of man comes right so you always want to find interpretation in your Bible that points to Jesus through the Old Testament or you're going to think God's a murderer you're going to misunderstand the reaping what they've sowed there's a law of sin and death in place they didn't have a revelation of the devil so they thought everything that happened was God that's passed on through tradition there's people today that say everything that happens is the doing of God it's unscriptural oh not of all you believe that I can feel the stiffness in the room everything that happens is not the doing of God there's men being destroyed for the lack of knowledge get the knowledge stop destruction he put the power of death and life in our tongue he could be will in life you keep speaking death and you reap what you sow it's his will and desire that all men be saved and filled with the knowledge of truth is every man saved and filled with the knowledge of truth well then everything he desires isn't happening and somehow we got this flighty sovereign idea and we think it's spiritual to just say well everything it's all under God's control now he gave the earth to the children of man he told you to subdue it he told you to not live in fear he told you to not living unforgiveness he told you to show mercy to use the powers name to pray without ceasing I wonder if we're doing any of that or we just passing the coin over to God and saying he's the guy that's doing it all hey whatever will be will be he's a mystery now that doesn't work for me but this doesn't really answer your question but this is just something you stirred in me okay do you know those engines here's how I'm gonna answer question I think I know what you're asking not I'm not in the sexual connotation they're the DNA's they're in the sense that men are possessed by spirits men are in agreement with evil there's a DNA of what they represent in today's society in a large way if I what I'm saying but it's all to be overcome through Christ and the churches even to focus on that it's never about darkness it's always about light you follow what I'm saying so is light greater than darkness so arise shine Church the light darkness will cover the earth deep darkness the people so he lets us know that so we're not surprised but the light is on you so what's greater so is that DNA on the earth it's on the earth in the sense of the spiritual eye we can talk about a lot of things spiritual that I've experienced over the years they're real but but what's the first sign of a believer in mark 16 the first sign of a believer these signs shall follow those that believe no no they will but now they'll meet with new tongues that's when we fight over tooth and now and we've divided over it's the first sign of a believer it's when we fight over the second one is we cast out Devils most people don't admit they're around and most people live their whole Christian life and never even understand what that could possibly mean but it's the sign of a believer I'm just saying so this stuff's real this stuff's real it pops up and comes girls I've seen people get delivered just hugging them I've I've preached and had things leave in a service I can tell you a lot of cool stories we're not to focus on devils we're not running we're not witch hunting we're not demon crazy but what is that is there something about the fallen spirits and things in today's DNA in society yeah there's people possessed man there's people that are studying witchcraft there's for you I prayed for a lady that was a Christian to dabble in witchcraft she started dabbling in witchcraft as a Christian and when I got around her that she was invested when will he spirit when he brought her up she got scared and didn't want me to touch her and they said I don't know what's going on with her she's freaking out but she wanted prayer and now she's like freaking out and I'm like something me right so I went to pray for a real general she just rolled her eyes and collapsed to the floor and she just fell to earth or what is going on so I went to pray pond and she start praying in tongues and everybody around was going whoa yeah whoa yay and the Lord said tell it to hush and tell it to leave well I have to get that discernment I'm in leadership it's not cuz I'm more spiritual than now I said you hush and you leave and she quit praying in tongues and just laid there and I leaned down and I whispered I said hon have you been dabbling witchcraft her eyes are closed she never opened them she shook her head and I heard two forms of things she was playing with it I said it she shook her head I said honey no no you can explain some things to her and I said look if you could go back and redo that if you could change your mind you could close that chapter would you would you you're not going back to that now could you would you change that yeah I said man that's awesome I said you watch no time he weird six inches off the ground her whole body just comes and see that's the devil trying to get you caught up in the phenomenon of that and impress you I'm Way more impressed with Jesus than a person floating I was in a house where the crib toys were floating above the baby and the mom is freaked out I said honey it's a magic trick it's spirits hold the toys up whatever it is I was in a house with a flashlight went from the counter to the table and then back to the counter and she's like look see ah I said let me show you what just happened there's a spirit in your house you see me you didn't see it you're freaked out come on it's no big deal so we prayed things left nothing never happened again the crib choice came down the lady you know how things made a scene with Jesus when he was kissing and any husband told him to not write this lady I was terrible it shook me up I told it to leave she's six inches off the ground her head goes BAM and when it came up her bottom and went Bam Bam Bam up four times this tingling Bam Bam and flashed her around I said you stop and let her go and Boop she Stovall I just held her and embraced her and she began to pray in tongues and spirit walking water and watch this your 12 year old boy came over and he grabbed me he said can you pray for me like that what he never was with results with power because he was saying I know some chalk and I said I said son what's going on I just need you to pray for me the moms crying and I set her up I said mama she'll boy been going 2-5 in fits of rage and expressions of extreme anger in her highly concerned he's staying at crying here the Lord showed me because of his witchcraft stuff inviting garbage that this thing marked her he's the first ordinance Old Testament stuff you can talk right he said over in the New Testament yeah but you better live in that New Testament because this thing's marking her first floor and it was a spirit came upon him to rage him and caused him to do something unthinkable and one day he'll be sitting in a cell somewhere shaking wondering how he did you get what I'm saying we're gonna drive him to kill somebody and I saw it all by the spirit I prayed for him and I think in he's melded and wept and held him she said he never had an out range since this stuff's real you don't play with it you'll give no place to the devil you're not unaware of his devices are we trying to honor it in a worship him by talking about it no we're saying that's lift sharp and sober because everything that happens is not ordained by God sometimes we caused it to happen you follow me I can tell you 25 more stories like that just like that but here's the thing I want to tell you about Genesis and was there somebody else with a question what was your question just so I know what I'm looking at you talked about how the church is that they teach you about just prosperity and all this goodness and everything then we used to we go to a church and we don't here I'm not against you no I'm just saying then be careful that that's not your pursued it's not wrong to be blessed it's not wrong to forgot to provide no I have question I'm sorry my question I don't want to run through it yeah I just want you to understand I'm not against anybody specifically I'm saying let's have a stronger message in that that's not our goal for being Christian today I see that because of that it took me very long time to realize what God truely's and what that he's not a magician he is yeah a cop and he's not your bus board you're taking what's a glitch so I know that's why I took me forever but we're so grateful because we have met great mentors in that church that taught us this and that's what my question is as a as the head of the house I was thinking about should we stay in that church to reach as many as we can with the truth true the gospel or should we move to different Church which not always is the right answer because I like when people stay personally but that's not a question I can answer you ask Jesus you'll know exactly what to do I'm all about you staying but go ahead and ask Jesus yeah because see you're growing in the truth right now you're growing in the truth your eyes oh you're not limited to the prosperity diamond you have a bigger truth buried in your heart so you're not threatened by going there listen guys don't always go to church say where they're supposed to feed me no you're supposed to eat at home you're supposed to be with Jesus now something pastors are supposed to serve you up a dish come on there you're supposed to be eating and feeding it's a buffet of heaven but this thing is this gentleman Becker stirred me up with Genesis 6 I got a do this quick and I'd do it in two minutes I know you don't believe me all shall feel the unbelief it's all right I come over here I feel it coming off of her now oh goodness I'm gonna get this done so I slip some having fun so God says men are evil and continually wicked in her heart etc etc he tells Noah built an ark he brings his flood we hear flood right so so you know the story right everybody dies earth scarred and then the waters recede he lets out the birds you know come back and all of a sudden yeah and there's the story right so God comes and he free and steaks and things that speaks over Noah and if you listen to what he said it's almost what he said to Adam it's really about the same it's really really close same thoughts same principles that astounds me because God hasn't changed but here's the point he said I'll never destroy the earth this way again and he puts a rainbow in the sky assure that promise I got looking into that and all the sudden I realize because I'm looking for how to see Jesus in everything all of a sudden that hits me all my goodness what happened in Genesis 6 the earth was unrighteous full of a righteousness continually wicked men in their hearts right so God baptized the earth in water and when he brought the earth out of the water there was no unrighteousness it was all removed but it was at the cost of men's lives so he looked and said hey under this old thing that we're under right now and this whole law of sin and death thing and all this stuff and the way it works in men reeben with herself he it costs men in life but I'll tell you there's a baptism coming that will take away all unrighteousness but restore men's lives and the earth will never be destroyed this way again puts a rainbow in the sky and what he's doing his point into a day will be baptized in the name of the Lord and come out and all him righteous going and yet life's restored phenomenal you always think flood growing up as a kid you see the movies all God did was baptized the earth in water when he brought the earth out of the water eight righteous Souls remember remember we're safe through what a first Peter 3 Peter had a revelation he said he said there were eight righteous Souls and they have Noah that was saved saved through water the word Sozo so I thought it's the blood that saves me it is and it was saved through water he said not the cleansing of your flesh the answer of a good conscience before God and you have this anti-type which now saves you water baptism Peter had the revelation by the Spirit of God that in the days of Noah the flood was a water baptism of the earth and we have the same anti-type right now that will save us with the answer of a good conscience before God because anything he comes to the water is righteous and God it was it's right in first Peter you can't miss it and then what's God do puts a rainbow in the sky and promises it will never happen this way again in that powerful sha so even if that DNA is on the earth it's not it's not a threat to us that's let the DNA of our created value in Christ come in us and that's let light overcome darkness and it's turned in from the power of Satan to the power of God you get it don't you stand your feet with me we're going to pray man questions are fun you were right I couldn't do it in two minutes no your unbelief was sustained it was all good you guys want to pray with me would you you guys want to live this are you guys getting something out of all this are you encouraged come on here's the cool thing I said it three times now this will be about the fourth time nothing I'm preaching there's nothing I'm preaching you can't live if you separate yourself from any other factor in your life there's there's nothing I'm preaching that you can't live if you see your life apart from any other factor if you let something else could be say yeah I buy well you don't know what I got to go through we don't know how she treats me you know what he said all that if you're really assuming I'm saying is rendered useless in the light of history you can live this life apart from any other factor in your life so the real question is what are you going to do is Jesus and how are you gonna respond please respond my simple faith is strong yes amen so father I pray over this house believing there's a strong yes in this house I just pray for grace to continue to teach us and power us mold us and shape us into work pay for what you desire from the beginning god I'm just asking for a grace to come on our lives to separate us from that way that seems right to a man let us be new wineskins to continue oh god I pray that none of us would be tricked and trapped asleep or parading you into the life it is but we bring you into a brand new license lord I just thank you it's known Jesus incorporated slash trans so lord I just pray that blessing over us and we run well I think if we make peace that we show love Jesus Holy Name I pray these things amen you
Channel: Living Gospel
Views: 17,385
Rating: 4.8207545 out of 5
Keywords: Dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, pastor dan, pastor mohler, dan mollar, dan molar, dan moler, dan moller, smiley dan, smiley pastor, smiling pastor, white hair pastor, best pastor, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, america’s pastor, power and love, identity pastor, gospel pastor, gospel message, best gospel message, clearest gospel message, happy dan, q&a
Id: lrHx7Y1IwRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 45sec (7185 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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