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[Music] every praise is to worship [Music] [Music] these two are not Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is to [Music] [Music] [Music] see why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with water [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah maybe blessed [Music] Oh Lord my god when I in or some wonder [Music] consider all thy hands [Music] I see the star I hear Thoreau and why [Music] the universe displayed [Music] and sings my soul my Savior God to thee [Music] dah how great the then sings my soul my Savior God [Music] Oh [Music] think of God his son not sparing gave him to die by Skip's contain [Music] daaamn [Music] my burden he Blevins to turn mice [Music] what [Music] and isobar [Music] raesha they're broken [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us pray father as we open your holy word I ask that you would cleanse me of all unrighteousness fill my life with your Holy Spirit's presence and power speak to me through me and for me and I promise you God I'll always give you the honor the glory and the praise in Jesus name we pray amen praise the Lord it is my honor to be here with you and I will be sharing with you a series of messages I call the series the perfecting of the saints preparing for the second coming of Jesus how many wanna be prepared to be prepared for the second coming of Jesus I know I do praise the Lord and I will share with you two scriptures probably each night and you can refer to them second Corinthians chapter seven verse one having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God and then Ephesians 4 verse 11 through 13 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ it was October 14 1962 and the world was sitting at the brink of what many believed could be another world war perhaps you already know that the superpowers of this world have enough weapons pointed at each other with enough nuclear firepower to destroy human civilization as we know it today in 1962 the world was perilously at war at the brink of such a war America CIA and their super I call it super Snooper spy plane say that three times the u2 they had taken photographs that showed Russia was building nuclear missiles in Cuba missiles capable of wiping all of South Florida off the map President Kennedy knew that if he attacked Cuba to destroy those Russian missiles that the world would be dragged into a nuclear war and potentially millions of people including millions of Americans could die he also knew that if he did nothing the United States would have to live with menacing nuclear threat not far from its borders the nation of Cuba is not very far from Florida less than 500 miles and do you know how fast a nuclear missile flies more than 10,000 miles an hour that meant that in the blink of an eye America could be engulfed in a nuclear holocaust the first thing President Kennedy did to face the crisis was he called a meeting of his national security council to discuss how they would handle this Cuban Missile Crisis friends the National Security Council was founded after World War two to deal with the management of war and crises such as these and so President Kennedy called up his National Security Council which included the director of the CIA the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the under secretaries from the State and Defense Department's and as they met they were well aware that it was a very tense moment in the history of the world but thank God because of the courage the level-headedness and the wisdom of President Kennedy and his National Security Council a world war was averted a nuclear holocaust was averted and prevented by the decisions made there in the National Security Council well one day in heaven in the great throne room of the universe God called his National Security Council to a meeting they came together to deal with a crisis a crisis that had developed this crisis had begun in heaven it had spread to earth and now this crisis threatened to engulf God's entire universe what was this crisis you see Lucifer had led a third of the Angels in rebellion against the character sovereignty and law of God and this began what we now know as the great controversy you see whenever anyone rebels against the character of God whenever anyone rejects the character of God that individual places himself in controversy or conflict and contention with God in her writings the servant of the Lord says he who rejects the life and character of Jesus refusing to be like him declares himself to be in controversy with God the rejection of the character of God is at the root and source of the great controversy brothers and sisters the character of God is at the foundation of the universe for us the character of God is the axis of our spiritual universe it is the center and circumference of all we believe to be sure and certain do you know that every truth we teach every doctrine we hold dear all find their origin and anchor in the character of God may I say that again every truth we teach every doctrine we hold dear all find their origin and their anchor in the character of God for example as Adventists we believe that the law of God is an expression it is a transcript of the character of God and it is from the character of God that the law of God draws its power it is from the carrot of God that the law of God draws its prerogatives and power it is from the carrot of God that the law of God draws its legitimacy and its certainty and that is why down through the ages Satan's most effective weapon in the great controversy has always been the distortion and misrepresentation of the character of God it was Lucifer in heaven who went to the angels and said you all don't know God like I know him he's bossy domineering he's dictatorial he's a tyrant he says we're free but we can't follow the will of our own minds and friends through this distortion and misrepresentation of the character of God a third of the perfect angels in heaven were drawn into rebellion and then two of the most important verses in all of Scripture you can find them in Genesis 1 verse 26 oh and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and verse 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them did you know that God's creation reveals the character of God and that did you know that we were made in the image of God to express to resemble to reflect and to reveal the character of God God's creation reveals his character amen Psalm 19:1 to the chief musician a psalm of David the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork sons ninety seven six the heavens declare his righteousness and all the people see his glory so one purpose of creation was to make evident to all the created intelligences of the universe the glories of divine character praise the Lord what are the purposes of all that we see all the stars all the universe is to reveal to the intelligences of the universe the glories of His divine character remember the heavens declare the glory of God and the glory of God is his character but nature and creation as impressive impressive as they are cannot reveal the character of God in its fullness that's why a religion that looks to nature alone will not get a clear picture of the true character of God - even the Garden of Eden Lucifer came - even said even you know I've known God a lot longer than you have and I can tell you he has an integrity problem he does not always tell the truth you won't really die and from the moment man doubted and rejected the true character of God sin entered the world so our God in the midst of this crisis convened the National Security Council of the universe the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost Lucifer was angry he was not invited the Father Son and Holy Ghost caucused behind closed doors the three principals of the Godhead met and came up with a plan to fight sin oh thank God even before we knew we were lost the King of glory had a plan amen without hesitation or remorse without pause or delay he flung himself into the midst of our decadence and decay God in the personage of Jesus persevered in his tender purpose towards us and what was that purpose to restore in us the moral image and character of God from Bethlehem to Calvary the calling and ministry of Jesus was to vindicate and reveal the true character of God did you know that every parable Jesus taught every miracle he performed was a living breathing reflection of the true character of his father and for us the call of godly character is the righteous path for our own lives and the foundation of our salvation Ellen White says Christ came to the world to represent the character of God amen and it is God's dream that his people be a reflection of his perfection praise the Lord when rebellion and sin spread from the mind of Lucifer to the mind of man it had to be addressed it had to be contained or it could spread to the other billions who represent unfallen worlds and the unfallen intelligences of heaven friends you must remember sin began as rebellion against the character of God sin you must remember began with the distortion and misrepresentation of the character of God and the only way you can fight sin praise the Lord is by holding up to the universe the true character of God and the character of God is the foundation upon which the kingdom of God is built somebody say Amen throughout history God's most powerful weapon against sin was and is today the revelation of his true character praise God in heaven the National Security Council made up of the three members of the Godhead father son Holy Spirit and praise God don't you aren't you glad they they praise God believe in us to meet over us we believe in one God we believe that the Father Son and Holy Spirit make up the unity we know as God so when God wanted to communicate his character he knew he could not rely only on creation when he wanted to reveal himself to us he could not rely on creation alone nature alone could not reveal his character in its fullness nature provided and provides us today only an imperfect vision of the character of God God then presented to man his character in the form of the written word what we call today the Bible or the Scriptures the Bible consists of the Old and New Testament Scriptures and in a more powerful way it is God's written self revelation to man praise the Lord the Bible is God's written self revelation to man it reveals to man God's unimpeachable unassailable character and yes in nature and the word you will find one thing in common one thing that is common really to all God's weapons to fight sin and that is a revelation of the true character of God there is one thing common to all the operations and revelations that would be launched by heaven in combating sin one thing common to all of God's success in combating sin something that is common in all of God's strategies and plans and that is introducing to man and to the universe and ever increasing and ever clearer vision of the true character of God you see because sin began with the distortion and misrepresentation of the character of God it could only be fought and combatted effectively with a clearer vision of the true character of God nature as glorious as it is is no longer the unspoiled reflection of his character look at what man has done to the earth look at what he's done to nature he is spoiled it he is defiled it he is polluted it it is still beautiful but less and less so with each passing generation God then gave to man the revelation of the written word but look at what man has done with the Scriptures he is hidden it somebody knows I'm right he has misinterpreted it he has twisted it as the scripture said in 2nd Peter 3:16 he has rested it to his own destruction I've got to tell you throughout history man has used the scriptures to say and do almost everything wicked you can imagine many have used the scriptures to teach and proclaim things that are the very opposite of the true character of God throughout the centuries men even use have used the scriptures to justify slavery and some of the worst in humanity against their fellow man I'm sad to tell you the scriptures were even used to justify racism and apartheid and all kinds of abuse against women and children and yes the scriptures have been used to justify anger by son and revenge by others in short there are those who have used the scriptures to justify what is really in truth rebellion against the character of God some even use God's grace and mercy in the scriptures as justification to continue to see Oh Romans 6:14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace what then shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace god forbid and as Peter and his epistle says they have figured out how to twist the scriptures to their own description this destruction the servant of Lord says though the Jews had the scriptures which testified of Christ they were not able to discern Christ in the scriptures my god they were not able to discern the character of Christ in the scriptures and although we have the old and the new testament she says men rest and twist the scriptures to evade the truths of the scriptures whoa and in their interpretations of the scriptures they teach as did the Pharisees their own Maxim's and traditions for the commandments of God she also says the self-righteous scribes and Pharisees had so misrepresented God that he was looked upon as a stern judge that's a misrepresentation of the character of God he was looked upon as one who was incapable of compassion they used the scriptures to present to the world our God in this way they presented him as incapable of affording and giving mercy and love they presented to the people endless traditions as proceeding from God when they had no scriptural authority to do so so as heavens national security council debated this situation and whoa what a situation it was clear that nature could not launch an effective attack against the misrepresentation of the character of God it was clear that the Scriptures represented a most powerful counter-attack against the misrepresentation of the character of God but even the Scriptures themselves were being misused by religion and misused by religious leaders to lead people down a path of destruction so that day in Heaven's National Security Council Jesus stood up and Jesus said I will go I will carry in the flesh the final and perfect revelation of the character of God to man I will carry in the flesh a perfect revelation of the character of the father and so John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and in Philippians 2:5 let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus and verse 6 and 7 who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men friends we believe that Jesus is God somebody shout amen and just as much as the father and the spirit our God Jesus is God before coming to earth Jesus was never born if he was he would in heaven have a birthday they do not celebrate his birthday in heaven he was never born we sing happy birthday Jesus because the eternal word became flesh and was born in a manger but in heaven Jesus was never born Jesus has always been that's why the Jews wanted to stone him when he said before Abraham was I am the servant of the Lord says it this way she says Christ is the pre-existent self-existent son of God pre-existent self-existent that means just as the father takes the title of father and the spirit the Holy Spirit Jesus has taken the title of son of God but that in no way says that Jesus in heaven was ever born before Mary before Mary I said before Mary Jesus was preexisted before Mary Jesus was self-existent that means he was before there ever was I was that's what pre-existent means and self-existent means he all's no one not even the father or the Holy Spirit he owes no one for his existence whoa my god the theologian said this way he was call eternal with God and PO existent the existence of Christ before his incarnation is not measured Ellen White says by figures you can't measure it by dates now the Angels the angels they've been around since their creation you can point to a moment when they came into being but not so with Jesus there is no moment you can point to when Jesus never existed brothers and sisters it was for the purpose Ellen White says of giving to man get this it was the purpose for the purpose of giving to man a perfect representation of the character of God that Jesus came to our earth did you know that's why he came to give to us a perfect representation of the character of God she says Jesus came to earth that he might transform our character and develop in man what we call the moral image of God when the world was destitute of the knowledge of God Jesus came to impart this she calls it an inestimable blessing a knowledge of the paternal character of our Heavenly Father friends the character of God as represented by his son was God's greatest gift to our world the character of God as represented by his son was God's greatest gift to the world and in Christ God was making every effort to sweep away the misrepresentations of Satan so that the confidence of man in the love of God might be restored and so Jesus came to earth somebody praise Him through the birth canal of a woman he came to seek and save the loss that's why I love that scripture isaiah 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall be joyful in my god for he hath clothed me or one of the greatest promises in the Word of God he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation Jesus came to clothe us with the garments of salvation he have covered me the scripture says with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom at dekha themself with ornaments Jesus came to earth friends to restore to us the character of God for all who are not in harmony with the character of God are lost Jesus came to restore in man what Adam had lost and what was lost the moral image of God in man the character of God in man was lost without the character of God we are lost I said without the character of God we are lost well the scriptures say that we are naked and lost and that's why I says we need to be clothed in the garment of salvation we need to be covered with the robe of his righteousness revelation 3:14 I love it unto the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans write these things saith the Amen the faithful the true witness the beginning of the creation of God I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot I word outward cold or hot in Revelations 3:16 so then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth I counsel thee buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thine eyes with our selves that thou mayst see without the character of God yes we are naked and lost over what a promise found in isaiah 61:10 i will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall be joyful in my god for he have clothed me with the garments of salvation praise the Lord he covered me with the robe of righteousness the righteous character of Jesus is the robe of his righteousness praise the Lord you see our salvation depended upon Jesus fashioning or creating a robe of righteousness to wear or did you get that today no sin can be tolerated in those who walk with Christ the filthy garments are to be removed and Christ's robe of righteousness is to be placed upon us and praise the Lord if we repent and believe look at this Jesus removes our filthy garments that means our filthy character and he places upon us the robe of his righteous Jesus came to earth not just to show us the character of God not just to show us the character of God but to do what nature could not do to do what the Scriptures could not do and that is to fashion from his own perfect life a righteous character for us to wear praise the Lord nature cannot do that the Scriptures cannot do that Jesus through his righteous life fashioned created for us for his righteous people a righteous character for his bride to wear I have my father promises that he will take from us the garments defiled by sin somebody say praise the Lord this row says Ellen White I love this she says this robe of character that we are to wear she says it is woven in the loom of heaven praise the Lord it has in it she says not one thread of human devising this character that we are going to wear the Jesus fashioned for us nothing human is in it praise the Lord Christ in his humanity worked out a perfect character and this character he offers to us and we all need his robe for as we know all our righteousness our filthy rags everything that we of ourselves can do is defiled by sin but the son came to earth and was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin how did Jesus fashioned the robe that he promises to us how did Jesus do it he did it by being obedient to every requirement of the law of God perfect obedience that's how we created he said of himself I delight to do thy will oh my god yea thy law is within my heart when Jesus was on earth he said to his disciples I have kept my father's Commandments and the first thing Jesus asks us to do is to surrender to his purposes and submit to his will and when we submit ourselves to Christ the heart is united with his heart the will is merged in his will the mind becomes one with his mind the thoughts are brought into captivity to him you know the Lord impressed me that our default consciousness when we were created was a stream of constant unbroken communion with God you know how some computers are made with an operating system that was our original operating system a mine that was in constant unbroken communion with God the thoughts were always captive to his will oh can you can you just not see the day when we be back to that and this is what it means to be clothed with the garments of his righteousness and then when the Lord looks at us he sees not the fig Leafs of our righteousness he sees not the nakedness and deformity of sin but his own robe of righteousness which is L&Y says perfect obedience to the law of Jehovah oh there is only one mediator between God and man says the Bible the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all but for Jesus to become a high priest he had to gain on our behalf on knowledge we ourselves did not possess he had to show that it was possible to be obedient even in suffering be obedient even in temptation that through grace we could be faithful unto death for it behoove God for whom through whom all things exist that the author the captain of our salvation would be made perfect through suffering also today we celebrate the breaking in of the Divine Presence into history we celebrate that God came to earth in the flesh we celebrate when Adam faulted and stumbled into the pit of sin we celebrate when sorrow became our sad portion that Jesus faced squarely the urgency of the hour he came to save us from ignorance and a lethal combination of ignorance and arrogance he came to rescue us from lies and delusions from hypocrisy and contradictions I thank God he alone can lift the burden of sin and sorrow he alone can sustain us in our weakness and bear us up triumphant through life's trials he alone can create the purpose recreate in us transform us so that we in our character can glorify God that we can finally again through grace and his power resemble reflect and reveal the character of God that is the reason Jesus the Sun came to earth and that's why I love him and that's why I surrender to him moment by moment day by day thank you Lord listen to the message in the song [Music] all to Jesus I surrender all to him I freely why love and trust him in his presence today [Music] sir [Music] I'm sorry [Music] my [Music] [Applause] sorry [Music] all to Jesus I surrender me I his feet I bow for say me Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] to thee my blessed [Music] Surrender Oh I free [Music] I will [Music] trust [Music] I'm free and I'm sorry [Music] father in heaven I thank you that when this planet was lost when our souls needed a savior that Jesus came to earth the Son of God came to earth to restore in us the character of God I thank you for your salvation I thank you for the garment of your salvation and I ask dear father in the name of Jesus that you would show us how every day to grow to more resemble reflect and reveal the character of God I thank you that this was your purpose for coming to the earth and I thank you that when you come again by your grace we will be clothed in the garments of your salvation in the garment the righteous role of your character we thank you in Jesus name I pray this prayer of thanksgiving I pray this prayer of praise amen and amen praise God praise God aren't you happy what Christ did for us came to earth so that we could be clothed in His salvation amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am ready [Music] rejoice and Oh Christine bricks with two [Music] so princess bear [Music] [Music] in cyan rain [Music] understand [Music] you say [Music] ten days until his court [Music] it's in love [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Palm Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Views: 7,530
Rating: 4.7741938 out of 5
Id: TKDb6xJua5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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