The History Of Bloodbending (Avatar)

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the history of blood bending blood bending is a sub skill of waterbending that allows an extremely advanced waterbender to take hold of and manipulate fluids within an organism's body allowing the bender to move the person's muscles this technique is referred to as the darkest most powerful and most feared of all bending techniques and it is the only art known to endanger the user's mental state welcome to the Amagi in today's video we're going over the history of blood bending before we begin we publish new content every week so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos discovery after being captured during one of the Fire Nation raids aimed weakening the Southern Water Tribe Hama along with her fellow water benders was sent to a maximum-security prison in the Fire Nation designed specifically to hold benders of her kind there the guards were cautious of providing prisoners with any form of bendable substance that they could utilize and making a reprisal going so far as to chain the limbs of the prisoners before they were allowed to drink and using cruel retribution at any sign of resistance despite the helplessness she faced while imprisoned Hama was able to feel the enrichment provided to her by the full moon she began to devise a plan that would lead to her escape and eventually realize that the elephant rats constantly scurrying around the bottom of her cage were filled with bendable water upon the arrival of the next full moon Hama attempted to take hold of the fluids within one of the creatures and she succeeded successfully performing blood bending for the first time in the following months enhanced by the full moon she continued to develop the technique mastering it to a point at which she could effectively control the movement of an entire horde of rats during the next full moon Hama used blood bending to control a passing guard forcing him to open her cage and allow her to escape Hama walked free for the first time in many years and eventually settled in a village near the outskirts of the fire nation archipelago Hama while imprisoned Hama developed a deep hatred for the Fire Nation and she vowed to take revenge at every instance possible she created a makeshift prison underneath a mountain and formulated a plan where she would control unsuspecting Fire Nation villagers and lead them to the prison during a full moon she used this technique and eventually imprisoned the owner of a quaint little in hama became the ins proprietor and was able to repress accusations of being the one responsible for the disappearances by disguising herself as a sweet old innkeeper during one of those nights she planned to imprison an old man ding the plan was initially successful and Dean felt helpless as he was possessed by an unknown force he was slowly led to the top of the mountain but before he could be imprisoned inside a cave the Sun began to rise and the power that Hama held over him quickly faded regaining control of his body ding sprinted away from the scene he remained the only villager to ever avoid being captured by the blood bender katara during the summer of 100 AG team avatar decided to camp near a Fire Nation village however Hama overheard them telling horror stories and deducted from Katara's story about Nene that they were from the Southern Water Tribe and offered the group a place in her in upon discovering an old whale tooth comb in Hama Zadok she revealed herself to be a waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe and proposed to teach Katara some original southern tribe waterbending techniques so that she could pass on the knowledge of the southern customs before her death to which Katara happily agreed Katara spent the next day learning various techniques from Hama such as bending moisture from the air and water from within plants including fire lilies when no bodies of water were present Hama told Katara that she would teach her the ultimate waterbending technique at night during the full moon when their powers were at their peak guitar was hesitant claiming that villagers had been disappearing during the full moon though Hama seemed unaffected stating that two master waterbenders under a full moon had nothing to worry about that night Hama took Katara to the forest where she explained her imprisonment and discovery of blood bending Katara was horrified and refused to learn the art when Hama urged her this angered Hama who used blood bending to control Katara the young waterbender pleaded for mercy but Hama refused to release her feeling the power of the moon and forced her water bending as well Katara honed her energy and broke free stating that her own bending was more powerful than Tamas the two began to duel and Katara almost immediately took the upper hand having discovered the truth about Hama from the villagers she imprisoned deep within the mountain Sokka and Aang arrived soon afterward to aid Katara and told Hama to surrender since she was clearly outnumbered hammer refused and used blood bending to control them like a puppet master she used them to attack Katara though the young waterbender managed to avoid being hit adopting a different approach Hama maneuvered Aang toward Sokka who had raised his sword Katara in an attempt to save Aang used blood bending to stop her effectively breaking Hamas hold on the boys she released the elder following the arrival of Toph in the freed villagers who escorted Hama away from the scene now apprehended Hama congratulated Katara on becoming a blood bender causing the young waterbender to break down into tears some time later when Zuko and Katara went to search for the man who killed Katara's mother Katara overwhelmed by rage and grief used blood bending to subdue the southern Raiders commander despite her moral objections against using the dark art yacón following the end of the hundred year war knowledge regarding blood bending became widespread and with Katara's involvement the united republic of nations outlawed the bending arts some time before 1:28 AG regardless a man named yacon had the unique ability to use blood bending without the need of a full moon and used the skill to rule Republic City from its rotten underbelly becoming the city's most notorious criminal malefactor in a matter of years following many acquittals in his favor since it was considered impossible for one to blood bend without the full moon yacon was eventually tried and arrested for multiple counts of blood bending for which the United Republic Council found him guilty as he was condemned to life in prison yacon subdued the entire courtroom by using psychic bloodbending rendering every individual unconscious before he escaped avatar aang who was also rendered unconscious by a cones blood bending roused himself by entering the Avatar state and gave chase to the convict forced to defend himself yacon took hold of an with blood bending once more with lethal intent but the Avatar broke free after entering the Avatar state a second time and trapped yacon in an earth cone with the criminal unable to move and removed his bending ending his reign as the head of Republic city's criminal empire no attack and tarrlok at some point yeah Cohn managed to escape successfully and fled from Republic City to the Northern Water Tribe surgically altering his appearance to conceal his true identity there he met and fell in love with a local woman whom he later married the two went on to raise two sons Noah tuck and tarrlok both of whom were waterbenders yacon fueled by hatred for the avatar for stripping him of his bending abilities began training his sons in the art of blood bending through frequent hunting trips with time the two waterbenders became increasingly proficient in the art eventually learning to use blood bending without the need of a full moon no attack exhibited prodigious skill in the art form and mastered yacon psychic blood bending technique by the age of 14 in order to push their abilities to their peaks yacon forced both of his sons to blood bend one another although Noah talked willingly complied with his father's orders and blood bent his younger brother into submission tarrlok refused to do the same repulsed by the idea of controlling his brother and making him feel helpless yacon was infuriated making a move to harm tarrlok before he was stopped by noah tok who immobilized him with blood bending no attack asked tarrlok to run away with him and begin life anew but the Younger refused prompting no attack to leave into the wilderness by himself some time later noah tuck discovered how to use blood bending to block off qi paths and thus disabled a person's bending ability permanently tarrlok though yacon no longer trained him following no attacks presumed death tarrlok ended up following in his father's footsteps in taking over Republic City doing so from a political standpoint by becoming a councilman in 170 AG tarrlok revealed his true identity as a blood bender during an altercation with avatar korra and city hall using the art to subdue her before she could finish him off with fire blasts tarrlok knocked korra out and imprisoned her in a cabin outside of Republic City covering his tracks by attributing the abduction to an equalist attack however his lies about Korres disappearance were uncovered by team avatar Lin beifong and Tenzin forcing him to use his blood bending abilities once again to evade arrest shortly after fleeing Republic City tarrlok was confronted by no attack in the disguise of Amon who stated that it was time that tarrlok was equal eyes declaring that the Equalists had not faced a bender like him tarrlok proceeded to use blood bending to immobilize his assailants subduing all but Amon himself much to his surprise only slightly affected by tarrlok sold amon made his way toward tarrlok before removing his bending shortly after tarrlok recognized the sensation he felt as knowit oxblood bending hold and realized that Amon was other than his brother during Korra and MCOs mission to find and confront him on the two ran into tarrlok who was locked in an attic on air temple island due to his knowledge of a man's identity tarrlok proceeded to reveal that Amon was his brother and suggested that he somehow blocked bending through the use of blood bending this ability helped him become the leader of the anti-bending revolution as he claimed that the spirits granted him with the special ability to take bending away Amon planning to expose amon and undermine his revolution korra and mako infiltrated Amon's rally at the pro-bending arena where Ammon announced that he would rid the world of airbending forever revealing he had captured Tenzin's family korra and mako used firebending to free the airbenders and opted to stay behind to create a diversion while Tenzin and his family escaped Korra hid behind a table in an abandoned gym where she was pulled out from hiding by omens blood bending as she was suspended in midair mokou emerged and attacked but was quickly overpowered by a man's blood bending as well finally having subdued the avatar Amon removed her bending unknown to him on the lieutenant had followed his leader and witnessed his blood bending branding him on to be a traitor the lieutenant attacked but was stopped by blood bending Amon told the lieutenant that he had served him well before launching him into a pile of timber the interruption dealt with he walked past the now weakened Cora to approach moko and started to blood Bend the firebender into position but maka managed to point his fingers toward Amon and fired a lightning attack that electrocuted the equalist leader and hurled him away allowing Mach o to take Korra into his arms before fleeing out into the corridor shortly after maka was forced to stop again by Amon who caught up to them Amon blood bent the firebender slamming him against the ceiling the floor in the two walls on his side's before blood bending him into position stating that it was almost a shame to take away the bending of someone so talented Cora's desperation for mokou to avoid suffering the same fate in tandem with a strong desire to protect him allowed her to break through her spiritual block and perform airbending she began to attack Amon with consecutive air punches forcing him back to the window at the end of the corridor Amon retaliated and used blood bending to subdue Korra but she was able to resist his hold launching a powerful air kick toward Amon blasting him out the window and into the sea after his instinctive use of waterbending exposed him as a bender Amon fled into exile with his only for a repentant Tarlac to detonate the boat they were on killing them both and leaving Katara's the last living person known to be capable of blood bending did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the Amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 3,948,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodbending, waterbending, powerful, bending, blood, blood bending, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, back story, puppet master, pupetmaster, episode, korra, avatar, the amagi, Hama, teaching, katara, Yakone, Noatak, Tarrlok, Republic City, court, full moon, sokka, amon, equalists, war, battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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