€3.4 Million Electric Yacht Tour : Silent 60

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i recently filmed the silent 55 and that was a fascinating tour this one is the silent 60 and you might think well that's five feet long it's gonna be pretty much the same isn't it just slightly longer honestly the difference in this is unbelievable it is chalk and cheese there's so much more space on this boat it is it is quite something to behold so we're gonna do a full tour on this one these are always an interesting boat they're always a popular boat people like to see these and as i say the difference between this and the 55 is enormous so we will take a look on board and we'll do the full tour so we'll head on via this boarding area here and i think what we will do is take a turn around the decks first of all and then work our way in so here you've got seating area on the outside straight away which is nice that is over one of the cabins which we'll have a look at i'll see when we go inside and if we take a stroll up around here and this of course is taking us up to the bow we've got a lounging area out here this interestingly is for a kite i'm not going to open it because one-handed it takes i'm doing for these lifting the whole thing clear that might be a bit of a challenge but yeah there's actually a kite you can launch off there and use to help tow the boat on a windy day so that's pretty impressive what i can show you however is this one because if we flip these catches here look at that for a massive storage void so that sort of defenders warps all that kind of stuff can all live in there we're in port adriano at the minute which is a bit of a super yacht place as you can see very impressive if you've seen my charter videos of the sunseeker 76 you've seen this already we came around here i love the lighting that they've put in all the way down you can see it running all the way down the edge that's really smart and then if we wander down this side you've got another one of those seating areas and then we come right aft one thing that's changed on this boat over the 55 is the fact these now have a platform that lowers right into the water if i put a tender on that drops right down tender floats on and up it comes so it goes into chocks on there you can see the mechanism for it down underneath if we head up this way another big change here because this is such a much larger area and it's got this seating area here which is under the shelter of the cabin but outside and looking after talking of looking aft these seats here you can see you can configure the back rest you can slide that one across or slide that one forward and sit there facing out across the back of the boat or into the boat depending on how you're using it so that's a nice touch this one here is for a little fridge unit portable fridge unit and the one on the other side is storage but the other thing i'll show you while we're back here so that one there's just a deck locker like so but if we have a wander down here then we're getting into the meat a bit again because this one there we are takes us into not only an engineering space but also one of the engines is in here as well there we go so these engines are 250 kilowatt each they're going to give the boat about 12 knots flat out but the more interesting figure really is when you drop the speed right back because obviously she is electric powered she's battery-powered and she's got the solar panels which we'll have a look at in a moment and that means that you can drop back to seven knots and they're using nine kilowatts per engine there's a 210 kilowatt of batteries on the boat but where it gets really fascinating is when you drop down to five knots because the solar panels give you about 17 kilowatts of peak power so it's a reliable 10 kilowatts of power she's using 10 kilowatts at five knots so at five knots she's self-sufficient it'll just run completely off of the sun you can see all the engineering in here it's quite a fascinating area you've got the victron units across here as well and down here it's all very very impressive anyway let's go and have a look on board because that's also very very impressive so we'll come out of here drop that one back down i think while we're doing the decks i will show you those solar panels and the fly bridge okay so that drops down like that and if you come right on up this is another area which is vastly different to the 55 it's loads loads bigger wider deeper just huge you've got the sunbathing area here or lounging area seating all the way around here the back rest of this one will flop over the other way and that of course opens out you can see it doubles the size for dining like the 55 this bimini we've got up here will lower and infill it drops into this groove here you might think what happens to this well that actually rotates right over to lower the height of that so that this top will fit flush across here very very smart and i mentioned that 17 kilowatt peak of solar power there it is well there's some of it look at that that is quite an array isn't it and of course doesn't stop there because if we come back here you've got it across here as well and if we step right on up you'll see they're up there too and that is the big news with this this is why well one of the reasons why they use a catamaran because it gives so much beam and so much space for things like the solar array but it also means it's a very efficient hull because it's basically sitting on two narrow keels in the water it's very easily driven and of course that's key to getting the range out of a solar driven boat okay this is the mechanism that drops all this down flush we're going to head on down and head inside because that is again a fascinating how much more space there is in this one compared with the 55 the 55 tour should be already on the channel so look out for that one if you've not seen it already now this is a front master version what that means is there's a cabin down there which we'll have a look at there's another version with a walk through where you can have the front open makes this area up here a bit bigger and you get four cabins in the holes where this one has three so it just depends on your parties really this does have a wonderful cabin however at the front which we'll look at in a moment but she's uh gally aft again you're getting that catamaran feel with the beam and the size and the space that you get in here so obviously you've got your oven and your hob and just acres and acres of space huge fridge freezers over here american style i know this is all drawers and storage i won't even all for obvious reasons that one there is a dishwasher and then this is things like bins for example and drawers and all the usual bits and pieces that you would expect so if we head on forward a little bit further more storage over on this side it's got this massive seating area around here but they refer to this as the cathedral because look if i stand here i am six foot two and i am nowhere near touching that ceiling there's so much height in here it's incredible and that gives along with the beam such a feeling of space it is remarkable helm is down here as well you may have noticed there was no steering wheel at the upper helm the reason for that is because you can steer it with this little tiller here which links to the auto pilot this one's got the wheel as well quite often these don't have the wheels they just have this steering here and you'll see that on bigger super yachts as well throttle controls are here obviously one for each engine do you call them throttles on electric motors i'm not sure and then across here you've got your twin thrusters because of course there are twin keels you've got um autopilot over here that's a camera there that's showing the back of the boat and that's the control systems for the boats and so forth that one's a dock mate that's giving you like a little walk around remote control so as you dock in the boat you can take that out and actually control things as you walk around now i mentioned it was the forward master version if we head down here this is huge again taking full advantage of the width of the boat it's got a little dressing area over on this side loads of storage as you might imagine open that door there and that one there there we go you can get a feel for the size of that and there are two of those because there's another one over on that side so an absolute ton of space and then this one has its own suite just dropping down into this hull here this is why this one has three further cabins so four in total if you opt for the walkthrough version well then you get a cabin that comes down through here instead so this layout does give you more cabin space it doesn't actually give you more physical cabins it does give you this wonderful ensuite down here however really nice look at the size of this shower absolutely fantastic and then if we spin on round toilet is there should be some lights in there shouldn't there there we go that's a bit nicer isn't it so there we go that is the ensuite to this master cabin and it is quite the master cabin and if we head on back then over onto this side we can come back down here we'll find two walkways downwards one is down here the other is down there we'll take this one first of all so this then is giving you a massive ensuite here to this cabin behind us in fact really that's day heads isn't it because this has got a separate door on it here so this would use this as an ensuite at night but it would also be a day heads during the day big double bed in here a little dressing area and again all that storage space like so hanging locker etc so that's one area so that gives you another complete cabin also in here is the washing machine like so and if we head across the boat those battery banks are under the floor down underneath here you have to move these things out of the way to get them once they're in they're not really a service item they're just there but that's where they live and they can be reached if we drop down this side so we've seen two cabins if we come down here we can go forward we've got a doorway here so that just comes across like so an ensuite here this has got a sliding door across there and then in here you've got the shower and you've got the loo and the sink and then right forward from here so nice cabin actually a lot of space in here again these are so roomy and then again hanging locker like so [Music] dressing area double bed big hole windows lovely and if we come back then we come back through this door here so that's what closes this one off there's another door here so these are two completely separate cabins this one then is cabin four and this again double bed right back here and again all the bits and pieces you'd expect hanging locker the ensuite and so forth so there we go absolutely fascinating as i say if you've seen the tour of the 55 then it is incredible how gain460 gives you so much more space and as i say if you don't want that forward main deck cabin layout you can opt to have more space here two cabins in either hole so you still got the four cabin layout and then a walkthrough straight onto the bow so that works really well as well so that's about it really i think that's the full tour isn't there impressive though isn't it and that solar running that is incredible so that is it except it's not quite because we are now going to go and give this fine ship a run i've never been out on the electric boat before so this will be fascinating just want to give you guys a flavor of what electric boating is all about so stay tuned for that that's a new video coming real soon huge thanks to silent yachts and huge thanks to you guys as ever for watching we'll catch you on one of these real soon take care bye
Views: 223,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zero emission, solar powered, Silent Yacht, boat, boating, boat life, yacht life, yacht, yachting, fun, joy, bliss, boating fun, superyacht, super yacht, superyachting, Millionaire, millionaire lifestyle, super rich, luxury, luxury lifestyle, luxury living, luxury homes, luxury travel, yacht tour, Below Decks
Id: BXxxZuf2EVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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