How do we prevent AI from creating deepfakes?

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foreign this may look and sound like Tom Cruise so this is not the Hollywood actor I am not Morgan Freeman and what you see is not real and this may look like Morgan Freeman but this too is another deep fake this software is becoming more sophisticated more ubiquitous and is increasingly in their hands of fraudsters a mother from Arizona was the victim of a horrifying scam using an AI generated deep fake of her daughter's voice no project has ever given such opportunities to residents of the country Martin Lewis is one of the most trusted voices in personal finance but if this looks like his endorsement for an investment scheme this too is a deep fake promoting a scam these are absolutely everywhere there is a tsunami of scam adverts that has been for years and now the Deep fake videos whether it's already difficult enough for many vulnerable and some non-vulnerable people out there to tell the difference fair either is a groundbreaking research project that has studied a deep fake even more deceptive than video the only thing is that video you need to match both the boys together with the face and so that actually becomes a much more challenging thing it becomes easier to pick up for example if the lips are out of sync with the words that are being spoken but with voice you're effectively sitting with only this one modality which is sound you're not seeing anything are you saying that boys cloning is a bigger threat especially in the hands of scammers than deep fake videos yeah I definitely think so the voices really become in in many ways I mean trusted which I think is a great policymakers are growing concerned by the increase in cloning last month this U.S Senate subcommittee heard how this software is being used to extort in fake Ransom calls like the one this mother got she thought was from her daughter but nothing could have prepared me for her response that she gave me next mom these badmin have me help me help me help me she begged and pleaded as the phone was taken from her the voice that this mother recognized was a digital clone and this is the kind of tool that could be used to make it so we're looking at just one of the proliferation of websites and apps that make cloning easy all you need is a voice recording of who you want the clone of a few minutes even less and then you upload it to a site like this and in second you can clone their voice and say whatever you want to say we've done that with the colleague of ours that you may have heard of Channel 4's Jackie long and we are going to one of our colleagues apologies for the croaky voice this is just a quick call really I left my wallet on the way to work you couldn't possibly lend me 50 Quid for lunch could you I'll pay you back tomorrow promise [Laughter] this clone was made on a basic software that like others is widely available in the market there are also far more sophisticated techniques being used but companies like this are attempting to counter deep fix and generate a fraud for example my fake face are not only difficult to detect they're actually impossible for average humans let alone experts like us to detect um much like a computer virus on our computers we require real-time software to detect deep fake or Genoa faces today we are in the Age of Tomorrow these robots are holding a press conference at the UN technology was supposed to bring efficiency and Clarity instead we head into a golden age for misinformation and fraud Simeon Brown there and Matt didn't give me the 50 pounds but that may say more about his unwillingness to share any cash but I'm joined Now by Jake Moore who investigated cyber crime for the police and now works for ESET a cyber security company Jake Moore um you did something similar to the thing that Simeon did to us to your mum tell me why you did it and how you did it so I like to use the latest technology to help businesses understand those risks so I thought I'd I'd start closer to home and I uploaded 10 minutes of my voice from a recorded presentation I had to wait just 24 hours for the technology to get to work the AI behind it and then it could replicate my voice and so the next day I just uh created a pretend podcast and pressed play and it sounded exactly like me but I thought the mum test is probably best so I asked my mum to listen to it when she came round and she just commented on the podcast in fact she said it was a bit boring but um she said nothing about the voice uh and I asked her if there's anything strange about it she said obviously nothing about it so what I told her it was actually an AI clone of my voice she was utterly shocked and I think that's what's so scary uh she thought at best it might have been someone who was maybe impersonating me but she she didn't even think it was actually technology behind it I mean it it's the the level of success with this AI voice cloning that is really alarming isn't it because it very much depends how it's used now we saw in simeon's piece consumer expert Martin Lewis His Image and voice used in an AI generated scam is the technology outpacing our ability to control it that's a good question I mean the video we saw of Martin Lewis I must say it was an extremely well made deep fake uh and being used in this way that's what we all fear we don't want to be seeing it used in illicit purposes and so what we've seen in the past the technology needs a lot of footage of someone that's why trusted figures and famous people are used but I think what we're looking at in the future is less time needed so for me it was just 10 minutes I'm reading reports of under three minutes being used uh in the future for at least voice cloning but when deep fate catches up as well I think the police are going to have a very difficult time and I think effectively only work on the prevention side of things rather than trying to cure it but how do you prevent this yeah well the police are putting a lot of money into say the new fraud Squad that they've got and and with cyber criminals getting more sophisticated all the time it's increasing with the technology we've seen AI chat GPT and so on being used in in very creative ways I think what we've got to do is make people understand that seeing might not always be believing in the future I think we're very used to questioning say text messages now or or phishing emails for example but now going into the future looking at audio and video uh potential fakes we should be standing back and questioning it just like you wouldn't part with your cash from someone you've never met in the street if it's an audio or visual visual message that's exactly the thing isn't it a lot of us have been scammed by DM or people have attempted to get in touch with us and you think oh I know this person they've messaged me before but the addition of voice and face makes it really really hard to protect yourself yeah that's right and it just is so difficult for the police to get out there and give them those tools that they might need and so at the moment the police are saying just ER on the side of caution like they were originally until they can speed up that way of potentially trying to stop this technology but it's very difficult to spot uh what's coming in the future with these deep fakes because so many videos are already edited that it will just make it difficult
Channel: Channel 4 News
Views: 35,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, ai, ai deepfake, deepfake, tech news, tech, technology, tech world, martin lewis, money saving expert, morgan freeman, ai fraud, ai scammers, tom cruise, channel4news
Id: gFRxyOjr4Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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