€2.25 Million Electric Yacht Tour : Silent Yacht 55

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if there's one boat that i've been asked for more than any other by far it's for a tour on a silent catamaran these are solar powered electric drive absolutely fantastic i've been asked so many times for tour of one of these and i've tried so many times and finally we're doing it we're getting on board one dan and palmer at the boat show and this is going to be the full tour and we're going to show you what solar powered boating looks like so we're going to step on board via this passarelle and what we will do is take a tour of the decks first of all and then a tour of the interior and i'll explain what this is all about now the reason that these are catamarans is twofold firstly they're very efficient because you just have two narrow almost like blades in the water so very little drag resistance but also a colossal amount of space because it gives you huge amounts of beam that's very much a catamaran kind of thing and you can see it i mean look at these side decks they're absolutely vast when you walk around these i mean you can just sort of skip from side to side they're huge these are over the cabins we'll see the cabins uh in a moment when we go inside but this is nice it's a little area here where you can sit on the side of the boat and in fact the galley is behind here this opens and so you can access straight through to the guy to grab yourself a coffee in the morning or whatever that's a nice little space i like the lights they put in the overhang as well and if we wander up here the reason that i'm showing you the outside first of all is because the big news with silent cruisers is the solar panels look at this right the way across there we'll see them again on the top we're going to have a look at there in a minute and at the back there's about 10 kilowatt peak of power being pulled in from those so in absolutely perfect conditions you'd be getting up towards that figure the reality is normally something like about sort of 60 so about 6 kilowatt power being brought in per hour and that's a lot and we'll talk about how that affects the cruising capability of these um when we go inside and look at the engines but let's have a look up here first of all so you've got these two lovely relaxing areas these are directly above the water because of course the hulls in fact you'll see it better if i walk down here you can see the hulls are actually down there so this is basically sort of hovering over the water which is lovely you've got the anchor in the center here so this one opens up there we go you can see the anchor down in there and this one's got the front access this is a front access version and that means you've got to walk through straight into the cabin we'll obviously have a look in there in a moment this is actually hole number seven so they built a few of these now they've been a popular boat so wander around here these are just huge storage voids so if we open that one up you'll see defenders warps all that kind of stuff can all live down there out of the way and if you take a stroll down this side again you'll see those massive solar panel banks there and we'll stroll back down through here now these little seating areas on this side the difference is these are fixed windows on this side and if we come right to the back there's a sun pad on the back and this one has got tender handling capacity using these hooks here there's one there one on the other side so you hook on your tender hook it on the other side obviously these drops right down and there's buttons there where you can winch the tender up underneath there so that's how that works and then underneath this one let's drop that right up out of the way this is then getting into one of the engineering spaces and technical spaces so if we drop down into here we've got things like these are water makers here so it can provide its own fresh water and then you've got various pumps and hot water tank and all that kind of stuff some of the victron systems are in here as well that's these fellas here so that's all tucked away in there i'll show you the battery banks as well because they're obviously quite interesting but they're accessed from inside so let's drop that one back down there we go and now we'll head on in and i'll show you the interior now what's nice is with that front opening you've got tremendous airflow through here which is really nice it's a galia layout so that's over here on this side you've got all the usual bits and pieces so you've got your ceramic hob the sink of course there's actually a dishwasher in this one the oven is over on that side and there's a massive fridge freezer over here as well american style wig has the ice out of here and that kind of stuff so that's a really good size it is the kind of boat you can go away and spend some time on because of course you're generating your own power so the ability to stay at anchor for you know which you could say weeks at a time if you have the right sort of conditions so the storage is quite important from that point of view if we walk up through here then we've got the saloon area there's a height adjustable table on this side and the lower helm is over here you might notice that there is no steering wheel you steer with this little rudder here so that's how that works because these boats basically when you're maneuvering in harbor you're mostly using the engines when you're out so you're mostly using the autopilot so that just you've got a control for the odd occasion that you need it two bow thrusters because of course there's two hulls so they operate a thruster in each hull and now we're starting to get into the nitty gritty because this is giving us some of the battery condition um situations here you can see what's coming in and what's going on now we've got the lights on we've got the fridge on we've got everything else on when i first came on this boat about 20 minutes ago this was running at 76 of uh battery capacity available it's now up to 80 so even with all these lights and fridge and everything else on it's actually gaining power and that's on a gray day because it's certainly not sunny today as you probably noticed all the switch gear here of course and all the usual bits and pieces autopilot and so forth all controlled from there and then up here you've got what's like a day bed really lovely place to relax chill out tuck yourself away with a good book but again it's the space being a catamaran it's just huge in here absolutely fast now the actual cabins they're down in the hulls i'll just show you this as we're going past it but this is the um distribution panel so circuit breakers and all that kind of stuff all the electronics are all there 12 volt system 24 volt system 230 volt system that's where all that is switched from now if we go down here we're dropping down now into one of the hulls and this one is i think i'm writing insane the master cabin now it's slightly unusual it's a very high bed on this when we believe that this is a customer spec to get more storage underneath i think normally these are a bit lower but um so reasonable header on top of that but the reality is you probably have this a bit lower normally and you wouldn't need quite the steps up to it um we're down as i say inside the hole so you can see the whole form coming down like this but still a reasonable amount of space in here because of the way they've gone in and round and across that's rather neat and there's storage in so this is the door for this cabin that slides across like that any storage is in behind here so drawers for example hanging locker and so forth and then light switches are here air conditioning controls and the ensuite so that's in here and we've got a separate shower just over on that side so we come back out of here slide that one back open and come back up so that's one cabin if we drop then over to this stairway so these all got their own individual accesses which is nice so this comes down here and this thing gives you another cabin you can see the bed's a bit lower in this one and again similar sort of deal we've got the storage in behind here so you've got hanging locker here you've got drawers down underneath and the bed a rather more sensible height in this one and then of course the whole windows here they've got the lines down at the minute that's one of those hatches that we saw when we were walking around the deck and then all ensuite so this one has its heads tucked away in here i love these bowls these big leaves that's fantastic it's in glass obviously and then the shower as well like so so that's two of the cabins and to find the other two i believe it has then we head over to the other side but actually before we do that so they're both accessed down here and then that splits off but i'm going to show you underneath here because where's it gone this one here is one of the three banks of batteries there you go check these out so that is a 70 kilowatt hour bank of batteries and there are three of those so a huge amount of storage of electricity because of course the whole boat runs from that the engines all the domestics everything else i think there's a generator on board as well so you have got that as a backup but um but that's normally how you'd run the entire boat so there's one of those there there's another one another two in fact over on this side down in behind here so that's your power source and it's pretty impressive power source it is too let's drop that one back and now we head down this side yeah and this is where it splits off now so you've got a cabin in both directions if we head this way first of all we will find an ensuite in through here very similar deal with the shower at the end and then up here that's the bedroom again with a fairly high bed and then you've got storage tucked away in places like this and drawers here as well of course and more storage underneath the bed so what's that come in three yeah these close off then instead of closing off um that way as we saw in other cabins these have conventional doors here that shut off like so and if we head on back cabin number four similar deal you've got the heads tapped in here shower in here and there we go and then if we come on back a bit further then you can see another double bed so these are all double cabins all on suite and the hanging locker in there and while we're back here we'll talk about the engines because they live underneath the floor here so if i lift that one up let's take that right out out of the way just for a moment put that down very carefully there we go that is one of the engines there's one in each hull of course and those are actually um 250 kilowatt engines the truth is that when you're flat out they actually run at about 150 kilowatts so between the two of them 300 kilowatts now you obviously give your batteries a fair old pacing that's not how you would normally run but it does mean you've got 17 knots of performance which means that you know if the weather was picking up you just wanted to get back and you saw okay just came the batteries for an hour and cover you know 15 miles in an hour well then you could do it if you wanted to but the most efficient way of cruising this boat is six to eight knots that's where she normally runs but the most interesting figure is four knots because at four knots she's using three kilowatts each uh so six kilowatts in total and if you remember we said that if you've got nice sunny conditions you're gonna get about six kilowatts plus out of that solar array on the top which we haven't looked at properly yet we must go up there in a moment um so if you've got six kilowatts going in and six kilowatts going out what you've got effectively is perpetual motion you know this will just run and run i mean obviously when it gets dark it'll stop but even then you could run off of a battery power that you have absorbed when the boat's not running and that's a really interesting thing because it's the first boat i've been on other than the sailing boat where there isn't really a range figure for you because you get the speed and the conditions right and it'll just run and run and run okay let's pop that one back there we go and we will finish off up on the flybridge which the only bit i haven't shown you because we can have another look at those solar panels and there's a couple other interesting things to show you up there as well actually so back out through here we'll head up these steps you'll notice this little interesting switch here and i'll explain that in just a moment up here is the fly bridge and you'll notice it's all fairly low profile you've got these backrests here sticking up and not a lot else now these backrests will drop flat that console will also drop down and that means that this bimini we've got here will drop down and then fill this whole area and create just one big flat top so this whole fluvage area rather uniquely can disappear and if we have a wander round this is the solar panels that we saw from the bow and in fact there's a load more at the back like so and if that wasn't enough take a look up here so that is where all that juice is coming from and this whole area that switch that i pointed out as we came up operates these and so this whole thing will drop down flat once you've dropped down these backrests and that helm console then you've got this is one big flat solar powered deck or solar paneled deck i should say but of course those solar panels are working anyway even it's raised up they're still you know they're still there they're still working some arrangement here there's no wheel there's just the rudder control for the autopilot that's just there so you can still steer the boat from here as i say most of the time you would be running on autopilot there we go we're still at 80 at the minute and as i say this is on a grey day with the band started up so there we go that is the silent 55 let's come back down here away from that noise a little bit and i think we'll finish off on the inside yeah just here i'm going to sit on this day bed and i'm going to say massive thanks to silent yachts we've been trying to get asylum for ages everything's been against us travel restrictions kobe do you name it we've lined this up a couple of times so i'm so so pleased to have finally brought this to you and i've also noticed as i say here that's one bit i forgot to show you this pulls out if you want to work from home that is a seat there's a there's a box on it at the minute but that's a seat that comes out right out here you've got the carpet away when you need to put the carpet out the way and that gives you a desk so you can sit there and work fantastically let's all buy a silent catamaran head off and live for free it's not quite for free is it but you know what i mean it's pretty impressive all that power from all those sort of panels that's brilliant and i especially like the fact that you know at four knots in sunny conditions she's she's completely running for free she's just absorbing power and driving the yacht with it that is remarkable anyway huge thanks again to silent yachts as i said and huge thanks to you all for watching and let me know what you think of this one it's the one you've all been asking for and i finally delivered i'm so happy catch another one real soon take care bye you
Views: 274,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solar power, electric boat, electric power, battery powered, emission free, Silent Yacht, boat, boating, boat life, yacht life, yacht, yachting, fun, joy, bliss, boating fun, superyacht, super yacht, superyachting, Millionaire, millionaire lifestyle, super rich, luxury, luxury lifestyle, luxury living, luxury homes, luxury travel, yacht tour
Id: aWU8LaJWxsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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