StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty Brutal 100% Speedrun

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I've started working on this project in June last year, so it's been almost 8 months in the making!

In speedrunning, 100% means doing a "complete" playthrough, so in SC2 that includes completing all 29 missions (possible through the mission archives) and doing all objectives on each map. Doing achievements is not required because they are tied to the user account rather than a single playthrough. This is a segmented run, meaning that each mission was played separately and combined into a single video afterwards.

Some highlight missions are Welcome to the Jungle, The Moebius Factor, Media Blitz, Safe Haven, Haven's Fall and Shatter the Sky.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/JahMalJahSurJahBer 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Very impressive!
You finished most missions faster than the old any% IL times I remember!

Was there no way to speed up 'the evacuation' with a modified IL strat with the units/techs at that point?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ytrignu 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2022 🗫︎ replies
what's the plan break it down talk to me what's it keep your intervals wide your eyes open and your ass is covered let's move sell me don't go up that road my dad raised me right tried to anyway raiders sounds like a plan time to man up count on me raiders get mighty tired of seeing next face blasted where is everyone sounds like a plan you can count on me my neighbors my family this is starting to look ugly a large dominion force is gathering in the center of town then it's time to call in that special delivery we talked about what's up talk to me thanks for the assist we're with you this is bad it's the plan break it down raiders roll bring it there talk to me thank you raider we knew you wouldn't forget us there's more people still being held up ahead i'll see to them marshall rainer been a while since we saw you around here we're with you raiders this is a restricted area when surgeons are under arrest we got your back brain go ahead bad news this better be good by the numbers boys who wants we'll need a lot more marines before we take on the dominion outpost train them up with the barracks while we're at it extra suvs will help us harvest minerals faster train them up at the command center commander the dominion is attacking the rebel base to the southwest good that'll keep the demeaning off our backs those folks need our help tigers there's no way we're leaving them to rot you guys sure are a welcome sight we're with you just tell us where you want us welcome aboard boys it's rainers boys bad guys are that away warning dominion hellions approach them [Music] we are gonna go a long way together is under attack this better be good oh yeah i can barely write we're getting tore up out there we're gonna fall back to high ground by the numbers boys armed and ready scv ready who wants uh been waiting on you you gonna give me orders stb ready here they come lock and load scb ready armed this better be good ready is under attack face is under attack our scps are under attack [Applause] um go go [Applause] um you want a piece hold out just a little longer we'll be getting out of here soon commander this is matt horner just hold on cavalry's on the way take your time matt no rush this better be good [Music] buy the numbers [Music] here right what's your general fight fire with fire i got us some fire bats cowboy these suckers have got flamethrowers that'll roast the zerg but good well done thank goodness you're here i'll give you control of the main building so you can help us evacuate the colony can't wait scb those are innocent people what are you doing boys [Music] coming through you're killing more of my people you monster the doctor the colonists are hurt we gotta save them by the numbers boys the doctor is in mineral fields gangway coming through the doctor is depleted uh sir i'm picking up seismic disturbances closing in on your position i think it's some kind of tunneling surge [Music] it's just like we're almost done commander another convoy will be starting out soon mineral field completed mineral field depleted oh yeah what's up we could use some help here let's rock [Music] [Music] you better send some body bags boys [Music] that's the last of them go lift off now [Music] [Music] this better be [Music] all right what you want something oh tosh sent you to help about time let's finish up this contract and get the hell off this planet lava surge imminent evacuate low ground immediately lava's rising get those suvs to high ground right now uh sir sir uh scanners show a large bio signature close to your position a brutalist i think if you could kill it that'd get my uh our research off to a flying start all clear it is now safe to proceed with mining operations fair enough reapers you say hell cowboy we gotta trade more of these guys they're seriously badass all right what's it worth fair enough we've already got half the minerals we need i'm going i'm going certainly just a few more minerals to go [Music] and i swear it all just statman are you gonna give me orders in the rear with the game this better be good huh go ahead what's your name john's mission this land was sacred to the taliban before terrans hold on now we just need some of this gas here and we'll be long gone before you know it no you shall not defile the breath of creation entirely execute all those who desecrate our altars the protoss are mobilizing sir looks like they're going to go after our suvs when we harvest the terrazine i suggest we only harvest one side at a time and run with a heavy escort here are the coordinates for the terezin sites brother we should make our lives a little easier our suvs can pick up terracing canisters and move them it'll take them a while to disconnect the canister so make sure you watch out for it who wants from two places at once sure it's gonna be harder to keep the tall dream off our backs but the quicker we're done here the sooner we can get off this rock you shall not steal the breath of creation so easily careful they're sending their ships to take out your suvs shoot them down quick before we're finished i've got the first canister on hook sir i'll take it to the nearest command center these reckless tearings must be stopped slay them all [Music] go away what's going on ah you scared me great job huh the serbs severely outnumber the protest forces it is likely the projects will fall shortly but here's the plan then we've got to get that artifact before the zerg overrun the whole place i got something new for you cowboy marauders the latest word in big bottom boom hardware i ain't sure this is the best time to be experimenting swan best time there is let the marauders loose against those stalkers and you'll see scv ready big job huh base is under attack base got it go on got a whole lot of love this better be good please state the need i'm in a world complete warning incoming zerg attack wave detected are under attack is under attack believe it gangway is about to get heavy done is under attack is ah [Music] protons this better be good you got it who wants some buy the numbers boys i'm on it armed and ready scb sir it turns out there are a few confederate vehicles in the hills the dominion haven't salvaged yet diamondbacks i didn't think they made it past prototyping their rail guns will be great for stopping those trains no pun intended i'll upload their schematics to our factory network there may be other vehicles around that we can commandeer we should keep our eyes open go on [Music] of course scv ready this better be good who wants some what's on ready is what's going on go go go this better be good sure i'll mark their location with a red warning symbol still you should try to avoid them what's the plan [Applause] by the numbers boys [Music] that's fine get me out of here a train is coming through the western tunnel looks like the dominion ran out of whatever they were juicing the trains with they're putting out bigger escorts though better watch ourselves [Music] [Music] let's just see about that that mojo on the way damn with street cloaking abilities i can take out all these guards they never see me yes i can use a cyanic explosion to take out groups of marines a little trick i call mind blast then turn it across the bridge it can see me and alert its allies if i get too close even with my stealth hang in there tash my boys are moving in to back you up remember just keep sending in troops [Applause] steal a little knife from an ally the more life they have the more energy it don't hurt much good work tash we're pushing on toward the front line i do what i wanna do let's just see about that our allies are being attacked tash you're nearing the first military cell block now releasing the prisoners might buy us some allies our allies nice work tosh freeing those prisoners will really help us out our allies are being attacked let's do this um let's do this maybe yes maybe no damn it's smart let's just see about that next uh is let's do this we're rolling now keep them busy while we establish our forward position you're close to the second military cell block tash feel like making some new friends don't you worry about us tash we'll keep them busy while you free the prisoners our allies are being attacked now those boys are free we can bust this place wide open great job josh we got a nuke ready for launch paint a target just don't call the strike in too close are being attacked our allies are being attacked [Music] our allies let's do this oh yes it's just our allies are being attached our allies are being attacked is our allies are being attacked let's do this [Music] see that marauder up ahead 50 credit says i can snipe it from here gonna need your help with this gate nova relax i just need to take out the gate control on the other side okay here we go stay sharp boys tosh might have some nasty surprises waiting for us see nice and easy let's move enroute got it careful there's a siege tank up ahead i can get close enough i can telepathically dominate the crew over here say again let me handle them i'm telling you i saw something we should just cover the place in auto turrets that'll find them status your forces are under attack lz secured you can begin your landing gym the gates open let's make some noise say again i have a prison for you mr arena this start running got it into this nuke silo should just take me there i'm getting tired of this why don't you just die you're right rainer a well-placed nuke would wreak some serious havoc on those defenses this end i'll be seeing you again real soon [Music] so watch your corners boys we don't know who cleaned this place out hold up there those protoss cannons will tear us a new one if we try to advance swan you promised me siege tanks where are they settle down hotshot they're coming these babies will knock those cannons down from a nice safe distance let's get some siege tanks deployed on the high ground they can pound that protoss stalker before it even gets close to us what's going on huh we need bunkers and siege tanks defending that laser drill we got no chance of claiming the artifact without it waiting on you i'm on it ready ready sir i've managed to access what's left of the mobius expedition sensornet i'll route it through your map so you can see what the tal dream are up to dire time ready [Music] what's our target that's cv ready got no patience speak before we get tv ready ready [Music] go [Music] um [Music] [Applause] where does it hurt this better be good bad news gangway coming through head on complete stb ready yes sir upgrade complete ready [Music] what's going on [Music] this better be good go ahead um huh go ahead buy the jumper what's going on [Music] you would desecrate that which belongs to the gods this will not be borne by the faithful sir those are protoss archons if they get too close our men won't stand a chance i'm giving you manual control of the laser drill see if you can use it against the protoss all right you heard the man swing that laser around we can use it to drive back the protoss the doctor is in you want a piece of me boy bass is under attack first round sir i'm picking up the energy signatures of several protoss relics in the area i'm marking them on your map well there's time we can blast them free with a laser drill i bet stedman would love to study them upgrade completely boy this better be good depleted alert those are transports use the laser to knock them down [Music] is is we need guards by the laser drill the protoss are hitting it hard this better [Applause] is under attack face is under attack what's up um um okay uh um they're in full retreat well done sir [Music] honor commands sukdesh salak chasm is vast it is fortunate that i can face through the shadows to the other side the prophecy was divided into fragments each kept at separate shrines i must gather them and depart this world quickly the first fragment of the prophecy soon all will be made clear why not surrender yourself to oblivion zeratul wouldn't it be better to end your struggle now than witnesses will be so much for kerrigan's reprieve for shakira's permit us to destroy their defenses before we proceed [Music] your presence is most welcome let us keep moving you require my skills that patrol of brood lords must be dealt with cautiously for we will be torn asunder prepare for an aerial attack brace yourselves my brethren you address me the queen of blades built hatcheries here she seeks to subvert this sacred world i shall put an end to that plan and [Music] the second fragment of the prophecy my task is nearly complete [Music] your hope is an illusion if you can so easily read my mind kevin you'll see that i'll never give up so long as hope remains careful now kerrigan has set guards to bar our way it could be a trap we should take them out carefully one at a time or risk being overwhelmed the painlings spew acid when they die stalkers take them out from a distance spine crawlers kill them before they can take root and attack this hatchery must be destroyed [Music] in avoid prison bring it down paris must be destroyed or deserved reinforcements will overwhelm us stalkers take the high ground and support our president the queen of blades seeks to pervert this world with that hatchery i must destroy it zeratul has destroyed their words press on it is done all of kerrigan's hatcheries are destroyed there is yet hope for this world i must get to the voice before the zerg overwhelm me and the prophecy is lost our odin [Music] a dark shrine once power is restored it could be of great value to us your probes are [Music] join me brothers and we shall cleanse this place of evil command a robotics facility this structure may prove useful to us the preserve is you seeks of a higher power now dark one space something foul has taken hold of this sacred place i thanks mighty one this templar archive lies abandoned we stand at new seacaps [Music] ready yourself local warrior we confront a terrible evil this day the mighty spirits of the preservers are imprisoned close by we must find them the spirits of the preservers are entombed within we must break them open immediately there are many abandoned structures in this place that we can make use of they merely need their power restored by the construction of a few well-placed pilots [Music] i must find a way to establish a foothold and summon reinforcements to keep the zerg at bay [Music] my allegiance is yours the zerg will keep coming until we are dead i must find the overminds cortex and discover what i can from it the first overmind tendril i sense pain surprise death i will be redeemed these warp gates appear to be functional perhaps there's a chance if we use our observers wisely we can scout the area before putting ourselves at risk the second over mine tendril i sense death and joy my burdens weigh heavily [Music] i sense satisfaction in a plan set in motion long ago and [Music] fear of the future is under attack we must be prepared to defend our base the third are on the move the fourth over my tendril i sense an end i must go to the overmind cortex to understand [Music] honor commands [Music] [Music] all shall be remade in my name my greatest creation foreign with pride we the final hour this vessel [Music] carries the seeds of your destruction this is the hour of truth let the enemy know the wrath of ayah's champions and without faith do not hesitate dead enemies of destiny commands us dead to the enemies of iron i are under i wasn't strong enough there's just too many of them glory justice understood one if only we had acted sooner god we face the enemy [Music] [Music] is complete what you have no place to hide and know where to run another thing analysis of the queen of blades search pattern complete calculating her eta to the closest data called now you can't leave well enough alone can you jim it was stupid of you to come here i don't plan on staying long darling but i'll be damned before i let you get hold of those artifacts over here up on the roof i'm giving you control of our medevacs commander you can use them to transport your men around the city and avoid most of the zag ready for dust off get me out of this mess raiders raiders get us out of here hey hey over here the raiders are here we're saved base is under attack let's see drop bye it's one down keep it moving boys of course the mobius datacores you won't get the rest of them at least he doesn't know where to find the other course we better get to the next one fast hey man could use some help down here let's go brutalisk stephen wanted one of those things to research reckon we can oblige you by the name sir you better do something about that nidus worm before our base gets overrun this better be good face is under attack i've seen through your dr naroon's pathetic charade i know what the artifacts really are and they will be mine whatever they are kerrigan i sure as hell that queen of blades really is quite a nuisance isn't she confirmed the final data core has been destroyed we should evacuate immediately face is under attack [Music] i got this no problem hope you brought your sunscreen cowboy now ain't the time swan relax hot shot i got something useful for you banshees these babies can blow the snot out of ground forces got cloaking too gotta love that whoa careful of those protoss cannons they can detect banshees even when they're cloaked holla back holy relics guys again they seriously need to learn when to quit good job huh what's going on ready for dust off confirmed loud this taldarim base isn't a good spot for us we just need to clear them out and take possession roger that right fine i got this that's fine no problem nuclear missile ready dropping off enlighten me i got my ears on can do fine is under attack nuclear missile is ready face is under attack warning firewave arrival is imminent this evacuation is required the taldarim outpost to the east would make an excellent location to move our base to we just need to clear them out and take possession [Music] dirt sir where are we all right boys we got a deal with mirahan now let's get to work and get that agitate back that's those shredders are constantly producing scrap we can salvage we should check this area again later pirates have been stripping down ships here for years it should be pretty easy to collect enough scrap to pay mira off sure what's going our on are under attack [Music] i have awakened this ready bring it [Music] nuclear missile ready this better be good [Music] i left a little present out here for you and matthew i never got to give it to him last time you boys were here damn jimmy are those vulture bikes good eye tigers we can use them to lay mines around our base to hold off orlando [Music] oh in the rear with the gear we'll be lucky to find any normal resources here but centuries of asteroid impacts have scattered mineral fragments and crystallized vesping all over the wreck all right we'll scout around and see what we can pick up all right boys hit him with the yamato camp a couple of shots from that'll flatten anything our suvs are under attack yes commander nuclear missile ready our thanks james raynor the taldarim will pay for their [Music] i have treachery it we will join the hunt for the taliban my blades thirst for grim vengeance has arrived [Music] [Music] so lots of folks ready to fight for the right price this ain't a stealth mission anymore ladies bring it loud and it fast sir you seem to have found something very interesting there if you can bring me a sample in the lab that would be great activate the auto turrets from that monster you gonna give me orders sir what's going on [Music] complete sir i'm picking up dominion battle cruisers on an intercept course with the odin hey god shot you want these wraith fighters now they'll take down a battlefield you can build more to stop scv ready i have awakened feed the rage [Music] i have no idea what that is can you bring me a sample in the lab maybe something good will come of it so what's the plan now commander trashman base is right uh jimmy can well if you ain't gonna tell me not to have a little fun i'm gonna have a little fun oh here i go what's going on [Music] [Music] our allies are being attacked engine our allies are being attacked this better be good been waiting on you in the rear with the scb ready receiving nuclear missiles ready bad news man i need scps to fix some of this damage does he always talk this much sir yeah but once you get him in a fight he never shuts up well now that's done with i'm gonna take me a little break good thing i brought me some liquid refreshments like knocking back a cold on top of your enemies smoking corpses our allies our suvs are under attack nuclear missile ready our allies are being attacked are under attacks [Music] this better be good they're all over me our allies are being attacked [Music] [Music] baby damn that is hot our allies are being attacked i can't wait to dig into that scientifically i mean i'm not going to eat it i reckon you boys need some time to catch up good old tigers be right here taking it easy i'm tired of waiting just wake me up when you're all ready i'm ready to do it [Music] thank you odin has gone rogue bring it down attention rogue pilot this is general warfield of dominion command your order to stand down or face immediate terminations heavy of our duty engineers and his scientists our base is up and running i'm transferring control of it to you now sir big job huh you scared me by the numbers boys i'm on it hardware inbound these stores are smaller than the odin but they handle better and they still hit hard enjoy [Music] they're attacking a tower strike team bravo take them out our suvs are under attack i'm already here security breach at one of the towers strike team alpha engage stop him [Music] nuclear missile ready nuclear missile ready [Applause] i have awakened strike team charlie get to that tower bring down those rebels since they're here first transmission uploaded even [Music] incoming transmission there's only one man arrogant enough to think he can get away with this rayner just for once arcturus this really is all about you i hope you enjoy i our it warfield get your men down there i want rainer's head you understand him and all his terrorist friends we're almost done transmitting mink's dirty little secret to the dominion that's the last one let's see what the people will think of their beloved emperor now [Music] surprise surprise door seal nothing a little breaching charge won't cure break it down fry any rebel you see looks like we got a receptionist waiting for us activate those gun turrets and give them a surprise system accessed decrypting security overrides system control established well talk to me break it down this better be good oh my god don't kill me what's up destroy it boys we gotta block them out count on me raiders roll top count on me time to man up break it down hold him back don't let him in the lab what's up doctor what's up raiders roll sounds like a plan let's break it down count on me what's what's the plan they were testing these weapons on the specimens what the hell have they been up to sell me yeah siege tanks pike break it down what's up that spot won't last long let's move except yes sir your reinforcements are inbound talk to me your thing what's the plan sell me break it down sell me what's the plan what's up the fusion reactor must be nearby break it down count on me all right that's it we're leaving sir you'll have to be careful signal's warping but that critter's breaking the place apart who knows what you'll run into just what i wanted to hear thanks for the heads up stay tight on me let's move raiders talk to me sell me break it down sir if i'm reading this right that hybrid is virtually indestructible don't try and fight it just get out of there hell that debris won't hold it for long keep moving go go the hybrid is on the move what's the plan sounds like a plan this place is coming apart fast what's up break it down what's up this better be good sell count on me time to man up raiders roll gateway coming through sir i lost the hybrid signal it seemed to just disappear define disappear like a plan count on me oh what the hell raiders roll evac get to the transport transport i think we just found our way out of here is what's going on you gonna give me orders this better be good is that some sort of nest you better destroy it all right boys we can't risk the contagion spreading to this camp i want a perimeter set and some bunkers in place now you going sweet on that doctor lady jimmy can't see why else we'd keep fighting for these damn dirt farmers nightfall in 30 seconds ready [Music] infested marines oh hell jimmy i don't care for that notion one bit now we gotta hold out till sunrise brace yourself this could get ugly bad news the grim reaper has arrived i'm not detecting any more infested structures in that sector gym tv ready yes you better send some body bags surprised you've dealt a serious blow to their numbers jim you're doing great hey hotshot i got schematics to build them hellions you saw in should be good down there sun's coming up we gotta hold on a little longer add on completely what is that thing was it human rise and shine boys now it's our time to do some damage looks like this area is secure keep it up fellas we can stop this scans are picking up a unique serve fire signature it appears to be a burrowing feature that is underground during the day and emerges only at night sir if you kill one of those creatures stedman can study and perhaps learn something [Music] all right this sector is clear nice work boys now move on to the next area all right looks like this area is secure keep it up fellas we can stop this [Music] i'm not detecting any more infested structures in that sector gym from above has arrived looks like this area is secure keep it up fellas we can stop this [Music] nightfall in 30 seconds [Music] all right this sector is clear nice work boys now move on to the next area you should set some guards they'll be coming again soon you're almost done there's just a handful of infested bio signs left i'll highlight their locations on your map away [Music] what's going on let's get into the fight i've located the product nexuses that are channeling power to the purifier shields we'll have to destroy them before we can stop the purifier add-on complete some of the colonists didn't make it to our base in time we should be ready to assist them when the protoss attack you ready made for battle transformation the grim reaper has arrived let's see ready ah you scared me sir the purifier has arrived and is on the move yeah right agreed the purifiers coming into range of a colony base made for battle that's one nexus down keep at it boys we got to stop that ship career another nexus gone great work don't give him a chance to regroup yes sir purifier shields are offline sir hit it now face is under attack [Music] what's going on good job stay sharp i want anyone that leaves the ship wearing a suit this thing i need is more people getting invested they invest marines too brother my orders still stand shouldn't be a problem for you though tangus scv ready in the rear with the gear you ready for war fight or flight yeah right i like it what's going scb ready [Music] been waiting on you let's get into the fight your forces are under it tv ready great job huh go ahead your forces are under attack add on completely your forces are under attack [Music] go ahead is under [Music] your attack engine streaming nuclear missiles your forces [Music] [Music] what's going on that settlement has been cleared of zerg bio signatures well done sir nuclear missile ready i have a weekend is under attack our suvs are under attack nuclear missile ready space is under attack your forces are under attack your forces are under attack base is under attack engine screaming base is under attack your forces are under attack face your is your forces are under attack your forces are under attack face is under attack your forces good job sir i'm picking up two more concentrations of zerg bio signatures the rage bring it looks like this area is secure keep it up fellas we can stop this sir it's done i'm not detecting any more zerg but we have a problem in the lab big job huh tactical analysis indicates dessert greatly outmatch your current forces matt keep me updated on those drop pods as they get to char if we can reach enough of them before the zerg we might just have a chance of fighting our way through this top sir i'm tracking an incoming drop pod it should be landing close to your position any second is under attack all right let's get out there and find him before the zerg do raiders we sure are glad to see you boys but where's general warfield i'm assuming command here you men falling with us and we'll see [Music] it'll don't listen to her stay focused and we'll make it out here together gangway coming through face is under attack armed and ready is it critical you want a piece of me boy ready sir i've detected a drop pod in your vicinity let's move on the doctor is in the doctor is in we should mobilize everything we've got and try to break through to warfield warfield won't be alive for very much longer my pets will be drawn to his you can fears you're sure talking a lot kerrigan maybe the fear you smell is your own you reach the crash site with any luck old warfield still alive and kicking [Music] sounds like a plan you can count on me [Music] let's introduce these boys to a little tear and ingenuity the mark 12 penetrator round you can count on me talk to me what's the plan sell me raiders roll quit hogging all the fun jimmy let me try out shredder grenades raiders sounds like a plan raiders roll motion detectors off the scale swan what say you get that turret of your setup before we advance no sooner said than done cowboy just stay behind old flaming betty here and let her take the heat time [Music] i read you general go ahead [Music] sounds like a plan sound break it down raiders roll what's in it this is it swan i've marked the fault line with a flare plant one of those charges near it you got it cowboy you gotta take out those worms i can't keep patching us up forever take it easy sparky break it down need help sir what's the plan you can count on any time you're ready need help sir what's up let's show them what we've got what's the plan let's show what we got what's the plan anytime you're ready so let's show them what we got this must be where they take their prisoners and investing there's no help in these guys we got to put them out of their misery watch it investor pods light them up damn freaks are ugly let's waste them what's up ugly suckers down here you're too late we need a good spot to hold up but we're gonna be served ciao don't let them get close don't what's up those things are pretty nasty next time you should try not to let them splash you thanks for the advice son now shut up time command transmission i'm gonna guess that last part was rescue hell and i thought we was gonna play poker with them they're behind us great to see you guys the cover in the head is full of worms so we better be careful ah worms right go go we gotta keep moving are those crushes they're only getting started move up by two we gotta blast them back man raiders roll break it down what's the plan no time cowboy what's up what's the plan what's up what's in it for me break it down anytime you're ready hail earthquake that's no quake it's ultralists what's the plan all right no i'm picking up something but it's stationary eggs larva maybe it's like a plan what's the problem sounds like a plan raiders road you know the way those eggs all hatched it's like there's a strong likelihood that another creature was controlling them count on me time to man up sounds like a plan she's going for more eggs stop the queen before she gets to him anytime break it down sounds like a plan talk to me what's the plan talk to it break it down sounds like a plan we're gonna bark all day what's up don't sell me break it down time to man up raiders roll time to man up raiders role sounds like a plan you can count on me raiders what's the plan backwards what's sounds like a plan don't what's the plan raiders need help back what's up any time you're ready what's the plan sounds like a plan you can count on me what's going on oh really loud big job sir i'm scanning to get a positive fix on all the towers got it i'll mark the tower coordinates on your map damn jimmy this whole place is driving once we blow those coolant towers it won't matter the platforms will burn up and kill everything on commander you should stay away from those tunnel entrances according to the sensors they're chock full of mutalists what's going on abandoned the reactor is melting down move you out move out fast get out of there sir yes commander [Music] it's getting ready to blow there she goes get clear abandon ship that should about do it look at that thing warning unidentified organism detected inbound largest on record damn that's all we need we better take that thing down or it's going to cause some havoc picking up signs of heavy air defenses on that platform that should about do it [Music] the zerg will try to overrun us soon you should build bunkers and train more units as soon as possible if things get out of hand use the energy nova to clear out your base the recharge time is pretty fast so don't hesitate to use it give us your messages your forces are under attack base is under attack your forces scv ready scv ready scb ready [Music] is under keep it up [Music] sir we're tracking a large number of zerg flyers coming your way your is under forces face is under attack [Music] might be a good time to use the artifacts nova sir is under attack bad news sir i'm picking up a massive overlords heading your way ready your air defenses base is under attack attack [Music] face is under attack your forces are under attack face is under attack face is under attack is under attack class 12 psionic waveform detected the queen of blades has returned how are you all from my world bass is under attack sir we're tracking a large number of zerg flyers coming your way receiving face is under attack your face is under attack your forces are under attack engine screaming sir scanners show the largest zerg bio signature i've ever seen and it's headed your way face is under attack your forces your forces are under attack engine screaming base is under attack base is under attack your forces are under attack your forces your forces are under attack face is under attack mineral field lots of zerg flyers on their way to you sir faith is under attack your forces are under attack screaming base is under attack your forces are under attack your forces are under attack class 12 psionic waveform detected the queen of blades has returned you fools you're playing with forces beyond your comprehension she's on the run man let's keep the pressure on your is under forces upgrade complete your forces is your forces sir we're tracking a large number of zerg flyers coming your way [Applause] your forces are under attack your forces are under attack sir we're tracking a large number of zerg flyers coming your way is under attack your forces your forces are under attack the artifact's energy is peaking just hold out a little longer lots of zerg flyers on their way to you sir screaming base is she's losing it this has gone on long enough engine screaming under attack [Music] hit it engine screaming [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Stu
Views: 139,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WwnZzmBaqNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 58sec (9418 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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