‘Deepfake’ Martin Lewis Scam | Good Morning Britain

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foreign [Music] development in the scam World forces are using artificial intelligence to convince victims in handing over money through deep fake videos one of the latest is imitating one of our colleagues and good friends Martin Lewis the scam clip currently circling online shows Martin apparently endorsing an investment scheme from Elon Musk before you take a look we want to emphasize again just hold in your mind that this video is fake Elon Musk presented his new project in which he has already invested more than three billion dollars musk's new project opens up great investment opportunities for British citizens no project has ever given such opportunities to residents of the country given the interesting features of the app and having seen how it works gosh Martin I mean that is terrifying isn't it it looks like you it sounds like you there's a little bit of sort of glitching there but then very often that can happen when you're on a zoom lens buffering or whatever absolutely terrifying yeah I'm even wearing I think the same shirt that I'm wearing today when the image has been taken from this is a deep fake I mean they put it together we're not quite sure of the exact Tech this is going around on Facebook at the moment and this as far as I know is the first deep fake scan advert that we've seen it's certainly the First with me in it's an absolutely terrifying development this is still only early stages of the technology and they are only going to get better within a year or two there will clearly be the interview that we're doing now would be manipulated so that you would be asking questions and I would be answering questions about those fake adverts and that's the stage we're in now what you have to look at and now I am viscerally angry about this people watching them know I've been campaigning for proper regulation of scam adverts for years it was 2017 when they proliferated it was 2018 when I sued Facebook it was 2019 when I got a three million settlement to charity from Facebook it was also 2019 when we first heard of the online harms now the Online safety bill that still has not been put into place it's taken a long time to get there it's being discussed there's meant to be an online advertising program as well we've done two consultations on that we've heard nothing from the government so we still have an absolute wild west on social media and other big Tech advertising platforms that allow scammers to get away with impunity and what I want everybody watching to remember every time you see one of those adverts one of the big Tech firms is being paid to promote that advert and these destroy vulnerable people and many non-vulnerable people's lives once you get scammed the impact on your mental health and self-esteem is huge with many people and we are still after all these years how many times have I done this been on this show talking about scam adverts trying to warn us no I don't do adverts we're still having it and now it's deep fate videos that are really plausible we are in a dangerous dystopian future and nothing is being done to protect people it's an absolute sham and Martin we've we're all of us here at Good Morning Britain Kate and I often offends or send me pictures of an advert apparently us promoting some Bitcoin something or other so I'm saying is this real and it's never real we can't do it we're not allowed to do it we don't do it but they will take those pictures this is the most sophisticated we've seen till now um have you had any contact with I think you've tried to contact Twitter to see if Elon Musk has anything to do with is it quantum AI which is maybe something to do with the investment that's in there you're getting any traction with regards to where this has come from it's not it Elon Musk like me is one of those figures whose face sketch uses in scam ads a lot as does a Bill Gates uh you know as do various others this is nothing to do I haven't contacted Twitter because this ad was on Facebook in fact he's got Elon Musk and it's got no more to do with Elon Musk than it has to do with me it's got no more to do with Bitcoin than it has to do with me then let's just be really straight these are criminals coming up with completely totally fake based on totally fake information pretend investment schemes that steal people's money what happens when you call one of these investment schemes is they get you to put 250 quid in you put your 250 quid in they have what looks like a sophisticated trading platform you see your 250 quid has gone up to a thousand they call you back and say hey it's doing well would you like to put some more in people put some more money in because hey I've already quadrupled my money I'll put more in and they try and pump more and more and more cash in there until one day you try and take it out or one day something happens and then you can't get your money out because you're dealing with a Criminal who's stolen your cash I have had people who have lost over a hundred thousand pounds through these schemes and they get in touch with me sometimes upset sometimes angry with me because they think I had something to do with it and all the other people online this isn't Elon Musk it's not anything it's not real these are you know these are robbers in with masks over their face in the digital virtual world there's nothing clever there's no underlying investment they are scams and what's really painful about this Ben I always remember that a building I don't want to mention what it is a building I went in a lot and one of the security guards there he came up and they said I've put some money in that investment of yours I said I don't do Investments I said I thought no that investment advert I said but I don't do investment I think it's a scam he said it's not and he got it out and he showed me the advice he said there you go it's your face and name I said that's a scam that's not real he argued with me for over 10 minutes that I was wrong even though it was my face and name I had endorsed it it was real he had put money in it and he'd spoken with them took me 10 minutes to persuade him he was wasn't talking to someone else he was actually he was talking to me and it took me 10 minutes to persuade him that it was a scam because he had been so embedded entrenched brainwashed if you like I mean this is the problem by the scammer I mean Martin this is a problem what can we do because you know we trust the internet we use the internet you use the internet we we use these things things as part of our life now you know in any way so how do we protect ourselves other than knowing that you never do it Ben never does it I never done it do it um I mean it is very very difficult we need proper laws and regulation to deny these scammers the oxygen of publicity on social media but frankly my answer is simple only go to trusted sources the the safest thing is to be skeptical of any online advert any old advert online anything that is a paid promotion be skeptical and if it's not paid then make sure you know who the person the the person who's posting it is somebody you trust and is their real account otherwise you know don't put any money in without checking somewhere else if you've seen it on social media to never do it well look Martin thank you for joining us this morning I'm sorry that you're in this position and as Martin miterates these are fake he has nothing to do with any investment scheme ever like that just don't do
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 69,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic
Id: iV3cD9oYij4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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