​@Octonauts - Awesome Sharks 🦈 | 70 Mins+ Shark Week Special! | Underwater Sea Education

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[Music] fascinating this kind of cuddle only grows in the water close to the beach what a nice color and oh shark sorry dudes it's a lemon shark that was so totally my fault really sorry bye ouch i hit my nose again let me see that my name's peso i'm a medic i help any sea creature who's hurt no matter what i'm lenny i could use some help hmm your nose is pretty bruised do you live around here yeah think so maybe actually i don't know i'm kind of lost i've been looking everywhere for my lagoon it's a beautiful place with shallow water near the beach is that where you live yeah all of us lemon sharks hang out there i've never had any problem finding my way home before i just don't know why i keep getting lost lemmy like all sharks uses his nose to find his way around he has special sensors that help him know which way to go the sensors on your nose are hurt so it isn't working right now and that's why i keep getting lost my nose doesn't know where to go but how do i fix it our ship the octopod has a sickbay i could put some medicine on your nose there bandage it up and make it as good as new dude you're the best let's go right this way [Music] don't worry lemmy once your nose is all better you won't bump into things anymore [Music] okay lemmy first you need a little medicine on your nose [Music] that tickles second you need a bandage whoa thanks so is that it can i go home now you need to wait a little while for your nose to heal if you go right now you'll still get lost and bump into things oh okay but do i have to wait in here i like it better outside only if you stay right outside the octopod i'll hang out right here and i'll be back to check on you later cool [Music] captain i've bandaged up lemmy's nose as soon as it's better he'll be able to find his way around again good work peso now show me how you bandage your nose i'm bored there's not much to do out here wouldn't hurt just to leave for a minute and then i'll totally come right back [Music] i think i'll check on lemmy oh no where did he go he's swimming away in a crazy zigzag pattern really fast flafferty flippers he can't tell where he's going captain he could get hurt peso sound the octo alert [Music] octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts there's a young lemon shark out there whose nose isn't working he could get lost or hurt if we don't catch up with him right away peso quasi into the guppy right ah there he is he's a fast one that's for sure he's heading that way [Applause] [Music] where's that speedy lemon shark going now uh he's swimming towards the beach ah there's lemmy now oh no he's stuck on the beach he needs to be in the water to breathe help someone help me hang on lemmy we're coming to save you i swam too close to the beach octonauts let's do this one two three lift yeah i'm sorry i should have listened to you peso at least you're all right that's what matters i'll stay in the octopod tell me nose is all better then let's all head back to the octopod and please stay close to the gup [Music] hope you've been comfortable in the launch bail lambie yes thanks and my nose is feeling much better that's great news i think today we can remove your bandages and i can go home right peso that's right i'm going to miss you lenny maybe you can visit the lagoon sometime and make my friends challenge into peso come in peso peso here shellington there's a hurt sea star inside an underwater cave we need your help right away i'll be right there i'll have a guppy ready in a jiffy i'll wait to go home till you get back peso i'd like you to come with me and meet my friends i'll be back as soon as i help this sea star [Music] [Music] good as new watch out for that hot steam there must be lava under these rocks i'm trapped octopod please come in it's shellington barnacle's here what's up shellington peso is trapped in this cave please send help help is on the way shellington [Music] open the octo hatch twig [Music] what's going on in trouble hi matey but don't you worry we're off to rescue him now hey so help save me now i've got to help save him [Music] my lemon shark nose is working again my nose knows where to go [Music] uh-oh quasi this isn't just a cave it's a cave with hot lava under the rocks that means this cave could fill up with hot bubbles and steam any second we've got to get peso and the herd starfish out of there now octonauts in here captain over here hey so don't move yeah how do we get him out we need to be fast enough to get past those hot bubbles lemmy captain i've got to help pacer lemon sharks are one of the fastest shots in the sea and i know i'm fast enough to get past those hot bubbles you're right there matey you're faster than any of us what about your sense of direction my nose is all better trust me all right let me go into the left now to the right now wait go that was exciting good work lemmy you're as brave as any octonaut absolutely thanks for saving me and the sea star yeah thanks we're friends play so peso it's time to take lemmy home to his lagoon follow me my nose knows where to go [Music] well here's my lagoon [Music] goodbye lemmy here's a sticker for being my bravest patient ever ah thanks peso put it right on my nose dude [Music] open up and say ah very good say ah ah good say ah no not ah just [Music] oh i've never tried a penguin before oh i know i shouldn't eat you i seem so nice but i'm a great white shark i can't help her couldn't you try to help it hi all right trying no gotta eat you sorry [Music] that looks like a big metal fish never tried one of those and he got a piece of the gum tweak open the octa hatch now you got it cap that's horrible i think i'd rather have the penguin just a little bit further peso tweak close the octo hatch now but if we open the hatch any further he'll get in we need to create enough water pressure to blast the shark out without hurting him tweak activate super flush [Music] it worked the shark is out but look the shark must have hurt his fins swimming into the octopod looks like he could use a bandage i suppose we should sound the octo alert [Music] to the hq [Music] octonauts there's an injured great white shark out there that needs our help but we must be careful the great white shark is one of the most powerful predators in the sea and one of the hungriest that's true he does like to eat and he'll try just about anything to see if he likes it if he doesn't he'll just spit it out well i'm not afraid of any shark i don't care how great he is peso i can bandage him quasi i'm the medic it's my job to help any creature who is hurt or sick no matter what shellington is there a way to safely approach the great white shark there is one way sometimes when a shark is flipped over on its back it gets very calm and peaceful but he only stays that way for a short amount of time i could bandage the shark if it were calm and peaceful but he's swimming away many sharks have to keep moving to stay alive if they stop moving they can't breathe then we'll need to flip the shark over to calm him down keep him moving so he can breathe and then peso can bandage him up tweak prepare the gup x great white shark straight ahead attention shock we are the optimals and we're here to help that looks tasty if it's all right i'd like to take a look at your thing then as i was saying fight oh i know i should just say thank you for trying to help me shark's good to eat you can't eat the cup oh he's getting tired and if he gets too tired he'll stop moving and he won't be able to breathe then we need to act fast quasi can you go out there and distract the shark while i flip him over my pleasure captain [Music] and you know see i'm trying to eat you can't take a point out of that plus i'm a lot tastier seriously i'll try anything once well you'll have to catch me first matey [Music] oh my follow me this way good work quasi [Music] do you still want to eat us why would i want to eat you i just want to be your friend captain he's in a trance calm as a clap time for the next part of the plan okay the shark is calm he's moving and he's breathing now i can bandage his bin be careful peso and quick the shark won't be calm for long [Music] right oh hey so [Music] oh i didn't know you were ticklish okay i think this calls for a super speedy triple loop around the shark bin rack hurry peso he could come out of his trance any second [Music] good as new how do you feel oh good i'm hungry oh no you're out of your trunks peso flappity flippers [Music] hold on quasi keep away from the shark for as long as you can [Music] i've got an idea junip come in i need an extra large supply of fish biscuits [Music] just hold him up a little longer quasi let's load up the snack shooter judy all right quasi try to lead the shark towards the surface i've got a little snack for him the optoski up in the air [Music] yummy bullseye [Music] don't worry guys i'm not hungry you're not nope the most delicious fresh baskets just flew into my mouth it was so strange and now i don't have to eat you which is great because i love you guys you fixed my friend thanks but just a warning i could get hungry again in that case how about a little dessert fascinating captain barnacles to shellington find anything interesting in the lagoon i found something amazing captain a whole school of hammerhead shark pups well be careful if they're babies their parents might be nearby well actually hammerhead parents don't take care of their pups at all they're on their own from the day they're born the pups stick together and protect each other until they're old enough to put them oh yeah yeah hey this stingray don't taste right it don't sound right either and it's kind of hard to chew yeah this isn't a stingray it's a gap back here shellington what's going on these three hammerhead pups are still learning how to hunt and the gup confused them i'm just glad they didn't hurt themselves back in the water you go no this should be a safe distance to study them from jumping jellyfish captain the hammerheads have all left the lagoon i've got to find out where they're going they seem to be in a real hurry it's starting to get dark and you know what that means night time is hunting time ready break oh no which way it uh [Music] i've got to get out of here before the hammerheads oh get away gellington come in charlington you won't believe this but i've crushed the gup d again yes and i can't follow the hammerhead puck i need backup we've lost contact captain dashie sound the octoalert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts shellington has crashed the gup d again yes he was following three hammerhead shark pups we have to help him captain it looks like he was heading toward the open ocean it's a dangerous place for hammerhead pups in that case we'd better hurry shellington are you all right i'm fine captain but the hammerhead pups are gone we need to split up to find them and then follow them yeah follow a little baby hammerhead this'll be easy just don't follow too closely quasi they're still very young and the gups may confuse them got it shellington you're with me octonauts let's do this [Music] still no sign of any hammerheads wait shellington i think i see one of them great now don't let him out of your sight that shouldn't be hard he's just nosing along the seabed like he's looking for something i can't see you stingray but i can smell you under there oh yeah smell this oh no the hammerhead just got stung by a stingray don't worry peso hammerheads don't mind a sting they sting or two that won't stop me nope how's about them go get them boys [Music] oh dear i've got to help him hello don't be afraid i'm a medic and i'm here to take these stinger barbs out one down a lot more to go [Music] actually it looks like i've got you i won't be able to follow that pup anywhere if that octopus gets her first uh i know [Music] take a shark tweaks new camouflage worked like a chop that old octopus thought i was a take a shark wait i'm not really a tiger shark i these little pups really do get confused by the cups quasi to shellington i'm following one of the hammerhead pups and she's a worthy one good work quasi don't lose her now well that's two of the hammerhead pups just one more to find i can smell food i just can't see it you can't get away from me hey look down there the third hammerhead and he's stuck [Music] we're the octonauts we're here to help he's really stuck we'd better call for backup there the last one peso quasi come in we found the third pup but his head is stuck we need your help stuck we gotta help me brother captain [Music] don't they you're telling me peso quasi over here oh ouch this does me feel too good some slippery ointment should help slide his hammer head out good idea everyone else grab a fin don't worry we'll have you out and swimming in no time on my count everyone pull ready three two one uh guys look behind me oh fascinating hammerheads eyes allow them to see what's behind them like that [Music] shark this should give him something to chew on hey those things don't taste too good do they i'm sure you'd taste a little better hey but you can't catch me hey so follow me and bring your friend quasi keep that shark busy here we've got something tasty for you [Music] now [Music] everyone get back yeah what's the big idea she was alone all right what's happening [Music] well i think he got the point that was so cool well done everyone please don't forget about me whoops sorry about that ready oh we did it oh thank you yeah thanks for all your help not like we needed it or nothing hey we've got to get going see you around wait we still don't know where you're going follow us and we'll show you what are we waiting for let's go we're in the open ocean now there's nothing around for hundreds of miles where could they be going avast mateys there's something up ahead something big [Music] it's not on any of our maps we must be the first to discover it actually i think the hammerheads beat us to it look that's where they all went they must rest here during the day when they're not hunting bye thanks again see you later take care of yourselves hey look a stingray [Music] octonauts our mission today is to find out what kind of sharks visit this reef i can't wait to get out there and study them as closely as possible but not too closely sharks can be dangerous hi and that's why i just can't wait to get going and clean the gunk off the outside of the gups what it's your turn to do gupp clean up duty quasi ah what's the big hurry captain they can't be that dirty our gups are covered in gunk and they don't work well when they're dirty ah hi i'll make them ship shape but i'd rather be swimming with the sharks um what about the guppy captain it seems dirty too don't worry peso she should be fine for a quick mission maybe not there she goes open the octo hatch tweak right away cap [Music] okay i'll get to work after a quick gamer table tennis come on [Music] oh look there's a pilot fish no sharks yet though hmm let's move further down the reef maybe we'll have better luck there [Music] someone say this is easier for you professor english you win well done quasi i better get back to cleaning those cups well maybe just one more game against [Music] hmm no sharks here nothing here either try the front window jumping jellyfish it's a shot a great big white tip shark see the white tips on its fins oh and look at those teeth we could use a toothbrush what's he trying to do oh captain i think he's trying to take a bite out of the gup he could hurt himself and us hold on up to naught [Music] uh-oh sounds like some gunk got in the propeller hold on everyone all right mateys the next point wins [Music] [Music] shiver whiskers is the guppy having a grand adventure chasing after a shark you're not chasing that shark the shark is chasing them [Music] to your stations [Music] octonauts we need to get away from this shark open the octo hatch tweak you got it cap hold on everyone ready tweak now close it [Music] phew good work octonauts fascinating i wonder why that shark decided to chase us maybe you look like a tasty dinner me hearties no that can't be it sharks don't eat ships i'm just glad that shark didn't catch us that'll teach me to take out a gunky gup um how's the gup cleaning coming along quasi i haven't start finished yet captain well back to work [Music] [Music] who cleaned the cape i did hello how did you get in here i followed the cup and i'm ready for more more you mean you like cleaning like it i live for it i'm a pilot fish it's how i get food i eat the gunk off of things eat and clean clean and eat then dinner is served [Music] [Music] delicious [Music] [Music] great work quasi these gups have never been cleaner well as i always say captain if you're gonna do a job you might as well do it properly i'm amazed how fast you're able to do this and all on your own too um yes well i i didn't do it all on my own you didn't quasi i'm still hungry i need to eat and clean clean and eat you got any more um meet me new cleaning assistant the pilot fish hello you must have followed us back here from the reef the wreath yeah yeah hey i bet i could find something to eat and clean out there what do you pilot fish usually clean sharks shiver me whiskers is that dangerous nope pilot fish and sharks help each other i keep the shark's teeth clean the shark scares away other fish that might try to eat me if i could find another shark then i could eat and clean all i want i'd never be hungry again hey there was a shark at the reef who chased us and his teeth were pretty dirty i wonder if they just needed a clean a shark with dirty teeth oh boy boy do you think we can find him i reckon we can octonauts our little friend helped us clean the gups and now we're going to help him find that white tip shark peso quasi you're with me i'm ready to protect our little pilot fish if anything goes wrong with that shark and i'm ready to take care of both of you if you get hurt and i'm ready to eat and clean clean and eat octonauts let's do this open the octo hatch tweak you got it cat this definitely beats cleaning cups me hearties there's no sign of that shark anywhere and his teeth are still dirty too [Music] time to eat and clean clean any [Music] he's okay ah that's better already you're just the little fella i needed to clean my teeth i'm glad to help so the shark was just trying to use the gup a as a toothbrush to clean his teeth but now he has his own pilot fish to do the job and i have my own shark to protect me gotta go you didn't clean clean any you know how it is thanks octonauts i'm gonna miss that little fella i guess i'll have to clean the gaps all by myself next time oh i'll help you quasi you will of course eat and clean clean and eat you know how it is [Music] we're all connected and ready to go cap then let's turn on the octa cam and see if it works [Music] barnacles to shellington is the octa cam working yes captain the picture of the hermit crab is coming in nice and clear no one's explored this part of the ocean before with this octocam we can film the sea creatures who live here very good barnacles out good work octonauts let's head back to the octopod [Music] what's that sound nothing i guess [Music] [Music] [Applause] that sound is coming from outside the gut is there anybody out there um nobody but those tiny skinny black fishies the gup probably just needs a checkup cap we'll be home soon and then you can take a look thanks tunip these fish biscuits are delicious fascinating how many sea stars are traveling together in this group let's see there's one two huh oh come back captain something's wrong with the octocam let me see what i can do it's not working hmm that's strange the octa cam was working perfectly when we left yes can you come on down here there's something you've just gotta see to believe check out these three perfectly round holes in the gup whoa what could have made those holes ah not what captain [Music] look at this a whole set of teeth strong enough to take a bite out of the gup hmm first our gup was damaged and now the octa-cam isn't working this smells fishy tweak sound the octo alert [Music] octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts there's something very wrong with the octa cam we've got to get back there i'll have those holes in the guppy fixed up faster than you can say a bunch of munchie crunchy carrots thanks tweak shellington see if you can work out whose teeth these are while we check on the octa-cam all right captain i wonder what kind of animal would leave their teeth behind like that don't worry i'll get to the tooth i mean truth huh this is a mystery and we've got to solve it quasi peso into the gup with me it's not working all right not beeping or worrying or nothing and here's why three holes in the rubber cable just like the holes in the gup three more holes here and here hmm who's biting our equipment captain quasi i found another set of teeth where yeah they were here just a second ago look it's gone there's nothing around but those skinny little fish it's like someone's playing tricks on us and then disappearing who would do that i know but i wish i didn't he's none other than the dry toothed terror the who-toothed water the tri-toothed terror a giant sea monster with three huge sharp teeth he sneaks up on pirate ships fights up with his enormous team then disappears into thin you think the tri-tooth terror could be around here following us um i don't think we're dealing with the tri-tooth terror well if it isn't the tri-tooth terror that made these holes then what was it i asked where's that coming from [Music] it's a blue whale maybe he's seen something that could help us work this out excuse me but what's so funny is my eye patch crooked oh something's tickling my blubber but i can't tell what i wish it would stop now can you help me it's down by my tail ah we've seen these marks before no it's under my chin now that scurvy tried tooth terror must be nearby but where i've i've got to get out of here hold on [Music] oh that was a wild ride i wish i knew who was tickling me i think the creature who gave you the giggles is the same one that's been giving us trouble it left more of them tiny round marks in your blubber don't worry blue whale the octonauts will find the troublemaker and stop him ah nope too big too small too thin nope nope nope wait a minute there that's it captain i know whose teeth these are great work shellington they're called cookie cutter sharks they dig their teeth into a whale's blubber and leave round holes the way a cookie cutter leaves a shape in dough or pastry so that's why they went after the blue whale they wanted a bite of his blubber but why did the wee sharks attack the octocam cables because they get confused and mistake soft material like rubber for a blubber rubber for blubber we've got to ask them to stop biting our equipment but first we need to catch these rubber blubber lovers and i have an idea barnacles to tweak we're going to need your help [Music] hey cam you ordered a big rubber whale balloon thanks tweak let's set it up near the octagon and then everybody hide [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm innocent that wasn't even there you took bites out of our equipment and broke it oh that look we're we're cookie cutter sharks we thought your equipment was foods how we took a nibble sorry yes sorry sorry about that sorry but how did you keep hiding from us oh okay okay we'll show you how we do it [Music] your bellies glow so when we're looking at them from below they blend in with the sunlight and all you see are those black marks that make them look like skinny fish swimming by so that's why nobody can see you from below guess we can't fool you anymore nope no no fooling you at all but why did you leave your teeth in our cup don't you need them our teeth come out in whole rows like that and grow back really quickly but what about the teeth that disappeared i put them down and then they were gone the teeth disappeared because i ate them you ate your own teeth that doesn't sound very healthy it is if you're a cookie cutter shark our teeth have lots of vitamins in them so the mystery is solved but could you please stop nibbling on our equipment okay okay but we'd really like a snack about now oh yeah i'm really hungry ah i got an idea for that this fish biscuit is way better than rubber absolutely he's not wrong see tulip nobody can resist a bite of your fish biscuits i'm a bit partial myself you're not the only one [Music] [Laughter] you've and i'm heading back to the octopod right now [Music] i thought i was a hot shot pilot but these little fishies put me to shame octonauts can you see this their sardines quasi sardines always travel together in a school but how do they all stay together the scales on sardines skin help them feel when other sardines are near them that's how they stay together when they move yeah a triple curlicue with a half bike squiggle gotta try that quasi out now i'm gonna show these little fishies some moves get a load of that a superfly split turn with a backwards loop not bad [Music] you swim almost as well as a sardine you're not too shabby yourself for a little flipper flapper the name's dina quasi maybe we'll have a rematch someday you're on well better get back to my school before they did you lose your school well i'll be glad to help you find them no thanks i'm sure they didn't go too far bye quasi bye dina be careful matey [Music] thanks quasi i guess it's not so safe out here without my school they say their safety in numbers true that's why we sardines always travel in large schools then when a fisher wants to eat it shows up we swim in lots of different directions so it doesn't know who to follow clever there's only one of me but i'd be happy to take you safely to your school that's very nice of you [Music] fast there they are now i know a shortcut through this old ship what happened i'm caught in this old fishnet are you hurt quasi nah i'll just bump my head don't you worry i'll get myself out of this mess stuck maybe i could chew through the ropes no dina you go on ahead or you lose your school again nope you didn't abandon me when i needed help i'm staying here with you till i know you're okay you're a brave last dina and a good friend i better call the octopod what's wrong quasi well i'll hit my head the gup is trapped and a little sardine is in danger cause she lost her school other than that everything's fine sounds like you need a hand dashie sound the octo alert aye aye captain octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts we've got an emergency rescue first aid lost sardine situation [Music] so i'll explain on the way tweak into the gup d peso into the gup e okay captain dashie open the octo hatch [Music] fuzzy your school is here hi you could call them that [Music] how's your head quasi do you feel dizzy sleepy how many fingers am i holding up that's a trick question you don't have any fingers great you don't seem hurt but i'm still going to check you over as soon as i can get in there that's where i come here thanks everybody but where are me manners octonauts meet my new friend dina dina hi everybody sorry if i caused any trouble nonsense the octonauts are always happy to help quasi which way was the sardine school heading they went that away but they could be anywhere by now barnacles to shellington we've lost track of the sardines is there anything that could help us find them again yes captain i believe we can find the sardines by listening for their burping sound sardines burp actually yes sardines and many other fish swallow air to help them stay afloat but when they want to sink lower they burp the air out again captain you should be able to pick up the burping sound on the gups underwater microphone now just listen and be very quiet i don't suppose the sardines are taking a nap no that's just an elephant seal snoring what's that chillington that's just a crab clicking its claws ah burping dashie can you tell us where it's coming from i'm on it captain straight ahead near a coral reef then that's where we're heading barnacles out dina we may have found your school that's good news best be on your way dina but i don't want to leave you here quasi i'll be fine i'm with my school remember and you need to be with yours go on now thanks quasi for all your help anytime stay safe out there just follow me the burping is getting louder we must be getting close don't tell me seahorses burp too shellington actually lots of fish do captain we must have picked up seahorse burps instead of sardine burps what if my school is so far away we never find them captain the birds you hear now are coming from somewhere above you this could be your school dinner let's go [Music] you must be very close now i can feel them with the scales on my skin [Music] there they are oops i almost forgot to say thank you and please thank quasi for me don't mention it dina helping sea creatures is what we do bye dina i'll let quasi know you're all right there you go class you're free come in quasi we found dina's school and she's safe and sound that's happy news indeed captain everything looks good here see you back at the [Music] octopod mmm breakfast lunch and dinner is served that shark looks hungry for sardines i've got to help them [Music] they're swimming in different directions to confuse the shark uh-oh more sharks looks like the sardines could use some backup calling all cups sardines in trouble i don't know if i can hold him off by myself for much longer follow the sardines lead swirl and confuse over here [Music] i'm so glad you're okay and i'm glad you're okay i guess we both needed our schools to help us excuse me [Music] a vast there it is a whale shark looks like we're just in time whale sharks dive down to deep waters only once a day i can't wait to find out what it does down there he's going down captain then so are we shellington what are those things their krill peso that must be what the whale shark comes down here for the krill yes that tiny little shrimp that the whale shark eats let's take a closer look i will have to they're mighty small we'll use the octagons quasi they'll make those tiny krill look big activate octogoggles [Music] hey there's something glowing over there what is that flappity flippers a giant shark are you talking to me wait a minute my octo goggles hey you're not a gigantic shark you're tiny yeah i get that a lot but even though i am small and i glow i'm still a shark okay what's wrong this thing is stalked on my back and i can't get it off it makes it hard to swim don't worry you've just got a sticky shell stuck to your back i can help you i'm a medic i help any sea creature who's hurt or sick no matter what heads up peso whale shark coming through shark where are you i've got to help him but first i've got to find him captain barnacles i just met a tiny little shark and he had a shell on his back what did you see peso a shark a teeny tiny glowing shark he was hurt and he needed help but the waves from the big whale shark knocked him way down deep and i don't know where he is well then we'd better find him let's sound the octo alert octonauts to your [Applause] [Music] stations octonauts there's a shark out there who needs our help peso what did the shark look like well he's tiny about as big as my flipper i've never heard of a shark that small well sharks do come in all different sizes indeed there are huge whale sharks like the one you follow today and also much smaller sharks but none of my old books mention a shark as small as the one you saw peso see your eyes must have been playing tricks on you i know what i saw it was a teeny tiny little shark and if you were swept downwards we'll have to look for him in deeper darker waters come on we've got a tiny shark to find barnacles out how are we supposed to find anything down here in the dark peso said the little shark glows so let's shut off our lights so we can see if anything's glowing out there shiver me whiskers it looks like outer space each of those lights is a different sea creature one of them must be the little shark if he was swept down this way he probably didn't get far we'll have to split up but be careful it's so dark down here that it's easy to get lost deep sea suits on everyone [Music] excuse me are you oh you're not a tiny shark at all you're an angler fish you got that right pal ah these are no sharks that's for sure a glowing jellyfish oh that one's really bright nope hatched fish [Music] where are you little shark where am i peso to captain barnacles i seem to have got separated from the group where are you can anybody hear me oh no my radio isn't working i must be too far away from the others oh is that the lantern shark no it's much bigger and brighter and it's coming right at me yikes ahoy peso quasi why are you swimming upside down i'm not upside down you're upside down you got that wrong pal huh [Music] come on peso we need to go find the other octonauts but we haven't found the tiny shark yet peso i've chased after lots of strange creatures and the truth is sometimes you find them and sometimes you don't but this one needs our help well if we don't find captain barnacles and the others we're gonna need help too righto let's stick together i'll look for the shark while you look for the octonauts [Music] shellington have you seen peso or quasi no just lots of glowing fish and no little shark either peso quasi come in their radios must not be working i hope they're not lost we'd better oh what is that [Music] wait for me captain [Music] a tiny shark oh thank goodness you saw my flashing i'm glad it helped you find me we lanton sharks use our lights to find each other fascinating well i've never seen a shark as small as you everybody says that oh this shell on my back is really bugging me we can help with that well not me but our medic he's called peso hey so he's my bad where is he well uh i'm afraid he's out there somewhere we've got to find him i can see pretty well in the dark so i can help look for him oh he's getting hard for me to swim with this shell don't worry i can carry you okay [Music] see anything look something's flashing [Music] hello over here this way matey ah they can't see us if only we had a flashing light that's it we do huh [Music] now that's what i call a bright idea [Music] oh i hope they see us hi it's working peso quasi is that you you found us hola peso and you found the little shark well shiver me whiskers it is a tiny shark let's get you fixed up what kind of tiny creature are you anyway matey i am a dwarf lantern shark and i know i'm little but i am still a shark [Music] there good as new thanks peso i sure am glad we found each other how about a picture take good care of yourself it's a big ocean out there will do bye nice to meet you called a dwarf lantern shark of course it wasn't in any of my old books because you're one of the first explorers to find one this is the smallest shark in the world a dwarf lantern shark well it just goes to show you sharks come in all different shapes and sizes just like octonauts do [Music] up for a little table tennis peso not now quasi i'm helping this little porcupine puffer with a sore spike but it's going to be all better soon oh better really give a wiggle and see [Music] a porcupine puffer's eyes can look in two different directions at the same time careful not to startle puffy here or else he'll [Music] hello captain uh i was just uh practicing my sword fighting ah with a table tennis bat quasi was just startled when puffy puffed up i do this when i'm scared to stay safe and with these spikes the bigger fish would have a hard time eating me and it's a good thing too porcupine puffers are really poisonous it's okay puffy oh my spike is starting to feel better thanks peso off you go then puffy bye [Music] there he goes good work peso another happy patient quasi what's that big grey thing swimming towards puffy oh that's just a whale shark puffy look out with at least one of those crazy eyes of yours oh no peso sound the octo alert octonauts to the hq [Music] octonauts this mission is a double rescue we've got to save a porcupine puffer and the whale shark who's just swallowed him porcupine puffers are small but they're one of the most poisonous creatures in the ocean if the puffer gets into the whale shark's stomach he'll be turned into food and his poison will spread and make the whale shark very sick we've got to get him out and fast for both their sakes peso quasi to the launch bay rope check fish pack check uh what does this do it's a fish pack you just pull that cord yeah you got yourself a portable fish tank so the puffer is safe in the water and you're safe from his prickly spines good thinking tweak octonauts let's do this quasi you swim into the whale shark's mouth grab puffy put him into the fish pack then i'll give you the signal and we'll pull you out by the rope oh sounds easy enough to me there he is and he's going after those tiny crips strap on the fish pack quasi was he yeah hey so you drive i'm coming for you puppy huge easy does it i'll just put you in this fish pack here it comes quasi [Music] [Applause] [Music] peso [Music] [Music] [Music] no i meant hello it's uncle quasi here to help you get all comfy and cozy you got plenty of water to splash around in right there's nothing to worry about we're having a really fun time here we are yeah because uncle quasi is gonna do a funny dance for you it's called but try to open the jaws with all your might search the kills for a while that's better than just destroy it again this is full now what now it's story time ah once upon a time uncle kwazii and a cute little puffer fish were waiting to be rescued by uncle barnacles and uncle peso who were taking forever it's time for plan b when the whale shark opens his mouth i'll swimming put puffy in the pack and give you the signal then i'll throw the rope and pull everyone out ready ready captain three two one jump yeah you can do it peso [Music] use your polar bear strength ah i'm trying but he's using his whale shark sucking strength [Music] if we go through that sponge wall we'll end up in the stomach grab onto the guilt [Music] [Music] sounds like the whale shark's about to open up for lunch uncle kwazii's getting you out of here ouch captain a rope [Music] he's going through the sponge wall that must have really hurt we can't let him reach the [Music] stomach phew hold on puffy we have to get him back into water fast the whale shark doesn't like puffy sharp spike digging into him [Music] i can't quite reach his tail you can if you hold on to me [Music] gotcha [Music] [Music] sorry we can't stay for lunch [Music] you'll never shake me [Music] [Music] bounce towards the mountain [Music] for the opening ugh thanks for the ride whale shark but this is where we get off [Music] uncle now remember to watch out for really big fish or keep an eye and annoy out for them [Music] i'm captain barnacles come on everyone join in right let's go you
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 2,981,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, captain barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, dashi, octopod, learn about the ocean for kids, sea education for kids, explore the ocean, shark week, shark special, great white shark, tiger shark, lemon shark, hammerhead shark, whale shark
Id: Dw24GaavqJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 53sec (4793 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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