LGBTQ Activist Takes On Piers Morgan Over Athletes Refusing To Wear Rainbow Colours

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welcome back to pearson organization pride month used to be about celebrating gay rights and campaigns for equality it's now more about ag campaigns celebrating righteous brands in places where equality often already exists from burgers to banks machines to marines yes bullets apparently are now gay everybody wants to know it's okay to be gay which of course it is except of course where it's not big brands love to signal their virtue in english speaking countries where gay rights have been hard-fought and hard-earned but not so keen to do it in the middle east for example where it's often illegal and punishable by debt they don't really care about lgbtq or you the only pride a lot of these corporations seem to have is in their quarterly earnings report world football's governing body fifa for example is flying the rainbow flag in his headquarters a few months before it flies the game superstars to the world cup in qatar where gay people are flogged or killed and it seems nobody's more keen to show you there along for the pride than professional sports teams whether the players like it or not paris saint-germain footballer idris a guy sat at a recent game because the rest of his team were wearing rainbow emblazoned jerseys he's a muslim from senegal where being gay can land you in jail and five tampa bay raised players in america this week refused to wear uniforms with lgbt rainbow logos for pride month citing their right to make a personal choice i would argue they have that right it should be a personal choice as should all social or political gestures we shouldn't be shaming or abusing any sports people frankly who don't want to participate in this kind of thing but that's just my view joining me discuss all this is bisexual activist and writer lewis oakley along with wrestler fox news contributor tyrus welcome to you both so let me start with you lewis here's my issue about this i don't think anybody should be forced to signal their virtue if they don't wish to and yet we're seeing more and more pressure now being applied both by sporting uh teams and associations we're seeing it applied by social media the court of public opinion to say if you don't do this then you are a bigot and you should be shamed what's your view well yeah i i totally agree we shouldn't force people to to wear things and and support things publicly that they don't support it's fine obviously that comes down to well if you're not going to take the knee if you're not going to wear these laces what does this say about you and i think that's where we need to have why should i say why should it say anything about you for example there are currently there are black footballers who don't want to take the knee anymore they think it's lost it's it's steam and impact if they should be allowed to say i'm not gonna do it why shouldn't the white player without you making the insinuation well it says something about you if you don't well this is the thing i don't think if you're not going to take the new if you're not the way to lace it means you're a bad person i just think it means okay well there's a conversation to be had there are many reasons why someone would not want to wear rainbow laces or wear or wear the pride thing but we have to ask why like what is it is it that you you know hate the gays you don't want to see them around or is it that you you know you think it's woke or mad whatever it is but that's where the issue is because we still have to come back to the reason this is being done right the reason this is being done is because we still don't have any out premier league footballers it's still got that stigma of homophobia in it and we're just kind of saying look how can we kind of make up for this this has historically been somewhere where gays were not wanted or bisexuals were not wanted i think there's a perfectly valid point taurus i mean i think that i you know would be completely supportive of a lot of these issues but i don't like the pressure that's now being applied for example to these tampa bay rays players this sort of outrage over their disinclination to signal their virtue for pride they should be allowed not to if they don't want to shouldn't they well they should and and to what you need to you need we need to get back to having two thoughts on one subject i think you can be completely supportive of gay pride month and not necessarily have to wear a banner flag for it during black history month the united states i don't expect my white friends to acknowledge my blackness every day but at the same time it's about equality when you receive equality you can also say while i respect you i difference their opinion or i just choose for no other reason then i don't want to celebrate it right it doesn't mean you can't acknowledge it it can't mean you can't appreciate it i think the problem is whenever somebody doesn't acknowledge it we allow the mainstream media to think that there can only be one way you're either you're either pro-gay or you're not right that's not true you can support it and i think what the what the tampa bay baseball player eloquently said was although he he supports and he has no issues with them his religious beliefs are what they are and we have to respect that just like if someone says listen i don't think of mixing of the races is something i want to do in my household but i don't have anything against black people as a whole this is my personal choice i don't have to like it and i'm probably not going to have lunch with that guy but i can respect it we it's about respect yeah i mean i remember about it i actually had actually quite a long uh debate actually with my sons all in their 20s when it was the the black square day on instagram where post george floyd and black lives matter protests it was a day when everyone was supposed to have a black square as their instagram post and that was all they would post all day and i didn't go along with it because i didn't really think it would be that effective and i just thought it was a bit of a sort of pointless virtue signaling my sons got quite annoyed about it with me and they were under pressure from their friends who'd seen i hadn't done it and that just showed me really how insidious a lot of this pressure can be peer pressure social media pressure and corporate pressure to do these kind of things but i think it's a balance right like it's it's about yeah you should not feel pressured to do anything don't support things you don't support actually why why would you want to say you support somebody if you don't right but at the same time you're feeling a little bit of pressure there like no i wasn't feeling it they were feeling it and the point i was going to make with tyrus was you know for example fifa who are putting on the world cup the soccer world cup their statement actually said this on twit on twitter last week to celebrate uh pride month the fifa world cup qatar 2022 will be a celebration of unity and diversity adjoining of people from all walks of life regardless of race ethnicity religion age disability sex characteristic sexual orientation gender identity and expression everyone will be welcome and they followed up with another statement about pride but the problem with all this is they've sold the world cup rights to the country of qatar where it is illegal to be gay well and that's the that's the same problem that every group that's recognized has nobody is more important or more powerful than that mighty dollar and that dollar makes a lot of corporations turn the other way and they try to set up fights in other places for us to let me take a perfect example and i'm gonna i'm gonna take race and sexuality out of a minute just people's perceptions i uh mr morgan i saw you this weekend on tv and you were there with a great sharon osbourne and i was so happy to see her back on tv again the perception of her is horrible right but i know from personal experience when i was a bodyguard for snoop we shared the same apartment building as her daughter and me and four of the largest brothers you've ever seen had to sit outside in the sun literally every day in the june because there wasn't enough room in in snoop's apartment do you know who came up literally every other day bringing us water and food to the point without no mrs osborne no more thank you no more no more she it was night time it'd be sometimes it'd be 12 o'clock at night and she'd be walking asking if we wanted or needing anything there was no cameras on but the perception was one thing and she didn't have to broadcast her support and she didn't care what color we were she just saw four big hungry hot men who just happened to be black that she took care of you know what tyler's with me would be like so much one word out to me i think the word hot has shown out to me there and that's probably why sharon was hovering around in a sense of temperature i mean i don't think you know she's into artists so i don't think we we fit but the point is it goes back to the same thing you can have the same support and i like i said i have no issue whether best friend neighbor whatever i have no issue i care more about how you pay your bills and how you treat your neighbors than what you do uh in your bedroom what color you are i think i don't necessarily have to shout it to the moon i agree i think you hit the net on the head about its actions speak a lot louder to me the virtually signally final point with you louis like bmw for example did their gay pride social media posts last week but they didn't do it in on their middle eastern twitter account and nor did sephora cisco mercedes so they were supportive of gay pride here but they weren't going to be supportive of it publicly in countries where it's illegal to be gay that is what gets my goat about a lot of this stuff well it's total hypocrisy and you know it's easy to for a rainbow flag on something in this country isn't it where where they really need to be putting their effort in those countries yeah so it would actually have been brave of them to have done it there um but yeah and you know what lgbt people see through that i think so too yeah it's it's ridiculous lewis great to see you thank you very much always great to talk to you please come back soon love having you on the show thank you very much
Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored
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Keywords: fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, piers morgan, piers morgan meghan markle, piers morgan walks out, piers morgan life stories, piers morgan love island, lgbtq tiktok, lgbtq, tyrus fox news, tyrus, sharon osbourne, lgbt, pride month, pride month 2022, piers morgan lgbtq, uncensored, piers morgan new show, debate, interview, activist, idrissa gueye, rainbow laces, premier league, football, soccer, fifa world cup, world cup, qatar, fox, talk tv, player, gmb, good morning britain
Id: wndJdXwK558
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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