“Ax Men” star Gabe Rygaard was killed in a car accident

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this whole river something with guns I may talk about right over there about it right there about on my Lance while reality TV usually focuses on celebrities luxuries and drama some shows Make a Difference by honoring the genre's name and letting audiences see what's really going on with real people in real life in the latter category shows such as axeman brought A New Perspective into logging one of the hardest and most dangerous professions in the U.S if not the world that being said there are also lots of sad stories behind axeman ever since the show's Premiere in 2008 the audience have been baffled to find out that several of its cast members have unfortunately died in a variety of ways not necessarily in logging one of them is the longtime cast member and crew boss Gabe Rygaard so what really happened to Gabe and when exactly did he die where's his family in business now and what happened to axeman after his death stay with us to know all ever since axeman's second season premiered in 2012 the show's audience quickly warmed to Gabe Rygaard trucker turned owner of rygarde logging the company founded by his father in the 1990s however Gabe's once promising future leading his family's company was cut short when he was killed in a car accident on the 16th of September 2016. while driving his Ford Bronco on Highway 101 minutes away from his Port Angeles home in Washington state the accident involved two other cars one of which was rear-ended by Gabe's truck the latter rotating and hitting a third car in the left lane seven people were injured in the wreck and treated at the scene the Gabe's injuries were serious enough for him to be transferred to the Olympic Medical Center where he unfortunately died a couple of hours later according to police reports Gabe wasn't wearing a seat belt in the accident and the wreck had been messy enough to close the highway for several hours regarding the unfortunate loss Gabe's Widow Katie asked for prayers and thanked her community for their generosity during those hard times I am overwhelmed with the love that this community is pouring out to our family she wrote in a Facebook post in which she also described her late husband as her Rock and best friend Gabe rygard's death was devastating in so many ways he not only left a growing Business Without a leader but also a whole young family alone he was survived by children Trilby Aiden and Tucker as well as his widow Katie many members of Gabe's Family also paid heartfelt tributes during his funeral such as his father Craig who admitted fortunate to have known him despite their disagreements as reported by Peninsula Daily News nowadays Gabe's parents Craig and Kat are apparently in good health while his youngest son Tucker is in college and is a football player on the rise Aiden is working in the food industry and Trilby is the fortunate mother of a baby girl meanwhile Katie remarried in 2021 but still warmly remembers her late husband game you have the biggest heart and everyone you loved felt it six years have passed but nothing about you will be forgotten I thank God for the time we had she wrote on Facebook in 2022 there's no doubt that the pain of Gabe's loss was surely immense for his family but the good memories of him will surely last in their hearts for many years to come as many loyal axemen viewers might remember in 2012 the Rygaard patriarch Craig stepped down from leading the family's logging business because of a severe injury to his knee due to this he was unable to take back his old spot in the company after the unfortunate death of Gabe in 2016 leaving rygarde logging Inc in the hands of his second son Jason given that axemen was canceled shortly before Gabe's passing the show's audience was unable to witness Jason's performance as the new business leader until 2019 when a short-lived show Revival axeman reborn featured him and his struggles to keep rygarde logging alive as Washington's land and environmental laws were churning the rules of the Timber industry upside down untimely deaths and a changing economic landscape have threatened family business as read in the show's description although axeman reborn paid special attention to Jason and his family's business the current status of rygarde logging is unknown not only is the company's official website no longer active but their social media hasn't been updated since late 2016 very shortly after Gabe's unfortunate death while this lack of online activity could hint that Rygaard Logging has come to an end it's highly improbable that the family simply abandoned their decades-old business regardless of being a very busy and hard-working businessman Gabe Rygaard was apparently deeply concerned about the well-being of his community in Washington state that's why in early 2016 Gabe initiated his campaign for the commissioner seat of clalam County in Port Angeles as a member of the Republican Party during the campaign Gabe was vocally against pro-establishment and the increment of property assessments which in his opinion affected the entire Town's population and his own lands if that's not a tax raise I don't know what is as reported by the peninsula Daily News in April that year not only did Gabe address an apparent Discord in the then current government and encourage people to meet together in the middle to find a middle ground but he also promised to support the timber industry proposing to meet the state's sustainability goals in harvesting and creating new jobs through it resulting from his campaign Gabe accumulated almost 2 000 likes on his rygarde for commissioner Facebook page started as a website and took his message to many corners of his town but despite his efforts he wasn't ultimately successful in that August selections however Gabe thanked his followers and considered his run a success regardless of the resulting vote as seen on his Facebook page if you've been a reality TV fan for long then the name Todd Dewey surely sounds familiar to you Todd is known for appearing in the 7th to the 11th season of Ice Road Truckers one of the most popular factual shows on History Channel in the last two decades all though Todd's appearance in the hit Trucking show is the main reason for his popularity once his non-winter deeds led him to Washington to heavy hall for his maternal family the rygards in fact it was his cousin Gabe who contracted Dewey in the eighth season of Axe men though it was apparent that they had worked together before needless to say Todd was also heartbroken at hearing the unfortunate news of Gabe's tragic death on his Facebook page he sent his condolences to the family and described to Gabe as not only his cousin but his best friend a badass brother and a dedicated husband and the best father you could dream of having by taking a look at Todd's words and the hundreds of comments below the post it's obvious that Gabe left a huge empty spot in everyone's Hearts besides the unfortunate death of Gabe Rygaard axeman has lost several cast members throughout the years here are all of them one of the most memorable axemen cast members was Jimmy Smith who's remembered by the audience for his refusal to cut living trees for logging and instead decided to recover those from local rivers in South clay Elam in his local Washington State James Hobbies extended to so much more than wood as he was an avid hunter fisher experienced Outdoorsman Family Guy Army veteran on top of having a degree from Big Bend Community College since his axe men's debut in the second season Jimmy's company SNS Aqua logging passed through so many changes including facing serious legal issues and a short relocation to Florida but no one could have ever imagined that one day SNS Aqua logging would be left with without its leader until it happened unfortunately Jimmy died on the 1st of November 2012 when he was just 56 years old after losing a hard battle to cancer although details about his health condition weren't revealed Jimmy was apparently treated by a Cancer Care Center in the town of Wenatchee during the last months of his life Jimmy was survived by his sons James and Chad the former known by axeman's audience for his recurring appearances in the show though since 2019 audiences will remember Jimmy for his environmental views and hard-working ethic it's true that at some point his company was involved in a serious legal issue while in the show it goes back to 2009 when the state's natural resources department seized logs valued at around ten thousand dollars which had been salvaged by Jimmy's company s s Aqua logging the logs in question were taken from the hokiam river in Washington state according to authorities the activity had been illegal due to the lack of permits on SNS Aqua side describing it as a theft on the company's part as well as a risk to the environment they are part of the functioning ecosystem so removing the logs would be like removing part of the bed as reported by Seattle Times besides the seizure of the logs it's unknown what consequences were faced by Jimmy and his company SNS Aqua stayed in business for several years until Jimmy's death when the public lost track of the logging company which was supposedly left in the hands of his son James despite his brief appearance in axeman William Bart culantuono was known by the show's fans for being a top pilot for R R Connor Aviation a Logging company which debuted in the second season and was popular for recovering trees from apparently inaccessible Forest areas although R R Connor left the show in the third season the audience was inevitably saddened to know about the unfortunate death of William who was tragically killed on the 17th of September 2013 at 54 years of age while doing his job in Oregon according to Witnesses a rotor flew off the helicopter while up in the air causing a loud snapping sound followed by William dropping the log's load seconds afterwards the air Auto flipped upside down and crashed into the ground as written on Williams online memorial page besides being a TV star and experienced pilot William was a veteran of the U.S Navy and an avid writer who published the horror themed book heli logging in a sucker hole his family consisting of his four children and fiance survived him while the name Stacy Robeson might not be too familiar to some axemen fans those who watch the show's reborn spin-off season surely remember him for a sad note added during the season's finale being in charge of one of the hardest job positions in the company Stacy's performance as a yarder was of extreme importance to ensure pill logging's everyday success however Stacy unfortunately died on the 15th of December 2018. shortly before the filming process of axeman Reborns started the following year while the general public knew about his passing through the sad statements posted by his co-workers on screen right after his death Stacy's family and friends had actually set up a funding campaign to cover funeral expenses and provide financial support to his three kids and Widow Angela sadly the campaign hasn't achieved its ten thousand dollar goal but it's still open for donations nowadays regarding the cause of Stacy's passing nothing was said either in the show or by his family the most recent loss of an axeman cast member occurred on the 6th of December 2019 of the memorable Timber Feller Dwayne death lifts once part of pill logging Dwayne is well remembered by the most loyal axemen audiences for his appearance from the show's debut to the fourth season then briefly appearing in the show's 2019 Revival memorable for his hard-working ethic and vast experience of the job Dwayne had surprisingly retired from the job during the year's pill logging was away from TV later taking a short-lived break from retirement to help Mike pill and axeman reborn in 2019 however later that year Dwayne died of unknown causes leaving behind two daughters and four grandchildren the death of Dwayne gave Rygaard and everyone in this list is truly sad but their loved ones will surely treasure memories of them for many years to come on that same note since 2019 there's still no news about the future of Axe men on TV but it's for sure that viewers won't forget all the good memories the show and its memorable cast left with them thank you for spending some time with us make sure to like And subscribe so you never miss another video we also hand-picked these videos which we recommend you watch next you can talk to us on all social medias or ask a question in the comments below thank you for being with us and we'll see you back tomorrow
Channel: Net Worth Post
Views: 221,750
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Keywords: Gabe Rygaard, Gabe Rygaard girlfriend, Gabe Rygaard boyfriend, Gabe Rygaard weight, Gabe Rygaard biography, Gabe Rygaard net worth, Gabe Rygaard wife, Gabe Rygaard husband, Gabe Rygaard height, Gabe Rygaard age, Gabe Rygaard wiki, Gabe Rygaard measurements, Gabe Rygaard family, Gabe Rygaard children, Gabe Rygaard kids, Gabe Rygaard relationships
Id: d72t0CyQ9mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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