Конор МакГрегор vs Чад Мендес: Вспоминаем бой

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[Applause] alright gentlemen we've been over the rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions come out ready play how good is this McGregor Mendes interim featherweight belt is the prize for the winner McGregor just can't stop talking to him here we go spinning back-kick immediately Chad's got his back and Connor gets back up tags right Chad looking to utilize his wrestling on connects when he tagged him with two big punches there Mike good combination by Chad Mendes the Gregor's snuck an elbow in there Joe another right hand over the top by Mendez submitting back kick is nice caught him with that one the O'Connor is tapped timing that very well by they're smiling and taunting each other oh he hurt him hard he hurt him hard there I was a good shot by Conor Chad that time ducked under Chad can't stand right in front of him like that when he lands that left hand Conor has some serious one punch power with that and Carters cutting off the Octagon here early good combination they've all been again again hard shot slipped and ripped by Mendes he's got him trapped Joe well he might have got stunned he might have got stunned by either those punches or the kicks or the kick to the body but Chad is standing right in front of him which is very uncharacteristic and not shooting could be just trying to recover there's a kid there's a good one too bye Chad amazing atmosphere the adrenaline pumping from both of these guys Chad's breathing heavy yes he is and it could be because of those kicks of the body Mike Connor came right out with one and he's connected on the last two or three it's got chat retreated there you go connect to that time he put the left on his chin and followed with the right looking for the tape that's a big power shot gonna get some town nicely done but in a full guard Chad Mendes the most takedowns in UFC and WEC featherweight history with his first of the night he turned the corner on that one nicely but he's in Conor's full guard there's a good shot by Chad beautiful shot by Chad connected the right than the left now money's on the board beautiful rainy I tell you what Conor McGregor can take a punch she sure can t also holds his hands really low and it can in the counter blood by the right eye of Conor McGregor good front kick to the body by Conor Conor is used to the kicks is keeping him at length allowing him to land chugs another hard shot to the body Chad again Chad's body's hurt it was the kick to started it off yep he's trying to recover here but Connor can hit him he's got a longer reach and he can hit him in a place where Chad can't hit him back especially with those kicks 8-inch reach advantage chatted took a big deep breath Mendes trying to duck under and fire back again two steps over could he pass the guard yes he can on top very bad position third Mendes and this is what everyone who is a hardcore fan wanted to see can someone take Connor down and when they do what can they do to him the one thing that he hadn't faced inside the Octagon is a talented wrestling both Menten 17 and two in their professional careers Chapman is still trapped in the half guard officially now Joe three takedowns for Mendez chadman is looking for a guillotine here look at the trap the neck her team talking about the fingers chat Mendez watch him final seconds of round one round two [Applause] I like the respect they're beginning it around McGregor with a quick touch Mendes return the spin Chad can't stand in front of them and that's a problem he's having in Connors doing a wonderful job of keeping them on the outside and attacking his body a lot of kicks in the body to higher plays again good squat good shot looking for the guillotine doesn't get it Chad's gotta move away from those body checks very important very nice straight left just miss Connor with some beautiful boxing here total stripes McGregor account again huge taped at porn tape town for Mendes Joe that's why you and I talked earlier about styles make matchups and the big question which was what happens when he faces the wrestler yeah this is what we're seeing Chad Mendes on top landed another good elbow to the spot where he cut it was a big elbow that caused that first cut slashing elbow by Mendes top position again third truck never UFC rolling elbow for Chad Mendes he's a strong elbows [Applause] you might have got noticed that he was in the main event late but Chad Mendes is always in great shape don't another nasty elbow by Mendez trying to disrupt the breathing of Conor McGregor Mendes keeping busy [Applause] it takes a long time to get tuned to go five and even if Mendes is in really good shape which he is the question remains was he good enough shape to fight like this for 25 minutes though he's a hard out Mendes the same they were what Dean same fight Mendez was saying those who are legal elbows hurt Dean disagree or did tell him to be careful Joe [Applause] two minutes left in round two another hard elbow by Mendez he's slashing with those elbows a big shot there working in the closed guard of McGregor McGregor's talking to him while he's landing punches McGregor continues to talk to him body head head again pon are looking at work Dean but chat Mendez is keeping plenty busy to keep the fight right here and again these are nasty elbows he's saying he's fighting I think Connor is asking Herb Dean why aren't they standing it up exactly which is kind of crazy when you consider the amount of damage and Chad Mendes is doing and with elbows like that hand over the mouth guard close by McGregor and channes Amit made no attempt in this round at least to pass this guard he's content to stay in the guard and smash him with elbows and that's exactly what he's doing Joe he's doing a lot of damage here he stepped over looking for the neck looking for the neck chad is excellent at this this is his technique get in Kenny G long lost it in the backup uppercut Brian can't stay here the combinations Mendes fires back looks for another takedown not stopped it with 20 seconds to go big deep breaths by Chad Mendes listen to this place Oh big shot by McGregor look at the clock closely ten-second hoodie finish up here [Applause] Turner flagger in genuine see why you drew featherweight champion Wow Wow Wow unbelievable we did it Mendes tried to lock it in couldn't Chad had a very good round on top but was seconds ticking away Conor McGregor went to work and he finished the fight and he's the interim featherweight champion the face of a fighting nation who said he did not come here to take part he came here to take over the notorious Conor McGregor Bruce Buffer has the official decision ladies and gentlemen referee Herb Dean has called a stop to this contest at four minutes 57 seconds of round number two to claim the winner by TKO and now the new interim UFC featherweight champion of the world the notorious Conor [Applause]
Channel: UFC Eurasia
Views: 4,561,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, макгрегор, мендес, Конор МакГрегор, Чад Мендес, Конор МакГрегор против Чад Мендес, Конор МакГрегор Чад Мендес бой, ufc лучшие моменты, МакГрегор, Мендес, МакГрегор Мендес бой
Id: J-dcm5sA4T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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