“CORE Evangelism School” - 3ABN Today (TDY210048)

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as you're well aware we're living in unprecedented times join us now for today's special program i want to spend my [Music] removing pain lord let my words [Music] i wanna spend my life meeting broken people hello friends welcome to 3abn today today we're going to be talking about evangelism and discipleship and we always have to be reminded of the great commission that christ has given us as a church of course it's found in matthew chapter 28 verses 19 and 20. jesus says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even to the end of the age it's a beautiful promise that we have but christ is he has bestowed a blessing upon us a great commission that we go and make disciples of all nations today on this program you're not going to want to change the channel in fact gather your friends around get your notepads together because we're going to want to probably take some information and we have our good friend d casper with us today and some good friends hannah peake and james park d you're the director of core evangelism in pennsylvania and we're going to be talking about with them in just a few moments how you might want to become involved in the core evangelism school it's a discipleship program that i'm sure will change your life but before we go any further we have a blessing that's going to be brought to us by our brother wentley phipps and he's going to be singing for us amazing love [Music] amazing love how can it be [Music] you broke the chains and set me free you fill my life with joy untold you light my spirit you feed my soul now i want to let the whole world know of all you've done for me i want to praise your name [Music] amazing love how can it be you sent your sons to die for me he took the blame carried my shame all the way to calvary when i thought i was forever lost you caught my falling soul i wanna love you more [Music] amazing love amazing [Applause] [Music] amazing love [Music] amazing love how can it be you would give your life for me you bring such comfort to my soul you raise me up and make me whole now i want to let the whole world know of all you've done for me i don't think i could ever ever [Music] love you more amazing love amazing love amazing love how can it be now i'll live eternally i once was lost but now i'm found i was blind but now i see and now i am forever yours soon i'll see your face and i will love you more [Music] amazing love amazing love amazing love amazing [Applause] wow praise the lord brother whitley phipps he's always a blessing love love your music brother thank you so much for all that you do for the cause of god if you're just now tuning in with us you're watching the three angels broadcasting network and this is 3abn today and today we actually have core evangelism with us in the house today and i'm gonna officially uh introduce our guest today brother d casper the director of core evangelism how are you brother great good to be here amen amen it's a blessing to have you guys here and of course to your left and to my right here we have miss hannah peak and hannah you're not so much a stranger to the 3abn family because your parents work here and around the area so it's a blessing to have you here as well all right i used to work here too before i'm going away okay all right and then of course we have brother james park it's always a blessing brother to have new faces and you are a new face uh here is this your first time on 3abn yes it is all right well it's a blessing to have you as well and thank you they all of them are here to tell us about the core evangelism discipleship program and so dee i'm going to come to you first because got to ask the i guess the most important question what in the world is core evangelism and tell us a little bit about how it got started sure so the core discipleship and vandalism training program is a ministry of the pennsylvania conference and we're basically discipling and training young adults to own their faith to find their calling and to empower them to change the world that's kind of the big picture in tension so kind of the 18 to 35-ish demographic um we say ish because you know we'll we can talk about it uh you know that general age range let's talk about it let's see if this is a good fit but um yes we're on the same campus as blue mountain academy so the academy was built for 400 students many years ago they've got culture like the 130 range so we use half of their dormitories we eat in their cafeteria so it's just a great partnership that we partner with them they partner with us and it's a beautiful area the appalachian trail is literally right across the street it's a super pretty place and so that's that's the big picture of what we're seeking to do and kind of how it operates amen that sounds so great and you mentioned pennsylvania so what specific part of pennsylvania this is eastern pennsylvania so we're like in between allentown and reading about an hour and a half north of philly but eastern pa all right praise the lord i understand we have a promotional video that you guys would like to show us at this time it kind of gives a little bit more information about the program so let's go ahead and go to that video now [Music] it really has brought me to a closer relationship with him and that was just through various things whether it was in class or outreach and canvassing and bible working it's just really allowed me to through all of those things just truly see who god is young people are wrestling with knowing what the future holds does god actually love and care for me where am i going what does this life have to offer i believe core offers solutions to all of these questions that you can actually have an intimate vibrant relationship with jesus that you can be fully known and fully loved by the god of the universe i can see now how jesus sacrificed everything for us how he can sympathize in every problem we have in life it's it's something i never experienced before until i came to core it seems so impossible but this god that we know already he just gets more and more awesome he's worth knowing more than we thought he was like he's actually a caring and loving father and just give him a chance every aspect of my life it's just completely changed it from where i was to where i am today and i can even see the change in myself and i can see the change in my friends and i can just see the change in everybody and it's it's a positive change it's a good change it's a change that god would be proud of and you know i have a friend in jesus now and um you know that's that's just been the biggest thing that i can take away you know a friend in jesus [Music] you build off of each other and you fall down together and everybody picks you up together and that's the one thing that i enjoy about core there's so much family and love here and that there's adventures that we go on there's laughter and there's tears and there's so much more compact into like nine months of core it's been really nice to just uh talk to each other and just really to grow together and just seeing each other grow and also just to really encourage each other to me it's a real blueprint school where you get to learn you get to work hard and you get to grow if you're already considering it if you want some training um you know some hands-on training where you can you know take take a break from the world take a break from you know the the clutter of social media and work and school and and just the the chaoticness of life you know come here and learn how to how to you know bring people to christ how to soul win and um you know you won't regret it you won't regret it it's the most beautiful thing when someone gives their life to christ because of you it's an incredible course it's only nine months out of the year and if you come here you'll have a once in a lifetime experience being surrounded by individuals who um share the similarity with you of loving god and wanting to know him more wow that's amazing that was a really really nice video so i i'm sitting down here just wondering how does something like this get started because there's a lot i'm sure we're going to talk about what's involved in this program but how did core evangelism get started so there were a few people a donor and a pastor that had a burden to have a school of evangelism for young adults that would saturate every teaching with the gospel that there wouldn't be a single class where they wouldn't see the true character of god and to see jesus in every teaching whether it be health class or agriculture or just really to make sure that people are being focused on the core of christianity and the core of adventism which is to see jesus and the message of christ our righteousness and every teaching so that was kind of their burden they approached me about kind of helping them to start the school we looked at different places to partner and do it and gary gibbs is the conference of the pennsylvania conference certainly someone who loves evangelism and so they approached him and said would you be open to us partnering with the pennsylvania conference and doing it there and so they said yeah let's do it and so three years ago i got brought in and we didn't have anything at that stage like we had an idea we had a donor and we had a campus that we could have access to and in the span of 11 months this amazing miracle happened that it was just me and somehow recruitment development hiring curriculum everything budgeting was all done there wasn't any staff it was just me i can't do that right but somehow 11 months later we were running a program and discipling students and it's just like we we fully believe that this is god's school that that we are a part of something that's bigger than ourselves absolutely and so because i know what i'm capable of and it's not that but i in traveling i've been doing a lot of traveling ministry for years particularly to this demographic the 18 to 35-ish age range whether it be actually even 15 to 35 high schools like 30 to one of our academies and our colleges and youth conferences and in my travels i saw a lot of similar threads that i felt were under addressed with our young people sure um you know we're talking about prophecy we're talking about fundamental beliefs and the sanctuary which we have to talk about and they need to be rooted in that but young people are struggling with identity issues they're struggling with mental health challenges or struggling with other things like this i thought that if we're going to develop a program it needs to be holistic in nature absolutely which is one of the reasons why it's nine months was because we wanted to give these students the proper amount of time to learn their story to process their story to find healing in their journey and to get a solid well-rounded biblical adventist education so that was kind of our burden that was our conviction and and it works that's been the amazing things you've heard in the stories in that video like it literally when we say it's a life-transforming experience that's not just like a tagline for the sake of like marketing that's literally what's happening here absolutely and so that that's what excites us to be involved in something like this is to be able to through the means of training them in ministry and having classes and having intentions on mental health and health and agriculture and everything else the big picture idea was to give them a well-rounded holistic picture what the gospel can do for them and how they can change the world because even if they aren't personally struggling with mental health challenges the people that they minister to there's a very high likelihood that they will and to just tell people to pray harder or they need more faith doesn't fix the problem it increases the problem so to teach them how to tactfully work through their own story find healing and also help others that was a really important thing for us so that was kind of the the conviction and the burden behind how everything would be designed so had the schedules designed the length of time the classes the topics that we cover who teaches all had that in mind they have to see jesus right and it has to be more than just a transfer like a transfer of information like this should transform them absolutely not just give them skills to teach and do ministry which they get a substantial education that but also to transform them as individuals absolutely you know everything you're saying there i heard that word transformed so many times and that's important because we have a lot of people who know information they know about christ they know a lot of information about the truths that we believe but yet they themselves are not maybe converted or transformed by that gospel so that's just powerful my brother so i also heard you say a couple of times 18 to 35 15 to 35 so there's probably someone watching right now that may not fit in maybe that range that says man i really want to go to this school so maybe talk a little bit more about is it just within that range or is there maybe an exception sure from time to time about you know with outside of those that's a great question so the basic design of the program was for 18 to 35 year olds you have to have finished high school that's kind of our prerequisite but if you're in a situation where you would like to take some time to deepen your relationship with christ there's a few options we have one core online will be available the goal is by january 1 2022 so all of our classes that we filmed in session people can take online so that's an option we have sure the other option we have is for the second semester of core we kind of call it track two someone who's maybe in a more mature age range that wants to take five months of their life i mean they're living in a dorm they're eating the cafeteria just like our students do they're doing five months of bible work they're getting a majority of our theology classes that's another option so let's say that you're in your 40s or you know in your 50s or something and and you're open to living in a missionary environment being trained and taking those five months to really get a solid training to be able to do bible work at your local church and things like that then we can totally uh have an option for that as well so we expanded our borders for the second semester so you wouldn't get the canvassing in first semester or the mission trip in the first semester but you would at least get the bible work portion and a majority of our theology we have a few prerequisites but we would send those to them watch a few classes that you wouldn't get that you need to have and we'd send them to them beforehand amen that's awesome praise the lord so i'm thinking as we're as you're going through all these details you've kind of already presented a few but just want to kind of hone in on maybe the differences between core evangelism and some of these other schools of evangelism i'm thinking of arise which is phenomenal afco i'm an avco graduate amazing fact center of evangelism so what sets court evangelism apart as far as the difference between maybe what you guys offer and and and what the others offer absolutely i'm going to rise graduate so yeah all right and so we've and have taught it to rise and been to different schools and we're we weren't trying to do what other people are doing we were trying to kind of design a program from the ground up sure so this isn't uh because sometimes people can ask questions like which is better which is it's really a matter of what you're looking for right if you're just looking for bible work training if you're looking just to be discipled if you want to go to souls west because you're looking for literature evangelism training it depends on what you're looking for what we bring to the table is a holistic education sure we're working with the whole person we're getting health training uh significant training in like medical missionary work uh we have a full semester of canvassing literature evangelism work which also helps them to pay down some of their tuition half of what they make goes towards their tuition and they're learning how to do door-to-door literature work and doing the public places then we have a two-week foreign mission trip that's built in as part of the curriculum so we're doing evangelism the intention is to be overseas in the midst of a pandemic that's kind of slowed us down but what we did last year was we actually ministered to refugees in houston texas so afghani refugees and chinese refugees and people from other communities who in other places around the world who were coming to the states seeking refuge or international college students so teach them how to do cross-cultural witnessing even if we couldn't travel overseas but the first year we actually went to cuba in fact we've had a slide for this i believe for the mission trip where we went to cuba and did um two weeks of evangelism there were children's programs which is i think what the picture is going to be it's just a picture of someone presenting to children and it was an amazing experience but because of you know political boundaries now and and covet and other stuff it's made it difficult to be there but it was such an amazing experience to see that there we go so we've got some of our kids teaching a bunch of cuban children uh through the means of interpreters it was such a rich blessing we want to go back so bad and i hope that can be afforded uh once borders open and covered and politics and other stuff but in the meantime for sure they're involved in cross-cultural witnessing in some form or fashion where we immerse them in a different culture for two weeks just to see what the needs are in the world out there and even had a witness to people of those cultures here and so after the mission trip and our christmas break then we have a bible work practicum for five months uh where they're then they've worked with a local church for nine full months the whole length of the program they're working within a local church context so they're teaching sabbath school they're doing song service they're learning how to take what they're learning in class and they're applying it in a local context the same time so the the community that they canvass in is the same community they bible work in it's the same community they go to church in so they're learning what it means to integrate and invest in a community long term so that's kind of what we bring to the table that may be different there's some work study options through canvassing bible work foreign missions and what it's like to disciple in a local church context long term and then we have an evangelistic series in the fall and so generally our presenters or i'm doing the series but the students are doing all the boots on the ground work giving studies inviting people doing the health nuggets giving the song service special music things like that wow that's amazing so before i get to you guys in just a moment i'm going to come right back to you for a moment and then i'm going to ask you guys some questions here because i'm interested in your feedback so someone comes to core evangelism their their student there what is what are they going to experience why they're there let's go in a little bit more detail about what they're going to learn what they're going to experience once they're a part of the program and on campus for sure so we've got like an orientation week that deals with a lot of heart issues to set them up to succeed for the week how to have devotions how to have a prayer life what to do when you fall and fail in ministry like how do i work through that when i mess up when things happen thoughts of condemnation and shame and guilt and conviction how to sort through what comes from god what doesn't a lot of times students feel like i'm not worthy of being here and so kind of focusing on that we've got a health intensive um and learning how to live a healthy lifestyle that would set them up to succeed and then we have an intensive on mental health really early on with spiritual healing with paul conniff that really sets them up to learn what their story is how jesus can connect with their story and how to find healing and freedom and then they do a three-week canvassing blitz and so they're getting a lot of hands-on experience on what it's like to do literature work hone down their fundamentals because once the regular schedule starts they've been outreached three days a week and then they do some work on campus so either work in the farm or in the cafeteria they may help certain departments of the academy if they have certain skill sets that they've done teaching before or something like that and blue mountain academy has a certified organic farm so they're learning how to actually do agriculture john deisinger from battlefield blessings farms teaches for a full week on agriculture the abcs how to do it how to get involved so you're learning how to have a work ethic how to do time management and that's pretty much the first semester then we start our theology so the three angels messages and fundamental beliefs and then we go into the next semester and that's where a lot of our other theology happens daniel revelation apologetics how to preach uh christian service gary gibbs teaches on the winston witnessing content david astric's teaching unapologetics mark finley teaches on preaching nathan renner teaches on how to study the bible and how he got the bible chad and foddy accrues on relationships so there's practical christianity uh what relationships are about marriage and family plus we have stuff on time management conflict resolution mental health intensives so that's they're getting a full complete adventist education the sanctuary public evangelism we give them the whole the whole thing but it's measured so it's not like you're drinking 12 a firehose class a week 10 hours of work a week and about 15 hours of outreach so it's spread out it's not the same thing all day every day which gives them variety which makes it easier to absorb what they're learning and gives them healthy exertion outside and so forth that's amazing plus there's a day off like a total complete day off so it's not just like go go go go go fridays are completely off for them so they can go hiking sabbath afternoons are largely light so they can go hiking hang out sure stuff like that wow that seems like such a blessing but i'm going to turn here now to james and hannah hannah let's start with you you were an intern for core evangelism give us kind of your feedback on your experience there and and anything that you would like to share with us okay so to me core answers not just the what of christianity but the so what okay all right um a lot of times i've heard the what the do's the don'ts the facts and growing up an adventist i could tell you all of that um but what did it do for me honestly not that much and so i've always kind of struggled a little bit even with interpersonal relationships and god is some kind of nebulous concept i don't see him and sometimes it's really hard to understand that sure and so core makes christianity practical something i can do not just a list of do's and don'ts or nebulous concepts so it makes the experience of christianity come alive for you right so you were the intern there so what specifically did you do while you were there what i did is i filmed the classes i was responsible for setting up the cameras running the switcher editing everything afterwards and nice basically kind of setting it up helping them get it ready for a core online all right be honest i didn't want to come to core i wasn't planning on coming to court but i am so glad that god grabbed me and took me to court amen praise the lord sometimes we go places where we don't think we'll end up right and god's like well you know he throws a little curveball at us and and ends up with an extremely incredible blessing in the end so it sounds like it was a blessing to you absolutely praise the lord an 11th hour laborer for us we make kind of a last minute decision we really want to film our sessions our classes in session this year but we need someone who has experience in filming and editing and i knew hannes i used to work next door to here yeah and it was she was the perfect fit she had everything we needed but she wasn't just sitting behind a camera like when we would have classes or when we would have certain experiences like she was being convicted she was testifying to what god was doing in her life and she was inspiring our students and how you know she's just the intern some people may think you know like she's just here to push buttons and run cameras but she was a student in in many fashions and it changed her life like you know hannah you were baptized this year right we've got a picture of that actually during the evangelistic series we had this touching conversation on the way home one day when we had the baptism topic in the evangelistic series as i was preaching and hannah's life was touched and she got baptized it was just such a blessing that we didn't push or prod but just the spirit of god was working and we had a conversation it was just so special um to see someone that i knew and loved and cared about before she came right and to be able to you know take her through the waters of baptism such a blessing so i'm guessing that that at 3abn background and media uh helped you out a little bit there that did too actually i learned most of my media stuff with wayne atwood up in canada gotcha okay yeah because you travel a lot right i do i took an internship up there in canada to learn the media stuff which was really useful actually helping with the that's awesome praise the lord well that's great to hear we'll come back to you in just a moment but james brother you went you actually went through this nine-month program and so tell us a little bit about your your thoughts your experiences while you were there yeah first of all it's i think it's one of the most well-rounded programs and things in general that i've ever seen in my life you talk about holistic healing and true education and it's got it all it teaches you like hannah was saying in a practical setting how to have success in your christian walks because i think a lot of us are young individuals who are decided to seek in the lord and we just don't know how to do it or what that looks like you know we've we're convicted in our hearts that we've had an encounter with christ and in our times of need and we want to leave the world behind and follow him how do we do it and what does that mean for us right and core was just a great place for us to be in a safe environment where we can thrive and we had staff we had friends we had teachers we even had blue mountain academy and our even our local churches around us supporting us in a wow in a great way that really allowed us to be just truly who we were where we came from and just start from ground zero and and go up you know absolutely um even if that meant breaking us down a little bit figuring some things out right right um so what was your what was your absolute favorite thing about the entire program the thing that you took away the most that really impacted you yeah so i would just say being able to interact with the teachers there at core that's amazing yeah it it wasn't um just d all nine months right but we did get to have d sure for a few of those weeks and it was some life-changing powerful stuff yeah and i know his stuff is on audio versus talks about righteousness by faith right and you got to learn about that while you were there yeah did you have did you come away with a broader understanding of what righteousness by faith is because we hear we hear that that that language thrown around a lot in our church and a lot of people don't fully understand what it means to experience righteousness by faith did you come away with a better understanding absolutely definitely amen yeah we're just talking about that in the drive down here that like the faith of jesus and what it can do for people so that was that was a big component to us that like if they don't sit like if someone doesn't see jesus in one of our classes they're not coming back right they won't teach you anymore like it's that important for them to see and how that applies in a practical sense so yeah praise the lord it was always jesus first and i grew up christian myself in a christian home and i didn't stray too far away from it for the majority of my life but to actually dive into the text and the scripture and to see jesus practically um through through the teachers as i was mentioning before as as somebody who was wanting to seek the lord i didn't know how to do it or what that might look for look like for myself and from my friends around me and being able to come across and interact with the teachers and see how they were just human you know just like us regular people who were along the way figuring it out right as they were going and how god used them and blessed them in a way where they could do ministry just by being themselves you know and it gave me something to look forward to and so i think that was one of my biggest takeaways praise the lord praise the lord so hannah i have to ask you the same question because even though you were back there filming and doing kind of all the media related stuff what really stuck out to you about this program that you took away like wow this is the one thing that really affected you the most positively yeah i want to capitalize on two things sure james said um the safe environment and also making christianity real amen amen core is a safe environment for you to spread your wings a bit um and if you mess up or you do something you shouldn't do the staff aren't going to get mad at you and expel you they'll sit down with you they'll talk to you they're not going to come across as judging you one strike and you're out okay that's really nice because you don't have to be afraid of trying and messing up in fact like if you don't try and you don't make mistakes well if you don't make mistakes you're not even trying right okay how are you gonna learn and secondly that making christianity real i also grew up in the church my family from way back was in the church and so you know it's kind of a habit what you're raised with okay but they say god has no grandchildren okay so it's got to be your personal experience that's right and sometimes when it's just a habit it becomes really mundane routine boring you're just kind of going through the motions but going to core brought that experience along yeah you learn how to do it for yourself and make it real to yourself christ becomes real to you right exactly exactly amen praise the lord so i have to just ask this one last question to to james and by the way if you guys feel free to to chime in on anything that we want to talk about in the remedy remaining time but while you're going through this program as a student i'm listening to everything you've listed off that we're doing this we're doing this and you said it's not like drinking from a fire hydrant but you literally took the words out of my mouth because i'm thinking man nine months of this this this this all these things so did you was there ever a point where you just felt like man this is just so much too much work or this is just too much to bear give me your thoughts on that because there may be someone watching at home that says man i don't know if i want to come to that with all that he just listed it seems overwhelming what's your thoughts towards that yeah the way that dee set up the pro first of all i want to say that it's one of the most well-rounded programs and you never see something that has as much as it has and have as much success as it did amen without the hand of god being totally involved amen amen and like hannah was mentioning before i've also felt the same way that core was a a safe environment and also an understanding one too because it allowed us to be at a place where we get to learn and it's a lot of information it can be a lot of information but you know d understands us young young individuals especially for us who want to take a gap year or who might have even dropped out of college or are seeking to know um what what their careers might look like in the future and he just set it up in a way where you can just succeed you know one of his biggest things was setting us up for success amen and he he's um i guess god set it up in a way where it wasn't too much at once you know he didn't reveal all the light and just completely blind us it was just a little you know all right i got you this just a little bit out of time the classes weren't overwhelming they were very enjoyable and it was built in a way where it wasn't too mundane it was always something new it's always exciting i don't know we always had next week and the next day to look forward to not too much homework yeah not too much yeah we actually don't really give homework so that was wow so anything that they do that is in a homework category is directly tied to growing them with jesus okay so we have a book club they do some scripture memorization but we we didn't want this to be an excruciating academic environment right we wanted to give them experiences they could draw them closer to christ and give them the tools to take it even deeper so like yeah we tried to build variety in so that they wouldn't be so crushed out because we knew what was going to be asked of them so like if we spread this out alternate what happens on each day give them days off then it's going to be easier but if you don't manage your time well it'll be hard for sure but like if you're if you are and we have classes on time management if they do that they're it's doable sure yeah so everything that was asked of us was very reasonable and we're totally on board with it and if we ever came up on late assignments we're just like you know what that's on me you would work with us on getting things on time that's so awesome praise the lord praise the lord yeah and i would say that core is a great place if you are not an academic person who likes to study a lot and have your nose stuck in a book all the time because like the classes aren't super long you get breaks reasonable breaks between the classes so you can get up and wiggle and if you're like me sitting still and concentrating for a long period of time is really hard like you know gotcha told in charge to be quiet sit down that's right not in court you can be yourself so it sounds like a very raw and open environment where people can be themselves yeah vulnerability is welcome and encouraged how we do disciplines different like instead of just getting onto people for things we help them think through how did you get here why did this happen ellen white talks about this uh i think it's in the book education but it's in the context of education that we need to bring the student to a place where they recognize that what was done is wrong but then she says we need to enlist their will and its correction yeah and so kind of taking that approach of self-governance so we don't really we're not trying to control these kids and you know tell them what to do and when like we have principles we have a handbook we're on the same campus as minors you know so we have to have policies but in a general sense like we want to teach them to think for themselves and navigate through it we have a class on critical thinking just to learn how to think for yourself our fundamental beliefs class is totally different than the ways generally done okay we actually give them the texts and the order in which they're shared for a study but we don't tell them what to say so for the first hour they're just wrestling with the text and having experience with the text for themselves okay before we tell them anything so instead of just saying here's what you say after you read this verse and here's the arguments you'll get we teach them how to think instead of what to think right then we go through it together so it's three hours per doctrine a day so we have like five weeks of adventist fundamental beliefs but by doing that they're having an experience with the text before someone tells them what to think so that when they're giving a bible study they're better prepared to do that right we go through objections we go through we help them see where's jesus in this text that's the other thing that as they're studying where's the heart of god where's the gospel in this text and how does that fit into the narrative of this talk of this doctrine or this topic so by doing that it kind of helps them long but as you mentioned we have an hour of class and then a 15-minute break hour of class 15-minute break then an hour of class and that's it uh then you have lunch and then there's either work or there's uh outreach and so proper breaks it's not like you got three minutes i hope your brain comes back you know like go out and take a breath of air and then come back so we give them longer breaks just to be able to process it because we do ask a lot but we try to set them up to succeed gotcha so what's the general schedule look like on a daily basis so what time does it start end from day to day so sundays uh they have outreach in the afternoon so it starts later in the day they have a little bit of worship at 11 45 i think the academy does two meals that day so they have like a brunch so they can sleep in a little bit after partying hard with dutch blitz or uno or something the night before you know um or catan or something so um we have we have reasonable bedtime they have to be in bed by 11 on saturdays evenings but still uh and then they have outreach through the course the afternoon and the early evening monday through thursday they have class so they have worship at seven four breakfast is like seven uh worship is 7 45 to 8 15. the students are the ones giving the worship talks so they're getting lots of opportunities to learn how to do public speaking because we've got around a dozen students each year the last couple years and i think seven the first year dozen last year around the same this year and so um they're learning how to give worships multiple times and we assign the topic so had to tell your testimony in 15 minutes had to do a character study on someone in the bible pick a psalm pick a proverb share something from a chapter and steps to christ so they're learning how to preach in different ways on different topics throughout the course of the year so they have class from 8 15 to 11 45 um on monday and wednesday they have outreach in the afternoons tuesday and thursday they do work on campus from like one to six so it's just a five-hour shift uh on the cafeteria working so learning how to cook or they're doing stuff in the in the farm learning how to do agriculture or maybe doing grounds if they have experience in construction they can be doing that uh with the academy doing kind of maintenance stuff sure if they have specialized experience like one of our students was a great photographer he helped with the marketing department at the academy so he was helping doing video and photo stuff for them so it just depends on what their background is we may be able to plug that in to help the academy meet their goals and also help our students learn to be responsible workers so that that's making it well amazing yeah and then fridays they have the day off they do laundry in the morning we have worship that night sabbas we go to church in the morning so we split the group up half works with one church half works with another so they get more chances to have leadership roles as opposed to you know 50 kids in one place then no one really gets to do anything they just attend they're participating in church for nine months and then uh in the afternoons we don't really ask much of them on sabbath so they can go for hikes have a study together engage in lay activities if that's their thing if you know what i mean or you know then we have worship in the evening so we have vespers friday night and saturday night and this year we're going to be incorporating more guest teachers into our vesper slots so they're getting more exposure to different types of ministry who's doing this who's doing that like we've got digital media evangelism as one of our topics sure so people who are doing podcasts or like lineage journey how they come in to talk about doing media stuff or so they get to interact with adventist influencers in digital media learning their story how it started what worked what didn't so we'll incorporate more of that in our vespers too that is amazing amazing praise the lord so okay someone's wanting they're watching right now okay let's talk about finances here sure um how are we going to pay for this what's the price of the program all of that yes a great question so the way we set it up mimics a school year so they start in late august and they end at the end of may or early june right so they could have a summer job they could canvas the summer before the pennsylvania conference is rebooting a canvassing program and one of my staff their husband is going to run it and then the other two my staff they actually going to help run that in the summer so they could canvas the summer before they come and take their proceeds and put towards their tuition and then they canvas the first semester which also goes towards their tuition and if they wanted to they could canvas the summer after they graduate and backdate that towards their tuition and if they do those three things they're going to be close to paying off their tuition by itself plus when a student is accepted we give them a fundraising letter we already wrote for them on our letterhead it explains the whole program they just put in their name think it's in the family to friends to church members it's tax deductible the gift they can give if they give to the worthy student fund to set them up and so we do what we can to set them up to succeed financially sure the overall cost right now is about ten thousand dollars and that's three meals a day seven days a week plus your lodging plus a mission trip and a plane ticket sure so that's cheaper than going to boarding school you go to other schools of evangelism generally the cost is about five thousand dollars for three months right we're ten thousand dollars for nine months and we're giving them three meals a day seven days a week right most of these programs either you cook for yourself or you get two meals a day like five days a week that's right you don't have to worry about cooking it's all built in that's amazing they have vegan options there's vegetarian options in the caf so they got a big nice salad bar they bring in stuff from the farm and use in the cafeteria so that's basically the way that we've set it up and um so we we do what we can then we've got a worthy student fund and that's certainly something that you know viewers if maybe you can't come to core this is an opportunity for you to ensure that young people are having experiences like james and hannah had to be able to come so even if maybe this isn't your gig and you just want to do a core online or something else we really need an army of givers to ensure that people like this can come and we can grow the program because we'd rather have closer to 25 30 students we just started so it's early but sure i think having more students would be a blessing and the more support we can get in that regard will help as well that's amazing we do our part to make them do their part you know so students aren't just getting handouts like they're working hard to get where they're going but some of them could use some additional help so if we can help with that at core plus we give them the canvassing opportunity that's kind of how we try to set him up awesome so this is a this is the core discipleship evangelism program so um how how is this program impacting evangelistically let's talk about what are the kids going to take away because we have about five minutes or so left here i just want to get into the evangelism aspect of this program in the aftermath of a student leaving that what are they leaving with and what what what tools do they have to be able to go now be an evangelist in their community or in their in their church or whatever that's a great question so some people think that if you're just running like a discipleship program it doesn't really work evangelistically like sometimes there's this premise like you got to pick one or the other we designed it to where you get both they did 45 000 in canvassing last fall in the midst of a pandemic uh with 12 students part-time three days a week they had a three-week blitz and part-time and had tremendous results canvassing by work they had over 20-something studies that were going in the community we had multiple baptisms we did a full-length evangelistic series in the two churches that we worked with the bible worker in one church did one set of meetings i did the other set of meetings and um and and even the way we did the meetings was different so we did the wwe prescott model of seeing jesus at the heart of every single message right and it worked people were coming we had like i think the meetings i did we had like 12 to 18 visitors every night um throughout that was the same average throughout the whole length of the meetings 19 meetings we had multiple decisions for baptism that happened during the meetings that were baptized and those who made decisions you know to be baptized in the future in both places so evangelistically it works churches accrue churches were revived canvassing lots of literature went out for the students themselves we have multiple students right now that are bible working for the pennsylvania conference um james is looking into doing bible work he's furthering a little bit more studies right now he's looking to do bible work um hannah's actually looking to do overseas mission work so she's looking to teach english overseas in brazil and i've got students who are broad backgrounds so some go back to college with a solid foundation to know why they believe what they believe going into local churches and helping at their college other students are going into ministry right away i've got two students right now eden valley so one is helping in the education side i think they're like helping us like the assistant to the education department at eden valley and another is working with the health coaching so there's there's broad opportunities for them to plug in people call us all the time can we get your students so there are plenty of employable opportunities once they leave it they're really the choice is theirs wherever they feel god's calling them but they have a foundation that will work evangelistically in any area right so it's not like they're going to come to this school and then you know once it's all over with there's not any options out there yeah endless options within the within the community and it's not limited to bible work so not all of them will bible work some are going to go into literature work some may go to souls west and continue that education do canvassing do bible work medical work you know doing health stuff so there's lots of options or overseas missions right amen so you know someone's watching right now thinking man i like dee he's a good guy you're one of the teachers so what are you what do you teach specifically if someone comes what are they going to hear from you as a teacher i teach about a third of the classes about 100 hours so the full adventist fundamental beliefs class i told you about the three angels messages christian service falling and failing and ministry devotions prayer uh claiming the promises of god in scripture the spirit of prophecy and biblical leadership i think that's the main big picture classes we have so i teach those and then mark finley teaches on preaching him and chris holland yeah let's talk about some of the guest speakers so you have mark finley who else uh yeah we go to his facility virginia we go to him to do it there tinio probably help us with some health stuff too is the hope um and then david asher teaches on apologetics nathan renner on how we got the bible and how to study the bible wow um don mcintosh teaches on what they're doing at weimar with total community involvement and then health and prophecy dr lee willard he teaches on natural he teaches on herbs and natural remedies rico hill and lance wilbur teach lance had a program with dwayne lemon on dare to dream network yeah and then rico did from sickness to health okay yeah and um so they he teaches on health for us uh paul konov teaches on mental health on spiritual healing uh dr katie elsin she teaches on mental health and we have a bunch of people steven grabner teaches on the book of daniel james rafferty from 3abn he teaches on revelation no james teaches on revelation steve grabner teaches on daniel okay and uh yeah so it's a really broad lineup our website lists all of who teaches wayne blakely talks about issues in homosexuality and how the church can navigate that in a winsome way gary gibbs teaches on winston witnessing so that's kind of the big picture if they go to our website they're going to see um all the people who teach and when we add people over the years all that's there so they say who's teaching and and what they teach absolutely we've got about a minute here before we go to our uh address role so you can know how to contact and get in contact with core evangelism but i gotta turn to you guys now there may be a student watching right now that's maybe your age or contemplating on coming what are your thoughts for them just really quickly for someone what encouraging words can you give to them yeah i mean the school is really affordable and ivy schools cost about sixty seventy thousand dollars and you might get something out of it but this is something that's truly life-changing and it'll definitely not only set you up for success in ministry but for the rest of your life amen and so it's brought me a lot of healing and i've seen a lot of change in not only myself but also my peers and my friends amen and even on the high school campus it's just a well-rounded program that you can leave with a lot of experience under your belt so praise the lord praise the lord so we want to actually give you an opportunity to know how to contact whether it's via email phone call reaching out to core evangelism school because you know someone who might want to go or you yourself want to have this life-changing evangelism experience if that's you then this is how you contact them [Music] if you would like to contact or know more about core evangelism school you can write to them at 2363-mountain hamburg pennsylvania 19526 you can also call them at 484-232-9239 [Music] that number again is 484 23 you can also email them at info core evangelism dot com that's info at core evangelism dot com or visit their website at core evangelism dot com that's core evangelism dot com amen this has been such a great experience uh talking about core evangelism school and hannah i just want to get some final thoughts from you there's someone watching that may want to need some encouragements what's your thoughts so if you're hesitating to come to core maybe because i don't want to give up my job i'm earning good money or i'm doing really well in my studies why should i take a gap year what i would tell you is what does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul so go bank in heaven this program is worth it heaven is for eternity this world is going to pass away praise the lord and they get college credit for this let's talk about that so we've built a partnership with weimar and weymar university is willing to offer college credit for some of our classes we're working on partnerships with other universities as well and process with that so we're trying to make this that you're not giving up your life you're giving jesus a year of your life there's a big difference so what you're doing is you're taking time to invest in the core of your relationship to ensure that you have the root structure for what's to come sure that you no longer i don't know what to share i don't know what to do why do people talk about jesus the way that they do when i don't feel that way when i think about jesus like we're giving we're giving you an environment where you can have an experience with jesus that will last a lifetime absolutely and so some students go right back to their studies people go right back into the workforce others do full-time ministries so you're not really giving up anything that's right you're setting yourself up to succeed in your future endeavors in life amen praise the lord praise the lord guys thank you so much this has been a blessing i can say i i'm a graduate as i said at the beginning of this program from the amazing fact center of evangelism and that was about a four-month program that we had went through i can only imagine nine months of continual blessing that you guys have gotten to experience through core evangelism i want to purposely appeal to those who are watching here in these closing moments go visit the website reach out to them if you are interested you want a life-changing experience core evangelism is the place to go it will change your life you'll you'll know jesus better more than you ever have before and we want to thank you again for joining us during this hour thank you for supporting and loving and and caring for 3abn 3 angel's broadcasting network and until next time we'll see you again god bless [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 455
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, 3ABN Today
Id: aDhskXwdRUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 31sec (3331 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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