★ Starcraft 2 - Heart of the Swarm - The Movie Extended Cut - ALL HD Cinematics & MORE!

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[Music] if duggan wants me to pose nude he's gonna have to pay me double [Music] right i am the swarm the armies will be shattered worlds will bend um [Applause] now at last on this world vengeance shall be mine for i am the queen of blades hmm [Music] [Music] open the door son valerian's order sir no visit open the door [Music] good morning commander junior gentlemen the test protocol will begin in two minutes [Music] make the most of this test it's your last one now give us a minute very well we're getting out of here tonight darling good then we can go after manx forget minsk forget all of it this is about you and me until manx is dead there can't be a you and me i moved heaven and earth to bring you back sir i can't watch you throw that away just for revenge initiating test phase two i never gave up on you sarah don't you give up on us test phase two commencing [Music] you made a mess down there sarah starting to regret bringing me back [Music] never i heard about what happened with your friend tychus i'm sorry he made his choice i made mine maybe you should have let him kill me i slaughtered millions as the queen of blades wasn't you sarah leave the past behind and let's focus on getting out of here i'll suit up and meet you here in an hour okay that sounds good [Music] morning dominion forces in sectors three four and six all personnel must evacuate this is nova begin your sweep find kerrigan and bravo team technology shut up sarah the killing will never stop until minx is dead i'm going to make him pay get it together darling [Music] [Music] been a long time [Music] like riding a bike [Music] yep like riding a bike [Music] ship jim jim where's jim we couldn't get him out valerian you left him behind [Music] stand down let him go kerrigan valerian is helping us there is no us [Music] iff negative multiple hostiles inside the perimeter scramble attack response squads three through nine hull bridge frame seven deck three defensive maneuver delta iv prep all stations for jump no one is going anywhere until i see gym shields at 30 failure imminent dominion fleet this is hyperion cease fire crown prince valerian is a board my father will sacrifice any piece on the chessboard to take the queen we have to jump now we'll lead them away and circle back for jim we need to work together do what you want i'm going to find jim [Music] so jim are you on this frequency jim are you out there i'm at the rendezvous it's all clear here i've been thinking about what you said there's something dark in me jim i need you i need you to hear me right now [Music] we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this news notorious rebel jim raynor was captured in a daring raid yesterday he was briefly interrogated and summarily executed had this to say proud dominion citizens at long last our nightmare is over the lawless terrorist james rayner is dead with his death comes a new era of peace the protoss have retreated from our dominion and the zerg threat has been removed their swarm is shattered and leaderless soon we will eradicate every last serve on charm in short we have one our peace and security is good night my faithful subjects [Music] navigation online destination space confirm confirmed um zerg organisms detected that's why i'm here they'll either accept me as their queen or i'll start killing them one by one until they do what are you i am isha your majesty used to store all her ideas thoughts and plans within me do you not remember yes i do remember you more importantly you remember me you are the queen of blades i obey perfect summon the swarm and prepare to move on core hall the swarm is in disarray and will not answer your call most zerg on calder are under the command of brood mother nefash she seeks to create her own swarm while she lives the swarm will be divided not for long it won't take us down to the surface we captured a prisoner in the wastes and subdued her my queen she says she is a researcher i didn't order you to take prisoners abathur requested it he wants to dissect her what's the point he won't be able to use protoss genetic material he likes to try what are your people doing here we study this moon to see if its rotation can be altered its climate improved do you understand we are only colonists and you are killing us yes and if i let you live you'll call your golden armada and they will kill me kill thousands to save yourself is that how you justify this i justify nothing there is no moral high ground here your people have killed billions of zerg we are all covered in blood there may be more on my hands than yours but in the end we are both killers then you need only await the golden armada your death will be swift i'm sorry for what slaughtering my people for what i must do to you your friends on that ship can sense you they know they left one behind no but they can't warp you to their ship because i'm blocking them no no but if i drop the veil do not warp me in templar do not you let the other protoss take her she will be their death zeratul what kerrigan i have been to the beginning behold zara's birthplace of dessert here the zerg evolved and here the dark one altered them those left behind are the primals they fight they kill they evolve just as you must if you survive zagara is here to serve your will tell me zagara how would you drive the terrance from this world i would obliterate their fortress on the darkness plateau but the only way to reach it is through the bone trench be warned the terrans flooded our tunnels with lava we will be exposed on the surface until we reach the plateau that doesn't concern me warfield has no idea what he's up against but what of this artifact could the terrans still possess it they might but i know it's not here on char it's no threat to us lieutenant get the wounded to those shuttles [Music] i'll get out another way general there's too many you listen to me i have three shuttles packed with men too injured to ever be a threat to you husbands fathers you [Music] you're not even human anymore you betrayed us all for what petty revenge how many innocents have you killed how many more have to die what if reyna could see you right now it's a miracle we're going to make it general general so the power of zerus called you here my need to see minks dead called me here these zerg will help me destroy core hall you must let cyrus remake you kerrigan the final war years and there is little time i don't have to do a damn thing i will not be a pawn in your prophecies but you will do anything to have your revenge anything then that is enough why are you helping me saratoul you have more cause to hate me than most the cell naga wish you restored as the leader of the swarm you know i don't believe in your mad prophecies your belief is not required i act for the greater good though it earns me the hatred of my own people spare me yourself pity zeratul everyone has to make peace with their own choices i made my peace long ago when we are done here i will return to my people and accept their judgment we all have to pay for our actions someday i guess your day is almost here i sense something an ancient consciousness sleeping the ancient one a primal zerg who witnessed the creation of the overmind you want me to awaken it don't you if you truly seek the power of us you will need the ancient one my queen enemy primals are massing nearby they are going to attack us they wish to stop you from speaking with the ancient one what will you do what my enemies fear most always you are on the path and no longer need my guidance you will not see me again kerrigan [Music] you have questions the primal zergs say the swarm is corrupted what did the fallen zellnaga amon do to us he desired our strength the ability to steal essence but we were independent we were not following and so he bowed to a single overriding will they lost their identity and became his slaves the hive mind that's amon's corruption it is a [Music] my queen why did we wake the ancient one its power outstrips even yours the ancient one is key to unlocking the power of zerus and i need that knowledge will it not destroy us it's called a gamble it's something terrans do when their instincts tell them the time is right i see just as when the terran james rainer came to char to return you to your original form yes just like that the thing about gamble's isha is that sometimes you lose [Music] [Music] ah so [Music] [Music] isha what is a primal zerg doing on my leviathan i am the hakka one who collects i kill i take essence now i come to you because i feel your change all serious feels it all serious fears it and you but you don't fear me do you tahaka you shine you will bring more essence and i will follow when you do not i will not well i forged alliances on shakier ground than that very well you can stay betray me and i'll collect your essence yes [Music] a trace of something dark but long gone amon must have died before i was infested i hope it is genetic strands different restructured from base level up stronger than queen of blades sequences complex but clean completely different at core yes i am different i am my own master when the zellnaga artifact made me human again it cleansed me of amon's influence and that allowed me to become something greater must take sample study new sequences don't even try abathur what i am now is beyond your comprehension difficult to admit new structure beyond understanding will return to work the terence launched thousands of these devices at our broods on char the queen of blades i knew you'd return to your true form a monster now you'll do exactly as i tell you if you care all about jim raynor [Music] yes he's alive so you'll keep your swarm away from poor hall and away from me or he dies that man sacrificed everything to give you back your humanity and you threw it away oh he must be disgusted by you why he'd be first in line to kill you i can't sense jim out there if he is alive nothing in this universe will stop me from finding him [Music] valerian we're picking up some kind of reading warning psionic waveform detected scale unclassifiable kerrigan what happened to you how there's no time listen carefully jim is alive and i can't find him but you can pack the dominion network and figure out where they're holding him how can we trust her valerian if there's even a chance that jim is alive i'm going after him hacking the dominion security network will prove difficult only one man can hack that network colonel orland and he's being held prisoner by the mercenary leader isn't she a friend of yours not exactly it's complicated let's just get this done find him matt we both owe it to him this is prince valerian do you read me of course i do princess i know you're working with matthew put him on please you forget yourself mercenary hello mira matthew you'll never write you never call it's almost like you don't care i'm here to ask for your help you've got colonel orland and we need him he's the only man who can hack the dominion's deep encryption network well i'd love to help i just need the permission of james raynor jim's not here right now oh dear then i'm afraid i cannot give you colonel orland look mira we need orlan to rescue jim just hand him over a mercenary's reputation is all that she has darling i will not relinquish my prisoner to anyone but the client not even to someone with your devilish good looks and brooding intensity sorry stop stop you win matthew you've destroyed my base and captured my heart all over again she is very strange please can we just take colonel orland and go right now i'm sending that disreputable fellow to you in a shuttle you people are all crazy why would i help you we could send you back to marahan and tell me what you need i must rebuild mirrors thanks to you matthew but i will see you again not too soon i hope and i thought dominion politics were vicious have you found anything colonel orland is hacking into the dominion net right now tell him he's got one hour i won't do that kerrigan you're already in over your head don't make it worse if the dominion sends our intrusion they'll move jim or kill him i'm not going to risk failure because you are impatient so save your threats you've done some growing up since your mojo zerg are not the only ones who adapt very well i will wait for your expert to do his work kerrigan we found him where he's being held on the morrows a mobile prison ship that jumps every hour to a randomized set of coordinates there's no way to predict where it will jump next they've got to resupply sometime exactly we know the ship will be at the atlas station for 32 minutes tomorrow atlas will send a tanker out to the morrows but when the fueling's done it's gone our associate tash volunteered to infiltrate you've done your part i'll handle this myself be careful kerrigan this place makes new folsom look like a nursery ah [Music] sarah no i had to get you out what have you done when i had to tell that to phoenix tell it to the millions you butchered you swore you'd kill the queen of blades you were the only one who ever believed in me do you still believe in me [Applause] i love you jim never forget it we're done [Music] jim is doing well he's in the med bay but i don't think he wants to talk to anybody i'm here to talk to you valerian you understand that i'm going to core hall soon i do you plan to kill my father he's had this coming for a long time i need to know where you stand i stand for my people i've accepted that my father is beyond redemption and must be removed from power i'm glad we understand each other [Music] my queen the invested taran who contacted you waits over there he claims to know you who are you you do not recognize me i am alexis stokov we were enemies once well we both seem to be zerg now indeed and we share a common goal the destruction of this facility it is here that manx breeds the hybrid combining protoss inside dna to create monstrous creatures of immense power then we'll destroy this facility together it's over it is only beginning amon whispered of this from the stars he told you of his return he told you of ruin extinction [Music] the end of all things your god is dead and he's never coming back is that what you think no sarah no you're not here ah you are not him you are nothing i'm everything you lost [Music] i am everything we never had [Music] you've already lost [Music] my queen can you hear me i am alive barely we dragged you back to the leviathan rest now i will control the swarm until you are healed why aren't you trying to take the swarm for my own because i still have much to learn from you my queen enough she is healing but she must rest now isha take the leviathan up we're leaving you saw something in that lab in naruto's mind i saw amon older than the universe more powerful than i can understand and now he's alive again then he shall fall before the swarm like all the rest we don't even know where he is we must prepare for his coming but i have a few scores to settle first [Music] i'm going to core hall it's time why are you telling us this kerrigan there will be ruin destruction millions can die amid the chaos valerian your people will need a leader you're right kerrigan they will if i'm to be that leader i'll ask only one thing of you bring your swarm down outside the city that will give us time to evacuate is going to be the most difficult battle of my life and you're asking me to make it harder i am i was wrong about you valerian you're not like your father i'll give you your chance make the most of it dominion forces this is your emperor arcturus minsk is under attack by the zerg swarm our special weapons lab has been destroyed our defenses stripped any fleet that can hear my voice return to core hall the seat of human power is under assault come in defend your home trapped like a rat in a cage aren't you arcturus your revenge is close now nothing can stop it don't underestimate minsk he is by far the most cunning enemy we've ever faced if i should fall you must take the swarm from core hall flea this is not the way of the zerg yet it is my will you will obey my command and take the swarm to seek our true enemy find aemon destroy him before he can enslave the swarm again as you command kerrigan look at what you have brought thousands dead all for your revenge their blood is on your hands arcturus you made every part of this happen i have done great and terrible things it is true and i would again to protect humanity from monsters like you you use words like weapons arcturus but words cannot save you now oh oh i have other weapons i just wanted to say goodbye kerrigan our outlying boobs are being eradicated the terrans have deployed a side destroyer it corrupts our own height mind ripping us apart from the inside the field will quickly kill any zerg who enters it understood listen to me all of you the dominion will launch an assault in a moment the diversion to keep us from dealing with the side destroyer yes and we're going to let them think we're diverted zagara you have the swarm hold the middle stook off take [Music] i will not need it exactly gather your pack in one hour either arcturus mix will be dead or i will if i'm still alive i will set out to find amon the fallens of naga a being of unknowable power there's no way we can win then why fight because the only other option is to lie down and die well i never wanted to die lying down so fight a god to the bitter end that sounds like a worthy death i am with you whatever comes i am ready my queen even if we fall and die in this battle we've already done the impossible we've shattered the power of mensk it will be up to the terrans to make something of the opportunity that means nothing to the future of the swarm true but there are still brute mothers in orbit with their leviathans the swarm will continue no matter what and it will be changed forever the northeast sector is clear we're behind in the eastern corridor it's time valerian the evacuation is still underway i can't afford to hold back any longer promise me you'll avoid civilian centers i can't do that arcturus would see that pattern in my movements and use it against me then millions will die all right just stay out of my way and i'll do what i can so [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello kerrigan i've been waiting for you i'm surprised you haven't tried to escape escape my dear i'm afraid you've got it all wrong ah really did you think i'd keep an animal like you close to me without some kind of insurance policy clearly you are my greatest failure now at long last you will die change of plans you can never suffer enough for all the lies you've ruined arcturus i made you into a monster carrigan you made us all into monsters [Music] thank you jim for everything [Music] my pleasure darling [Music] always was [Music] [Applause] [Music] i now see my true enemy he waits for me in the void wielding powers i cannot imagine i go to face him having renounced everything my humanity my identity the man i love but i will not face this enemy alone i am the swarm [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Call Me Dougan
Views: 9,747,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heart of the swarm, The Betrayal on Kerrigan, StarCraft II, Kerrigan Out for Revenge, dougan, callmedougan, StarCraft 2 Heart of the Swarm, starcraft 2 heart of the swarm, Heart of the Swarm, StarCraft 2:, kerrigan vs nova, jim raynor, queen of blades, nova, Kerrigan, End, Ending, Movie, Kerrigan Gameplay, kerrigan cutscenes, All Campaign, SC2 HotS, Arcturus Mengsk, sc2, starcraft 2, blizzard entertainment, StarCraft II: Heart Of The Swarm (Video Game Expansion), zerg vs terran, hots
Id: m3mwNMnkkoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2013
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