▶ Barnyard Animal Pack & Free Update 1.17: Planet Zoo Announcement

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hey guys and thank you so much for tuning in to my channel my name is delay designer and today we finally have some news again about Planet zoo and a new DLC experience The Rustic charm of the countryside in Planet zoo barnyard animal pack arriving on April 30th on PC alongside our free update 1.17 and coming in a future update to Planet zoo console edition which makes me think that this pack the barnyard animal pack will launch somewhere next year so maybe March or April or something like that for the console edition so yeah unfortunately it looks like you guys on Console will have to wait a little bit longer for this pack but the Plano barnyard animal pack will feature seven highly requested animals although I'm not entirely sure about that last part being super highly requested but you guys will have to let me know in the comments down below if that is the case or not but this pack will bring the Sussex chicken the Highland cattle Alpine goat the alpaka the American Standard donkey the hill retinor sheep and the town worth Pig and next to that the barnyard animal pack will also include 60 new scenery pieces and a brand new scenario so before before we dive into more information about that let's just go and check out the trailer [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there we go the planet de barnyard animal pack launching on April 30th for all steam players at this point we do not have a date yet for the console edition at this point so again the Sussex chicken the Highland cattle the Alpine goat the alaka American Standard donkey hill rner sheep and the tomworth pig are being added in the barnyard animal pack including 60 new scenery pieces what better way to experience these animals than by adding a charming and Rural field to your zoos using straw bills as benches for your guest or by placing repurposed cable R tables for those looking to stop for lunch this pack also includes several picturesque fences and Gates alongside classic cast iron water pumps Wells wind pumps water veins and foliage which will be sure to make any habitat feel more homely also adding a brand new scenario when you're ready returning character Tiffany Summers need your help as she embarks on a brand new Journey To Breathe life into one snck neckit farm team up with Tiffany to create a thriving Animal Sanctuary take rundown Barns and overgrown pastures and make them into not just a safe and comforting environment for the animals but also into a home for them to thrive and flourish amidst a New Zealand Countryside now before we have a look at all the information about free update 1.17 I obviously want to do a little trailer breakdown with you guys to see what we can spot what will be new in this animal pack as it is an animal pack it's a little bit odd like it's an animal pack with seven animals with 60 scenery pieces so it's it's kind of a mixture uh but definitely some stuff that I really wanted in the game so I guess it's fair enough to call it still an animal pack but having a little bit of scenery makes me very happy at least so let's just go and check out the trailer because when we start ready we finally are getting some hay bells I definitely missed out on these things I don't know why but I am really excited about this this seems to be some kind of water tower this is like a windmill also these fences look definitely super cute I think it says like several fences and Gates and hopefully some of of the gates at least uh will also work the same as like the guest Gates that we already have in the game so they will automatically open that will be super amazing to get some variations uh of that but let's just wait and see I think right here in the back we can see the Highland cattle and is something this this I wanted to say a little church but I think this is a barn obviously because that definitely fits more of the barnyard animal pack but for some reason this little Tower made me feel like a church I'm not entirely sure what that is but H yeah this definitely looks nice I think the grass right over here is the dry grass we already have in game I think that's the base game right and not included in some type of pack so if we just continue a tiny little bit you can see the uh Highland cattle in the back moving around barnyard animal pack there is a chicken right over here I have to admit the chickens look absolutely fantastic really really like it even though I'm still debating if how excited I am about these animals something inside me is screaming like oh this is so cool but yet it also says like not sure this is the patting Zoo we've been talking about all the time but it's is it part of a zoo yeah some zoos do have a petting zoo so I'm not really sure I'm really curious to hear your thoughts about this is you can see the chicken right over here more up close it definitely looks really cool there is a natural path going through this habitat curious what they exactly mean with the free update stuff which we will talk about later on it actually is what is this this is yeah this is a barn this is definitely the part that we were just seeing it's a very interes I I I I guess this this is normal with a barn I don't know but this definitely does look super super cute a lot of the pieces of course we already have in the game so can't really tell if this is this part of this pack there's a hay Bell right over here I think they did say something about uh like uh seatings or something so uh fences and Gates uh cable real tables straw bills as benches for your guess so I think that might be I do hope that we will also get normal straw bills that you can just put down wherever you want I mean if it's like a a a seating then it it might not always be the case but it's really cool feature as well to have it like a a binge oh wow we actually have different variations of chickens that looks super amazing as well other than that oh this fencing definitely looks uh looks very nice the chickens do look really good this is a rooster right and these are the chickens oh yeah that's definitely really cool very curious to hear the sounds as well look at that little kid being super excited about the chickens also I I first thought when I saw the trailer in that this might be some kind of in-game fencing but I think these are just a small acryic rugs that looks really good uh definitely props to whoever created this also with the long grass here or the I think it's a buffalo grass ride does look super good here all the guests walking in here so yeah this is definitely one of the guest Gates what I was just talking about super happy that they're adding variation in it I do hope there are more gates because they are talking about several uh picturesque fences and Gates as of right now this might also be a fence this is a fence this is a gate uh I hope there are more variations that will be just super amazing just because I like some Vari I guess a little ouse right over here with uh a bucket we already have in the game it does look like these barrels are these these barrels maybe bins or something or decorational purposes it's also something I've been been asking for for so long like simple barrels that work super well for your for your uh backstage stuff and suchar so I'm curious it it is close so it might be really a barrel and this looks like a new planter to me also some vegetables in there um what else can we see there are tens here not entirely sure we didn't have tens just yet right also not entirely sure of like okay I guess it's a nice scenery piece if so uh this is like a vegetable plant or something like that I'm not sure if that is a new sign it could definitely be although it could also be an ingame one not entirely sure these barn doors definitely do New Look new to me um I don't think there are new pieces on this building right over here can you guys spot any new foliage not sure if there is any new foliage there are goats in here by the way these are definitely the uh the Alpine goats that we are getting with this pack H let's let's continue and see what else we can find uh oh look at that so there are actually animations in here and I remember when we were uh making the petting zoo like How likely is a petting zoo I think we also spoke about the fact like it would be so cool if we would be seeing some type of animations with these animals however this could also be part of the free update which we will talk about a little bit later on in this video as well so I'm not entirely sure but it could be that there are some type of animations that will also be included with some of the animals which are in the base game already uh but yeah this this go definitely does look super cute oh oh oh let's oh gosh yeah oh that's a really nice animation but just look how happy it looks I do really like that it looks super adorable not entirely sure how excited I I am about the goat in general but seeing this animation does make me super happy like an interaction with it also this animation looks super cute I do I'm not really sure like sometimes you have like this this uh a trailer or Graphics I'm not really sure how the textures like it they don't look as good as the other animals that we have in the game but very often when we feel this way also with like screenshots and then later on we see the animals in game we are like oh yeah no it does look amazing never mind you know so I will keep this one open I'm not entirely sure about the fur and the textures on this one uh but like the comparison like how smooth I don't know it looks like very smooth or something comparing to the rest of the background which looks super sharp so uh I'm not entirely sure uh I just I'm curious to see this one in game I guess but I do really like the animation here with uh with this little uh enrichment item that looks super cute can't really tell is this like a a a new nettle or something like that I think we already have them in the game not entirely sure but they do look super cute although they do remind me a lot of the Alpine eyebag so uh yeah I I can see why some people say like it doesn't really feel like a new animal to me it might be more of a reskin like the chickens are definitely new we don't have any animals that are are based on the chickens or the other way around uh but yeah the Alpine eyb and this one could definitely uh use a lot of the same rig here um the alaka yeah well in the Llama of course but the alaka looks so cute something I don't know it's probably just the video guys I something does feel a little bit off to me still but the fur but the alpaca fur can also be definitely super challenging I mean looking at the butt here and like it it has to be fluffy right so it's it's I think it's a heart one I think you guys did a great job on it uh I'm I'm super curious to see this one in game as well look at this little one right over here it's so adorable isn't it also the car here and then the hay bells okay we can confirm that we will get some of these hay bells that you can put down as scenery items so that is definitely really really cool we can see a fence right over here there's a tent here in the back uh this building doesn't feel very new to me I can see those Nettles here again know we had nettles in the game not entirely sure if uh if there is anything uh if if this is a new nettle but your parast look cute I'm super curious to see them in the game okay here we go we will have some uh some of the signs I'm going to guess like we have seven animals so Seven Signs is already included in those 60 scenery pieces or over 60 scenery pieces um oh this looks very cool this is a a nice canopy here and also this table here with like oh okay maybe that's what they meant no okay so you have hay bills right over here with cushions on top of it are these cushions I I guess so never seen hay bells with well I guess that's a thing uh but there are tables here with okay oh wait these are also having cushions on top of it I'm not really sure if I like that I would say just go and sit down on the hay Bell but I guess it's a thing I don't know never seen it before uh so yeah guests are sitting here on the table the table also looks really really cool so I do really like that and um let's see what else can we spot in here we have some planters here oh these Gates also look super nice here and we have some more hay bells you have that thing I don't know what the name is but you guys see you you can pick up the hay bells from it right uh okay so we have the the signs right over here there's a metal bucket like the metal bucket and what else can we spot from the things d mentioned M these look like some kind of barrel water buckets or something like that I'm not I'm I'm not entirely sure about the sign it could definitely be a new sign here and then like this this planter thing right over there not sure is this like a is this a different building set look at all the colors here so we might be seeing a new building set or at least some pieces it's like the same as you can see right over here at the barn gate there are like wooden cards here oh there actually like the the Tamworth pig is here in the backside we will have a screenshot of it later on as well but yeah I'm definitely impressed by these These Walls right over here I love it must take must have taken so much work or at least it will be copy pasted a lot um yeah I think that might be it like it's it's only 60 pieces so we're not seeing that much wait you can actually see the barrel right over here I'm not sure if that Mo no it it's the the bar I'm sorry for the bar right over here uh but there is or it is um a bin it could also be a bin also these these mil cans by the way they look super cool as well like it that they add that yeah okay so let's continue what do we have here so we have natural path going through there's a habitat we have chickens walking around have little chicks I like it I don't know why but there's something with these chickens that I do really love um let's see can we spot anything is this a new roof piece I actually am not entirely sure uh there are cast iron water pumps wind pumps weather FS oh I guess that those are these little things this just must be also some kind of piece I guess you can see the wheel the uh the mil can Planters oh this is actually also small little gate oh wait is this fences is this like a in-game fence and this is like a keeper gate a small gate that would actually be super nice if this would be an in-game fence in the game same goes for that one maybe are we like we barely got any new fences or new gates apart from like the smaller Gates so it could actually be that there are finally adding some different variations here but because this is this is great if that oh yeah I like that a lot if this is like an in-game fence but I do hope you can recolor it then although we have seen it only in white now and this one seems to be brown but that would save so much time instead of like creating your custom fences oh that's interesting this is actually a Capers gate I really think it is unless this is a gate for guest I mean I would love that to have smaller gates for guests as well we have some hay bills right over here really like how uh the the person that created this map like used a lot of the grass right over here oh man yeah it looks super natural really beautiful right over here in the back you can see the stone wall again and this definitely looks like a different type of gate or fence also really nice map by the way I really hope that this isn't a new map that we are getting with all these Hills that would be fantastic actually I didn't even realize but look at this this is not an in-game map that we have is it oh I'm super curious like it really is this like a backdrop or is this created and and and feels like it oh wow I really hope this is some kind of new map or something definitely looks super nice okay so let's move forward a little tiny bit a look at this beautiful rooster and these little chicks right over here that's super cute this is definitely also really cool for for mods because at least for like smaller birds they can use the rigs from the chickens ah that is that is amazing this this will definitely add a lot more variation for at least a bird Parts I guess so yeah I think that's great to see like these these I don't know how you call these sacks I I want to call a sack but I don't know if that that is the English word for it uh we have a wheel mil can uh water bucket on the right side there pillars here oh no wait this is like that fork for for like a hay Bell what is this pillar though and this one not entirely sure this also feels new to me also not entir sure is this like a backside of like a Fen or something we have barrels we have a card um is there new foliage in here not entirely sure what this is in the backside could be something that we already have in the game but the chickens look am amazing yeah I I am a huge fan of the chickens just look at that face like chickens are scary in a way when I was younger I D to pick up chickens but if you would ask me now oh no no no no no I would not do it because of like they have something angry in their face you see what I mean and it's like oh no no now I'm grown up now I don't dare to is that silly do you guys have the same it's like with with spiders and insects like back in the days when I was a little kid I always dare to pick them up worms and now I'm growing up I'm like oh no don't get near me with these type of animals I don't know what that is anyways comment to us on the 30th of April to steam so not on Console unfortunately uh just yet it will launch on Console guys but you guys will have to wait a little bit longer but yeah the planet zo barnyard animal pack so now let's have a look at all the screenshots that I got from Frontier development so right now I first want to get to the artwork right over here we will talk about the free update later on we will have a screenshot as well I think about the free update but yeah first things first the artwork I mean this chicken this this rooster again like it's scary but yet I'm so in love with how these guys are looking I I don't know I can't rip my ring my finger around it it looks so freaking good so uh yeah I I think like the doubts that I have about this the the Alpine goat uh the the fur I think it's probably fine but let's just see I'm not really sure if I still or that I still have another screenshot of the goat but let's just wait and see first we have the alaka screenshot and you can tell already here that the fur already does look a lot better than initially in a trailer I think not entirely sure still but just look at the face here and like the the the fur just being a little bit thicker I think they do look really really good and very cute I mean just look at this little one isn't that adorable I think it's definitely really cool that they added the alpaka in this pack if you ask me and right over here we have another screenshot of the susex chicken wow it's it's just all looking super beautiful here but obviously we already knew by now that the chickens would look look freaking fantastic but the overall atmosphere of this picture and the lighting oh my goodness I really cannot wait to get back into Planet zoo when I get my hands on this pack I'm definitely going to create something just small I guess with this pack just to have some fun with it which is probably something that everyone is going to do at this point with this new pack but I think everyone at this point is just super excited that there's finally something new dropping for Planet zoo but yeah we can still debate like yeah well okay it's definitely a petting zoo thing and not really a zoo thing so I can totally see why some people are not super excited about this pack honestly and then right over here we have the tomworth pig uh definitely also looks very cute I'm super curious to see the animations and the sounds of this one and just to yeah I'm just super excited for it I mean you guys know by now that the warthog is one of my most favorite animals in the game and and this one I guess they're probably not family so I'm not going to say any silly things but yeah for some reason because of the warthog being one of my most favorite animals in the game I'm definitely curious to see how these guys will work how they are animated I do hope they are newly animated so there are new animations so for these these animals in this pack also because there are like um these these interactions with the guests so yeah I can only hope that there is something new and exciting to explore with these type of animals you can see the the fencing right over here as well by the way now it is actually colored uh this just feels like the gate to me I am very curious to find out if this is a custom fence or if this is an in-game fence I really cannot tell at this point because of because it's colored or recolored like are we able to recolor parts of the fence then if it's like a real fence because if it's custom fences I obviously have no doubts about how this will work but for some reason I I kind of hope that it's a normal fence so it saves a lot of time building it uh we saw the wooden fences here we have some some Wheels some some uh buckets a lot of stuff that we have already seen here I guess we have some exciting guests here uh oh that's I wanted to say that's an arrow sign but it's actually a custom sign I think we already have this signing game it it does remind me of a a sign that we already have the gate here as well doesn't feel new dud are these lights new I don't think so I think we already had them in the game right uh but yeah definitely really nice to see the Tamworth Pig I'm sure that we will be seeing some more screenshot reveals later on or on on Steam uh appearing I'm not sure these might be the screenshots for steam already uh but yeah knowing front here they will be releasing more screenshots during the week before the 30th of April of course so I'm pretty sure that we will be seeing an up close image of the Tamworth Pig very soon as well and this right over here is the new scenario so you can help Tiffany Summers to create a thriving Animal Sanctuary here with this uh rundown barns scenario map this one definitely I need some work if I may say so myself I definitely could use a lot of details and such right over here wish they did add a little bit of different materials here it's like a lot of logs here and a lot of the same materials but I guess that was the idea I'm not really sure about these uh these pencils here like did we already see these are these scenery items or did they create them with the um uh how are they called again the are how I don't even know like the I barely use them like I've always used them in Planet poster but in Planet zo I really rarely use uh I don't even remember the name of this like the circles and the the the squares and then the colorful stuff not really sure if if these are our senior items or not there is like this sign right over here and I think that's a great bridge to talk about the free update 1.17 now so about 1 17 they do say alongside the barnyard animal pack we also got exciting free update to bring to you 1.17 to all PC players so yes the console players do need to wait a bit longer for this update as well uh so a number of habitats can now be converted into animal encounters allowing guests to get closer than ever to your animals alongside this we will also be a number of free scenario pieces including the all important handwashing station and education board a small guest gate and the bua bush so that guest gate was probably what we just saw uh in in the trailer as well with the white fencing um and right over here you can actually see a guest interacting with this beautiful uh lemur I actually am looking at this lemur and and kind of feel like something about the textures are upgraded but I'm I'm probably wrong but the Lemur looks so much more realistic to me for some we weird reason I don't know how do you guys feel about that but isn't that adorable they can actually just like interact with this one I'm I'm guessing this is some kind of maybe a sniffing animation or something like that I love this I love it that it's probably not that much like together with um the the um the Educators that were roaming around and doing like this this interaction with the butterfly uh landing on their finger for example or or like holding uh animals the exhibit animals it's it's something I'm not going to expect a lot of different animations but it's just something that makes your you feel more alive I guess and I think the same type of interactions we are able to also see with uh most of the animals of the Barnard animal pack don't know why I keep forgetting the barnyard animal pack name uh I I wanted I want to say patting Zoo pack or something like that but Barnard animal pack but yeah I'm I'm pretty sure that these type of animations will also be added for most of the animals from the barnyard animal pack curious to see how many other animals they are able uh to do this with uh I hope Frontier will provide us with some kind of list or something like that with the uh animals just like they did with the um uh the the the viewing domes and that there is a whole list under that video that I made about the viewing does with all the animals that are able to interact with it however I've barely seen these animations still so uh uh they're probably very very rare or something like that I don't know we have to uh wait and see and find out I guess and then the last screenshot that we have uh these are definitely the washing stations and the education board I think we saw in the distance on the other screenshot I'm not entirely sure if this is the small guest gate unless they mean like small as in it's it's lowered uh because this still feels like a a big guest gate to me but smaller Gates maybe I don't know no okay maybe I'm wrong maybe the the gate that we well it could still be a custom pece gate from the trailer so not entirely sure however well one thing we do know for sure is that this uh gate is a new gate and it will open up when guests walk through it one of the animations I can super appreciate since day one that we have these type of games in the game uh I just really like how these work and uh it's it's nice to see a different variation it will be super nice to have more variations this this one definitely feels more barnish if we can call it that way uh but it's still definitely beautiful beautiful gate and the hand washing machines I think or the hand washing station you will just put this down onto a onto a path or something like that very curious to see how this will work it might work a little bit the same as like the um education stations for the kids or something like that uh but yeah definitely curious to see more of these handwashing stations and also the education board what that exactly will be if it's like well maybe it's just simply a sign like for for feeding and stuff do we have feeding stations as well actually doesn't sound like it uh that would have been very cool by the way to have feeding stations as well so together with the other screenshot that they would actually be able to to feed the Lemur or something but yeah would have been really cool though missed opportunity here I guess so yeah the planet zo barnyard animal pack coming to PC on April 30th and will later launch on the console edition which I am expecting to be somewhere in 2025 adding seven animals to our game game guys and now I'm just super curious to hear your thoughts about this pack I think more than ever because yeah as I said I personally have mixed feelings about this one I am very excited for it in a way but also like but it's not that much Sue animals which I was definitely also uh very much looking forward to I mean I'm still hoping for my here I really still hope that uh that is on the tables here as well now talking about and still being on the tables here like if you have been following my channel for a while now you know that I have been talking about the potential last planet zo pack and how we would know if it would be the last planet zo Pac and I've been uh saying constantly like it looks like the the strategy is that a word um the the strategy that was the word I was looking for of Frontier developments is that the last pack for a game would be a $14.99 pack so a little bit bigger and I really thought that this would probably be that last pack and I was expecting probably a bigger animal pack or something like that however we got seven animals in here with a few uh scenery items and it's it's definitely still an animal pack at least they call it officially an animal pack but this one is $9.99 or £7.99 so $999 9.99 and £7.99 and uh this one definitely doesn't feel to me like the last pack so uh maybe there is still another pack on the tables I mean the um my expectation is still that before the 1st of June we will be seeing the last pack however that would be very short after each other but we also didn't have any pack the the past few months so this pack could have been launched at the end of March still for me and then who knows maybe at the end of May beginning of June Maybe we will still be seeing another planet Zoo pack which would then be the last pack however I think my my conclusion definitely is that this one is not the last planet Zoo pack and if it is I would be very disappointed because I would definitely still love to see another real zoo pack here so uh yeah I am guessing that this is at least not the last thing we are going to see for Planet zoo on PC and uh I'm just very curious and and hope that uh the the next pack then will be more of a zoo pack with some highly requested Animals still from the U meta wish list I guess even though well I still want to have those Aquatics and birds still at least we have a chicken now but yeah it's not a flying bird of course tell me let me know your thoughts about this pack the Barnard animal pack the free update which I'm sure that there will be more information about uh in the very near future as well because this is definitely still pretty limited I'm very curious to hear more about the animal uh or turn a number of habitats convert them into animal encounters or was that it it's just the animal encounter the the encounter with the I don't know it if this might then be a very very small free update which I also didn't expect I thought like a scenario editor or something like that for for the last free update would be very logical but if this is everything that is in the free update 1.17 then uh the the animal encounters are definitely cool uh and then we have a hand washing station education board and small gas gate but I do hope that the animal encounters will then be a little bit bigger especially being it a free update okay I I start to ramble here let me know in the comments down below what you guys all think of the barnyard animal pack are you excited for it are you not let me know in the comments down below leave a like at this video If you guys enjoyed it and subscribe of course if you haven't already yeah I just really do hope to see you guys all in the next one thank you guys so much for watching bye guys
Channel: DeLadysigner
Views: 29,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo announcement, planet zoo dlc announcement, planet zoo dlc, planet zoo new dlc, planet zoo news, planet zoo update, planet zoo animals, planet zoo announcement trailer, announcement, planet zoo barnyard animal pack, planet zoo barn, planet zoo petting zoo, planet zoo petting zoo pack, barnyard animal pack, planet zoo free update 1.17, Sussex Chicken, Highland Cattle, Alpine Goat, Alpaca, American Standard Donkey, Hill Radnor Sheep, Tamworth Pig
Id: k4tsPejf29A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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