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We haven’t cooked lulah-kebab for a long time, friends And today we have a great opportunity to make kebab from brawn (wild boar’s meat) While at it we can test our knives Samura knives “Reptile” series In our Instagram account we’ve experimented with them so much We’ve cut the trainers There, Phoebe! We’ve even shaven with these knives! By the way, I highly recommend you to subscribe to our account on Instagram I guess I can get dirty pretty fast Phoebe! Get out of the way! There, for you too Living a cool life, these two Better give it to Phoebe Even a cat can take away your meat! Big pieces go to shashlik And we’ll make lulah-kebab from the small ones The wine has become so dark with time There I wouldn’t know for you But I don’t like cooking without wine To your health! Let’s go on Don’t judge me for the axes, please! Brawn is pretty tough in itself So we the pieces we cut are no bigger that a matchbox These pieces are also for kebab Friends, we often organize a giveaway of Samura kitchen knives in our Instagram account So if you want to give it a shot subscribe to our account and don’t to miss our next giveaway If you like these “Reptile” knives you can click on the link of Samura website and order them If you use promo code “Kavkaz” you can get a 15% discount Let’s marinate our boar We’ll need salt Turn the meat upside down So that every piece gets Salt and pepper I like it spicy Also we’ll need a hairy potato (a funny name for kiwi) And onions Sweetie, throw it in Go and wash it Leave it to marinate for 3 hours Daddy, I’ll take the blender inside Yes, of course We will definitely need chicken breast for the minced meat to stay on the skewer It makes it stick well Also we’ll need two onions Grind it as well Add some salt Salt it well And add pepper Mix it well To make sure that minced meat really sticks We’ll put it through the grinder again I love watching the fire When you look at it you can think about the eternity This is for those who watch their nutrition and eat healthy We didn’t wait for 3 hours 1,5 hours is enough for us Kiwi has done its part I think Let’s spread the charcoals Kebab needs strong heat to get cooked In spite of my experience I also meet slight mishaps One hell of a boar. Tasty! And it’s nice to see that it’s juicy Time to take it off Kebab is ready Let’s finish shashlik Nice boar, eh Hm, pretty juicy for brawn! I loved it Can I add some more? When you’re young you think that your happiness is way ahead When you’re old you think your happiness is left way behind And nobody wants to miss their happiness To my opinion, happiness is a large and close-knit family And I want to raise this glass of Homemade dry wine To your families May they be large and close-knit To you! I can’t say for you, but as for me I loved these lulalhs! I’ll go and feed the kids While it’s still warm
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Keywords: дикий, кабан, на, мангале, шашлык, из, мясо, мяса, дикого, дичь, дичи, блюдо, углях, маринад, для, и, с, в, уголья, уголь, хороший, сочьный, охоте, охота, кабана, кабанов, запад, дикая, еда, шашлыки, кебаб, мангал, духовке, мясом, свинины, рецепт, без, по, картошка, простой, пкусный, быстрый, пошагово, какое, ели, рецепты, сковороде, горшочках, пирог, запечен, запеченное, сырое, приготовление, люля, вкусный, сколько, можно, свинина, мягкий, люля кебаб, замариновать, маринованый, где, охотиться, приготовить, классический, видео, youtube, кавказ, георгий кавказ
Id: 9EI4dfMn5J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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