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look at yourself man look at yourself what am I going to do today to change what I see in this mirror I'm trying to find more of myself and the only way I can find more is to silence the world out as much as I can because it's it's getting busier every day it's getting faster I put my phone away and I go dark I go dark a lot and it's because I have to find out I'm on a journey of life and we all have a different Journey like to take this four lane Highway the easy Highway we all love that four-lane Highway we always step over the shovel that shovel I made my own path but going through this path of life this journey over here that you make yourself that's incredibly difficult and we're afraid it's easier to accept the fact that I'm just not good enough you have to go into those dark chambers that we often shut off and you got to open them up fail and you're going to be in your head you're going to be saying I'm not good enough and it's how you get through that it's how you get through that on a daily basis when that thing is say man I'm 43 I've done so much you start to become civilized the refrigerator gets full you start get making money and and you start I'm not getting cold anymore I'm retired at 40 people shouldn't be playing basketball or football or at 43 I'm still putting 100 mile weeks still doing thousands of pull-ups do thousands of push-ups cuz I'm not allowing myself to become civilized the worst thing that can happen to a man is become civilized you want to be uncommon must uncommon people period you start putting yourself in situations that suck you'll find yourself I'm big on being with yourself I want to be forever proud of who I was as a man and change who I used to be the liar the insecure guy the guy who can whatever I want to be proud when I if I die now if I die at a if I die at 900 I want to look at myself and say proud of myself I believe in patience I'm a patient dude I can watch a piece of grass grow for 20 years cuz I know that it is how you get somewhere in life by being that monk likee mentality being able to watch something grow very calmly Patiently I I can't go any faster we do that to our brain we put a govern on our brain it's like we feel pain discomfort suffering all those words that we hate to say because we in this happy peaceful world we live in now we stop we slow down and if you can get through these different barriers and gain 5% 2% 3% that 40% becomes 60 and 60% you become 70 80 and 90 and then you hopefully one day near 100 that that dreamer mentality just would always fuel me it would just fuel me man what if I can be what if I can be a seal man I'm now now I run 205 miles what what if I can go just what if I can go and and and what if how would that feel you have to go into those dark chambers that we often shut off and you got to open them up be the hero of your own movie if your life was a movie and it's started now forget about whatever financial disasters you've had personal failures relationship failures what would the hero of your life's movie do right now do that do those things we Define ourselves far too often by our past failures we look at our past and we say well that's me that's not you you are this person right now you're the person who's learned from those failures and you can choose to be the hero of your own movie right now write down your goals write down things you want to improve write down things you won't tolerate from yourself write down things you've done in the past you never want to see yourself do again and go forth from here as the hero of your own mov build momentum build confidence and momentum with each good decision that you make from here on out you can do it anyone can do it I found peace on the opposite end of finding myself and no one really finds thems without going through trials tribulations suffering accountability and accountability is suffering being accountable every day for doing right for yourself for the people next to you it's measurable it's hard so you know even the smallest details I'm going to just make an addition to the thinking part mind brain body the most primitive organism on the planets are bacteria and cells like amoeba and amoeba has all of the functions that you have an Amia has the respiration digestion nervous system reproduction system and amoeba even has an immune system so single cells are like miniature people and in the world of an amoeba the amoeba has to live in the world it has to read what's going on is this a good place to go is there food here or is there something scary so the amoeba doesn't bounce it moves in the direction to give life so it has to read the environment and adjust the biology cells created us we were made by the intelligence of cells every one of us is made out of about 50 trillion cells a human body is a community of cells the community of cells create the nervous system the nervous system is to read the big environment and then send the signals to the cells to tell them what to do so the reality is your cells do not see the real environment we're living in they see your interpretation your thought about that environment is this a safe environment then 50 trillion cells say good I'm very happy I'm in a very safe environment but if you have a picture of fear then you're sending a signal to the cells to get ready for protection and get ready for fight or flight so the function of the mind brain uh body in the other level than what sadv G has just said is how do I coordinate the community of my should my C be healthy should they be afraid should they be in love why because their expression is our expression so if I send them messages of fear and concern then they are like inside getting very nervous about what to do and fear and love are the opposite Behavior behaviors in a Cell love open take in the love and bring it in and Grow Love Is A nutrient fear shut down close off get in protection and I say well you can't be in love and fear at the same time because Love is open and fear is closed so our mind brain body relationship in addition to all the wonderful spiritual aspects that svage is talking about has a mechanical role what should my cells be doing they cannot see what's going on but they're going to have to move the community from here to there and so they need to organize their behavior to make my behavior so all of a sudden your thoughts are not just contained in your head your thoughts are changed by the brain into information that then goes to 50 trillion cells and tells them what's going on and the problem in our world today is fear will I have enough will I have food will I have health care am I safe in my world and I said this closes the cells down because fear means protect yourself but you cannot live in a closed world you have to take in nutrients you have to take in love you have to take in these things and so the biggest problem on the planet today 90% of health issues are are not because there's anything physically wrong it's because the signals that we are sending to the cells are not supporting growth happiness and health and all of a sudden it says oh my goodness then the mind and the brain are profoundly important because they determine everything below your head what's going to happen and when you live in the world of watching the news being on the internet reading a paper and everyone wants to tell you be afraid be afraid be afraid that is what has caused the health care crisis on this planet and when you can let go of those messages then you can send messages of Love health and Harmony and I know this in my own life because as I said once I started to recognize why why should I be afraid I'm creating if I'm going to create then why would I create their story I want to create my story that means we have to have control over the mind control over the Mind here you are yoga is control over your mind don't let your mind run away with other people's stories you have to create your own you we have to let go of the belief that other people tell us this is a scary world a threatening world it is only scary when we believe it is scary you change your belief you change your life meditation is the biggest gift that I can give anyone and I would say more than anything it is whatever reason for Success I've had uh because it allows one back to the two 's I'll clarify what I mean is that in your mind there we think what do you want and the reality is when you look at the neuroscience and psychology that there are different parts of your brain that want different things and so in the simplest sense there is the logical part of the brain that you're conscious of it's called the conscious and you think you're being logical and you want to make those decisions and then there's the subliminal below the limbic system part of the brain which is the emotional and it's not as conscious to you but it has more of an influence on you than really The Logical one and so they're not aligned and so when you're experiencing that pain or let's say the ego right there were two main things you got an ego barrier and a blind spot barrier if you can get past your ego barrier and you get past your blind spot barrier you can accomplish anything because you'll also know that you don't have to do everything to you don't have to figure it out yourself you can take in from other people the different ways to approach things in the best possible way and so the realization that we all are really struggling with ourselves and to think which are which is in control meditation helps to deal with the alignment of those two things
Channel: @Pablo
Views: 721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u3WgR0sXSFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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