Hansen vs. Predator: Chris Hansen catches a plumber on the prowl - Crime Watch Daily

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[Music] this guy from New York City just drove more than 50 miles in the rain sex with someone he thinks is a 12 year old girl you heard right a 12 year old Joshua Cologne likes to be called poppy Latin slang for daddy but we have another name for him predator cologne is the latest guy caught in our all new investigative segment Hanson vs predator he's 32 years old old enough to be the girl's father in Queens and works for a plumbing company in Brooklyn besides poppy he likes to be called boss his profile on the link app shows he belongs to groups like COO smokers are us and love seekers a site for teens traffic cams we can see for Connecticut to me were he's in Queens now and getting this way and he says there's traffic that woman in a bulletproof vest is with the online predator watchdog group tetrad core they set up the sting in cooperation with the Fairfield Connecticut police on social media tetrad posts a pic and profile that is obviously a 12 year old girl were protecting her real identity cologne makes the first contact and after some innocent chat he sends some sexually charged texts about how he will take her virginity he then makes a bizarre proposal no adult should ever make to a 12 year old you make me more happier it's too bad you aren't old enough to marry I wouldn't ever heal after she tells him her mom is going out of town cologne reveals his fear of getting caught and if your mom comes back and I'm there I could get in serious trouble and go to jail the on-site decoy is posing as the 12 year old named Jenna Claire she's talking to Cologne as he drives up i-95 from New York City to our sting house in Fairfield be really careful when you drive up okay but it's not the rush-hour this guy has to worry about he's about to be caught on our more than a dozen hidden cameras outside inside in the hallway the kitchen and in the garage where police are in position for the bust whoever's there is typically the handcuffing officer okay this is where we want it to happen we want to ultimately arrest him here handcuff him here and then basically just search him the Fairfield cops are prepared for any possibility you should have that taser out our driveway cam shows cologne pulling up to the sting house in a bright yellow car he's carrying an overnight bag as he walks to the back door our on-site decoy a 19 year old theater student who could pass for a preteen invites him inside watch again he locks the door behind him what could he be thinking do you get here okay though with the roads bad what you bring me you can finish I had stuff earlier or yeah yeah it sounds me here I'm sorry I'm really nervous yeah we didn't know here at this one yeah I know [Applause] when he comes out of the bathroom he sees me fight over there he's about to lose his lung you know who I am yes so you've seen my shows before yeah well guess what we're starting up again okay and you are among our first guests what's your name Joshua Joshua Joshua what cologne come on and how old me 32 32 and how did you meet this Jenna Clara I was honest a blink and why did you think it was appropriate to talk to a girl who said she was 12 years old 12 well he was wrong what did you bring with you tonight well what did you bring with you tonight closed closed why would you need to change the club cuz I was gonna stay over stay over would they follow your homegirl yeah and what were you going to do with this problem oh wait you mean you don't know yes you know yes that folks care set yeah now you had quite the chat with this girl it's too bad you are old enough I would marry him you would marry a 12 year old girl if she was older but why don't you even say that to a 12 year old do you have any nieces and nephews younger cousins yeah okay well what if a guy was hitting on them like this yeah wouldn't like you wouldn't like him so explain to me what was going on in your mind that made you think it was okay to come here and do the very same thing I won't say anymore well you pretty much already said you do bring condoms yes why are they named a bank what else is in the bag closing to crush something up that's it that's it that's how you're gonna find yeah well we'll finally make out and make love I was thinking of staying over and leaving the next morning so when I come over we'll go to your room and you'll take off all your clothes since I'm the boss why did you ever call you papi I don't say anymore what is it name yeah you wanted her to call you the boss and then you say I just hope your mom doesn't find out about me because I could get in serious trouble you know right I could go to jail I know love knows no age but most people don't think this isn't 12 Johnson I know that's dumb have you done this before no have you ever contacted an underage girl online before yes we have evidence of that to a 13 year old so why should I believe you've never done this before I just first of me welcome a chance you woke up a few weeks ago and said I'm gonna chat up this girl and drive from your home where New York in Brooklyn Queens Queens you said Brooklyn or do you work another I'm working Brooklyn okay and you live in Queens yes and what do you do for work in Brooklyn come on the plumber a plumber good job yeah good pay all right why would you toss it away for this I mean can't you explain to me what brought you here tonight no I mean it's not right it isn't all right yeah I know but help me to understand it I don't know I don't know what was going through my mind you don't know no I mean this is your chance to explain yourself hey there's no way I'm getting out of this anyway so I'm not gonna say any more well Joshua I don't know what else to say except that I'm Chris Hanson and this is an investigation called Hansen vs. predator so if there's anything else you want people to know now is the time to leave can I use the bathroom cuz I've been holding it for quite some time I think you should go after I caught this predator the Fairfield Connecticut cops put him under arrest he has officers search his yellow car he's handcuffed put into an unmarked car cops drive alone to the police station can you open all your hands sir after he's fingerprinted and photographed he'll spill his guts to detective no wait on us we've already in there so we're good to go here the hungry guy the detectives give him some Chinese takeout he's waived his rights to remain silent and what he's about to say will shock you in his 12 and age that you're comfortable with that's your preference or obtainable ages what okay here you I think I I think older or younger now cologne is about to make a truly stunning confession listen closely man to have such relations with someone older than 12 how old 15 was that a few months back Cologne then reveals his biggest fear to his leaving me instead of a little girl when I talk but I never actually went to meet um because that was always afraid what to be like on that guy's show what exactly if you could if you could erase him from walking into the kitchen today what do you envision yourself doing right now if that hadn't happened you guys know it your intention was to have sex with her yeah okay did you tell her you loved her yes why I guess there's something to pull her in like this what do you think would be different about a sexual experience with a young girl versus an older person your age the older person owes more than experience I guess in some way this power of having an inexperienced person cologne surely is going to choke on his chicken noodles after the detective calls the watch commander to find out how much his bail will be he's gonna make it seven hundred and fifty thousand which is very high Helen's bond is eventually set at a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars and he bails out what surprised you most about the results of this investigation how vulnerable our children are how the Internet has made our children so much more vulnerable to individuals that want to do them harm and how easy it is to entice children the text messages the visit to the house evidence so overwhelming that cologne pleads guilty to three felony charges attempted second-degree sexual assault and have been risk of injury to a minor and attempting to entice a minor by computer Cologne is sentenced to seven years in prison suspended after serving three and he must register as a sex offender he's traded life in the big city for the big house we got another one off the streets for now watch out there are more predators out there I'm gonna catch them what's scary about cologne is how unapologetic he seems about the whole thing so I'm up here now in the New York office because I get emails from parents all the time after they watch these segments asking how they can better protect their kids from these creeps well it starts right here on the computer and with this your smartphone here are some short tips for you number one educate yourself on all the new social platforms you don't need to use snapchat or whisper but you need to understand how they work number two curfew their cell phones set a time than kids smartphones go on a family charging station for the night these creeps like to work in the late night hours and lastly number three have a blunt age-appropriate discussion with your kids when I did the very first investigation I showed it to a group of young teens they thought the Predators were actually actors they were shocked to see guys really do this and I was shocked when I asked the group if any had been approached online in an inappropriate way and not told their parents 75 percent said yes yes 75 percent which is very scary for more on how to protect your kids online just go to crime watch daily.com [Music]
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 29,398,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hansen vs. Predator, Chris Hansen, Crime Watch Daily, Predator, Children, Online, Sting
Id: jeKBL9yOdjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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