Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan - Epic Character History

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[Music] but no living man am i you look upon a woman eowyn i am aomon's daughter you stand between me and my lord and kin be gone if you be not deathless for living or dark undead i will smite you if you touch him hail and well met my friends joist in here and i hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle earth today we will be talking about eowyn the renowned shield maiden of rohan and we shall explore her backstory and history as an epic character some related and helpful articles are in the description for more information and please check out the related videos in the description and cards as well without further delay thank you all for joining me today let's begin our tale eowyn the daughter of eomund and theoduin was born in 2995 of the third age her name means horse joy or lover of horses in old english or rohirik and the name was also a mixture of both of her parents names theoduin was the sister of theoden and she married eomund a man of the eastfold who dwelt in aldberg i assume that during her youth aoen dwelt in aldberg also for eomer claims aldberg was his home however in 3002 of the third age eomund would be slain by orcs in the emin wheel and theoduin would soon die after of illness eowyn was only seven years old at the time and so theoden king took in his niece and nephew at ederas to raise them as he raised theod his son eowyn grew to be a woman of cold beauty quote fair and cold like a morning of pale spring that has not yet come to womanhood end quote in the year 3019 of the third age the last year of the war of the ring eowyn was only 24 years of age that's right she slew the witch king when she was only 24. poor a arner was 122 and he didn't even stand a chance against the witch king when he rode off to meet him yeah don't want to mess with eowyn i should throw in that at the same time aomir was 28 years old anyway eowyn grew to be tall and slender with the beauty grace and pride of her mother and grandmother morwin and in the halls of her forebears she was clad and white in the time before the coming of gandalf the white to ederas eowyn cared for her uncle king theoden who was gripped by the despair and influence of the ills of grima wormtongue at the bidding of his master saruman alone truly aided the king every day for aomir was off hunting orcs and fulfilling his duties as the third marshal of the mark and wormtongue was further downcasting the king and over time grima began to watch awin and haunt her steps she also during this time had to keep hope for herself in spite of the sayings of the worm that got into her head while eomer was fighting the enemy abroad eowyn was fighting the enemy at home and in that i am sure she played no small part in the endurance of theoden and of rohan but fortune came to the kingdom with the white rider on march 2nd 3019 of the third age the three hunters and gandalf came to meadowseld the golden hall of ederas and gandalf saved the king bringing him forth from his halls aragorn would see her during this time and she would see him as she began to grow perilous feelings for the dunadan after theoden was freed there was a meal and eowyn waited on her lord theoden toasting him with a cup and eventually she offered the cup to aragorn and her look to him in that moment quite clearly had a great feeling to it there came a time when theoden went forth to ride to battle with the forces of isengard but he needed aomir at his side he would then need a person to lead his people in his stead and none named any man theoden asked and who did his people trust to which hama replied that they trusted in the house of aorul in that moment theoden was thinking only of the males of the house as he reaffirmed his need for eomer but hama did not name aomir nor was he the last of that house for there was eowyn also and all loved her for she was fearless and high-hearted theodin agreed and bade her farewell and gave her a sword and a fair courselet wishing her well saying that they might return to the golden hall but if not his people would long defend themselves and dunhero if the battle went ill in response eowyn said he should not say so and that she would endure a year for every day that went by until his return however her eyes went to aragorn when she said that thus eowyn watched her kin and allies depart as she stood before the doors of the golden hall with hand on held as a silver beauty in the sun eventually eowyn would lead her people to dunhero where would come the grey company with their captain aragorn eowyn boutless was glad to see him and to hear of the battle of homes deep days before the conversation came to aragorn's course and he said to eowyn's dismay that he would take the paths of the dead she sought to dissuade him but his mind would not change and before aragorn went to rest that night she tried once more and this time she wanted to go with him if she could aragorn stayed his course and denied her reminding her of her duties to her people she told him she was most afraid of a cage one final time the next morning she came forth in the gear of a writer and wanted to depart with them after drinking a cup to their speed and after aragorn drank to the fortunes of her and her house it seemed she wept one last time she asked if he would go to which he said he would and she asked if she could go with him to which he denied her she fell upon her knees and begged him but aragorn brought her to her feet once more kissed her hand and left towards the paths of the dead within aragorn there was a great pain these interactions were also ultimately aragorn's denial of eowyn's love as aragorn spoke about his heart being an imladris to the north eowyn went back to her tent then there was something that was broken within her from then until the houses of healing and a desire to die in battle would take hold eventually theoden and his host made their way to dunharrow and eowyn was still grieved about aragorn's passing they all took council together and it was to be that eowyn and mary would remain behind at ederas but eowyn outfitted mary in some gear and supported him as she wished herself to be supported she would not be restrained by any so when the mustering of the rohirrim came and the host of riders went to gondor she and mary two people who would have been left behind unfairly rode with the host on windfallah eowyn became the writer durnhelm disguised even to mary and she had an agreement with elfhelm and that disguise would serve her right up to when she needed to reveal her true self during her battle with the witch king during the battle of the pelinor fields the witch king descended upon the king of rohan and snowman his loyal steed saw the king's body broken when all others had died or fled durnhelm stood alone and the writer revealed herself to be eowyn she had words with the witch king and so showed her wrath and power to be no less than the greatest of the lords of the mark even though the witch king could not be slain by any man or so said to glorfendel at the end of the ingmar war to a arner eowyn revealed herself to be a woman and indeed she stood not alone after all for through her actions a hobbit had come with her to the battle and sometimes a hobbit and a spark of courage is all it takes to hope for victory as we see so many times throughout middle earth's history eowyn cut the head from the fell beast of the witch king and took a blow from the mace of the witch king to her shield which broke her arm she would be known as the lady of the shield arm whose shield had shattered from such a hit but mary stabbed the back of the knee of the witch king with a blade of the men of western s so fulfilling his role and the role of arnor after so many years in the downfall of the witch king and aoen stabbed her sword between the witch king's crown and mantle her sword broke and the clothes of her enemy were empty as she fell upon them and a great cry of the fallen foe went up into the wind never to be heard again in that age of the world whether the witch king was actually dead or just disrobed is a discussion in and of itself but since he did not return to sauron's army before his downfall for all intensive purposes she slew him after this great deed she seemed dead because of the poisonous effect of the nosql but she had saved her king and theodore never knew that it was her who had saved him before he passed away he thought of her though and wanted to send word to her as she was to him dearer than daughter and before mary could tell him what had happened a noise went up and eventually aomir came upon the scene theodin passed after hailing eomer as the king and he wished for him to bid eowyn farewell afterwards eomer looked among the slain only to see his sister there who should have been hundreds of leagues away a mighty fury took aomir to see eowyn so and he cried death and went forth into battle the bodies of theoden and eowyn were taken to menastireth and the prince imrahil of dulomroth hailed them he alone perceived eowyn to not be dead though nearly so and thus she was brought to the houses of healing after the battle aragorn snuck into the city not wanting to assert his kingship yet and he went to the houses of healing there he healed the lady eowyn for although her shield arm was broken the chief evil came from the sword arm where there was no life as that was the arm that had slain the naw school aragorn aeomir and gandalf spoke of her and aomir reflected upon much of their past being very happy to have hoped for his sister again yet he was still worried and aragorn healed her with ethelos and with the aid of aomir's voice they recalled her back into this life although she was saved in body she had much mending to do still she was cold in heart and desired death and to glory but with time and with love she would grow to find a new life for herself as she met the steward of gondor faramir who was also healing in the houses they and mary were not to go to the battle of the black gate though she had loved the idea of aragorn it was indeed a shadow and a thought to break free of the cage of her homeland and to go forth to do deeds in the world it was truly through the comfort and love of and for pharamir that she no longer desired to be a warrior but a healer instead even as sauron in the east fell i have a video on the love story of pharamir and eowyn for more on that she was named the white lady of rohan by the one whom she loved although her brother eomir called for her to come to the celebration at cormaline she wished to stay in the houses of healing eowyn would go with aomir however to make ready for the funeral of theoden and rohan and she said she would return to gondor after the one whom she loved as a father was laid to rest ben theoden was buried there was a feast at which eowyn hailed eomer king and eowyn and pharamir were married eowyn had the golden beauty of the sun and the white beauty of snow after the wedding aragorn was happy for her as he had always wished to be and there was healing for both of them aragorn thanked eomer for giving to gondor the finest thing in his realm and there was a new bond between the two kingdoms eowyn would live with steward prince pharamir and mn arnon a mountain range of a thillion inside of the white city and eowyn would become the lady of athelian they would have at least one son likely named elbaron who would take up his father's role during the fourth age and a grandson named barahir who wrote the tale of aragorn and darwin eowyn would pass away sometime during the early fourth age and her line with faromir would continue thus it is in the beauty of athelian and its gardens where we come to the end of our tale about eowyn the shield maiden from our tale we see how it requires the strength of all people with love and loyalty in their hearts to overcome the evils of the world for it was the valor and forethought of eowyn who came unwanted by others to the pelinor fields that ended the fell evil of the witch king thank you all so much for watching i hope you all enjoyed if you did please be sure to hit that like button and share this with a friend what are your thoughts questions additions and corrections about erwin let me know in the comments below i love the character of eowyn as she is a mighty character in her own right but she also reveals a few flaws in other characters as well such as aragorn theoden and eomer her deeds are quite inspiring please check out our music channel facebook twitter merch and patreon ryan and i just did a podcast where well we talked about what a valor wrestling program would look like as well as what happens to orcs after they die if any of that sounds amusing or at least interesting or if you'd like to gain access to our discord server please join us on patreon i also wanted to give a shout out and thanks to our valor tier patrons over on patreon adrian de la tour chris ortner peter shepard cal wetzel lane grimes mr vat nadal samuel mcbee jonathan putnam kyrie kawaii and felix ella irm norton thank you to all my patrons as well i couldn't do it without you guys finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell button to join the men of the west and all of the free peoples today and i'll see you all again next week with an epic character history on tolcas the champion of the valar it's finally happening everyone as always thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one my great friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 53,647
Rating: 4.9836736 out of 5
Keywords: Yoystan, Men of the West, Eowyn, Nazgul, Witch-king, Lord of the Rings, Lore, Tolkien, Middle-earth, Theoden, Eomer, Faramir, Aragorn
Id: EaHweDnNJaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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