Nikki Glaser on Roasting Tom Brady, Her Dad Kissing Her on the Lips & Remembering She’s Going to Die

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this weekend our next guest roasted the be Jesus out of Tom Brady on Netflix next weekend she has a new comedy special on HBO and Max Nikki Glazer someday you'll die Premiere Saturday please welcome Nikki [Applause] Glazer do great to see you you were uh fantastic on Sunday night you're really such a great job so much you emailed me and that meant so much to me you reaching out my wife and I were watching like my man your jokes are very precise and just so good and one after the other and you just killed it you're really really great I work really hard you did you meet um Josh Brolin backstage I I just saw him in passing but I actually had a moment with him um earlier this week that he doesn't know about people kept sending me this picture that he had posted on Instagram of him and his wife and it looked identical to me people kept saying congratulations on your relationship with Josh broland seems to be going great look at this picture I've Never Been Kissed with that passion in my life these two this is the kind of couple where you're just like I don't know if I'll ever experience that kind of love like I'm sure she was just saying goodbye to him as he went to go to the car to get her phone charger that she laughed at like this is the kind of couple that loves themselves in that way they invite Annie lioz over before he goes to Whole Foods to milk well I hope that was Annie which cuz otherwise we have to imagine Josh going like this while they're kissing you know yeah oh yeah it does look like you that's thank you I needed this because oh she's gorgeous and I needed that like it was a nice way to start with because then the rest of the the roast I got called some pretty awful things it makes you question your your life and your looks and all that stuff does it though does it really it it does sink in you've done the roast does it sink in for you when they you well a little bit I guess I don't know but I feel like you get the dumbest jokes about you because there it's just all about yourself life like the whole thing is about your sex life it's like all right you know it's very seems very outdated doesn't it it but yes it does and it's nice though because you go oh that's they're not coming after anything else and that's just I'm the one of the only women on here in fact I was one of two women on the the deis backstage our room literally everyone's rooms have their name on them ours just said female on it that that was I literally think it was just the bathroom like they were just that's fine women yeah so it was yeah it was an intimidating thing to walk into but yeah I kind of you know but I went after I kind of fed into that by you know throwing myself at Tom Brady during my well yeah but I can't I don't think you can help but throw yourself at Tom Brady when Tom Brady was here I was throwing myself at Tom Brady think you it's insane to look at it's he's unreal I was one of my jokes I was going to say he's like AI but without the intelligence but I think he had I do think he's smart though so I pulled it last minute but there are a lot of things that you go what else did you what else didn't you say about Tom oh God what did I not say you know one of the moments that I go oh we can go there he went after um uh he did a joke about Kim Kardashian who was there who I thought was kind of off limits right because I just she's here she takes enough of a being she's not on the stage but then he had a joke about you know are you more scared about the jokes or the fact that you know your kids are with Kanye right now like is that a great joke and I was like I didn't even know we could really go there cuz I was like I'm not going to do any jokes related to the the the the um the his kids you know especially the kiss moment that I didn't think was weird my dad kissed me on the lips as a kid and it well into my like 20s my my dad still kisses me on the lip does yes I put an end to mine cuz I was just like this I can't I'm like things are getting wires are getting crossed when we kiss sometimes and I can't do it anymore and he was very sad cuz it's not a creepy thing at all and he's just like you know we kiss in this family I'm like I understand that but why why don't you and Mom ever do this then like why is it why is it to Falling me do we really kiss this family dad and mom happened to be in the in the audience there you go yeah no that was no that was a cop out kiss like the Brolin come on oh yeah do it come on yeah I I'm like I never K like that I'm realizing this is not your dad's fault it seems to be your mom who's not seems a little frigid yes yes you posted a video of your mom I I noted uh on your Instagram I think we we have that video this is the after party now I bet there was some kissing going on there huh all right now we see where I get it I got first voted uh off Dancing With the Stars and we see why Mom enjoying a little DeBarge there at the party did your par get to meet any of the celebrities Unfortunately they did they uh my Mom tied one off a little bit and she was having fun we ran into Tom Brady on the way out actually I was I was you know backstage going to my dressing room after the show and I said you know a quick hello and they're right behind me and I'm thinking they know the rules just keep walking I'm barely I'm like sorry I exist Tom like I'm barely like you know and run past and then I just hear I'm Nikki's mom and like she was more like he would be impressed by that he's like I just learned This Woman's I just learned your daughter's name and I'm going to forget it by the time I get to my car like I don't care and she's like wasn't she great like he had to then go yes it was so uh my mom had a lot of those moments of just like Kevin this Kevin AR Kevin you've got it I think you're going to be big and I go he's never going to be big but she goes I've never seen him anything I go all you watches Dr Phil in below deck Kevin isn't on those things I'm sure he will be next week but he's literally in everything so she was having fun there was a lot of those moments and now you have this big HBO special coming up this weekend what great timing I mean really totally coincidental I know can I ask did you plan that you're like here's what I'm going to do I'm going to murder on the roast one weekend and then that will help me promote my special the next no it was totally coincidental it was it's it's all feeding into itself but it's really like if you want to see an extension of if you want to see me roast myself tune into the special like I that's I turn it on myself in this and kind of fierceness the same kind of well-written jokes I I hope and um you know in honesty that's what it's about like these roasts are all about what's the most true thing I can say about this person so that's kind of what the special is about it's just it's dark I filmed it in Seattle because I just knew that they would understand the thoughts of suicide uh that I sometimes have it is one of the yeah per capita and they got it they're I think they're just behind Vegas in that respect yeah and dentists and dentists yes right a lot of dentists in so did in Seattle and the title is you'll and it's just a reflection on how that is uh something that is a terrifying thought like sometimes I just like remember like I have to die someday and it kind of hits you like oh damn it like it's kind of like when you remember you have to get your real ID at some point you're just like a what is that going to be I don't even know how that works and then and then sometimes as a person that suffers with depression it's a it's a nice thought like it can be both to me and I I suffer with depression and I'm always looking for new like cures to turn to and according to my friends without depression um it's make your bed every morning and so I I have to give that one a whirl do you do that no because I'm still in it at 2 p.m. when I'm depressed so it's hard to make it on top of yourself yeah it is hard for a comedian to make their bed in the morning or to do anything at all AB or to do anything do you make it right before like lunch or what I don't make it at all and I think that is something that would help my self esteem is just to tidy up around myself but I'm kind of a mess I think it would be nice if your mom stopped by the house you know what Mom there's something you can do you did it for me as a kid every single day and that's why I don't do it now I'm like uh who's to do it yeah in your spare time when you're not making out with Dad all right well uh congratulations on uh what a big week it's uh the roast on Sunday and then Nikki Glazer someday you'll die Premier Saturday night 10:00 on HBO and Max Nikki Glazer everybody we'll be back with Sarah mclin [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 739,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Guest, Celebrity, Comic, Comedian, Roast, Netflix, Nikki Glaser, Tom Brady, New Special, HBO Max, Someday You’ll Die, John Brolin, Roasting, Parents, Jokes
Id: 6cLLv4XKtEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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