Teen Titans Go! | Spooky Titans | DC Kids

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Oh which is I a dragon scale a Mummy's hand a goblins two and three candy corn oh great Halloween spirit I totally need a solid my friends aren't into Halloween anymore well they say it's not scary anymore because they're too old for modern using ghosts with Lowden scheme to make your friends are why are we suddenly scared of everything we're kids again whoa you made them kids you did Sadie with you that's not what I meant whoa Raven why are you so big why are we so little and why am I so adorable time lights out and cyborg is everything okay we heard the screams of the little girl oh I scared it off wow that must have really did a number on you guys huh power went out I'll check the grid in the morning no you will check the grid immediately bro are you scared of the dark of course not as your friends we would understand oh I wouldn't yeah only babies are scared of the dark I am not scared of the dark I am scared of what hide the key right it all started at a slumber party many years ago my friends forced me to play scary Terry that stupid baby game that's supposed to summon a scary ghost I'm gathering all of my courage I turned to the mirror and said the words scary Terry scary Terry scary Terry [Laughter] I barely escaped scary Terry that night that's why I've slept with a light on ever since trick-or-treat hive whoa whoa we already made a trick-or-treat pun sounds like a trick but I've got a treat for you stop that once a variation of trick-or-treat has already been used you can't use it again fine the puns are yours hive but justice will be ours we won't let you destroy that candy factory [Music] [Applause] you interrupted our scary figure dance and destroyed the candy supply you've ruined Halloween for the Titans now we are going to ruin yours ruin our Halloween ghosts that's it so what's the plan all eyes on me Titans bring it in a little bit closer that was easy we finally destroyed the Titans I am done now with the coconut rage Titans we need a new food source fest but all we got here on his garbage coconut maybe we should check the other side of the island hmm but that is the unexplored side of the island who can say what mysteries await us the mysterious side of the island voodoo voodoo is where the mysteries Woodham whoa it is a different from where marbles away the mystery sure awaits the play [Music] we don't need TV to entertain us that's what's scary campfire stories are for huh that could be fun you think my idea could be fun sure and you're going to do it and I don't have to scream at anyone it sounds delightful they're all excited not me I still want to go home three out of four Oh drink it who wants to go first I do I got the super scary story I just hope you all brought a change of Underpants so there was this lumberjack dude who was lost in the woods and all walking around in circles like a fool he was like man I'm crazy lost and walking around a circles like a fool but then he found a cabin and he was all like ooh I'm gonna just chilling here but we didn't know that smother lumberjack dude said it was haunted that place is so haunted so lumberjack dude was all chilling when he heard some creepy voice the lumberjack did well he's been around the block a few times and isn't that scared by it so he starts chilling again but the creepy voice started again only louder getting creeped out he's all like I need to find out where that creepy voice is coming from lumberjack dude was like I'm gonna go into that creepy hidden room yo it was completely empty except for this weird spooky tiny stage he pulled the curtain back and he knows he saw a crazy little monkey was a booger on his finger said I got you where I want you now I'm gonna eat you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] must be because we're afraid as long as he's feeding off our fear we can't beat him dirty ugly face so how do we defeat her wow that's a weird way of saying Oh cyborg you were totally right that's sorry for making you relive your childhood trauma we need a mirror I have several full-length and handheld mirrors in my room right next to the blanket fort did you seriously put a mirror in here among other things Wow got a basketball court no that's the bowling alley the basketball courts in the basement Wow yeah yeah it's impressive but there's a demon lady trying to eat our souls right now can't we just go home nope cuz it's my turn for a scary story I was out one night taking a relaxing night drive eating some peanuts you know got some of that good music going when suddenly there's a breaking news report so I'm eating my nuts and I hear this report you know and I say we have some crazy business who can dude creeps around in the bushes no way so later that night I'm at home you know doors locked eating some peanuts got some of that good music going and suddenly pick it up but there's no one on the line so I listen closer and I hear and I think I should just ignore this prank caller then I say no police the man they come over to the tower and investigate and it's a good thing I did there was some creepy prowler calling from inside the house they arrested him of course I had to go to the police station and I DM testify against him in a court of law it was a whole process man but the system worked and he's going to be in jail for a very long time point being you can never be too careful there's a lot of crazies out there who don't I'm sorry guys it's all my fault I summon the Halloween spirit because Halloween was the one day of the year we all looked forward to carving pumpkins trick-or-treating haunted houses I was just trying to get all that back instead I ruined Halloween how are you kidding Raven even though I've had to change my pants three times this has been the best Halloween ever I hope yeah being scared is so much fun he's like being on the door of a little kid again really then let's power up with some Halloween candy and take these guys down [Music] [Music] Halloween spirit I command you to restore my friends and return to your realm we did it thanks for spending Halloween with me guys and thanks for reminding us how fun Halloween can be there's just one last thing what well that was terrifying now can we go home not until you have told the scary story Raven you want a scary story sure once upon a time a creature of darkness crawled into the world the light hurt her eyes so she shocked all but two of them to hide herself from the light she wrapped herself in a cloak of Darkness the lady in the cloak made friends a man made of tin a princess a hyena and a tiny tiny little elf together they did noble deeds and for a time the lady in the cloak lived as one of them over time she grew weary boo-yeah y'all The Tin Man train pay attention mandatory meeting screeched the tiny tiny little elf hyena laughed and laughed and the princess well she was cool but every day they do louder and louder and louder until one night she's throwing aside her clothes they saw she was a monster that had been hiding among them her fingers became claws her teeth razors she opened all of her hideous eyes then she ate them one by one what happened to the monster so we're going home cool I love campfire stories [Music] hi I know how to get rid of the titan ghost you won't like it the doctors fixed you up good as new me or the Livi so we can't talk like this anymore man it's an appropriate uh-huh well at least we ruined your Halloween you're annoying but our Halloween actually ended up kind of awesome we had a real haunted house the ghost was super awesome whoa wait we all had a good time in that case there's only one thing left to do the scary figure dance [Music] [Applause] I was literally in my workshop one night when my see all so curious eyes for my scary figure from his began to rise to my surprise I was in the truck [Music] [Music]
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 12,420,694
Rating: 4.45152 out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, halloween songs, halloween songs for kids, halloween 2018, halloween costumes, halloween song, halloween night, spirit halloween, happy halloween, halloween videos, halloween rhymes, halloween for kids, halloween costume, its halloween night, halowen, TTG EN, DC HALLOWEEN
Id: DrqNwmJ0lJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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