Zoro Just Declared WAR! (1117)

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this single chapter solves two of the most enduring mysteries in all of the one piece and it solves them painfully casually like if you're not paying attention even for a second then you miss them but then this chapter mate it has the audacity to go on and replace those with a new mystery being Dr Vega Punk's final message for those rare individuals carrying the will of D we'll get to that but we need to start with the actual big news first because this chapter it immediately swacks you in the nut sack with three names I never expected to hear again and those names are Don C Gan and the Invincible Pearl this is a blink in your miss it sort of Cameo I think it would be so so easy to blast past this initial panel and be none the wiser but on the right here that is our boy with his other boy and on the left is a third boy and I have to say Don Creek he is looking shockingly good I'm a huge fan of the new look with the longer hair because when you combine that with his bulky stature he reminds me a lot of vice admiral Gaspard from One Piece Movie 4 Dead end Adventure which is a very favorable comparison in the pantheon of One Piece villains even though he's non-canon gasp is a pretty solid one to emulate and I mean this whole situation is just surreal I and most of the fan base I think were convinced that Gan had died from C's poison which is why Odo never showed them again because that Revelation would be a bit a bit morbid but not only did Gan survive but he and the creek Pirates or at least those three ended up getting their together and reigniting their ambition to travel into the grand line and have now ended up in the new New World on haosu and they may very well be part of Blackbeard's Fleet which is an idea that excites me muchly because it sets up a potential gin Sanji reunion and something very notable about gin is that he now appears to be a swordsman rather than wielding his trademark Tona which look not to fate Zoro too much this early because we're going to get to a lot of that later on in the chapter but just saying maybe Gan watch zor versus mihawk and decided mate you know what swords are pretty cool after all I also feel like I've been on a bit of a c appreciation tour lately and this is hitting it just the right time I analyzed him for the villain teist project but before that I also made a video about the impact of leaving him out of the live action well not leaving him out but significantly reducing his role which was big people thought they didn't need c people were wrong he is so important and his purpose was not really filled by anything else and so maybe this Cameo was done by Oda as a bit of an apology to the character for how the liveaction dismissed him but I loved this Cameo and for some inside information on on how I make these fun video things what I do is I divide my thoughts into subsections and the title for this subsection is Da C question mark and from there we catch up with more dudes the saruyama alliance and monblanc Cricket which if you don't remember them they were the three SE wreckage salvaging diving pirate Captain guys that the straw hats met during G and Cricut may have been wrong about where to search for the Golden City of shandora but he was smack bang on the money for finding every other hidden treasure on this planet he is always had his sight set downwards and after having the flood Theory confirmed these guys are in a very good position because they're one of the few organizations who have the infrastructure and the expertise to actually dive down and discover this Hidden World so hearing all of this from Vega Punk which is horrifying news for most of the world over there but back over here in fun diving land it is an invitation for adventure they've been told that there is a whole new world or Old World waiting for them down there and this may very well be the greatest day of Mont Blan Cricket's life well maybe second to when Luffy confirmed that chandora existed in the sky but we do actually know what these three are currently searching for because on the cover of chapter 643 we were informed that they were on the hunt for necroa known as the island of Dreams and also in honor of Luffy shjo now wears a straw hat but these dudes are ready to discover all of the secrets of the world because remember the true history of the world of one piece is effectively being gept by water many many water and there's a veritable void centuries worth of content out there in the real world as well completely inaccessible to you due to reasons thankfully we have the sponsor of this video cyber ghost VPN a virtual private network with over 38 million users worldwide and over 11,000 servers across 100 countries which allows you to mask your IP address and above all encrypt your data and redirect all your internet traffic through a secure tunnel so you can surf safely privately and freely to put it in more simplistic terms I'm a big fan of the British TV show Taskmaster 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awaits but for now it's back to you me so after seeing the mon Mountain guys we then cut to a marine hospital where all of the young sword members are gathered around Kobe and these guys are doing it pretty rough this is definitely a narrative low point for them because the loss of G is still a very recent event in morale it's not super high although what we have is a ray of Hope from kujaku of all people I was not expecting such positivity from the building whipping dominatrix but she said something that I really like which is that you know it's their turn to stand up and do something now because the five Young Marines in this room represent present the future of the entire organization Kobe who has inherited the will of God hibari who is 99% confirmed to be Sak kazuki's daughter and kujaku herself whose grandmother is vice admiral suru this is it this is the future right here and it's now time for them to inherit the world in the same way that the worst generation have now carved their place in the world on the side of piracy I also really appreciate it getting to see sword Captain Diaz Drake again I have no idea how he got off wner but here he is recovering and it's a very rare sight because we get to see him without his mask which reminds me a lot of this artwork I have of formal Drake which I almost never use because he just doesn't look like him without the mask but going forward there's even a chance that he may never put the mask back on because metaphorically he's been unmasked we know that he's no pirate his secret mission has come to an end and so there's no need to hide and then good morning finally to you Mr smoker good of you to join us but I do have one small question which is exactly what the crap have you been up to H he's on the ocean alone vrooming with his smoke bike which I actually do kind of like because it's very reminiscent of Kuan cycling across the ocean by making an ice paath but we haven't seen smoker since the dress Rose Ira he's been strangely absent and not at all in command of his G5 Marines even leaving tashigi to help the sword members invade haosu all on her own and so I do wonder if this does have something to do with guzan smoker and Kuan have a how shall we say special friendship in fact the very first time we met Kuan smoker had given him a marine Admiral a message to deliver to Luffy but Kuan decided that the message was stupid and didn't deliver it but the last time these two came into contact was Punk Hazard and I wonder if Smoker's absence can be explained by something that Kuan may have asked him to do so smoka spent some time recovering during the dress Ros Rock but since then he's been out on his own although it looks like he's finally about to rejoin to shigi at the hospital just in time for some sort of final Saga to play out and then we arrive at the Undisputed High of the chapter being Zoro versus an elder star and not just any Elder Star like the coolest Elder Star because Ethan arrives and he plans to do bad things like killing and destroying which first of all results in this panel showing Lilith Usopp and Chopper doing the gear fth ey poop probably shouldn't be reading into this too much but it is very curious artistically ey popping isn't a new feature in one piece it was used pre gear 5th for Comic effect but this specific style of eye popping was never used before gear 5th so odor is continuing to blur the lines between fictional reality and the even more fictional reality that morphs according to Luffy's imagination because gear fifth isn't active and yet this is still happening so my inclination would be to write this off and say that Oda just enjoys drawing the style of IOP but it has been noted I will not forget it because it could be indicative of something greater down the line like the joy of the joy boy spreading through the world like some sort of Joy Based STD and it's also not the only curious inconsistency in this chapter either to move to that zor's clash with Ethan was glorious and I love the panel where he's attacking Ethan from the side because the sense of scale is quite trippy especially because we've now confirmed a longtime speculation that Ethan is in possession of the shodai kitetsu the final and the best of all of the kitetsu blades and mate it is massive usually scale is very subjective and it's very difficult to pin down but in this case we have seeing two kitetsu blades in the same panels and the Shiki tetu is colossal compared to the sandiki tetu to be fair the sikit tetsu is usually being portrayed as a bit of a big boy but definitely nowhere near as big as it is in this chapter at this stage as ridiculous as it sounds I think we have to believe that swords grow and Shrink according to their wielder because to bring out one of my favorite Graphics there is no way that both Zoro and kuki Odin could both use enma given that Odin is more than two Zoros tall and with this scale enma should be taller than Zoro perhaps this could be something unique to Cursed blades but that is our second note of reality kind of Bend in this chapter and there's also a third because something else that I found very curious is that Oda drew the sword without its guard and I don't know if this is just a continuity era but in this chapter the Shai kitetsu is missing its trademark God the same God that all the kitetsu blades have which we have previously seen being used by Ethan in his hybrid form but now it looks more like a shirasa blade like the ones that Kaku fave is using here's the thing I don't think this is a mistake if only because Oda directly mentions the kitetsu name in this chapter chapter it's not like he just forgot what he was drawing so something very interesting is happening here with the changing of size and even the type of sword that the Shak kitetsu is that's three odd reality shifting things that have happened in this section but we're going to move on because what matters is that this opens up a whole new Avenue of fun questions because the Shai kitetsu was made by the OG Mr kitetsu Man and we have no idea how old the original kitetsu actually is but if we follow his lineage back it was kuki suaki who made the song kitetsu and he was the descendant of kotetsu who made the nid kitetsu he was the descendant of kitetsu which means that Al kitetsu was potentially the Shogun of wano at some point and I think he would be a great candidate to have been the Shogun during the void century and the fact that the W government have his prized creation the show IIT tetsu as a bit of a brag a spoil of War something to really rub their victory in and to use the weapon of the enemy to continue subjugating the enemy which I bring up because that could make things very personal for zor I did not expect Zoro to form any sort of feelings towards any of the five elders but he immediately recognizes what the sword is and where it belongs which is not in the possession of the world government this blade belongs on wano something to potentially be laid to rest like shuu was at rma's grave so if there's an endgame where the straw hats do end up fighting directly against the world government and look it's still hard to say if there is I've always been of the opinion that dealing with the Blackbeard Pirates is very much their final task and meanwhile over here the Revolutionary Army and maybe some rebellious Marines would deal with the world government but I could be very wrong because I'm not sure if I see Zoro letting this go his respect for swords and also swords men is just far far too high and those Swordsmen include Ethan by the way Zoro wants to be the world's greatest swordsman and this guy he is pretty damn good according to this chapter at least as good as zor so look you may need to beat him as well and I think it's implied that both Ethan and Zoro recognize the kitetsu qualities of one another which may also put Zoro on Ethan's radar I'm very surprised that Ethan in any way cares that Soro has a kitetsu blade so this clearly means something to him personally as well and I feel like this Clash was a brief moment of respect between two Swordsmen they struck they flexed their by which I mean they flexed their color of conqueror haky they recognized the qualities of one another's blade nice sword bro and they repelled one another it's like the samurai equivalent of Romeo and Juliet seeing each other across the room neither Zoro nor Ethan are going to forget about this and from here they'll spend each and every night longing for one another until they can achieve the satisfaction know slice battling one another again but there's another pairing I'm becoming a big fan of which is the dynamic of Zoro and jinbe jinbe was the perfect support fighter in this chapter as he both launched Sor at Ethan and was the one to catch him after the clash and this is the magic of jinbe that I've been Keen to see ever since he said he would join the crew but then didn't twice because he's a mature figure that unlike Zoros Sanji and even luy recognizes that he doesn't have to be front and center he doesn't have to be the star taking the stage so jinbe is always looking for opportunities to use his abilities to augment others and that tends to result in a perfect flowing Synergy between Jin Bay and whoever happens to be with him Elsewhere on egad island Luffy Dory and brogy are about to catch up to the Giant Warrior pirate ship which I thought would be a pretty easy escape from here the elders they've all left off to deal with the Iron Giant so there's nothing that could cause us too much trouble right but Vice admos doll and Bluegrass are really pulling their weight here and it's such an unfortunate combination of Powerhouse characters because we have the incredibly capable Sanji he's up again after a bit of a fall but it doesn't matter because both of these opponents are women so they have complete immunity against Sanji and doll mate she is absolutely not to be taken lightly she wops the crap out of I think Kashi in the same sort of way that Luffy easily disposed of Harin back in the car at a Coliseum but speaking of Luffy I guess I'm not too worried because without any of the elders chasing him Luffy is probably steamrolling through whatever gets plunked in front of him this is it though we are about to escape and end the Egghead Island AR which I'm both incredibly excited for because Elbo but also very sad about because Egghead it's been so good however we're not leaving before Vega Punk gets to say one more thing a very special message for the denisons of the world who happen to carry the will of D and we see some of them actually when the will of D is mentioned we see more characters without the D than we do with the D and naturally D swingers like law and GP are currently out of action so they're represented by Kobe and be beo the second of which is itself a cool little update the fact that beo has managed to get LW to safety and that he's found some medical attention to patch up his Blackbeard wounds meanwhile one of the actual D's we do see is Blackbeard himself in a very curious panel that shows him spinning around to pay attention specifically at this moment it's like a huh which I think implies that he's only been sort of half listening to Vega Punk's entire message everyone else we see is looking straight on at either the screen or the snail speaker but Blackbeard isn't it's almost as if he's a bit bored listen ing to Vega Punk and that might be because he already knows everything that's being said a long time ago etra Oda stated that one of Blackbeard's Hobbies was historical research and that if he was not a pirate then teach would have become an archaeologist which has always made some degree of sense it was like a backdoor excuse for him being able to find the poneglyphs and such but this hobby could actually be much much more with his passion for archaeology this may be old news for Blackbeard who already knows about the Lost World perhaps he's even already explored some of it which means the only interesting part of Vega Punk's message is what he didn't know and is punishment for his lack of attention he may now never know because that is the point where the five Elders finally stop the message which is a bit of a narrative blue balls moment but in the message getting interrupted it was expected it's very cliche one piece like when Professor Clover got shot before he could reveal the name of the ancient Kingdom but my thinking is that the Vega punks have predicted the future to a scary degree of perfection and that maybe since this is the final Saga a fantastic way to kick things off and to signal that we're really going all out here would be for the broadcast to suddenly restart for Vega Punk to have one final backup to get this information out into the world otherwise I think it's very fair for history to judge him as the man who prioritized using this valuable time making coffee over revealing the truth to the world something that only vice admiral KL would be capable of appreciating so to put this out there there is a lot of blind hope happening from my side here but I want to believe that the smartest man in the world and his satellite self saw this coming and that all of this is still part of a clever ruse to lure the elders to egad Island to use the time delay and the coffee stuff as bait to make the elders think that they had a chance of stopping this before broadcasting their true forms to the world I mean The Iron Giant even got up and plunked himself in the middle of the island making himself a very easy target so I might be reading too much into this but the end of the message feels deceptively simple but the real question is what was Dr Vega Punk about to say regarding those with the will of D and this is a very tricky Topic at the moment all we have is the character Mo which is in hiragana and that may be important and mo is also the name of the chapter which means even less to us as English speakers than it does to Native Japanese speakers and I am incredibly Keen to see how the official translation tackles this because this might be the most difficult challenge that they've ever had because sure they know the sound Mo but whatever that MO is forms part of a word or is a particle that probably doesn't start with Mo if said in English but there's already a huge Deluge of theories about what Vaga Punk was about to say all of which we're going to go through in the next video
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 339,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OYzAbaR5FGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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