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Today we are cooking two lambs In an unusual way Good knives! They cut anything even bones We’re going to use these homemade skewers to cook these lambs on an open fire Stick the skewer under the bottom rib Daddy, how long will it take? These are young lambs Maybe 2,5 – 3 hours This is too long! I am gonna get hungry! There are sunflower seeds in the car Take them and eat some Isabella! Where I come from People drink wine from such bowls Good one! Is it good? Use the knife to cut No, sweetheart, I don’t need a knife anymore As wise people say A man should avoid two types of people in life Those who don’t need him And those whom he doesn’t need I want to raise this cup of homemade dry wine To all the subscribers and viewer of our channel May every single one of you have someone who needs you no matter what! To you! Good wine! Mmm! It’s roasted well! I’m gonna tease the camera guy a little bit Mmm! I love these crunchy parts! Meat chips You fed the kids, you fed the cat. And what about me? Don’t you want to sit with the guests? Come! I’ll give you the most delicious part Which one? A leg Here you are Thanks Friends! Take note of this recipe It’s not difficult. You can see it yourself It’s easier than the lamb on a turnspit It’s juicy!
Views: 17,485,691
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Keywords: rfr, как, приготовить, мясо, барана, на, костре, маринад, хороший, рецепт, приготовления, шашлыка, из, баранины, новое, видео, YouTube, в, духовке, свинины, говядины, фарш, специи, лимон, сок, вкусное, по, французски, сколько, без, мяса, ели, тушеное, рыба, капуста, домашнее, блюда, курицы, мультиварке, суп, запечен, вертеле, аргентански, с, овощами, приготовление, сыром, птицы, куриное, чтобы, было, мягким, домашних, условиях, где, хорошее, жареное, пошагово, кг, виды, почему, запеченное, кролика, индейки, свежее, быстрый, георгий, кавказ, youtube, ASMR
Id: VHbMunNGlU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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