► How to Sharpen Images in photoshop

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Hello everyone, Spencer here from ReTouchedTV.com and today I want to show you how to sharpen images Now, this isn't necessarily how to recover very blurry images sometimes it works for that but you have to go a little harder on it... but it's not going to work very well to be honest with really blurry images there is just not a lot you can do to save them so, this one for instance is not too blurry but it's not quite sharp enough and that's why I want to use this sharpening method. so first duplicate the layer you want to sharpen (this is me and my daughter back when she was just a little baby.) anyway, go to FILTER, OTHER, then HIGHPASS and as you can see there starts to be these little outlines of the shapes around the image The higher the number, the more detail you see if the number gets too high it doesn't help much so we are going to play with a very low to mid-range number 1.5 seems pretty good press OK and now you can see the outline of the entire image you can see all the details of the image that might even go unnoticed. Go to your Layers and change the layer mode you can use SOFT LIGHT, HARD LIGHT, or VIVID LIGHT. Even OVERLAY works a bit just not as well I'm going to do SOFT LIGHT first And there might not be too much of a difference, the change is subtle but it's there If I switch it to HARD LIGHT the change is a bit more defined If I turn the layer on and off you can see the difference Especially here on the back of her head, if I zoom in a bit... you can see the difference much more It's kinda crazy how sharp the image gets with such a little change Now if we set the layer mode to VIVID LIGHT... we can see the image gets a lot more sharp, almost too sharp but as you can see the detail becomes much more defined and it looks A LOT BETTER So now if we look at the entire image, we see the shirt... has so much more detail! and it looks a lot nicer when it's full screen. On the video you probably can't see too much of a difference... but if really does make a world of a difference in the final result. So let's play with this a bit more. Go to FILER, OTHER, then HIGH PASS. And just to see what it looks like lets turn the radius up to 8 I'll set the Layer mode to HARD LIGHT and as you can see it becomes very sharp! you can see a huge difference! however, you start getting this bevel effect happening on some of the areas It's not too bad though if we zoom in on her face you can see a huge difference So that is a very easy way to sharpen your image Just play with the radius of your HIGH PASS to find what looks best for you Thank for watching I hope you enjoyed the video! Please leave a LIKE if you want to see more and subscribe if you haven't already If you want to see images that I've retouched you can visit my Instagram @ReTouchedTV
Channel: Photo Solutions
Views: 270,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sharpen images in photoshop, photoshop, photography, photo, retouch, touch-up, shop, shopped, image, edit, lightroom, adobe, light, photoshop cc, sharpen images in photoshop, how to sharpen images, sharp images, make images clear, how to sharpen pictures in photoshop, how to sharpen pictures, sharpening pictures, tutorial, photoshop tutorial, photoshop cc tutorial, before and after, how to retouch pictures, how to photoshop pictures, photoshop editing pictures, photoshop for beginners
Id: m_y5rjPWIgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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