The Love Story of Faramir and Éowyn

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[Music] then Aon of Rohan I say to you that you are beautiful in the valleys of our hills there are flowers fair and bright and maidens fairer still but to neither flower nor lady have I seen till now and Gondor so lovely and so sorrowful it may be that only a few days are left ere darkness falls upon our world and when it comes I hope to face it steadily but it would ease my heart if while the Sun yet shines I could see you still for you and I have both passed under the wings of the shadow and the same hand drew us back well met my friends Yost in here and I hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle-earth on this fine February day today we will be exploring the love story of FUD Amir of Gondor and Aon of Rohan for at the end of this week is Valentine's Day thanks to those of you who voted on the poll for this week's episode I'll go ahead and link some related videos and articles in the description and cards above for more info before we get into our tale I want to talk about this video sponsor audible I've worked with them before and as you all know I only work with sponsors that I trust and are related to our discussion here about Tolkien's works indeed audible has a great selection of Tolkien audiobooks such as the great tales The Silmarillion The Hobbit the Lord of the Rings and others today I'm going to suggest to the Hobbit as read by Rob Inglis since I have recently revisited that story in its entirety I absolutely love Rob Inglis as his narration and care for Tolkien's works are really inspiring and he tells the story in such a way that makes you feel like you're hearing the tale of Bilbo's journey from Bilbo himself if you go through the link in the description ww slash men of the West or text men of the West - 500 500 you can get a free audiobook - free audible originals and a free 30-day trial is absolutely worth it and I would definitely recommend checking out the Hobbit by Rob Inglis in your continuation of exploring middle-earth sign up now and get to the Hobbit or any other audio book for free on audible please let me know what you think about that audiobook in the comments below thank you all this really helps out the channel and I appreciate it now on to our tale we begin our story after the battle of the pelennor fields the valiant man of Gondor Faramir had been nearly slain by a poisoned dart ere the battle began and he had also been saved from a fiery doom that would have been brought to him by his father the steward Denethor he laid in the houses of healing and suffered also from the black breath a terrible weapon of the nine now school so too came a Owen the niece of Theoden King to those fair houses for she had slain the witch-king of Angmar on the field of Pellinore during the battle but her arm had been wounded and she suffered the black breath as well the two along with the Hobbit Mary who had also been exposed to the black breath in his fight with the witch came near to lady a owen suffered against their elements and the houses of healing in ministereth the three heroes were near to death indeed even after the battle had been won for the West and they would have succumbed if not for the healing hands of the king Aragorn disguised with his cloak of lothlórien came into the houses and with ethyl oz kingsfoil he healed the three they were saved but they were not yet recovered indeed the three remained behind as the hosts of the West who went on to challenge sour on at the Black Gate they remained under the care of the warden of the houses of healing Aon awoke and spoke to the warden asking for news and to meet the one who would command the city thus the warden brought her to Lord father mirror who wandered the gardens Aaron felt her stay as an imprisonment for she yet wished to find death on the battlefield fighting against the shadow Faramir himself had not yet taken up stewardship of the city and he was under the command of the warden himself in a sense he was also imprisoned but he'd find joy in such a time he said that he could command that Eowyn be brought to a room where the window looked eastward for he pitied her and although she would not stay in bed as it was wished by the healers she would have to wait in the houses of healing and its gardens and recover Faramir said that she would find him in the gardens also looking to the east for that is where their hopes had gone but even the sight and speech of fadh Amir did a winsome good for her heart was thawed and color returned to her face he told her of how she was fair and sorrowful she told him however that she was not a healer and could do nothing for him as she was a shield maiden of Rohan then she returned to the houses but father mayor found himself even while walking alone looking more towards the houses now than to the hopes and shadows in the East he asked the warden for more information about her who directed him to the Hobbit Mary for he had traveled at the maiden side Faramir learned much about the maiden from Mary and they walked together even though Iowan did not meet them in the gardens that evening but time and love men's many hurts for the next morning fought Amir found a went outside and they walked again together the warden saw this and he was yet glad for he was a healer and saw that his two charges grew daily and strength the fifth day came since a wound had first met fought Amir and they stood together under a cold gray day no news had come out of the east a owain wore the blue mantle of and we lists of aam roth fodder mares mother and it fits the beauty and sadness of the lady she looked towards the black gate and he who rode that way for seven days had gone since the departure of Aragorn far Amir felt joy and pain now for he was joyed to be with a winland to see her it pained that the stroke of evil should fall and he should lose what he had found Erin did not wish to discuss it so they sat in silence awaiting the stroke of Doom both time and their hearts seemed to stop but although they knew it not their hands met and they watched as a great shadow came up in the east and the earth trembled and a sound like a sigh went up around them their hearts continued to beat in font Amir said it reminded him of númenor and its downfall which she had often dreamt of erin was worried at this for she wondered if the end had come indeed father bears mind told him that the end of days had come but his heart told him otherwise he believed no darkness would endear and follow mere stooped and kissed Aaron's brow hope and joy came to him a great wind came and blew the shadow away the clouds parted and a light came upon the city and the river Anduin as well as upon the hearts of the men of the city who sang but knew not why the shadow was defeated some time after a great eagle came out of the east with the news of the downfall of Sauron and The Return of the King the city was gladdened Mary rode alongside the Wayne's out of the city eventually coming to meet with the victorious host in the fields of chrome Allen fodder mayor took up his stewardship and made ready for the one who should replace him and although a omere king called his sister a went to come and meet the host as well she came not she found ailment once more farah merits the bidding of the warden spoke with Eowyn again and guests at the reasons she went not one was that it would bring her no joy to see Aragorn in his triumph and the other reason far Emir guessed was that she wanted to stay near to him it could have been for both of these reasons or that she could not choose between them a win' said she wished to be loved by another and to have no man's pity Faramir responded saying that he knew she wished to have the great lord's love who had only looked at her with pity and understanding driving her to desire death in battle for she did not have the love of Aragorn Faramir desired her to not scorn aragorn's kind pity and said that he himself did not pity her knowing that she was a lady high valiant and beautiful for Amir did not offer her pity indeed but love for he had once pitied her but now whether she was not sorrowful or was the queen of Gondor herself he would love her yet he asked if she loved him back and to this her heart changed she was removed from her winter and came yet into the she no longer wished to be a shieldmaiden but a healer instead and she would love all things that grew a wound no longer wanted to be a queen and farmy rejoiced for he was not a king he voiced his desire to Wed her and move with her across the river to make a garden and grow what they might a when asked if he would take her even if his people wondered why he might not take a woman of the race of númenor instead of a wild shield maiden of the north he said he would thus they kissed there under the sunlit sky upon the high wall in the view of many people and far Muir cared not they went together hand in hand and the warden released her from his charge she was now healed farm near thus gave way to the return of the king and King elisar reinstated farm ear as his steward as well as the original role that the stewards once had before the end of the kings of Gondor many years before Aragorn named Fito near the prince of a salient and he was charged with defeating the remaining enemies in East Gondor and the Morgul Vale eventually farm errand a Owen would journey with many others to at Arras where Theoden King was finally buried and there was a feast a omere was officially named King and the wedding of a owen and Faramir took place in the golden Hall of meadow salt there was a new bond between Rohan and Gondor in such a marriage and Aragorn thanked a mere forgiving to Gondor the finest thing of his realm Aragorn wished a oh and joy just as he had when they had first met and his heart was healed now seeing her happy after all of this Prince fada mere and his wife AO and settled in Emma narnun a range of hills and Fillion still within sight of ministereth they became the Lord and Lady of Emma narnun together far amir and a owen had at least one son named Elberon who succeeded his father's roles in the year 82 of the fourth age after father mayor's death the grandson of foie de marrón de Owen would be named bada here and it was he who in the fourth age wrote the tale of Aragorn and Arwen as it is found in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings a Owen and fadh Amir had healed together and they continued to heal the good lands of Athenian for the rest of their happy lives thus we come to the end of our tale of the love story of fadh Amir and Eowyn from the tale of far Amir and Eowyn we see how love is the best healer of any wound these two characters who had experienced many sorrows in both of their tales found one another and together they also found a happiness that neither before had known thank you all so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed this love story if you did please be sure to hit that like button and share this video with a friend or loved one what are your thoughts questions additions and Corrections about the tale of foie de marrón de Owen I think it is quite an endearing love story for they both had many reasons to succumb to sorrow but they did not theirs as a story of two people from different backgrounds cultures and homes coming together and it feels like a modest and almost attainable love story please check out our music channel Facebook Twitter merchant patron for a podcast and discord server links are in the description below a huge thanks to our Valor tier patrons Adrian Delatour Peter Shepherd Chris Ortner Kyle Wetzel thank you guys so much it means the world to me also I wanted to give another shout out and thanks to today's sponsor audible please check them out through the link in the description ww slash men of the West or text men of the west of 500 500 for a free audio book to free out of all originals and a free 30-day trial thank you to audible and thank you all for helping out the channel I really appreciate it finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell button to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today and I'll see you all again next week with a video on what happened during the scouring of the shire everyone as always thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one my great friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 95,009
Rating: 4.9739013 out of 5
Keywords: Yoystan, Men of the West, Faramir, Eowyn, Lord of the Rings, Aragorn, Gondor, Rohan, Edoras, Ithilien, Lore, Love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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