‘The Real’ First Impressions

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oh speaking of friends I'm very glad to know that you guys you know we're friends now yeah but it got me really thinking about when we first met each other do you guys remember that yes and you know how you have like first impressions sometimes they're right and sometimes they're like way off what was your guys's first impression of me I can take it tomorrow because you know I didn't really know what to expect I really honestly thought she was gonna be stuck up a little bit why not right in the head yeah I thought you'd be weird I never thought that about if you are exactly the friendly girl that I had in my head when you were on Sister Sister your sister but I thought you'd be like you know one of those uppity mm-hmm yeah no no I'm not have you ever gotten that before though uh yeah I think that way about you Lonnie she told me that she thought I was been on television since the 90s I looked at all for y'all because you're over so glamorous first of all she came in with a wind machine at 40 people ahead like they knew big everything very very I was like oh my god it's like okay she is a star and then she came in looking at my clothes I'm like oh goodness I have to lose five pounds and then this one right here came in and she was just talking and I think about Adrienne is she talks and she gets you in and then you don't know what the hell she talking about she yes she will Ronnie to like me so bad ah I don't know like I swear it to you did I not stalk you because she started giving me all her credentials you know in her resume I was on 3lw have a side I wasn't seen of her I don't look at none of that I'm not Oh trying always give up like the first impression is always come with cars wrong because it was wrong for me take what wait wait Wow I was intimidated by your presence you just have this like big presence when machine yeah people that she had that she had this you had this entourage okay okay I know it didn't matter I conjure watch I don't even have an assistant no but you had a partisan hairdresser that's yeah gosh when you're coming in for an audition what wasn't really like an audition was more like a meeting right but getting to know you you have the biggest heart and I absolutely does I love you I really really do you as like you're like my sister oh you really really but I have to say I always give off the wrong impression because I am brutally honest yeah and so when I first meet somebody like instead of me just being nice and smoothing it over I'm just gonna give you the honors of God truth like if you say agent how are you I'm just fine what don't think about this red-listed which is just well I grab think it's way too much nude her and then you can take some pictures but don't wear that red I don't think about it what I am are no no your hair beat to death you'd be today but what I am saying is is that you know it's either I open my mouth and stick my size 10 11 and 12 in it or you know people already get a impression of what they think that I am and yeah totally wrong see I didn't know who the hell she was right I just sat down honestly when I first met Tamar I heard of her but I had met her and I didn't because I'm just so busy you know I'm hooked oh right so when I first met her was when we first had this men and she was sitting down first I'll never forget and you had on a silver dress you were pregnant your stumbles out here and I sat down right here at this like this spot and you looked over at me and I looked over at you and you said and I said that's gonna be my frog we've always been cool now your first impression of me were you right about it I was what was the do call you only know when I Lonnie I saw a very funny and and and like confident woman and usually way utiful beautiful - yes beautiful usually you know when when you're meeting for this type of show there's only like one token like black person on it yeah so I just knew like you booked it you I was like yeah buddy got it there goes my chair and I just feel so grateful that you know we're all and little did we all know we were all the tokens all right to you because they have like theme songs or music that when you meet somebody that's a celebrity you have their song stuck in your head and you'd be like my singing sister-sister theme song yeah I have to control that kind of thinking TI's on the show today hopefully I won't bust out and start please don't leave your life and things like I have that I literally up to control that I will find myself sing in love and war in the green room which I was like who I'm gonna look so thirsty like the ultimate groupie I'm better because I was dying to meet you you was everything that I thought she was gonna be you came in there dancing to the Chiquita banana and I was like that I love her I knew I was gonna love you a news it'll be like fun is I don't know wedding talk is heaven just very New York City honey and it wasn't fun from day one are you still kind of cute and fun
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 1,512,390
Rating: 4.9360356 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamar braxton, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: -y0v2JeD4Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 21 2014
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